Gen 15:9-18 & Gen 17:9-14 Abraham and his Seed ALL sin is ROOTED IN UNBELIEF. A Florida immigration judge has denied evangelist Torben Sndergaard's request for asylum. We should let the Lord direct people in their belief. Sondergaard claims to be an apostle and healer of the faith. First, she told about the man with the wooden leg. She did not speak but apparently was amazed at the effect in her body. So, you may now attack the truth once again. I did nothing of myself ! Sectarians are those who would make fellowship with Christ their exclusive privilege. Jhn 17:15 NASB I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but (I ask You) TO KEEP THEM FROM THE EVIL ONE. I want to speak to God in an unknown language as well! Its called jealously, wanting somethingthat someone else has (all be it unbiblical and totally ungodly). 2:11. I am so excited to watch this, to see how Torbin is excited ,not about himself but about what God is doing. Sndergaard regards receiving the Holy Spirit as having substituted receiving Jesus.[25]. This is what has happened throughout history and is nothing new. signs/wonders (using the gifts given us) will follow and subsequently souls saved for the Kingdom. But it seems they had not spiritual fathers to teach them to temper themselves, and no watchmen to watch their backs, just accolades after accolades and pats on the back and a pedestal to stand upon, and so now we see the sad results. If I were to just watch the first video, I would definitely right Torben off as one more phony. Seymour laid hands on the man and proclaimed, Let Thy Name be Glorified. He thought God was going to leave him hanging out on a limb after Moses said all the things God told him to say. Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Thedude, did you not ask God to confirm the validity of the video when testing it ? He believes this is a vital part of true "disciple- ship". That is never proof of anything in Gods eyes. No, because man can not do these things, lest God be in us. So I would like to ask you about a danish evangelist Torben Sondergaard. Wheres the beef in WIERDSVILLE ? I agree that Christ is the focus, and that He is the key actually (Key of David) and also that the Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher, amen. And there also those who embrace every wind of doctrine, and all signs and wonders, regardless of their source. We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. `in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`, This shows the reconciliative advocacy of the exalted Son of Man. Torben himself said we NEVER feel anything, but didnt Jesus feel something when the power of God flowed from Him into the woman who had the issue of blood? In fact, OUR MANNA OUGHT TO BE FRESH EVERY MORNING as we progress in our relationship and understanding of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. This has been an old staple of magicians and phony faith healers for a very long time. Bethel practices fire tunnels to get drunk in the spirit. But some people who saw the video July 6, 2022. In the early 80s, I suffered from a ruptured/prolapsed/slipped disc in my lower back. I have been greatly encouraged by these videos. Most interpret that to be saying that they will say that they themselves are Christ, but I do not believe that is what it is saying. It has scripture and some Biblical things, but it also has a lot of mixture which includes new age positive thinking and pyschosomatic techniques. Thats not to say that God wont act through people. Torben is a preacher, teacher, and author who was born in 1976 in Herning, Denmark. We are doing a better job than what you had done by allowing sinful men whose hands we do not know what they may have been doing to baptise us in lots and lots of water.. Never! This is the understanding that GOD gave me, it is not of myself because I didnt have a clue. Thats it. This The Last Reformation Torben speaks about is none other than the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) /Latter Rain Movement. Outline of Biblical Usage, The Lord commands us to obey Him and God never said we dont have to obey at any point in the word of God. It could be miracles, signs, and wonders. Do you think that mere men can in any way challenge God Himself and disprove what God is doing? to become the type that accuses first and asks questions later. Christ is displayed as being relatively, legally, morally & judicially qualified to uphold & maintain the will, the Word, the wisdom, & the work of God. To your credit, you were honest and admitted as such. Repentance doesnt end at salvation. And thank you Andrew and Torben. He claims that about 90 percent of all the people, that he or others in his team pray for, are healed. When the Lord God does a work it is holy.and we should be in awe enough to not handle it with our hands of flesh and make an idol of it, much less glory in it. so-called information. In the video at 1:13 min they say you get baptised (in water) FOR THE REMISSION OF YOUR SINS this is 100% not biblical. Correction However, when I have sinned and defiled my soul, I MUST go to Jesus and plead with Him to wash me with his blood. This i believe: Jesus was emphasizing both the Water and His pending Holy Spirit in Jhn 3:5 That may have been more of satans intent than the immediate deceptions he caused. 1Co 6:11 2. Lets compare this to what Torben is doing. Its not just a matter of someone professing correct doctrine with their lips, but an indwelling of the Holy Spirit such that, when it acts through us, people are brought to repentance, recognizing Jesus as Lord. Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. The fact that He never did such things was not simply that He wanted to make his followers honest and sincere, but also because He was communicating Life, and building a kingdom not of this world or according to its principles. Torben Sondergaard was born in 1976 into a non-Christian family. 7 And all the men were about twelve. Jesus MULTIPLIED BREAD AND FISH in a sleight of hand. TheDude, telling us you are being humble and gracious REAKS of self-righteousness . So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. The False Unholy Spirit of Fire, Torben Sndergaard Last Reformation of Lies, Gift of Speaking in Tongues, Prophecy and Healing. believe this authentic move of the Holy Spirit is only recent..? I just said, Lord I surrender to Thy will in this household.. The healer used the leg pulling method I felt fire through my legs and into my lower back. 2 Tim 4:8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing, but unto all them also that love his appearing, Jonathan, you ask Where do you get your identity? Jonathan, as a born again believer in our risen Savour the Lord Jesus Christ I am identified with Christ and in Union with Him and I/we Christians are currently seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph). Peter spoke in Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them: Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit . The apostles did and signs/wonders followed. I was only allowed to cry for a few minutes and God took the reins and pulled back my emotions and said, I have him. He is excited to share with others what GOD is doing. Those who CANNOT GIVE UP CONTROL TO THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL NOT MANIFEST THE FRUIT OR THE GIFTS. Share on email. He fixed my brokenness. Or has it being ongoing amongst everyday people since He was sent to indwell those whom God draws to Himself..? We are never too young or too old to learn more about Jesus and the Father. i God doesnt like strange fire being mixed with His; its very distasteful. 1.Repent(turn back) to the Father concerning the different parts of the body, in particular 1 Cor. 38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. Now that says to me that maybe those people throwing charlatan accusations had best be careful how they choose to voice their skepticism because if this is the work of the Holy Spirit, and I believe it is, then you are in a lot of trouble. As you said we are all parts of His Body & it is to Him we look & praise for what He is doing in us & in our brothers & sisters. Can worn them of sin & bondage without feeling like a hypocrite It high time we all return to the child like faith and trust we had before we got burned by all that sorcery. (John said no one can have anything unless God gives it to him Jn3:27), Isaiah Saldivar is doing the same thing today>, Recently I was working at a ladies house and noticed she was enormously overweight and who had breathing assist aperatuses all over her house . (2 Corinthians 5:19 NASB), O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, Earlier this year I felt the Lord placed it on my heart to investigate Bill Johnson , I started with what Bethel expressed as what they believe I dont see anything wrong with the statement of what they believe which I posted previously on this thread, I then listened to a number of Bill Johnsons sermons (videos) on YouTube they were all recent I tried to listen to as recent as I could, He honoured the Lord Jesus He honoured knowing the Lord Jesus He honoured the Lord Jesus words I am not saying that I agreed 100% with every single thing I heard him share but he definitely believes that Jesus is God and is Man always was God and always will be God, I am judging him by his own confession and his own confession of surrender to the Lord Jesus and he has committed himself to the Lord Jesus and is living to honour him I could tell this through the spirit of what he was sharing in his sermons, In the sermons I watched on YouTube which were at Bethel, Redding there was prayer for the sick where people gathered around those who were sick and prayed for them I didnt see anything weird or suspect or new age or whatever in any of these YouTube videos this was happening in their services praying for the sick and people were expressing that they were healed , Bill Johnson is going after healing He is taking seriously Jesus words, Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons and is wanting his life and the life of his local congregation to demonstrate this, I never heard him call himself a prophet or a healer or anything else for that matter, He came across to me as a very humble man who knew the Lord personally, had surrendered himself to Him and wanted to serve and please Him, I was blessed by many of the things which I heard him share and know that he is my brother is Christ, Does that mean that hes never made a mistake in his life? Fire tunnels are to bring hilarious laughter and uncontrollable shacking. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is just the beginning to the spiritual and supernatural journey -we go on to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. But that needs to be tempered the way Jesus tempered it, otherwise there is the danger of being made into a king, and then all simplicity is lost. He said that it would not only be one or two places, but it would be all over the country. Torben is doing what is commanded in New testimant Christianity. There is something ABOUT GOD HIMSELF that we dont believe. Jesus hasnt changed! 2) to fear, be afraid of one Lightning Storm, that was the point I was making the same people go to meeting after meeting manifesting the same thingsthey are not being delivered of their manifestations nor even seeking to be.they are just playing with it all and encouraging it. On the Last Reformation website, it is stated, "We believe that the church is facing a new reformation." Specifically, A reformation that will go deeper than any reformation before: away from church traditions, suffocating structures and countless meetings in church buildings. May we all have the zeal and faith of new believers who havent been tainted by the spirit of religion. I have actually known Torben personally for 5 or 6 years. Nonethe less Chritian literally transliterated is Christ one or one of Christ Too PRE-OCCUPIED with a devil that has been falsely portrayed as having EQUAL POWER AND AUTHORITY as the TRINITY..which includes the Holy Spirit that is dwelling within EVERY BORN AGAIN person. I may have been a bit unclear in my position regarding what Chas 351 has said. He had no interest in any institutional organization with worldly offices and laws. (kings of the east?) Poor Christians get demons deceiving them and leading them astray, far away from the real God of the bible. Andrew S. quite rightly said in `Sad reaction to Walmart healings,` that `At some point we have to be about establishing what is right. It has got to the point where I can hardly 4 But I have this [one charge to make] against you: that you have left (abandoned) the love that you had at first [you have deserted Me, your first love]. Im really excited about God doing miracles in EvangelismBut like someone else already pointed out: Shouldnt one also combine these Healings with the Gospel of Repentance? We cannot just be focused on what is wrong. For the promise is to you and your children and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call. Amen. Any unforgiveness or unhealed wounds of the heart that the scriptures command that we be SANCTIFIED from; HEALED from; PURIFIED from..GIVE THE DEVIL LEGAL ACCESS TO TORMENT AND ATTACK US. 542. This is what deception is all about. Trenton D. Adams wrote: chas351.Thank you for your Jonathan Welton post. I am also sad to report that I knew a man whose wife was dying of cancer. If there is one, then I would ask the readers of this site to please post it for our enlightenment. (Isaiah 60:1-4 KJV) Today is the day of salvation, work while it is yet day. If God lengthens a mans legs it is because He WANTS TO DO IT and because He loves the sons of men- that they would walk free of pain. Luk 9:50 KJV And Jesus said unto him, FORBID HIM NOT: for he that is not against us IS FOR US. 4) I can do ALL things IN (while I am abiding in HIS Presence) Christ Jesus How sad it will be ONE DAY AFTER HIS COMING but for many it will be TOO LATE. Redacted government documents surrounding his arrest can be viewed here at The Last Reformation . Theres a schism in the church; those who believe Acts was for that time only, and those who believe that the empowerment that happened in Acts is for the churchs lifetime until He returns. They have been caught lying and now they are backtracking and removing videos as fast as they can. Im just having fun. Here is your test- Bitter and sweet water do not flow forth from the same fountain. I have And, they continued supporting him. Bill Johnson can not save anyone, only God can. You will see it works. Jesus said many will come in His name, saying that He is Christ. Leg lengthening WAS AND IS GODS IDEA NOT THE WORLDS IDEA! Are you sure what you are talking, Hullo Artus. Well Lightning Storm, all I will say is that Pauls concern for the church turned out well in that it prompted him to warn and share many good truths with them, which we still benefit from today.blessings to you and good night, Im off to bed now. Torben says he is doing what God told him to do, you prove to us that he is not ! This is not a one time event this is continuous. It is a flow of the Living Waters of the Spirit Himself when our SELF/FLESH BOWS DOWN AND SURRENDERS. 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