Grant of order, denial of order, and improper grounds. Victims are in the best position to know what their safety needs are and should be able to seek these crucial protections without having to rely on the criminal legal system process. (iv) Any other adult for whom the petitioner demonstrates to the court's satisfaction that the petitioner is interested in the adult's well-being, the court's intervention is necessary, and the adult cannot file the petition because of age, disability, health, or inaccessibility. Commercial Burglary Prevention A commercial burglary is committed when there is unlawful entry of a commercial structure with the intent to commit a crime, usually a theft. . (3) To ensure that a petitioner is not delayed in receiving a hearing on a petition for a protection order, there is a rebuttable presumption that a temporary protection order should not be reissued more than once or for more than 30 days at the request of the respondent, absent agreement of the parties, good cause, or the need to provide additional time to effect service. (5) A temporary extreme risk protection order must be served by a law enforcement officer in the same manner as provided for in RCW. (iii) In cases where personal service is required under this subsection, after two unsuccessful attempts at personal service, service shall be permitted by electronic means in accordance with (b) of this subsection. Nationwide, domestic violence costs over $460,000,000,000 each year for health care, absence from work, services to children, and more. (1) The department of social and health services, in its discretion, may file a petition for a vulnerable adult protection order or a domestic violence protection order on behalf of, and with the consent of, any vulnerable adult. (4) The court nearest to the petitioner's residence or former residence under subsection (3) of this section. The court shall list the essential personal effects with sufficient specificity to make it clear which property is included. The instructions and standard petition must include a means for the petitioner to identify, with only lay knowledge, the firearms the respondent may own, possess, receive, have access to, or have in the respondent's custody or control. The legislature finds that it is in the public interest to improve the lives of persons being victimized by the acts and dynamics of domestic violence, to require reasonable, coordinated measures to prevent domestic violence from occurring, and to respond effectively to secure the safety of survivors of domestic violence; (b) Sexual assault is the most heinous crime against another person short of murder. (b) A petition for a sexual assault protection order, which must allege the existence of nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration that was committed against the petitioner by the respondent. (i) No filing fee may be charged to a petitioner seeking an antiharassment protection order against a person who has engaged in acts of stalking as defined in RCW 9A.46.110, a hate crime Personal service for cases specified in (a)(i)(E) of this subsection and when used for other protection order cases must be made by law enforcement unless the petitioner elects to have the respondent served by a third party who is not a party to the action, is 18 years of age or older and competent to be a witness, and can provide sworn proof of service to the court as required. The order must specify who shall provide the electronic monitoring services and the terms under which the monitoring must be performed. Those who participate in the protection order process often find it difficult to navigate the statutes, which were adopted at different times and contain differing jurisdictional approaches, procedures, definitions, and types of relief offered, among other differences, all of which can create barriers and cause confusion. (1) The court must notify the petitioner of the impending expiration of an extreme risk protection order. The summons must be signed by the petitioner. The electronic submission system must allow for petitions for protection orders and supportive documents to be submitted at any time of the day. (7) A person's right to petition for relief under this chapter is not affected by the person leaving his or her residence or household. Chapter 7.92 RCW Dispositions: JENNIFER PAULSON STALKING PROTECTION ORDER ACT RCWs > Dispositions > Title 7 > Chapter 7.92 Chapter 7.92 RCW Dispositions JENNIFER Relief for temporary and full protection orders, Law enforcement stand-by to recover possessions. (28) "Petitioner" means any named petitioner or any other person identified in the petition on whose behalf the petition is brought. This section applies to the termination of extreme risk protection orders. Stalking is distinct from common acts of harassment or nuisance covered by antiharassment orders, and law enforcement agencies need to be able to rely on orders that distinguish stalking from acts of harassment or nuisance. The petitioner may petition for a sexual assault protection order on behalf of: (ii) A minor child, where the petitioner is the parent, legal guardian, or custodian; (iii) A vulnerable adult, where the petitioner is an interested person; or. The petitioner may also file in: (1) The county where an act giving rise to the petition for a protection order occurred; (2) The county where a child to be protected by the order primarily resides; (3) The county where the petitioner resided prior to relocating if relocation was due to the respondent's conduct; or. The nonmoving parties to the proceeding may file opposing declarations. (c) The study may include, if determined by the gender and justice commission's E2SHB 1320 stakeholder work groups and the center for court research to be empirically useful and readily measurable through available data, measurements such as: (i) The ability of survivors to obtain protection orders that fully address the nature of the harm or threat of harm they are experiencing; (ii) The frequency of inclusion of coercive control in protection order petitions and the nature of the harm or threatened harm articulated; (iii) Whether the orders were granted and if so, the relief ordered by the court; (iv) Whether the orders were denied, and if so, the reason for the denial; and. The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (l) Other than for respondents who are minors, require the respondent to submit to electronic monitoring. (3) The petitioner bears no burden of proving that he or she has a current reasonable fear of harm by the respondent. (d) A protection order advocate who is not employed by, or under the direct supervision of, a law enforcement agency, a prosecutor's office, the child protective services section of the department of children, youth, and families as defined in RCW. Each attempt at service must be noted and reflected in computer aided dispatch records, with the date, time, address, and reason service was not completed. Upon receipt of the order, the law enforcement agency shall promptly remove the order from any computer-based system in which it was entered pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. (h) Order the respondent to obtain a mental health or chemical dependency evaluation. The standard notice form must be designed to explain to the vulnerable adult in clear, plain language the purpose and nature of the petition and that the vulnerable adult has the right to participate in the hearing and to either support or object to the petition. All attempts at service must be documented on a proof of service form and submitted to the court in a timely manner; (4) If service cannot be completed within 10 calendar days, the law enforcement officer shall notify the petitioner. (b) If the respondent is not present in court at the compliance review hearing or if the court issues an order to appear and show cause after a compliance review hearing, the clerk of the court shall electronically transmit a copy of the order to show cause to the law enforcement agency where the respondent resides for personal service or service in the manner provided in the civil rules of superior court or applicable statute. If the court determines the amended petition does not contain prima facie allegations to support the issuance of any type of protection order or if the petitioner fails to file an amended petition within the required time, the court may enter an order dismissing the petition. (b) A person who stalks another is guilty of a class B felony if any of the following applies: (i) The stalker has previously been convicted in this state or any other state of any crime of A hearing under this subsection is not necessary if the vulnerable adult has been determined to be subject to a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement under chapter. . The court may order that a petitioner be granted the exclusive custody or control of any pet owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the petitioner, respondent, or minor child residing with either the petitioner or respondent, and may prohibit the respondent from interfering with the petitioner's efforts to obtain the pet. (2) All court clerks shall accept and provide community resource lists as described in (a) and (b) of this subsection, which the court shall make available as part of, or in addition to, the informational brochures described in RCW. The order is fully enforceable in any county in the state. Personal effects may include pets. (g) The respondent no longer lives near the petitioner. (1) The respondent may submit one written request for a hearing to terminate an extreme risk protection order issued under this chapter every 12-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewals. (b) Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of physical harm, bodily injury, or assault; nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration; coercive control; unlawful harassment; or stalking of one family or household member by another family or household member. "Physical abuse" includes, but is not limited to, striking with or without an object, slapping, pinching, strangulation, suffocation, kicking, shoving, or prodding. [2013 c 84 1.] No formal motion is necessary. 1491 in 2016. (4) If the court finds after the hearing that the respondent has met his or her burden, the court shall terminate the order. (8) "Dating relationship" means a social relationship of a romantic nature. . The court has broad discretion to grant such relief as the court deems proper, including the forms of relief listed in RCW. The prevalence of anxiety, insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression is much higher among stalking victims than among the general population. You are responsible for providing all relevant information to the court in support of your petition, and It is the intent of the legislature that a protection order sought by the parent or guardian of a child as provided for in this chapter be available only when the alleged behavior of the person under the age of 18 to be restrained rises to the level set forth in this chapter; (e) Some adults are vulnerable and may be subject to abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, or abandonment by a family member, care provider, or other person who has a relationship with the vulnerable adult. CIVIL PROTECTION ORDERSVARIOUS PROVISIONS EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2022Except for sections 9 through 14 and 47, which take effect March 31, 2022; and section 37, which takes effect July 1, 2023. (8) A petitioner is not required to post a bond to obtain relief in any proceeding for a protection order. (2) "Abuse," for the purposes of a vulnerable adult protection order, means intentional, willful, or reckless action or inaction that inflicts injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment on a vulnerable adult. (g) Other factors relating to a substantial change in circumstances. (7) A respondent may file a motion to modify or terminate an order no more than once in every 12-month period that the order is in effect, starting from the date of the order and continuing through any renewal period. (19) "Interested person" means a person who demonstrates to the court's satisfaction that the person is interested in the welfare of a vulnerable adult, that the person has a good faith belief that the court's intervention is necessary, and that the vulnerable adult is unable, due to incapacity, undue influence, or duress at the time the petition is filed, to protect his or her own interests. The motion for renewal must state the reasons the petitioner seeks to renew the protection order. (b) A filing fee may be charged for a petition for an antiharassment protection order except as follows: (i) No filing fee may be charged to a petitioner seeking an antiharassment protection order against a person who has engaged in acts of stalking as defined in RCW. (H) Engaging in sexual or reproductive coercion; (ii) Causing dependence, confinement, or isolation of the other party from friends, relatives, or other sources of support, including schooling and employment, or subjecting the other party to physical confinement or restraint; (iii) Depriving the other party of basic necessities or committing other forms of financial exploitation; (iv) Controlling, exerting undue influence over, interfering with, regulating, or monitoring the other party's movements, communications, daily behavior, finances, economic resources, or employment, including but not limited to interference with or attempting to limit access to services for children of the other party, such as health care, medication, child care, or school-based extracurricular activities; (v) Engaging in vexatious litigation or abusive litigation as defined in RCW. Minors are presumed to be unable to pay. These alternatives can help make protection order processes more accessible, effective, timely, and procedurally just, particularly in situations where there are emergent risks. The hearing must occur no sooner than 14 days and no later than 30 days from the date of service of the request upon the petitioner. (2) Courts shall not accept agreed orders unless there are findings indicating whether the respondent is a credible threat to the physical safety of the protected person or child. (2) The gender and justice commission may hire a consultant to assist with the requirements of this section with funds as appropriated. All motions to modify or terminate shall be based on the written materials and evidence submitted to the court. (8) The rules of evidence need not be applied, other than with respect to privileges, the requirements of the rape shield statute under RCW. If a full hearing is set on a petition that is submitted after close of business on a judicial day or is submitted on a nonjudicial day, the hearing must be set not later than 14 days from the first judicial day after the petition is filed, which may be extended for good cause. The petitioner may petition for a stalking protection order on behalf of: (d) A petition for a vulnerable adult protection order, which must allege that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, is a vulnerable adult and that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, has been abandoned, abused, financially exploited, or neglected, or is threatened with abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect, by the respondent. (b) Recognizing that an extreme risk protection order may need to be issued outside of normal business hours, courts shall allow law enforcement petitioners to petition after hours for a temporary extreme risk protection order using an on-call, after-hours judge, as is done for approval of after-hours search warrants. To the contrary, the presence of mental health concerns or substance use of either party increases the likelihood of serious injury and lethality. (b) By January 1, 2023, all superior courts' systems and, by January 1, 2026, all limited jurisdiction courts' systems, should allow for the petitioner to electronically track the progress of the petition for a protection order. Courts shall make publicly available in print and online information about their transfer procedures, court calendars, and judicial officer assignment. If an ex parte temporary protection order is denied, the court shall still set a full hearing unless the court determines the petition does not contain prima facie allegations to support the issuance of any type of protection order. Requests for changes must be made in writing.". (12) Courts shall, if possible, have petitioners and respondents in protection order proceedings gather in separate locations and enter and depart the court room at staggered times. If the court declines a request to include one or more of the petitioner's family or household member who is a minor or a vulnerable adult in the order, the court shall state the reasons for that denial in writing. Protection order advocates and support persons. The following apply only to the specific type of protection orders referenced in each subsection. (1) The clerk of the court shall enter any protection order, including temporary protection orders, issued under this chapter into a statewide judicial information system on the same day such order is issued, if possible, but no later than the next judicial day. If the restrained person is the legal or biological parent of the child, a hearing must be set and notice given to the restrained person prior to final modification of the full protection order. Upon receipt of a motion for renewal, the court shall order a hearing, which must be not later than 14 days from the date of the order. Adolescent dating violence is occurring at increasingly high rates, and preventing and confronting adolescent violence is important in preventing future violence in adult relationships. Notification may be provided by text messaging or email, and should provide reminders of court appearances and alert the petitioner when the following occur: (i) The petition has been processed and is under review by a judicial officer; (ii) the order has been signed; (iii) the order has been transmitted to law enforcement for entry into the Washington crime information center system; (iv) proof of service upon the respondent has been filed with the court or clerk; (v) a receipt for the surrender of firearms has been filed with the court or clerk; and (vi) the respondent has filed a motion for the release of surrendered firearms. "Sexual abuse" also includes any sexual conduct between a staff person, who is not also a resident or client, of a facility or a staff person of a program authorized under chapter. When a party alleging a violation of a protection order issued under this chapter states that the party is unable to afford private counsel and asks the prosecuting attorney for the county or the attorney for the municipality in which the order was issued for assistance, the attorney shall initiate and prosecute a contempt proceeding if there is probable cause to believe that the violation occurred. (6) If the court declines to issue a temporary extreme risk protection order, the court shall state the particular reasons for the court's denial. These include using approaches such as online filing of petitions, electronic service of protection orders, and video and telephonic hearings to maintain and improve access to the courts. (3) The information entered into the computer-based criminal intelligence information system must include notice to law enforcement whether the order was personally served, served by electronic means, served by publication, or served by mail. Evidence of emission of semen is not required to prove sexual penetration. court of the state of Washington for the county of . The respondent should be provided a blank confidential party information form at the time of service, and when the respondent first appears, the respondent must confirm with the court the respondent's identifying and current contact information, including electronic means of contact, and file this with the court. (a) Appoint an interpreter who is not credentialed or duly qualified by the court to provide interpretation services; or. (8) Appearances required under this section are mandatory and cannot be waived. . Increased access to technology has also increased methods of stalking. (11) If the court declines to renew the protection order, the court shall state, in writing in the order, the particular reasons for the court's denial. On average, there are over 100 gun deaths each day, 61 percent of which are suicides. (iv) Electronic service must be effected by transmitting copies of the petition and any supporting materials filed with the petition, notice of hearing, and any orders, or relevant materials for motions, to the respondent at the respondent's electronic address or the respondent's electronic account associated with email, text messaging, social media applications, or other technologies. (a) Any person residing in this State may seek relief under this Chapter by filing a civil action or by filing a motion in any existing action filed under Chapter 50 of the General Statutes alleging acts of domestic violence against himself or herself or a minor (2) The court may not deny or dismiss a petition for a protection order on the grounds that: (a) The petitioner or the respondent is a minor, unless provisions in this chapter specifically limit relief or remedies based upon a party's age; (b) The petitioner did not report the conduct giving rise to the petition to law enforcement; (c) A no-contact order or a restraining order that restrains the respondent's contact with the petitioner has been issued in a criminal proceeding or in a domestic relations proceeding; (d) The relief sought by the petitioner may be available in a different action or proceeding, or criminal charges are pending against the respondent; (e) The conduct at issue did not occur recently or because of the passage of time since the last incident of conduct giving rise to the petition; or. Chapter 7.92.150 RCW Dispositions JENNIFER PAULSON STALKING PROTECTION ORDER ACT. (c) Under no circumstances shall the court deny the petitioner the type of protection order sought in the petition on the grounds that the court finds that a different type of protection order would have a less severe impact on the respondent. (i) The restraint provisions prohibiting acts or threats of violence against, or stalking of, a protected party, or the restraint provisions prohibiting contact with a protected party; (ii) A provision excluding the person from a residence, workplace, school, or day care; (iii) A provision prohibiting the person from knowingly coming within, or knowingly remaining within, a specified distance of a location, a protected party's person, or a protected party's vehicle; (iv) A provision prohibiting interfering with the protected party's efforts to remove a pet owned, possessed, leased, kept, or held by the petitioner, the respondent, or a minor child residing with either the petitioner or the respondent; or. He or she may also petition on behalf of a family or household member who is a minor if chosen by the minor and capable of pursuing the minor's stated interest in the action. RCW 7.105.100(5) 25 FILING 26 Age lowered 15 years or older may petition for protection order (except VAPO) For SAPOs, AHOs, Stalking POs: can file on behalf of another person who is unable to file themselves but is not a vulnerable adult Court must not require filing of duplicate or working copies unless they cannot be scanned or are illegible (21)(a) "Isolate" or "isolation" means to restrict a person's ability to communicate, visit, interact, or otherwise associate with persons of his or her choosing. (1) Upon a motion with notice to all parties and after a hearing, the court may modify the terms of an existing protection order or terminate an existing order. (1) The court shall issue a protection order if it finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the petitioner has proved the required criteria specified in (a) through (f) of this subsection for obtaining a protection order under this chapter. In such a case, the district shall provide transportation at no cost to the respondent if the respondent's parent or legal guardian is unable to pay for transportation. (b) The term "isolate" or "isolation" may not be construed in a manner that prevents a guardian or limited guardian from performing his or her fiduciary obligations under *chapter. If the respondent does have a concealed pistol license, the department of licensing shall immediately notify a law enforcement agency that the court has directed the revocation of the license. The legislature finds the legal tool of protection orders will help prevent abuse, neglect, exploitation, or abandonment of vulnerable adults; and. A victim should be able to expediently seek a civil remedy requiring that the perpetrator stay away from the victim, independent of the criminal process and regardless of whether related criminal charges are pending; (c) Stalking is a crime that affects 3,400,000 people over the age of 18 each year in the United States. Rape is recognized as the most underreported crime; estimates suggest that only one in seven rapes is reported to authorities. . Experiencing a sexual assault is itself a reasonable basis for ongoing fear. (8) If a person who is protected by a protection order has a child or adopts a child after a protection order has been issued, but before the protection order has expired, the petitioner may seek to include the new child in the order of protection on an ex parte basis if the child is already in the physical custody of the petitioner. Recommendations on improving protection order proceedings. A law enforcement agency holding any surrendered firearm or concealed pistol license shall comply with the provisions of RCW. . "Financial exploitation" includes, but is not limited to: (a) The use of deception, intimidation, or undue influence by a person or entity in a position of trust and confidence with a vulnerable adult to obtain or use the property, income, resources, government benefits, health insurance benefits, or trust funds of the vulnerable adult for the benefit of a person or entity other than the vulnerable adult; (b) The breach of a fiduciary duty, including, but not limited to, the misuse of a power of attorney, trust, or a guardianship or conservatorship appointment, that results in the unauthorized appropriation, sale, or transfer of the property, income, resources, or trust funds of the vulnerable adult for the benefit of a person or entity other than the vulnerable adult; or. (3) "Chemical restraint" means the administration of any drug to manage a vulnerable adult's behavior in a way that reduces the safety risk to the vulnerable adult or others, has the temporary effect of restricting the vulnerable adult's freedom of movement, and is not standard treatment for the vulnerable adult's medical or psychiatric condition. (2) A copy of a protection order granted under this chapter, including temporary protection orders, must be forwarded immediately by the clerk of the court, by electronic means if possible, to the law enforcement agency specified in the order. (b) Ensure that a reasonable search has been conducted for criminal history records and civil protection order history related to the respondent. The court may issue a temporary protection order in accordance with this chapter until the victim is able to prepare a petition for a protection order in accordance with this chapter. . 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