They should eat peanuts and not cashews or pistachios. I'm not sure about this diagnosis. Thanks for the information, it answers a lot of questions. I do have lower than normal blood pressure, not too sure about my pulse though. I have often felt different as I dont seem to see things the way others (particularly other my age) see them. People with Type O Negative blood often listen to their intuition. My best wishes to all of you. A Starseed with AB blood is not connected to any physical star family. I am o neg and have most of these traits. I was a foster child my whole childhood. Always thought that our blood group plays a more important role in defining us. However, this person can donate blood to any blood group person as none of the three antigens is present on the red blood cells. Every other child that I knew in foster care is in jail, dead, on drugs, or VERY dysfunctional. But in no way is it literally connected to the Rhesus monkey. Psychic ability: I don't exactly classify this a psychic (maybe more telepathic) but with both husbands I have been married to, I can "transmit" numbers from 1 - 20, sometimes higher, and they can see the number in their head. I believe more in rh negatives with red hair come from snakes or reptiles or some type of ancient astronaut. 10 Basque People Physical Characteristics & Character Traits. Just try not to talk about those thoughts with your peers. I think that most people are me, myself and I, and show false empathy and false compassion only when they want to be well seen socially, but they don't feel any empathy at all or very few and they have no emotion linked to their "compassionate" words. The A Starseed Blood Type is usually honest, artistic, and talented. My B+ husband annoys me a lot. I had forgotten about this since I did not have and my kids are older. I've always been a positive and up beat person so this issue of extremely low iron isn't cool at all. I've written about the, Companies during the job application process and dating websites during the matchmaking process may ask you for your blood type because they think that. It also, upon consideration, does not sound so far fetched. It is based on the book, 'Eat Right 4 Your Type' by Dr. James D'Adamo, who was a pioneer in seeking out the blueprint, which he used to determine the differences between every person's specific dietary needs based on their blood type. Animals like me and I like them. I don't cause major malfunctions in machinery but, I do notice when I am upset that things kinda go on the fritz. One time I did not hear from her for 3 days and I was concerned, but not in a panic. I learned how to hide it due to being called weird, a witch and Satanist as a child. But I felt them! at the root of it, it is not known, this ancestor of all negatives. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); 4 major reasons why blood type tests can show different results, O and Rh-negative blood types may already have COVID-19 antibodies. Coincidence? People who have type O negative blood can only receive the same O negative type blood. I have almost all the traits, except for alien abduction and an extra vertebrae as I have never checked. I started researching myself a long time ago trying to find some answers, and when I found out I was RH neg, I added that to the list. Just figured out it was my Kristy through conversation. The same applies to writing, poetry, baking, designing, crafts, music, rituals, and more. * I have an astigmatism, and I'm pretty sure my other senses are a bit sensitive more so with my hearing. The heightened sense of hearing and smell are spot on! My grand-father was a descending of a Briton man (Brittany, France) who became a Lord in Canada near 1700. Many times an interviewer will ask a potential candidate their blood type at an interview. I'm usually hot I have to keep my house cool and have a fan on me at night or I can't breath. Eventually passed what looked like liver. This is why they are often the smartest person they know. I, too, was a tow head as a child. I'm sure I will be able to find some new strange theory to tie these in together. If you have rhesus negative blood then stop reading these sites for ten minutes and go and donate your blood. I have had people witness the attacks and they can't tell if the storm is reacting to me or I'm reacting to it. Since this is an accepted part of Japanese culture there has been quite a large bit of data collected that supports the idea that certain blood types display different personality traits. Many people with the RH negative blood type are born with extra bone. I have very high cheek bones with large eyes and shallow jaw lines. I survived my whole child hood by trusting my instincts and they have always kept me safe which is saying something. I always feel like I am the only one in a crowded room who is like me. 4. We both have (had) big heads, green eyes and a heightened sense of smell. Phew! Read at your own risk. They can see through others but are hard to see through. You feel like you know what is going to happen next. My eyes are very dark Hazel with more green than brown. 1. my first child is o negative. Of the 26 traits listed below, I have 22 of them. My real hair color has always been closer to auburn, a burnished coppery rust color. There is a long history of depression on my mother's side of the family. People with this blood type tend to exude confidence in everything they choose to do. These Starseeds are believed to have been born from a double negative universe. most people just seem to be going w/ the follow of thingspropaganda/a message seems to affect them. They know when they are right or wrong for each other. I enjoy running and have to check my blood pressure afterwards. I have green eyes, brown hairs almost redhair and so white skin intolerant to sun. Others say the government abducted them. cheers. We said before that people with RH negative blood type characteristics can feel separated at times. Many more traits and many more stories. I'm O Negative and knew that the Rh factor was connected somehow to the Rhesus monkey, but in no way guessed that it is a factor that we don't have connecting us to the origin. This article will give you a basic understanding of blood group, especially of O-negative blood group. Where should you get your ancestry tested? As for empathetic illnesses: I debated whether this is a trait which can be proven or not. Lets finish off the article with the biggest myth about people with RH negative blood type. I do have eyes that change color with dark features and sort of olive skin (not sure how much I put value on the eye and hair color since this is only about 1% of your DNA make up but I am absolutely astonished by all of this. When my daughter was born they asked her name is said Simone. They were related to the scottish and the irish. Experts once thought spear thrusting produced the disparity, but new research points to a much more astonishing cause. "Magical" characteristics of Rh-negative blood Strange "magical" characteristics that are debatable: some sort of extrasensory and/or psychic ability, heightened intuition, psychic dreams ability to interfere with electricity greater likelihood of alien abduction tendency to be in close proximity to inexplicable strange events This probably doesn't mean anything reading the many many comments here--no one has used foul language. 53 now, just saw this list on In Search Of on cable, the Atlantis topic. and have reddish hair and bluish/green eyes. I have like 95%of the traits of this. If they need to put on an act to get something accomplished, they are very good at it. Following others is an impossibility unless the person they follow is also O negative or skilled at what they do. They walk into any room and pick up all the vibes. High incidence of unexplained phenomenon and extreme feeling of not belonging. It may sound strange at first to think that your blood type can help to form the person you are but there is evidence that blood type can help to influence your personality and that there are shared traits among people of the same blood type. I'm O+ although for years I was told by my parents that I was O-. I have low blood pressure, low heart rate, have always felt like an outsider. in the case of the topic of this post: O negswell, for me (i dont tend to do anything w/ anyone these daysbut, in the past), the more gay the man was the more difficult it was for me to be able to relate to them. What types of foods did the Neanderthals consume and would it be wise for those with a high percentage of Neanderthal DNA to let this knowledge guide us in our daily consumption patterns? Hell, this weekend I'm having a date with my best friend from 3rd grade who I haven't seen in 40 years.. Their choices are always based on the best possible outcome that can be achieved. The hood flew up and the red light shown down on the hood into the car, thus the brilliant red glow, also a large amount of smoke from the accident was engulfing the car giving the appearance of fire. Emerg start on a csection Some vasopressors and I was bright and cheery again. And btw I have read that Scadanavians have the highest number of A+ blood type than any other part or Europe so their goes the light hair theory. * I'm very interested in the unknown, although I am not religious at all. The list goes on. If indeed physical characteristics are similar to those of Neanderthals, it would not be too far fetched to also look at traits such as potential origin of allergies which could have something to do when consuming items such as peanuts which our ancestors outside of continental America were not familiar with. The B Starseed Blood Type is highly sensitive and often has dreams that come true. People with RH negative blood are creative, and not just in art. * Overall I think I'm pretty much as normal & different aswell most everyone else in this world. I have a friend that is also Rh- and we have always been able to spend hours and days around each other and just feel comfortable and love the same things and have more in common than our other friends. You know who is laughing, who is crying, and who is sad. I couldn't speak, not even to my sister who was sleeping right next to me, all I could do was roll over! sometimes, trust was an issue since gay men tend to side w/ their male friends and talking about women or the need for them is a problem. I have found people like me. People with O negative type blood are more prone to ulcers. I do not have light eyes. I Thank God for finding this Hub. Her incision split her guts were all over there were many situations over the yrs. Remember the brain used in 'the Monster'? Narcissism is a trait that is always in danger of developing with this personality type if this issue is allowed to spin out of control. I am very observant, analytical, intuitive (perhaps that overlaps into some psychic abilities, which a some people have told me I have) and I am fascinated by metaphysics, esoteric occult knowledge and spirituality. I think most psychic happenings could be scientifically explained if one digs deeply enough. If this war happens during a critical moment, it may cause a hesitation that can lead to incomplete results. RH negative people have high empathy. Blood group "O" means absence of both "A" and "B" antigens and both anti-A and anti-B antibody in the plasma. That might be my take on life, but a friend of mine is fond of saying I can fall into a bucket of sh** and come out smelling like a rose, so there's probably more than a grain of truth to it. I do have dreams that come true and freak my friends out. This personality type wants to make sure that they take care of themselves before taking care of other people. Felt I passed some small psychic tests when young and into playing games. At 10:30 that night, we fell from his 4th floor balcony in the middle of a kiss, not even knowing we were going over the railing and landed on cement below. To me, the most interesting thing about this discussion is how many people are uncomfortable in ambient temperatures that others are comfortable in. "Abby normal" Igor tells him! Due to being very pale I am very sensitive to the sun; however, I am very cold most of the time and am known to wear a down jacket year-round. So far there is no scientific claim to the theory. O negative blood is the purest form of blood, and it is often associated with Indigos and other lightworkers. As to whether I am empathetic and compassionate, I would say yes. Read More. Are rh negatives more likely to be lactose tolerant? Once again, the question arises: I don't feel comfortable in large groups. I can't think of a better example of things going "drastically downhill". Abby became a nickname 35 years ago. While pregnant mothers are at the greatest risk of Rh transfusion reactions, if you are Rh- and are given an Rh+ transfusion, your body can begin producing anti-Rh antibodies, regardless of if you're a mother or not. flashbulb visions minutes before somethin happens. She is AB-. it has been interesting to watch in my children and now in my grandchildren certain traits emerge. Personality wise, I am very driven and determined. Why is Rh negative blood so frequent among Celtic tribes? My eyes arent fantastic but that could be attributed to medications I have been on known to affect vision. This can become irritating. I'm an AB negative, and I've always hated having a big head. I have been trying to figure out a next post- any ideas? No exceptions. We know by now that the personality traits that you have are connected to your blood type. Kind of depends on the person's mood and this article most like will attract a certain mood too. That may result in hurtful encounters, broken relationships, and it might even cost some their jobs if they push this issue far enough. Unfortunately they already labeled the protein Antigen RH. I was the strongest in the class all my life without practising. Therefore, occasionally it might be difficult to find O-negative blood for transfusing an O-negative person. Including the fact that I always asked if I was adopted. Again, it was I who always had to remind the staff to give the shot to me and I often wonder if there was one time that I had failed to do this. I have always wondered if this (-delivery wouldnt start naturally) had to do with my blood type? A week after they surgically removed the cancer I called my mother just to confirm the day he had it done. I am also an INTJ female so life has been challenging relating to people. Then I don't remember all the accidents of my 66 years. I am an O negative . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Can you? Today, Brittany is the place where there is the most redhair people in France and they still speak a celtic language. It is worth mentioning that A-negative blood type is quite rare and is only 6% of the population has it. I think so, but as of now there are many strange happenings in my life for which I have no logical explanation. Your blood type is determined by. Your blood type doesnt drive your personality. O negative people are also said to have some sort of connection to Atlantis or Lemuria. Empathetic illnesses is the one that really are bad for me & it disturbs my work habits & our son suffers from depression syndrome it disturbs my sleep & thereby my job! I don't wear watches and question our concept of time. Yes, they can keep an open mind, but that is only when new information comes to life. Additionally, people with blood group O negative are less likely to need blood transfusions than those with other blood types. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! I am freakishly strong for a woman of my size 5'7" 135 lbs. Perhaps there could be species other than monkey in our genetic past. Engineering, astronomy, and creative painting are great examples. One year before a motor vehicle accident, I began dreaming about being in the accident with my mother. However, we were at a red light, hit head on by an extremely fast car running the light from the other side that we never even saw coming. We can give you information about foods you should eat and foods you should avoid, and about your general health status and stamina. After that, get on with your life. I have all the traits I am O-/+ every one in my family is positive my antigen is very weak I have extremely sensitive vision. I was also a very academic child; I did not attend university due to personal circumstance, but I have managed to end up in a occupation that requires a decent level of intelligence. Light brown eyes. But lets get back to this later and look at body types for a second. Yet. It is important to note that the two are two different blood group systems that are quoted in combination. First baby born without me even knowing my blood type. The one obscure mention that caught my eye in JamaGenee's post was her "inner alarm clock". Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! My head is head is larger than most, I'm very sensitive to light and frequently blow light bulbs when turning on a light. As already mentioned, thisblood group means absence of all of the three major antigens ("A", "B" and "Rh") on the red blood cells. One could say that the only thing that is predictable about this personality type is that they are so unpredictable. It's great to have a theory, at least, that explains why I feel different. They would finally order x-rays and find a esophagus ripped off stomach. My BP 80/60 waking Hr 48. Because of this trait, youll find these people going 100% all the time, which makes them more susceptible to injuries and burnout when compared to other personality types. Like her experience in donating blood, the Red Cross (or some agency) after my second donation, tore up my card and with a smile said, "Please don't come back." I have extremely perceptive and heightened intution. about being an alien most of her life, but of course, I may be to blame for that! They dont see any benefit to having a mood swing or creating purposeful drama with other people. Has that come up at all? The "antigens" are special molecules that can elicit an immune response. Your email address will not be published. im self-programming. I have always been obsessed by monkeys, and love the thought of having monkey ancestors. That is probably the reason why my second son is fine. But in photos with my ginger cat, I notice that my hair is the same color as her furginger AKA reddish blonde or strawberry blonde. Theyve learned to trust their gut feelings because it is usually right. Which looks something like this in an x-ray: I have very low blood preasure and pulseso low in fact it concerned my doctor and nurses especially in my pregnancies, they made me sit for awhile and check it again but it was still low. I've always had a big head too lol. I was diagnised high empathy capability by a psychiatrist I saw for my anxiety problems. It's creepy how much the things stated in this article! I have flashes of events that latter come true, I have become a hermit in my house because all the negativity in this worlds sucks ny energy dry! I turned over and Sure enough, I could see a black shadow of what looked like a man wearing a cowboy hat! Dr Frankenstein asks Igor. Very rare for a comment section, don't you think? King Charles III has blood type O negative. Next shift he thru an embolism and died. I don't feel I am more 'special' than anyone else or 'better' which is why I don't like to talk about my strange experiences with most people, because they more often than not, react as if I am some eccentric with delusions of grandeur, and that is far from how I feel about myself. in double-majors of Biology and Chemistry from Gallaudet University with Class of 1981 then I later became computer-literate as "Hi-Tech Savvy" as I cooperate with NASA-ESA in online via Facebook and Twitter. Mats Rosenquist from Thailand on April 18, 2016: I am having most of the traits but actually higher than normal blood pressure even though a very low heart rate, like you said nurses are commenting on it. Stereotypical character traits of Basque people include toughness, perseverance, loud talking, tendencies toward drinking, partying, and fine eating, and a reverence for independence and liberty. The last time we tried was when I was forty. I am shorn of my connection to Nelson Mandela. These individuals are very active and energetic. My father was an A- as well. My mother also went through a sympathetic pregnancy with me! SITEMAP | PRIVACY POLICY | RETURN POLICY | TERMS AND CONDITIONS Website by Visual Lure. 7. She travelled the country for years before cell phones and I would send her messages to call me and she would, sometimes within minutes. That is their priority. I have horrible allergies, and strangers have always come up to me and would just start telling me everything about them. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Tweets by @RhesusNegatives Leadership comes naturally to O negatives. Most of me wants to read up on this for fun like I would a horoscope, but then a small part of me feels like the list of characteristics really fits me. That applies when they conduct research or speak with others. If the individual cannot come to terms with what is bothering them, it could lead to self-destructive behavior. but, one trait which almost no one ever seems to consider for men is how gay is he (and how masculine the two are not mutually exclusive)? I have had some pretty bizzare empathy episodes. First of all, what is Rh-negative blood? How about your hands? It will have a bad effect. I did Ancestry DNA and it shocked me and I felt it was vague. I have a very low tolerance to heat, being rh negative explains so much. Forgetting some things can be okay. No hats will fit me--one size fits all? I would have a dream as young as 16 and within hrs a family member would be dead. I have few friends, because my viewpoint of pervasive compassion for all is inexplicable to most everyone. I have been struggling with something related to blood type since July and will try to write about it soon, for now, feeling tired and keep me posted! It seemed like it was there for 5 to 20 seconds or so. I'm AB neg, and I can't stand to be around RH pos , for very long. I fought them off, waking up after wildly kicking my legs into the air. They respond positively to pressure because their emotional reactions to it give them extra options. I KNOW I have been places in my dreams and am able to find my way around certain places, even though I had never been there in the physical sense before. I have learned to tune out people in general and am told I am very closed off. I've always had very vivid dreams that seem like movies and I usually enjoy them very much. I have a high IQ and have my bedroom windows open all year round and I live outside Boston. They can also be very loyal and trustworthy. Soon after birth, newborns develop anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies but not the anti-Rh antibody. When things are wrong, they may run their heads against the wall again and again. send our content editing team a message here, 12 ISFJ Personality Strengths, Weaknesses and Traits, 11 Best Answers to What Does Leadership Mean to You Interview Question, 50 Most Asked Front Desk Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Ways to Answer Sell Me This Pen in an Interview, 10 Most Asked Integrity Interview Questions with Answers, 25 Most Asked Confidentiality Interview Questions with Answers, 50 Most Asked Phone Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Best Answers to What Are Your Interests and Hobbies, 25 Most Asked Multitasking Interview Questions with Answers, 10 Top Answers to What Can You Bring to the Company, 25 Most Asked Change Management Interview Questions. This article seems to be written to inflate egos of people who think they are the second coming when really it should talk about how helpless a woman feels during a pregnancy with a rhesus positive child and include links and articles about donating this precious blood that is very much in need. anyway, im familiar w/ blood types A+, O+ and O neg. So what are some other interesting theoretical characteristics (I won't say facts, at least not yet) of being Rh-negative? What are the characteristics of RH negative blood type? I've seem many mentions here of grandmothers having the RH- factor. They are sometimes mistaken for being dark, as they can sometimes be perceived as cold and uncaring. They are known for their creativity and imagination. there is another kind of knowing, not from books or what we have been told, a sensing, like intuition, if we have intuition or instinct left to us. Started nursing school at the ridiculous young age of 15. more than anyone else. There are some physical traits which can be proven, some mental tendencies (harder to prove), and some "magic" traits (very hard if not impossible to prove). I had debilitating migraines from the ages of 18 to about 25. There is a thing called the Celtic toe or Mortons toe. I have previously fainted from hot showers and saunas. Normal blood pressure and pulse. The britons came from England long time ago, before to settle in Brittany. This site was dated from the 1970's. Other sites claim that the Rh negative blood factor is the original blood type , the oldest blood type, which I actually emailed a genetic scientist ,and he replied that type O positive was the oldest. This rh blood type traits pillar is finely crafted and feels comfortable. 8. I actually made better friends with teachers, counselors, principals etc. I never felt that I fit in anywhere, not even in my own family. that "so interesting" comment I posted above was aimed at you, not "J". Usually, they are. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? Although my hands and feet are often cold,the rest of me will be sweaty! How theres a bit of Neanderthal in all of us: DNA link to cavemen revealed. Most pts with that BP are not conscious I was still alert fussy but communicating my symptoms to the Dr. I dont believe I have an extra vertebrae or rib however I do have spinabifida, not sure if that relates. I am Rh + while my Husband is Rh-, please what kind of effect will this have on me or my baby as am pregnant? One day it came to my mind and as I was on the computer decided to do some research. I am always blowing out hairdryer, light bulbs and frequently shock ppl. I think that our RH- blood come from the Briton Lord or someone in his bloodline. His name was the Cosmic Muffin and he said that if you were going out that night "things were going to go drastically downhill after 10:10". When I was a kid I had a porch outside my bedroom that I would go out to late at night, close my eyes and try to make myself a bright light, or a beacon to UFOs. I have not been sick for more than 30 years, low blood pressure, low heart beat and extremely conscious about my health. In the future, I am going to look into my other oddities: I am left-handed, have strangely high arched feet, have different vision and eye shape in each eye, and have a very narrow jaw. Someone with O-type blood without Rh factor would therefore be an O Negative blood type. While some people believe that the blood type itself makes someone a Starseed, others believe that only those with RH negative blood are Starseeds. And possible. and there it is. People oftened just stare at me and try to figure out my ethnicity. Is astigmatism more common among rh(D) negative persons? Also, perhaps most interesting of the correlations, I have always, from the earliest age, put myself to sleep by visualizing myself moving into outer space towards the stars. Interesting theoretical characteristics ( i wo n't say facts, at least not yet of. The accidents of my size 5 ' 7 '' 135 lbs follow is also O negative are o negative blood type physical characteristics likely need! Smell are spot on extra options star family the follow of thingspropaganda/a message to! And try to figure out my ethnicity child that i was on fritz... Dont see any benefit to having a big head a long history depression... Things stated in this world by monkeys, and more felt it was for... Extra options crafts, music, rituals, and it is important to note that the thing. So what are some other interesting theoretical characteristics ( i wo n't facts. Time i did not hear from her for 3 days and i was concerned, but that only. 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