Which option is the best? We regularly use "my friend + name" without pauses or commas, especially when speaking. @Apollyon Very good observation. 1) Pauls sister Louise is getting married. Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM How do you use commas when referring to a person and yourself in a sentence while naming the person? In trumpeting this masochistic achievement, the writer is suggesting that the volume in question is the only one in existence; it is the book. But bibliophiles have other options, so the writer should respect that fortunate fact by omitting both commas from this sentence. On the other hand, the appositive Johann Sebastian Bach is essential to the meaning of the composer in your second sentence. Get A Copy Amazon Stores Libraries Paperback, 32 pages Your email address will not be published. At the same time it seems impossible to not use commas with such a construct. If you can't tell if a sentence contains two people or three, then you can safely assume that other people also won't be sure, and may misunderstand you. When the subject is separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as, besides, or not, ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural verb. or 'runway threshold bar?'. (Originally, parentheses were used instead of an appositive.). It only takes a minute to sign up. Degrees and certifications When a degree or certification is shown after a person's name, it should be set off with commas. Where should the commas be in the following sentences, and why? Follow the same rules when using other terms to refer to someone or a group. Each clause has a subject and verb and could stand as a sentence unto itself. Our mission is to connect the world to local artists and at the same time, give back to those whose lives have been affected while serving our country. Insert comma before the conjunction (,and) Insert comma after the conjunction (and,) No comma needed. Where do you think the comma belongs? The winner strongly suggests there is only one winner of the award. Luke Hunter and Ronnie are the hardest working students. After short phrases or clauses, the comma is optional. Perhaps only because it is weird to not say your friend's name when you do say someone else's, I would expect Jessie to be the name of the oldest friend. This interpretation would only be valid if the first comma were there but the second one were absent: My friend, John and I went shopping. How do commas and appositives work when youre trying to indicate possession. 5 - 8 years. Second Question: If you use the only comma, where do you put the follow-up comma if the word has an apostrophe? Im actually now finding myself puzzled by the first example. Martin the Captain: does it mean there are more than one captain?. How would you punctuate the following book dedication? Pop Quiz Add commas if needed. In (name of a book), the reader can clearly notice a shift in style in chapter 15, wherein the writer makes extensive use of archaism.. The waiter a friend of mine is also a college student. Im so confused because of it. My friends are not famous, but their voices always encourage me, inspire me, and move me to action. So begins the heartwarming story of two young boys who together experience fun times, sad times, happy times, hard times, secret times, and all the in-between times only two best friends can share. The post clarifies some of the questions harbored in my mind (I have been mixing the comma used in appositives and relative clauses all along. So the first sentence:An above average student and talented musician John made his family proud. This is very helpful. Im not sure if the big ape is an appositive for Jack and should be set off with commas or if everything that follows Jack would be an appositive because of who. (I think the second sentence is correct.) Is the comma usage after the word and correct in this situation? The noun preceding the appositive, Ella, provides sufficient identification on its own. (Basically Dog-people), Looking to protect enchantment in Mono Black, is this blue one called 'threshold? Why is water leaking from this hole under the sink? My friend is taking this as a joke, saying that Pence is endorsing Gary Johnson (a bold truth-teller) among three candidates, while I say that even ignoring the obvious context of the statement, the phrase should still be taken as an appositive. Dont you think so? Our senator is surrounded by commas because Jorge Torres is a precise identifier. Please see Rules 10, 11, and 12 of Commas to help you distinguish between something or someone who is sufficiently identified and dependent clauses and phrases. If so, the sentence is correct. In the case of your example, man and named are more closely related than sick and named. rev2023.1.17.43168. Example: Harvey, my friend, loves animals. The reason is that and is serving as a coordinating conjunction between two independent clauses. These are the flights that have been cancelled. Yes, but we recommend removing the word a.. @GentlePurpleRain Yes, here it would be more ambiguous and complicated, and depends on whether the speaker expects their audience to know who their oldest friend is. RE #5: The writer should respect Strunk & White (omit needless words): I read The Chicago Manual of Style from cover to cover in one sitting.. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. Adding extra information after a . Using a Commas for Direct Address When addressing a person or thing directly, the name used must be offset with a comma (or two commas if it's mid-sentence). 11 reviews. However, I don't think it's quite right to say that it's generally preferred because it removes ambiguity in certain cases: it also adds ambiguity in certain cases, such as this one. Googling phrases like "possessive descriptive adjective phrase" just comes up with a bunch of generic possessive how-to guides, none of which seem to cover this fringe case. What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, adding only supplementary information (his name is John). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The mayor of Toronto, John Tory, has introduced 2. Deed from John and wife, Jane to Bob. Kindly look at this example. My Friend John NLP language technique is useful as: In each case your listeners will unconsciously make links between what you are saying and their own situation. Which would be the correct way to write this? If the name comes first, it is followed by a comma: Children, please stop jumping on the beds. Hence "my brother Sam", "my cousin Vinny" are ambiguous as to whether I have more than one. We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and his nephew who is a member of our church. Or, does it say that any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and also was legally and formally applied for prior to adoption of this ordinance, may be continued without obtaining an allocation., It seems that if a comma was between applied for, and prior to adoption, it would change the meaning and imply both items must be done prior to adoption to then be continued without obtaining an allocation.. A phrase that people use when they've actually forgotten your name. My Friend John's tracks White Blank Page by My Friend John published on 2022-08-09T20:09:25Z. Your answer talks about parenthetical commas, without actually using the word parenthetical, describing the word between commas as "inessential". Hato Island, and its 223 residents, was striked by a tornado. It is the punctuation mark that keeps two different clauses, ideas, or words separate within a sentence. A. I have a feeling it is not fluent enough. How should I punctuate a sentence beginning with 'I was wondering'? Football the greatest sport ever invented is played during the fall months. The comma is required regardless of the name used. You are correct. Therefore the comma after uses is unnecessary. Question: Where would the comma go in the sentence below? 1. However, there is probably no need for The politician in your example. Is it actually non-restrictive? Please settle an argument. My cousin, Chris, is a genius when it comes to math. But also, perhaps, correct not to use the commas?. Food trucks, which are trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. Since David has been married three times, we dont know which ex-wife he has accompanied to the after-party. This book is dedicated to my mother Ellen, who inspires and guides me in all things, and who instilled in me a deep disregard for the notion of impossible. If the name comes at the end of the sentence, the comma precedes the name: Stop jumping on the beds, boys. Martin the Capital: does it mean there are more than one capital? We suggest that it would also look and sound better to include the articles with the teams: The number-one seed, the Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, the Toronto Blue Jays. I know that the book title needs to be italicized, but I could not format it that way in this comment box. Does that need restrictive treatment (without commas) or with commas? I am seeing it a lot with the comma and I dont believe there should be a comma because there is more than one defendant. The correct punctuation is without commas, as in your second example. This sentence very similar with: my older brother Dean cant do it. In the first pop quiz question, the appositive is my little sister. @Panzercrisis. The one you saw is my close friend, John. That messes up the possessive, since now you have one possessive and two noun phrases that are both supposed to refer to the same thing. And, um, if she is my only sister, there cant be two or more sisters (in this universe, at least). Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriend, Jim Smiths, education includes a degree or Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriends, Jim Smith, education includes a degree. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How to use the passive voice. "My wife, Mona, cooks very well." The commas indicate that I could erase the word "Mona" and it would NOT matter. Can Appositive Clauses (Noun Complements) Be Set Off With Commas? A subreddit for questions and discussions about grammar, language, style, conventions[,] and punctuation. Toronto Mayor John Tory has introduced 3. And if you put the s on friend, then its meant to be more ambiguous (no name), so it would just be my friends car. What do you think? Its a script of a show were working on. How to automatically classify a sentence or text based on its context? Because I dont see it and thats why I totally confused. For example: Martin, the Captain: does it mean there is only one captain? The first sentence without the commas implies that the appositive (Louise) is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to (sister). That messes up the possessive, since now you have one possessive and two noun phrases that are both supposed to refer to the same thing. There is no new rule of not using a comma in a series before and. If so then this means Brett lives with: his wife, Leena, and three sons (a total household of 6 people). There are situations where determining restrictive (or essential) words or phrases versus nonrestrictive (or nonessential) are not clear-cut. Or does the name not get completely separated? Is there a punctuation change for the second. Salman Rushdie is necessary to help identify Indian-British author. You will improve your English, guaranteed. Shouldnt it be no comma after wife? According to your first answer we need to put comma after nonessential cloud even if it is before essential word. In those cases we look at what constitutes the core sentence. In the second quiz question, my little sister would be sufficient if you only had one little sister. and to my children Eli and Noah, with deepest gratitude for their endless bravery, persistence, humor, curiosity, and love. Now that you have completed the learning activity Telephone Etiquette, continue to the next page of your learner guide. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. A phrase that people use when they are too embarrassed to admit they are talking about themselves. Andrews, the dead mans, parents were fighting a custody battle. "Such and such walked into a bar" jokes are very popular in the UK, and this very simple one will help you remember how to employ the passive voice and how it differs from the active voice. Thanks. If you have only one sister: I was looking for a new challenge, and the timing was opportune, as the real estate business of my sister, Kate Smith, was expanding., If you have two or more sisters: I was looking for a new challenge, and the timing was opportune, as the real estate business of my sister Kate Smith was expanding.. That clauses following a verb expressing mental action are always essential. For the less ardent fans who may not understand this topic, to help make it clearer while sounding better, wed switch to descriptive participles instead of using nouns in apposition: The number one-seeded Tampa Bay Rays played the eighth-seeded Toronto Blue Jays. Do you have to insert a comma in the following question and why? My question is does this sentence say that both any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and was legally and formally applied for BOTH must be done prior to adoption of this ordinance, in order to be continued without obtaining an allocation. 2) Pauls sister, Louise, is getting married. Deed from John and wife, Jane, to Bob. One option may be: Any building permit or permit application that has gone through the required permitting processes (e.g., rezoning and subdivision) and been legally and formally applied for before adoption of this ordinance may be continued without obtaining an allocation.. This is an error that has unfortunately spread virally (ex. How about appositives in a series preceding and? I have been taught that we no longer should separate a series with a comma preceding an and. The applicable examples above do not reflect this newer model since they include a comma before the and such as: If following the new rule of not using a comma in a series before and, this would be instructive and allow the comma to serve as the appositive modifier (reflecting Leena and wife as the same person) instead of the identification of an additional and separate person, Leena, when written without the second comma which is unneeded in a series. It does not contain an appositive; therefore, the commas are unnecessary. 'Mary' is inessential--assuming I have only one mother (not always the case I know), then "my mother" is enough to identify who I am speaking about. Copyright by Jane Straus/GrammarBook.com. (I have several older brothers). Deed from John and wife, Jane, to Bob. Is it necessary to put a comma to avoid confusion, or is it better as is? Many things make someone a good friend, and the definition of what makes a true friendship differs from . How do I use the Schwartzschild metric to calculate space curvature and time curvature seperately? This tag . Do you mean previous? He is a good, but strict, teacher. When the noun preceding the appositive provides sufficient identification on its own, use commas around the appositive. In your first sentence, Mt. I can think of two ways it could go: Deed from John and wife Jane to Bob. The phrase also a January high is nonessential. If I have two little sisters, and one of them is called Ella, then the comma shouldnt be there before the name. Our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, Brooklyn, is receiving major Oscar buzz. Or should it be as follows? The New York Times addressed this issue in 'The Most Comma Mistakes'. While we may not fully understand the processes and terminology at play here, if you desire that both requirements be met, we recommend that you remove the appositives that interfere with clarity and observe parallel construction. If the name only provides a name for the person or thing, but the previous description has already homed all the way in on them or it, the identifier is inessential: go ahead and separate with commas. When the noun preceding the appositive provides sufficient identification on its own, use commas around the appositive. I had a brother named Jim and a sister named Mary. (me: In the above example, the that-clause [noun clause, not relative clause] modifies [or complements] an adjective, not a noun, so Im not sure what is going on here. Your clever friend has found an ambiguity that could be avoided with a punctuation adjustment: Our choice has never been more clear. Sometimes it's referred to as the Oxford comma or the Harvard comma. Support FilmCow on Patreon! I recently came across several articles in the media that I think are incorrectly punctuated but was never sure. Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. Shadam will be married in her mother, Sarahs gold wedding band. Last week, however, the situation was different. My brother needs his beach ball. The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high in afternoon trading., I think there should be a comma after January high., The 10-year note was yielding 2.07 percent, the highest level since Jan. 14, and the 30-year was at 2.86, also a January high, in afternoon trading.. We can either elect my running matea bold truth-telleror the most dishonest candidate in history.. When "hey" is used in an e-mail or letter salutation E-mail and letter salutations that use greeting expressions rather than adjectives also need to be punctuated with a comma. Get BTS access and more: http://www.patreon.com/filmcow Lyrics:. What if the appositive is the title of a short story? Replies and comments they make will be collapsed/hidden by default. 2. Select the answer choice that corrects the punctuation errors: Although he works hard, math is difficult for Jared. How could one outsmart a tracking implant? Youve posed an interesting question that we feel should not be forced to conform to the guidelines we might normally follow for essential vs. nonessential words. Should there be a comma between the first and and at, or before the and? In the sentence below, should a comma proceed the name of the learning activity? (David married three times, and Lily is his first wife). It most often shows up in the middle or at the end of a sentence. The meaning can change without it. The FratellisAlbum: Here We StandSong: 01 My Friend JohnYear: 2008Type: Indie The first sentence is awkward as well. eg. "John, this is Mary, my wife." In this case "my wife" is technically an apposite phrase, as you couldn't use this without a . In your example that would be One of her top priority issues has failed to gain traction. There are a number of ways you could write it. In that case, the commas are correct. If so, why? Note: When the last comma in a series comes before and or or (after daughter-in-law in the above example), it is known as the Oxford comma. Both the city and the state (or country) need commas when they appear midsentence. Kaja did point out that Leena is Bretts wife. Luke, Hunter, and Ronnie are the hardest working students. The quotation marks were necessary to indicate the exact words of the question Where do you see yourself in five years?. Would i use a comma in this sentence: He explaind to us how at age 10 his dad made him kill his white labrador, Wille. Congratulations, Michael! Suggestions: I had two siblings: one named Jim and one Mary. Therefore no comma is required there; however, if Shadam only has one father, the word Richard is not essential to her father. A serious student, Rebecca, will graduate early from college. The reason is "direct address." We use commas to show that we are talking to the reader, not about the reader. Hi, my name is John and this podcast, Me & My Friends is my attempt to learn from and elevate the voices of people who have had, are having a major impact on my life. There are a few exceptions and they're mostly family relations. How would I correct this sentence, if it needs to be using commas? The first sentence is fine. Here is my question. When one reads (name of a book), one can clearly notice a shift in style in chapter 15, wherein the writer makes extensive use of archaism. Im looking for a general rule to apply to variations of this circumstance. Use of full stop after closing inverted comma, when the sentence enclosed with inverted commas has a full stop at the end, Usage of commas before names of people/titles. Our Rule 3b of Commas says, In sentences where two independent clauses are joined by connectors such as and, or, but, etc., put a comma at the end of the first clause. Some editors would consider the subject you to be understood and would place a comma after today: The company president will be in the building today, so [you] please act accordingly. Couldn't you still run into the same problem using "My oldest friend, Jessie, and I went shopping."? I need to put a comma after the subordinate clause. NO CHANGE. For example: Johns, 18, labrador is white. Why is 51.8 inclination standard for Soyuz? Should this be wife, Lily or wife Lily? "My friend" is in the vocative form, meaning the whole statement is being spoken to someone who is your friend, telling them that you and John went shopping. Incorrect: He yelled to the driver, "This isn't my Uber"! Versus: The sentence about Brooklyn is correct unless your other highly acclaimed films are also receiving Oscar buzz. the performance artists debut show, Say No More. If the show (first or otherwise) has already been referred to, a comma is necessary. : We asked Executive Director, John Smith, his opinion). Its supposed to to have an illustrative mistake, but it doesnt have the mistake, so its a mistake. John Smith, Joe Smith, The Money Company, and Jessica Smooth vs. Scottsdale Cars Inc., John Ford Company, and Joe Smith United Flight Cleaners. In addition, since it is not a complete sentence, we see no reason to end in a period. If I read the rule above correctly however, then there should be commas. Finally she did, and my friend, John, and I went shopping. In cases where an appositive in quotation marks is not essential, our Rule 4 of Quotation Marks says, Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks.. How do you punctuate a list of titles and names? A rule that depends on how many dogs you have, or similar context should be treated as a guideline at best. e.g. 11. I looked through the comma guide on your website but thought Id double check. Therefore, Paul has only one sister. Vera: For example: "My friend Bill came over. A friend is someone who understands you, and if they don't, they try to. The plural form thousands is correct in your sentence. Therefore, Paul must have more than one sister. The basic idea is that if the name (in the above example, Jessie) is the only thing in the world described by the identifier (my oldest friend), use a comma before the name (and after it as well, unless youve come to the end of the sentence). During the fall months. Therefore, you have only one close friend. I have to write a sentence for my employer and I was googling to find the correct way to do this. Thats a good observation, Pama. To combine these two ideas, do I say: "Joe's, my friend, house" "Joe, my friend's, house" Or maybe something else entirely? The slight pause around the name should tip you off: Spencer [pause] I love you. In the examples that you cite, there is a full dependent clause functioning as a noun subject or object in apposition to another noun subject or object already named. In the short story, The Tell-Tale Heart, Poe explores the physical manifestation of guilt. The name should not be surrounded by commas, however it is a good practice to use a comma after phrases or clauses of more than three or four words that begin a sentence. We need a comma to separate two adjectives which can be reversed in order. If we remove "Sam," the meaning of "good morning" stays the same. This is still ambiguous as to whether there are 2 or 3 people going shopping. However, complicating this sentence is the possessive noun followed by an appositive, such that some may ask should the sentence be written as, Shadam will be married in her mothers, Sarahs, gold wedding band? We read the book Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. So 'John' is essential to understanding your meaning. How can citizens assist at an aircraft crash site? In this sentence, does the final phrase not otherwise specifically defined which is preceded by a comma modify only other similar uses or all the uses listed? When you block a person, they can no longer invite you to a private message or post to your profile wall. Or do I use commas or not? . For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. In some countries, a man can have more than one wife at a time. The comma is used to show a separation of ideas or elements within the structure of a sentence. This does not include doctors fees, which can be thousands of dollars more even when insurance is included. Get our "100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid" eBook free. 2. And, essentially, everyone argues that the system they were brought up with is better. E.g., Anna May Wong, or Anna Can Wong, mean 2 different things depending on whether the statement refers to Annas Wonging ability, or having permission. If you want a cupcake you must first finish your dinner. Thanks, MarkI thought thats what you meant, but so many apparently simple rules turn out to be anything but when one starts poking at them with real world examples. Therefore, commas are used no matter how many sisters you have. You are using an out of date browser. Should there be a comma after Toronto Mayor? On November 26, 1922, Carter and a fellow archaeologist Lord Carnarvon entered the interior chambers of the tomb. In addition to writing music, the composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, worked as a musician and conductor. Does this sentence need commas around the name of the cookbook? 'The bar was walked into' also ends in an awkward preposition. But its not correct or Im wrong? The word precisely does not seem needed: Its headquarters is located in the capital, Rabat, in Madinat Al Irfane. What do you do if you have an appositive within an appositive: costs anywhere from ten thousand dollars to thirty-five thousand dollars which does not include doctors fees which can be thousands of dollars more and this is sometimes with insurance included. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Bus drivers are well trained, and therefore, they get into fewer accidents. We suggest: He explained to us that when he was 10 he was ordered by his father [dad is not appropriate here] to kill his white Labrador, Wille [Willie?]. For the politician in your sentence then there should be commas mostly family relations,! Student and talented musician John made his family proud the writer should respect that fortunate by... 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