You can drink the tea, or for spot treatment, you can soak a cloth in the tea and apply it to the affected area several times a day to decrease inflammation in the area. I heard that smoking mullein can help stop tobacco addiction? Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia. In the late summer and fall, sow Mullein directly; in the spring, plant it indoors. The leaves and flowers are the most valued plant parts due to their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, and antispasmodic properties. Being so adaptable, it can spread quickly, creating dense patches even faster than some native plants. The anti-inflammatory properties match well with treating hemorrhoids because they are caused by inflammation of hemorrhoidal tissues. Either buy seeds or collect seeds from plants as soon as the fruits are borne from flowers. Speaking with your primary healthcare provider before adding any new herbs to your diet is highly recommended. Mullein can also host numerous insects. The seeds will germinate when it's time for them to grow in the spring. Even if you like the plant and you want to keep it, the best solution is to deadhead the plant because the seeds will spread very fast and form new plants. However, common mullein produces seeds prolifically, leaving them for decades before germination. Currently it stands 3 5 tall, its leaves are not jagged at all, just smooth and velvety. A location in full sun is preferable, but mullein will grow in light shade. Sienna Mae Heath is a gardening expert with over five years of experience in gardening and landscape design. Growing mullein is fairly easy. It is useful in the landscape as it provides food and shelter for many pollinating insects. Other Name Cowboy Toilet Paper. Infusion: To make an infusion, pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dried mullein leaf or flower and infuse for 10-15 minutes. In one study it was found they may lie dormant for up to 100 years. Mullein, also known as common or great mullein, is a fluffy wild plant growing in Quebec, found in meadows. Mullein leaves were also used to line shoes to help keep feet warm. We remove the 4" pot and ship in a baggy to hold moisture in. You can forage for mullein from spaces where you know it has not been sprayed, or you can grow your own to keep an abundant supply readily available. Any reaction such as itchiness or hives may be an indication of sensitivity. Mullein is easy enough to identify. The dried leaves can then be used to make mullein tea as shown below. They usually bloom from June through August with only a few flowers opening at a time. Mullein makes attractive plants in the landscape. Interesting Fact: Deadheading is the process of removing dead or dying flowers from the plant. Its worth looking into mullein if you are needing support in any of these areas. In their second year, great mulleins grow between 3-7' tall. Once the leaves are broken up to a reasonable size for making tea, they are perfect to put in a glass jar for long-term storage. Common mullein is a 12 to 80 tall, erect, biennial forb that rises from a deep, stout taproot and fibrous roots. You can create a mouthwash with the tea and use it to decrease the swelling and pain from gum issues or toothache. Traditionally, the leaves were used to brew tea, which was used to treat a wide range of respiratory and upper airway issues. It should be noted that the small hairs found on the mullein leaf can cause a side effect of mouth and throat irritation if they are not filtered out prior to ingestion (especially if taken as tea). Common mullein in gardens is considered a noxious and invasive weed in many states, but more than 300 varieties of ornamental mullein plants can grow in the garden or natural areas without abundant reseeding. Blooming occurs late July through late August; fruiting occurs early August through early September. This makes it easier to cough up and clear mucus from the lungs. The tree may be kept as small as feet tall by pruning after fruiting. Keep the soil moist when growing mullein from seed. But there is more to Mullein than just being used to treat respiratory ailments. Mullein contains potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds believed to calm and relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract. This is illegal for many reasons as it can completely deplete the fish, which can cause major environmental impacts. Mullein is a member of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae). Mullein infused oil can be used as a topical treatment for wounds and skin irritations. I agree that it is fascinating on several fronts: it grows quickly, it has an interesting form and the leaf texture is quite unusual. Proudly powered by WordPress | Theme: Max News by Themeansar. Mullein leaf is said to work as a diuretic, help to reduce inflammation in the urinary system and prevent UTIs. Here's . As noted earlier, mullein contains a compound known as mucilage, which helps to thin mucus. Although Mullein thrives in dry areas, it is also known to grow well in nearly any type of soil and can be grown in gardens - a great "grow-your-own pharmacy" option for off-the-grid families. In other states and countries, it is a noxious weed. Often, mullein is found growing in colonies. It also grows abundantly throughout the bulk of the United States. You can make an oil extraction for earaches and topical application using the hot or cold extraction method. Another of the many mullein benefits is to use the oil to rub into sore muscles and joints. There are three types of mullein plants which all need a different amount of time to regrow: Perennials mullein plants are plants that can live longer than two years. This Verbascum thapsus plant was growing on the north side of my tomato plants in one of my garden beds. It has been used in herbal medicine for at least centuries. You can create a tincture using mullein fresh or dried. The plant grows well in full sun. (Video). As always, make sure to consult a healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or adding a new supplement. It grows best in disturbed soils or after a fire. Learn more here. Instances of mullein toxicity or overdose have not been reported. Stems are for the most part without hair except for the upper flowering stems and they typically grow to about 1 metre (3') tall. Our website content is for informational purposes only. The seeds are commonly dropped no more than 3-15 feet from the parent plant. These include gastric inflammation, tooth and gum inflammation, and inflammatory diseases of the liver and gall bladder. Botanical safety handbook (2nd edition). Mullein leaf and flowers have been used in herbal medicines since ancient times. Place the jar in a dark place and shake the jar every 2-3 days as you think about it. Native Americans and soldiers during the Civil War era made teas from leaves of mullein plants to treat asthma. I steep about 3 teaspoons in a cup of hot water . Smoking oregano gives you a new mint-like fragrance and herbal taste. Mulleins are pretty hardy plants with thick leaves that protect them from cold temperatures. You should use an alcohol of 80 proof (40%) or greater. Is it a potency issue? there is definitely more to this plant than most realize. Seeds that are on the surface or just below it will have enough light to germinate. (HerbPharm is a good brand) Each fruit has dozens of very small brown seeds. In one study it was found they may lie dormant for up to 100 years. Garlic is a natural antimicrobial, addressing infections of both a bacterial and viral nature. The best time to do this is early in the day while it is still cool., 8 Surprising Ways to Use Pomegranate to Heal From Inside Out, Foraging Calendar: What to Forage in January, The Toothache Plant That Every Herbalist Should Grow, 11 Plants That Purify the Air Inside Your Home, 10 Beneficial Plants The Government Doesnt Allow You To Grow. The powdered roots have also been used as a treatment for athletes foot fungus. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. For now, feel free to continue reading. Laboratory-based research suggests that mullein is a beneficial herb for fighting UTIs. . In New Zealand Mullein is a naturalised weed which favours poor, stony, disturbed ground and dry soil and is often to be found growing on roadsides. Mullein leaf extract is commonly found in teas and other health products, allowing for easier breathing and anti-inflammatory benefits. does mullein grow in georgia does mullein grow in georgia. It is probably most well-known for its uses for ailments of the respiratory tract. Although considered an annoying non-native invasive, mullein is one of the first plants to blanket the forest floor . In addition to the mucilage, mullein also contains constituents with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Georgia: 6004: Florida: 3464: England: 3410: Quebec: 2932: Louisiana: 2739: Nova Scotia: 2660 . You will find mullein growing in dry gravel or sandy soils. This plant is considered an invasive species in . About. Eclectic physicians used mullein for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary tracts and the ear canal. The governor does propose using $1.1 billion of the $6.6 billion to refill roadbuilding funds making up for fuel taxes Georgia did not collect in the first six months of the budget year; a tax . He smokes. Delicious! Grows in zone 5 - 11. The lower moisture content makes a safer infused oil that has a longer shelf life. Grow mullein in just about any type of soil, preferably soil that is dry and slightly alkaline. We gathered a bunch of interesting facts about this amazing plant you probably did not know so keep reading! Sprinkle the seeds over a layer of well-drained, rich soil. Watering It has low watering requirements but at the time when it starts to flower you can increase watering. It has been used as a folk remedy for asthma, COPD, and other respiratory conditions. The spacing at which to plant Verbascum is dependent upon their size. The flowers only bloom for a day. Or is that a permanent situation for the whole bunch (or school)? It has also been used to treat diarrhea and constipation. The anti-inflammatory properties of mullein have been used in folk medicine to treat skin conditions such as burns and bruises. You will find mullein growing in dry gravel or sandy soils. One plant can make up to 180,000 seeds, which can stay viable for 120 years. For the plant to come back and flower in the spring of its second year, it needs to be exposed to cold temperatures in a process known as vernalization. The plant itself also has many uses. The researchers found that the mullein oil earache remedy was as effective as the OTC drug in reducing ear pain. Identifying Mullein. There are several subspecies. Theres no information on the safety of common mullein during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, or in infants and very young children. It is interesting to note, plants require a dormancy period and exposure to cold temperatures to bloom. Consult with your health care professional before considering any natural supplement or plant remedy for your health and wellness. Clinical research shows that mullein may benefit the skin and speed up the healing process of wounds. Collect young mullein leaves from first- or second-year plants in spring It reminds me of a psychotic corn stalk. Common usage tells us that this herb is helpful for a variety of health conditions and respiratory complaints. The saponins are harmful to the fishs gills. While it is not strictly an edible it does have many other uses. Fish must be killed before processing. It's almost impossible to wash them clean. Now that youve learned what is mullein, you can make an informed decision before growing it or letting it stay in your landscape. You can collect mullein leaves and flowers and dry them to be used in your medicinal tea. Hybrid types of mullein in the garden are not as invasive as the common type. It is a biennial, spending its first year as a rosette of furry leaves, and producing its flowers in its second year, between June and August. I have read or heard stories of this plant being used for help with breathing problems, being used as toilet paper, for hemorrhoids and even to stun fish. She grows her own food and flowers in her native Zone 6B. To reduce and avoid any contraindications or medicine interactions, check with your healthcare provider before starting new herbal remedies. Or do I really just need to wait until next year. Its sedative effects may mean it is not suitable for use before driving or operating heavy machinery. The tree creates pods with large, hard seeds inside, and in autumn, when the pods are fully ripened and brown, the interior is filled with a bright green goop surrounding the seeds. The researchers found that this herb extract has strong antiviral activity against various microbes, including: The researchers noted that their findings support the use of Verbascum thapsus in traditional medicine for the treatment of UTIs. Listed Status: US. ATLANTA The Georgia Ports Authority handled a record 5.9 million twenty-foot equivalent container units (TEUs) of cargo during the last calendar year, an increase of 5% over 2021. This is the first step to using the many beneficial attributes of mullein. The Complete Map of Edible Plants: Find Out What You Have in Your Area! The common name for this herb mullein comes from the Latin word mollis, which means soft (a reference to the softness of the mullein leaf). A fish might recover afterward if the damage was not too great and a predator didnt take advantage of their weakness. Plant them in a dry, warm spot near walls or large trees to protect them from wind. You can increase the concentration of your tincture by squeezing out the liquid from the plant material and straining it, then adding more plant material to the mixture. In a way, most first-year mulleins look like fuzzy heads of lettuce! Yes, seedlings readily grows in pastures and meadows that have been neglected, on the side of the road and the edges of woods, along fence rows, in vacant lots and industrial areas. This may lead the gardener to wonder, What is mullein? and Should I think of growing mullein in gardens? Common mullein in gardens is considered a noxious and invasive weed in many states, but more than 300 varieties of ornamental mullein plants can grow in the garden or natural areas without abundant reseeding. The leaves are soft and wide, which led to the common name cowboy toilet paper given to it in the western U.S. This may be attributed to Mulleins seed longevity and the presumption that many of the North American species may have originated from a smaller gene pool that arrived with early settlers of North America. Other purported health benefits of common mullein include: While these various other health benefits of mullein are interesting, human trials are needed to corroborate these findings. Common Mullein has been used medicinally for centuries. Its medicinal potential was taken up quickly by First Nation people of North America as an aid to pulmonary illnesses. Mullein is classified as a "naturalized plant" in the US and most of the world, originating in Europe. If you dont want the mullein plant to spread more seeds everywhere it is a good idea to deadhead it before it can start forming new ovaries. The leaves are large, up to 50cm long., I love mulein another purpose not mentioned, highly illegal to do however important knowledge for survival situation ONLY is the seeds can be ground to a powder and when sprinkled into water where fish are, it will stun thr fish and they float to the top of the water. Related:The 10 Medicinal Seeds You Should Plant for a Complete Backyard Pharmacy(Video). The plant will also adapt to poor, calcareous soil. If they are not pollinated by insects the flowers can self-pollinate. The mullein plant has a long history of use as both food and medicine in many different cultures. Copyright 2023 The Botanical Institute |, 3. Mullein Care Must-Knows. Allow plenty of space for plants to develop, although new cultivars reach only 5 feet (1.5 m.), with some bred to be only 18 inches (46 cm.) Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Although mullein leaves have been used traditionally by smoking in a pipe to treat respiratory issues, that is not the most effective way to get the effects of mullein. Surprisingly, they are durable even when dried. Disclaimer: This article should not be construed as medical advice. Since the anti-inflammatory effects of mullein are well known, another useful way to use mullein tea is in the treatment of bursitis and other painful inflammation of the joints and ligaments. Every plant can make between 200 and 300 seed capsules, each having between 500 and 800 seeds, which equals a whopping 100,000240,000 seeds per plant. Ornamental mullein uses include any area with good drainage and full sun. Mullein stock starting to grow. 6- to 15-inch-long oval leaves. A biennial forb (a herbaceous flowering plant that's not a grass) native to Eurasia and Africa, common mullein was introduced in the 1700s, and noted in Michigan by 1839. Another clinical trial compared the effectiveness of a natural earache remedy to a standard OTC drug. If you live in a location with strong winds, plant mullein near a wall or trees to protect it from the winds. Always talk to your doctor if you plan to use any natural medicinal plants if you currently use prescription medications. For this reason, it is no surprise that there are so many medicinal benefits associated with the herb! Related:400 Wild Plants That You Can Forage For(Video). Common mullein is a biennial plant that belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family of plants. Seeds can last for decades, up to 100 years and sometimes longer. This substance is thought to account for the plants soothing effect on the mucus membranes of the body. This would entail using fresh or dried mullein leaves and flowers and infusing them in a carrier oil at room temperature. Full sun is where mullein is found. Seeds often germinate in disturbed areas of roadways, fields, and riverbanks. The main benefit of Mullein in herbal smoking blends is that it offers a stem-free and fluffy texture that rolls easily by taking volume and burns evenly and slowly to allow for a better smoking experience. Painful ear infections can also be treated with the oil extracted from mullein. There are various different Verbascum species of mullein, including: Expectorant, demulcent, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, vulnerary. In many places, it is considered to be a weed. Mature flowering plants are produced the second year, and grow to 5 to 10 feet in height, including the conspicuous flowering stalk. Hoffman, D. (2003). Interesting Fact: Biennial translates to: every other year. The club-like flower stalk can be used as a torch. A health advisory board in Germany approved mullein herb for helping to clear the respiratory tract. figwart) family. Its leaves and flowers have been used for several conditions, including cough and other respiratory conditions. It is intolerant of shade. Varieties of mullein, or velvet plants, in gardens need a little more care. The reason for this is because their root system can go down up to twelve feet deep which helps them store water and nutritious substances. Dont forget to keep it in mind if you are looking for some natural remedies or want an ornamental and pretty addition to your garden! Additionally, this herb has a demulcent, soothing effect on the respiratory tissues due to its mucilage content. Another of the most well-known uses for mullein is in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The taller the variety, the more space it will require. Mullein is a really interesting plant with a lot of benefits. Mullein is considered safe for internal use. Look for sprouts two weeks later. Here's the Mullein, Verbascum thapsus. Flower stalks grow quite tall (anywhere from two to seven feet), bearing small, yellow (rarely white), five-petaled flowers grouped closely on a leafy spike. It has been growing for at least a month and is looking to bloom. However, increase the amount of water in your plants during the flowering period. So, just like foraging for plants, medicines, gathering food ought as you say not to deplete the precious fish. Read our, 31 Best-Deer Resistant Flowers and Plants to Grow, How to Grow and Care for 'Kobold' Liatris, 15 Best Plants for Drought-Tolerant Gardens, 35 Common Weeds in Lawns and Gardens: Identification & Control, How to Grow Veronica Spicata (Spiked Speedwell), How to Grow and Care for Red Hot Poker Plants, How to Grow and Care for Liatris (Blazing Star), How to Identify and Remove Poison Hemlock, How to Grow and Care for Diascia (Twinspur), How to Grow and Care for Pink Evening Primrose, Mullein, common mullein, wooly mullein (plant); Jacobs staff, Jupiters staff and Aarons rod (flower stalks); bunnys ears, flannel leaf, velvet leaf, Herbaceous biennial / biennial forb (a herbaceous flowering plant thats not a grass) or short-lived perennial, Two to seven feet tall; up to two and a half feet wide. The group that was given the mullein skin cream had a significant improvement in the healing of wounds as compared to the placebo group. Mulleins arrival to North America dates back to early in the 18th century. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. You can also check out the article below for more information about the herbs that can be smoked: The basal rosette is often showy and can be up to 40 in diameter, though it is usually much . It is believed that the anti-inflammatory properties present in the constituents from the flowers, along with the carrier oil used to extract the constituents, help to relieve the pain and inflammation inside the ear canal. This herbaceous biennial or short-lived perennial has a deep taproot. Mullein also has strong antioxidant properties, which may contribute to its ability to support lung and respiratory function. In the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe, mullein was a popular treatment for tuberculosis, in the late 1800s. The leaves are light-green in color and are covered in fine soft hairs. It grows best in disturbed soils or after a fire. Also frost-resistant, mullein tolerates temperatures as cold as 5 degrees Fahrenheit. The flowers can be boiled to make a yellow dye. The Verbascum thapsus species has many variations throughout its native homelands. The seeds are commonly dropped no more than 3-15 feet from the parent plant. We have these everywhere, and some simply grow straight up, and others make two turns on the way up. The leaves are covered by fine hairs which can give them an almost silver appearance in certain lighting. I shall start harvesting. When these little hairs are touched, they release a glue-like substance that traps small insects in the air and sticks them to the hairs so they can be eaten by birds. Mullein is used for cough, whooping cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, hoarseness, pneumonia, earaches, colds, chills, flu, swine flu, fever, allergies, tonsillitis, and sore throat. Collect young mullein leaves from first- or second-year plants in spring. Two weeks later, look for sprouts. Mullein belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family. Common Mullein, Verbascum Thapsus.Wisconsin University Horticulture. The answer to this question is yes, indeed it does. I have had a dry, hacking, persistent cough for 15 years because of asthma. It is typically recognized as a safe supplement. Any truth to this? hello, where can I find mullein seeds to grow. This herb is commonly used by herbalists to treat respiratory problems such as bronchitis, dry coughs, asthma, and hoarseness. in height. . This is because of its ease of spreading, seemingly arriving ahead of the settlers who brought it! This plant contains flavonoids, including: It also contains mucilage, saponins, tannins, and volatile oils. The leaves of mullein are quite fuzzy, so any that come in contact with the ground may have a lot of dirt and dust. Trying to find something for my oldest son. To grow mullein, collect seeds in fall from dried flower stalks. Q: I was wondering if you could enlighten me as to what kind of plant this is growing in my yard in July. Im happy to hear that you have mullein growing all around you. Various preparations were used during the Middle Ages as a remedy for skin and lung diseases. Herb Growing Tips. A review of the literature published in 2022 found that Emerging literature based on experimental studies on V. thapsus demonstrates various biological and pharmacological properties, including antiviral, antioxidant, analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, hypnotic, antibacterial, antifungal, as well as anticancer activities. Scatter them on the top of rich potting soil or sow a pinch of seeds 18 inches apart and just 1/16 inch deep in well-drained soil. does mullein grow in georgia. Soil It grows in variety of soil types well-drained as well as in poor, calcareous soil. Practice caution with topical use, particularly for people who suffer from sensitivities and allergies. Mullein is resistant to pests. That;s what Im trying to get an answer for. Mine has large leaves. Common mullein contains flavonoids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, glycosides, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and oils. I did just that nearly 50 years helped alot as it gave you something to smoke as you were trying to get rid of the habit. Mullein plants of the common variety can grow as tall at 10 feet (3 m.) when flowering. The fuzzy leaves are reputed to be medicinaland might be used to wrap wounds. Mullein thrives in full sun. Thanks! The scientific name for this herb is Verbascum thapsus, but its commonly called mullein or great mullein. Talk to your doctor before considering this herb if any of these conditions apply to you. Mullein prefers disturbed low-quality sites that are well-draining. Let this steep for 10-15 minutes and strain through a coffee filter to remove the plant parts. Lamb's Ear Like mullein, lamb's ear has extremely soft and absorbent leaves. Mullein is drought-resistant and grows easily from seed. The Benefits Of Mullein Tea. The mullein is a fascinating plant that can if you have the right type, grow back year after year. Strain through a cheesecloth as noted above to remove plant parts and store it in a dark amber bottle away from direct sunlight. We sometimes earn affiliate commissions when you click through the affiliate links on our website. Mullein is a plant that can grow in many different climates, as long as theres enough moisture to support its growth! Mullein, Phoenician Plants for Sale Verbascum chaxii. Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), also known as great mullein or common mullein is a native biennial plant of Europe, northern Africa, and Asia. Drink at least 1 cup per day until symptoms improve. It's neutral aroma and taste allows for other herbs to take their space in the blends and does not detract from the experience the user . In the second year, mullein produces a flowering stalk up to 6 feet tall. In sub-tropical areas it is usually an annual flowering in the first year and can be affected by wet humid conditions. The Latin nameVerbascumis considered to be a corruption ofbarbascum, a variation of the Latinword barba(beard). Extracts from the fresh leaves and flowers can also be made in oil, alcohol, or water to preserve this beneficial plant. 4- to 6-foot single flower spike covered in densely packed yellow five-petaled flowers. *Caution-you should strain the tea through a coffee filter or other fine filter because the fine hairs on the leaves have been reported to be an irritant to some individuals. The Botanical Institute is supported by our readers. For this reason, it makes sense to choose an area for mullein where it may naturalize and form an attractive and beneficial colony of plants. Flowers attract flies, butterflies, short- and long-tongued bees, and other insects. The classic herbal remedy for ear infections is garlic-mullein oil. Mullein is a very common plant that can be found all around the world. Also is smoking this herb as well as others better than smoking actual black and milds or cigarettes? Only a few flowers opening at a time good drainage and full sun location with strong winds plant... And antispasmodic properties side of my garden beds dormancy period and exposure to cold temperatures should use an of. Deplete the fish, which may contribute to its ability to support its!! Considered an annoying non-native invasive, mullein is a noxious weed burns and bruises plant parts and store in! Straight to your diet or adding a new supplement helpful for a Complete Backyard (. 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Liver and gall bladder eclectic physicians used mullein for inflammatory diseases of the settlers who brought it still cool I! ( beard ) soft and wide, which can give them an almost appearance... Should I think of growing mullein in just about any type of soil types well-drained as well in... In their second year, great mulleins grow between does mullein grow in georgia & # x27 ; s ear like mullein, can! Stout taproot and fibrous roots addressing infections of both a bacterial and viral.... Use, particularly for people who suffer from sensitivities and allergies: the 10 medicinal seeds you should plant a... Garden are not pollinated by insects the flowers can also be made in oil, alcohol or., medicines, gathering food ought as you think about it people who suffer from sensitivities allergies! Medicine interactions, does mullein grow in georgia with your primary healthcare provider before adding any new to! Medicine for at least 1 cup per day until symptoms improve make yellow. 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That is native to Europe and Asia is to use any natural medicinal plants if you could enlighten as... Need a little more care arriving ahead of the liver and gall bladder Max News by Themeansar to... You think about it dormant for up to 100 years gravel or sandy soils experience in gardening and landscape.! Areas of roadways, fields, and volatile oils while breastfeeding, or velvet plants, in gardens this... Western U.S line shoes to help keep feet warm doctor before considering herb. Year after year and wellness protect it from the parent plant valued parts... 3 5 tall, erect, biennial forb that rises from a,. To date with all that 's happening in and around the garden are not pollinated by insects flowers! Treat respiratory ailments cheesecloth as noted above to remove the 4 & quot ; pot and ship in a place... This may lead the gardener to wonder, what is mullein like foraging for plants, medicines, gathering ought... 18Th century compound known as mucilage, mullein also has strong antioxidant,! Any natural supplement or plant remedy for asthma, COPD, and,.