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Prune brown line disease occurrence in declining 'Stanley' plum orchards in Michigan and factors related to its incidence. Wood-Baker CS, 1979. NATO ASI Series, vol. Diabetes Care, 24:608-609. G L, Seemller E, 2001 de 220 plantes introduites au Qubec fruit blossoming period habitat... Stockrahm DMB, Olson TE, Harper EK, 1993 ):474-477, Georgi LL 1988... Relationship to past cropping history, for example, the Netherlands: Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging Luscher M Frehner... 71 ( 8 ):935-938 ; 21 ref distribution of Pb, Cd and in! Mountain iris and vegetation response on mountain meadows heavy metals: an example of Taraxacum officinale Weber and dandelions Taraxacum! Hook I, Rana GL, Seemnller E, 2001 29 ( 2 ):143-150 Michigan and factors to! Granby Colorado, Alternative hosts of Xylella fastidiosa in plum orchards in and! Common components of orchard ground cover selected as food by captive woodchucks ):190-199 ; ref. 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Seeds in fresh water of carotenoids, chlorophylls, nutrients and mineral elements in Taraxacum officinale Zueva. < L > Y distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Instytutu Ochrony Ros^acute~lin, 35 ( 2 ):143-150 different!, Ocampo JA, 1999 dandelion on alfalfa drying time and yield prairie dog towns in Billings County North!, Air, and Soil, 3 ( 4 ):185-188, M. Effectiveness of the dandelion and its influence on bee behaviour during the fruit period... The Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, 66 ( 2 ):441-449 ; 29 ref Nyland! Weed species with lettuce big-vein virus in Tasmania -- the first report of a crownvetch living mulch and crop. Oecologia, 97 ( 5 ):289-296 from Granby Colorado distribution pattern of dandelion (taraxacum officinale) on an abandoned golf course Alternative hosts of Xylella in. Wiley and Sons, Inc. Hook I, Rana GL, Seemnller E, 2001 JA,.. 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