All the boys in that class (it was a co-educational comprehensive school, it just so happened that all the students with the lowest target grades were, as is often the case in English, boys) were predicted Es and Fs. As such, pupils' physical, social, and emotional well-being, including their relationships with peers and trusted adults, are fundamental . One confusing aspect of this new language is the difference between adaptive, personalized, and differentiated learning. When differentiating teaching to suit the needs of individual students . Teachers are used to the idea of first, now, next building the bigger picture and making connections for learning.. So for example, if we had our "high" student, our "medium" student, and our "low" performing student, we might provide a different text for each . And I told my students to ignore them too. difference between adaptive teaching and differentiation. And yet, spoiler alert, they all came out with Cs and above. Formative and summative assessment can be used to inform in-the-moment adaptations and future planning. I still see most of the boys from that class and you often crop up in conversation. Indeed, there was little difference in my teaching between the two classes: expectations were high and the work was challenging. Differentiated Instruction and Adaptive Learning Infographic. Setting up temporary groups as an additional layer of scaffolding. As a result, many went on to study A levels in the school sixth form and then onto university, despite having been previously written off by the system. Are adaptive teaching strategies within the toolkit of every teacher in your school? in pause lessons students becoming responsible for their development, Explanations/diagrams/graphic organisers, Providing sufficient time to process instructions/concepts (think-pair-share), The Education Endowment Foundations article on what Adaptive Teaching is Helps to nurture a greater respect and admiration for education, ensuring pupils are motivated and engaged in their learning. Copyright 2019 2023 e-Learning Infographics. Is there ashared understanding and shared language for adapting teaching? And I linked those grades to their future life chances, selling the benefits of good qualifications. Page generated on: Wednesday, 18 January 2023 at 11:26. Matt Bromley looks at what adaptive teaching entails and how to deliver it, One of my former students Ill call him John contacted me recently. Teachers and teaching assistants should have a secure understanding of the elements of high-quality teaching and use them to best suit the needs of their learners. Instructional Science, 43, pp615-641. Pupils with SEND are likely to require additional or adapted support, working closely with colleagues, families and pupils to understand barriers and identify effective strategies is essential. Differentiated instruction is a teaching method in which teachers adapt their instruction to accommodate a variety of learning needs. Curriculum & sexual harassment: Ofsted updates its Memory, attention and behaviour for learning. For astart, it is what you think it is: being responsive to information about learning, then adjusting teaching to better match pupil need. Guest Blog: Jon Eaton, Director of Kingsbridge Research School and Research Lead at Kingsbridge Community College, reflects on what adaptive teaching has meant for their Trust, Education Southwest. Hardworking teachers today are differentiating instruction according to factors such as: The process is beneficial to students but difficult and time-consuming for teachers. Flexibly grouping pupils within a class to provide more tailored support can be effective, but care should be taken to monitor the impact on engagement and motivation, particularly for low attaining pupils. The descriptions for differences/similarities between DL and PL and AL are very helpful and provide great context for the further insights provided in Future Prospects. The secret to helping those boys secure their gateway qualifications was, I think in retrospect, adaptive teaching. By understanding what they already knew and could do, I was able to make connections and teach new information through the lens of what was familiar, and I could ensure that my analogies landed. Catlin Tucker |. Titles include SEND in the Classroom and Challenging Behaviour. London DfES.Deunk et al (2018) Effective differentiation Practices: Asystematic review and metaanalysis of studies on the cognitive effects of differentiation practices in primary education. It is, in effect, the difference between teaching up to 30 different lessons at once, matching the pace and pitch to each individual student and providing different tasks and resources to different students, and teaching the same lesson to all 30 students, and doing so by teaching to the top while providing scaffolds to those who need additional initial support in order to access the same ambitious curriculum and meet our high expectations. Despite institutional and government encouragement to adopt student-centered learning styles, many educators still adhere to more traditional, teacher-centered, didactic classroom methodologies (Pennington, 2009). This is the first step in identifying barriers and developing strategies to support all pupil, including those withSEND. Next, I made sure all my feedback was specific and challenging and that every time feedback was given, students were afforded lesson time to process it, question it, and act upon it. From a venture perspective, adaptive learning appears to have a ready market in both K-12 and post-secondary education, where there can be some variation in learning outcomes and students have years in order to complete their studies. Indeed, there was little difference in my teaching between the two classes: expectations were high and the work was challenging. Further, while this would imply that technology would be taking on a greater role in educating students, teachers would have more time for the often non-quantifiable elements of the teaching profession, such as focusing on the personal, social and emotional development of students as they grow and learn. Note that when considering the needs of all learners, teachers should not remove challenge entirely. If its relatively new, what would be the rationale for introducing it? For example, though they all answered the same essay question and were assessed against the same criteria, I provided additional cues to some students to help them get started or I gave some students stem sentences to kickstart their thinking. The questions to ask ourselves is Does everyone understand ? and How do I know that? Can everyone explain their understanding? What mechanisms have I put in place to check student understanding?. Then I set the bar high. The provision of unnecessarily elaborate approaches is not considered to support the learning and progress for the majority of pupils; this means that, for example, the practice of providing three levels of task for every lesson, with different worksheets etc, would not be appropriate. (n.d.). The Polesworth School ran a CPD session on Adaptive Teaching in October that sparked quite a few discussions. You can find out more about the importance of motivation in education. As someone who believes strongly in personalized learning yet who struggles to effectively manage it, this is a potential venture that I will continue to follow and refer others to. This can help to increase teachers long-term professional satisfaction. Meet individual needs without creating unnecessary workload, including by planning to connect new content with pupils existing knowledge or providing additional pre-teaching; building in additional practice; reframing questions to provide greater scaffolding; and considering carefully whether intervening within lessons with individuals and small groups would be more efficient and effective than planning different lessons for different groups of pupils. There is another problem with differentiated teaching, too: ED Hirsch in his book Why Knowledge Matters (2016) says: When a teacher is attending to the individual needs of one student in a class of 20, 19 are not receiving the teachers attention. Unlike traditional forms of differentiation which can perpetuate attainment gaps by capping opportunities and aspirations, adaptive teaching promotes high achievement for all. | Tes News Kevan Collins. Allow students to choose their writing topics. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors instruction to all students' learning needs. Adapting lessons, whilst maintaining high expectations for all, so that all pupils have the opportunity to meet expectations. Of course, I didnt call it such at the time to me it was simply teaching. What is the difference between Personalized Learning and Adaptive Learning? The program acts as the instructor and tutor. Analysts have labelled AL as The Next Big Thing and The Billion Dollar Bet, as universities are one-by-one adopting AL learning management systems for certain programs and courses. In other words, I made my subject expertise visible through thinking aloud. Perhaps the misconception around differentiation lies within the word itself: DIFFERENTiation. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. difference between adaptive teaching and differentiation. To convince them, I explained how the targets had been calculated and tore apart the logic. In-the-moment adaptive teaching includes: Effective adaptive teaching also involves careful evaluation. It is one of the greatest privileges afforded to a teacher: to see, first-hand, the impact you have on young peoples lives and how your actions continue to shape those lives long after they leave school. High-quality teaching is also crucial to the progress of pupils with SEND and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review what the SEND Code of Practice refers to as the graduated response is the first step in identifying barriers and developing strategies to support all pupils, including those with SEND. Useful Links. Over a series of 15 slides, students will examine images and informational text and participate in activities to uncover the differences between these types of natural resources. In my bottom set boys class, I ignored the target grades my students had been given. Education South West Adaptive Teaching resource, Download resource Understanding Adaptive Teaching. Have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils ability to learn and how best to overcome these. Put simply, if we dumb down or reduce the curriculum for some students, we only serve to double their existing disadvantages, rather than help them overcome those challenges to achieve in line with their peers. Child poverty: The hidden costs of school spelt out. Adaptive teaching is less likely to be valuable if it causes the teacher to artificially create distinct tasks for different groups of pupils or to set lower expectations for particular pupils. In 2015, The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) explained that "discussion in higher education has yet to settle on the relationship betweenor even the precise definitions ofpersonalized learning and concepts including differentiated instruction, adaptive learning, and individualized learning." In early 2017, the debate continues. Adaptive teaching moves away from the idea of labelling individuals and groups according to their ability and is instead centred around the idea that teachers have high expectations for every pupil in their care. They were what I would euphemistically call a lively bunch. It isnt as simple as saying, Heres what adaptive teaching means: now use it. Instead, we have to build shared understanding over time. John was in a class I regularly cite on training courses. A further strategy I deployed was to better understand my students lived experiences, which is to say that I got to know my students so I could ensure I built new abstract knowledge upon their existing concrete knowledge. For example two student who were initially on the same path may receive different lessons based on their previous work in the course. Mould adds: At first glance, these strategies may seem commonplace. Group pupils effectively, including by applying high expectations to all groups, changing groups regularly, and ensuring that any groups based on attainment are subject specific. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Adapting teaching in a responsive way, including by providing targeted support to pupils who are struggling, is likely to increase pupil success. Perhaps self-indulgently, Ill leave the last word to John who wrote: You are the first person I thought I should tell because you were the one who put the effort in with us all at school. In that respect, its ahelpful term that does what it says on the tin. All the boys in that class (it was a co-educational comprehensive school, it just so happened that all the students with the lowest target grades were, as is often the case in English, boys) were predicted Es and Fs. Adaptive teaching also forms part of the new Early Career Framework (DfE, 2019). Talk with them throughout the writing process starting with their topic and moving through grammar, composition, and editing. As such, pupils physical, social, and emotional well-being, including their relationships with peers and trusted adults, are fundamental . Adam Boxers overview of Afl/formative assessment, Dr Nick Soderstroms piece highlights the distinction between learning and performance, 2021 by Our Community Matters. But my approach was akin to an approach that is now given that moniker. What does it mean in maths or PE lessons? It is more than simply helping students who need extra . Being adaptive in both the moment and as a result of considered, planned adaptive teaching strategies will help to yield better academic outcomes for pupils. Is there ahelpful sequence for building staff knowledge and techniques for effective adaptive teaching. Differentiating the programme Where some parts of the curriculum content need to be individualised for some students, you can differentiate your classroom programme using two approaches that Giangreco (2007) discusses: multilevel curriculum and curriculum overlapping 1 . High-quality teaching is also crucial to the progress of pupils with SEND and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review what the SEND Code of Practice refers to as the graduated response is the first step in identifying barriers and developing strategies to support all pupils, including those with SEND. Understanding more about assistive technology can help you push for the resources your child needs to succeed. This practice poses numerous problems. Whilst providing focused support to children who are not making progress is recommended, creating amultitude of differentiated resources isnot. What will motivate staff to value this approach? The more helpful term of adaptive teaching is much clearer in its aim: it is teaching and learning practices that help all learners to achieve by better suiting their needs. The term differentiation is slowly being replaced with adaptive teaching by many professionals working within education. Which subjects do parents value the most? There is a common misconception that pupils have distinct and identifiable learning styles. The effects of scaffolding in the classroom: support contingency and student independent working time in relation to student achievement, task effort and appreciation of support, Organising Instruction and Study to Improve Student Learning. This is not supported by evidence and attempting to tailor lessons to learning styles is unlikely to be beneficial. Choice of learning activity as well as choice in the assessment (how the student will demonstrate understanding). And this takes time, planning and agility within the classroom. Please view our Terms and Conditions before leaving a comment. difference between adaptive teaching and differentiation. AL companies, such as Realizeit, are gaining traction, as student satisfaction and success rates gain percentage points. I also explicitly taught frameworks and memory aids such as mnemonics to remember key information. The Differentiated Instruction and Adaptive Learning Infographic provides an overview of what differentiated instruction is all about and sheds some light on key concepts related to this instructional method. Teachers are used to the idea of first, now, next building the bigger picture and making connections for learning. While scaffolding, it is important to monitor task, effort required, and (the) independent working time given as these can impact pupil effort, attention and persistence in the classroom. So what are the differences between Adaptive Learning, Personalized Learning and Differentiated Learning? Helps to cultivate a more inclusive classroom space, where each childs needs have been addressed. Here Assistant Head, Caroline O'Regan talks about ensuring a shared understanding of the importance of adaptive teaching in the delivery of an ambitious curricula for all of our students. Enables teachers to provide equitable learning opportunities for all children. It is important to monitor task, effort required and independent working time given as these can impact pupil effort, attention and persistence in the classroom5. Here are the nuts and bolts of differentiated instruction and assessment: The choice is key to the process. However, effective implementation, developing a shared understanding of what they look like in practice across a school, is a challenge., Chief among these strategies, then, is scaffolding, In her blog, Mould continues: Scaffolding aims to provide students with temporary supports that are gradually removed or faded out as they become increasingly independent. The success of adapting teaching also lies in careful diagnostic assessment, in order to avoid prescriptive and inflexible delivery4. The secret to helping those boys secure their gateway qualifications was, I think in retrospect, adaptive teaching. He wanted to update me on what hed been doing since I last taught him nearly a decade ago. Teaching Strategies and Approaches for Pupils with Special Educational Needs: ascoping study, Does Ofsteds use of research require improvement? Effective communication with pupils and parents or carers can help teachers to ensure the supportive strategies they use are personalised and, therefore, most effective for the individual. The strategies used must support progression if they are to be deemed effective. While scaffolding, it is important to monitor task, effort required, and (the) independent working time given as these can impact pupil effort, attention and persistence in the classroom. 2. Educational Research Review 24, pp31-54.Davis et al, (2004) Teaching Strategies and Approaches for Pupils with Special Educational Needs: ascoping study. The level of challenge they experience remains stagnant and they become trapped and stifled by their teachers fixed expectations. It is the same diet, but at a different pace. You can find out more about how to create a positive learning environment here. In the "Internet+" era, to understand the difference between the traditional classroom and smart classroom, this study uses the current domestic and foreign classroom teaching behavior research methods as a starting point and analyzes the teaching behaviors in classrooms from six dimensions: resource sharing, teacher lecturing, teacher-student interaction, group cooperation, autonomous . The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. What does it mean in our context? I also explicitly taught frameworks and memory aids such as mnemonics to remember key information. The model presents ageneric view of some elements of adaptive teaching. Weve shared the evidence, drafted definitions, sought feedback on them and have taken steps to develop amodel to help teachers think about adaptive teaching in more concrete terms.See our shared resource on adaptive teaching here: Is this the final outcome? difference between adaptive teaching and differentiation. A further strategy I deployed was to better understand my students lived experiences, which is to say that I got to know my students so I could ensure I built new abstract knowledge upon their existing concrete knowledge. Learning progresses typically in a linear manner. Them throughout the writing process starting with their topic and moving through grammar, composition, and.... Styles is unlikely to be beneficial assessment: the choice is key to the of... 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