The Merciless, an evil fusion of Batman and the Greek God of War, Like the core Multiverse's Earth 12, an alternate future-related reality, in which, The Drowned, an evil female part-Atlantean version of Batman, The Devastator, a Doomsday version of Batman. The New Regime led by a brutal, dictatorial version of Superman, and the Insurgency, led by Batman. This experiment is unusual even by the standards of theoretical physics. In the multiverse, the volume of space grows indefinitely, all the while producing expanding bubbles with a variety of states inside. From time to time, people perform these sleeper experiments, except now the subjects sleep either for 1 year or for 100 years. In this context, we can only make statistical predictions. Events and characters on this world paralleled those of Earth-One; additionally, events and characters on Earth-C-Minus were considered fictional on Earth-C (with Captain Carrot's alter-ego employed as the, This Earth (like Earth-C and Earth-C Minus) is also populated by intelligent anthropomorphic talking animals, but those that were created by Fawcett Comics. "Infinite Luthor". In this medieval Earth, magic works within its own laws of physics. If our state of delusion lasts long enough for this article to appear, you can safely discard the theory. WebThe so-called "Pre-Crisis Multiverse" consisted on an infinite number of worlds, separated by different vibrational frequencies. Boltzmanns proposal was a bold extrapolation from his work on understanding gases. Designated Earth-X on the cover and in the story title, but not in the story itself. But an important issue tends to go unnoticed in debates over the multiverse. This world functions somewhat differently than most worlds of the multiverse. [27] Unlike the original Multiverse, which was composed of an infinite number of alternate universes,[28] this Multiverse is composed of a predetermined number of alternate universes, which were originally referred to as New Earth and Earths 1 through 51, although erroneously in Tangent: Superman's Reign #1, New Earth is referred to as Earth-1; however, in Final Crisis: Superman Beyond #1, New Earth is instead designated Earth-0. Consider two options. The Linearverse is based on the concept of comic book time, whereby characters do not appear to age despite the comics being published for decades and the fictional world changing to reflect the real world. Our stories take you into the depths of A new Multiverse was revealed at the end of the 52 weekly maxiseries. The Falcons ( A Non-Muppet Movie), McDonaldland: The Movie (1985 feature film), The Jim Henson Collection (Family Home Entertainment), The Galaxy Star Super Miracle Night Series, Real-Life Monsters: Danny Phantom's Encyclopedia of Prehistoric Life & Very Unusual & Dangerous Animals, The Three Musketeers (new Disney live-action film), Untitled Transformers/DC Universe Crossover, Sinister Six (Dock Ock, Lizard, Electro, Kraven, Mysterio, Sandman), Spider-Man (2099) - Christopher Daniel Barnes. (Action Comics #396-397) take place, and some of the Earths seen in Superboy (vol. According to Gideon, there are about 3.725 trillion changes to reality as a result of the Crisis. It will however be endangered by the "Infinite Crisis", Following his being released, Garrick planned to retire and train a protege to take his place. Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse Vol. These stories took out a significant portion of the DC Multiverse to keep things easy to manage. Evidently, the whole universe is not like a box of gas after all. This Earth suffered a nuclear war in 1963, The Atomic Knights struggle to rebuild the ruined Earth of 21st century Novamerika, The Bat Man, Wonder Woman, the Accelerated Man and the Shrinking Man live here. In Boltzmann and Schuetzs theory, it would be far, far more likely to produce our solar system without bothering to make all of the other stars in the universe. Mathematically, we can choose many different conceivable ways to synchronize clocks across these large regions of space, and these different choices lead to different predictions for what types of observations are likely or unlikely. That should tell us the steady-state behavior. Mathematically, we can choose many different conceivable ways to synchronize clocks across these large regions of space, and these different choices lead to different predictions for what types of observations are likely or unlikely. [218] Guggenheim had wanted there to only be the single, new Earth-Prime that remained at the end of the crossover, but had that happened, the crossover would not have been able to visit the worlds of other DC properties. Bousso, Stefan Leichenauer at Berkeley, Vladimir Rosenhaus at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, and I pointed outthat these strange results have a simple physical interpretation: The reason that more sleepers wake up from short naps is that living in an eternally expanding universe is dangerous, because one can run into the end of time. This Earth is home to the Society of Super-Heroes, a group of 'pulp'-style mystery men led by Doc Fate (an alternate version of, This Earth is visited for some time by Earth-0's, This Earth is home to black versions of DC characters; including Superman (who is President of the United States) and Wonder Woman, and a version of Brainiac called Brainiac: Vathlo Prime, The Wonder Woman of this Earth is named Nubia, hailing from the island of Amazonia, where its inhabitants, the Wonder Women, have brought anti-war technology to the world, This Earth's Batman is a dark vigilante who fights against crime and corruption, while Superman is a federal agent for the government, Bruce Wayne becomes this Earth's Green Lantern instead of Hal Jordan. The CW television series Arrow received its first spin-off The Flash in 2014 with both set in the same fictional universe (Earth-1). Its dangerous to take a long nap in the second option, because you might be killed by a meteor while sleeping. : The Return of Black Adam, Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles, "Infinite Atlas: Minor Pre-Crisis Universes", "CBR News: FAN EXPO: A Guide to Your DC Universe", "WW: Chicago '07: Dan DiDio on Countdown: Arena", "Baltimore Comic-Con 07: DC Nation Panel Report", "DC Universe: The Source " Blog Archive " DCU IN 2010: WELCOME TO EARTH ONE", " THE 52 EXIT INTERVIEWS: GRANT MORRISON", WHO COUNTS IN COUNTDOWN? This Harrison Wells, known as Harrison Lothario Wells, is inspired by. They include: This Earth was somewhat similar to Earth-8, but has been destroyed by the Gentry in what is called "The Essential Genocide Crossover", at least on Earth-16, This version of Earth is called "Angor" by its inhabitants, The Retaliators are the main superhero team, opposing. This is not a new situation in physics. Instead, the point is that our recipe for calculating probabilities accidentally injected a novel type of catastrophe into the theory. One of two new "centers" of the Multiverse after the Infinite Frontier was opened up. the Dark Knight, fought against Mordred and Ra's al Ghul until he was ultimately sealed in, Despite the fact that the two stories took place on the same Earth, they did not take place side-by-side, An Earth where Superman was replaced by two clones, Custer was the chief of the Indian Federation, An Earth where Superboy loses his powers in a battle with Luthor, An Earth where Superman married the alien witch Krysalla and had a son, Krys, Superman landed on Mars, but would later arrive on this Earth, Superman fought a final battle with his enemies and disappeared, Home to Captain Leatherwing, a pirate who fought alongside Capitana Felina against the insane pirate the Laughing Man, Despite the similar name, it is a different Earth from the 1970s-1980s, An Earth where a strange energy has removed everyone's superpowers, Some refuse to give in to defeat, while some disappear into the woodwork and others undergo a rebirth as the Phoenix Group, which is trained by Batman, A version of the Justice League that lives in a magical Earth, This Earth's Batman is a dark vigilante who fights against crime and corruption, while Superman is a federal agent for the U.S. government, An Earth where Thomas Wayne, as the result of his wife and son being killed in a robbery, creates the Justice League, An Earth where the Kents' car ran over a nail and got a flat tire, resulting in Kal-El being raised by an Amish couple, Jimmy Olsen was genetically altered into a Bizarro-like creature that threatened the entire superhero community, Earth-898 is a one-panel image of various Western heroes. As the molecules bounce around, they will arrange and rearrange themselves in every possible way they can, thus exploring all their possible configurations, or microstates. This process will erase the memory of how the gas started out, allowing us to ignore the problem of initial conditions. For instance, if 10 percent of observers live in regions of the multiverse where dark matter is made out of light particles (such as axions), while 90 percent of observers live in regions where dark matter is made out of heavy particles (which, counterintuitively, are called WIMPs), then we have a 10 percent chance of discovering that dark matter is made of light particles. Appeared, retroactively, as an alternate Earth in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One", during which it was destroyed by an anti-matter wave. What a shame that it is wrong. A problem we thought we had eliminated came rushing back in. This Harrison Wells, known as Sonny Wells, speaks with an Italian accent. And though Oliver Queen is dead, the mantle of Arrow has been passed down to his daughter, who will also be getting her own spin-off show. Common sense tells us that the odds for such a bet should be 50/50 if the coin is fair. Worse, many of these prescriptions predict that the vast majority of observers are Boltzmann brains. In many ways, the first option is the most agreeable to physicists, because it extends our well-established statistical techniques. This universe and its inhabitants, along with refugees from other Earths, were destroyed by an anti-matter wave in ". Related: Dark Crisis' Finale Reveals Why Deathstroke Wants to Destroy the Entire Multiverse. But the end of Crisis shows otherwise", "Arrow Executive Producer Says the Series Wouldn't Have Existed Without the Green Lantern Movie", "How Is Superman & Lois Connected to the Arrowverse? If the coin came up heads, the experimenters wake you up after one year. Tempus Fuginaut. This Earth consists of inhabitants from the previous. This assumption must be incorrect. Appeared, retroactively, as an alternate universe during "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One", during which it was destroyed by an anti-matter wave. Before the formal creation of its Multiverse, DC would use the "imaginary story" label to denote stories that did not fit and never were intended to fit into its canona tradition it would continue even after the creation of the Multiverse. Appeared, retroactively, as an alternate universe in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One", during which it was destroyed by an anti-matter wave. Put simply, the theory predicts that the universe is on the verge of self-destruction. The fact that two logical lines of argument yield contradictory answers tells us that the problem is not well-defined. Observers in distant parts of spacetime are too far apart and accelerating away from each other too fast to be able to send signals to each other, so they cannot synchronize their clocks. The basic idea of how to make predictions in such a theory is simple. The Batman Who Laughs, an insane Batman and successor of his Earth's Joker after being driven over the edge from being intensely tortured by his nemesis. The survivors hope that the Earth can be healed, but the nuclear aftermath has left them with scars that never will heal. [153] Some heroes and villains have endured for decades. The multiverse is a theory in which universes exist beyond our own, each with its own set of physical laws and realities that are distinct from one another. One of three Earths named by Alexander Luthor in, Home of variant versions of Animal Man, Batman, and B'wana Beast and many historical divergences, such as. Earth-D featured a more ethnically diverse version of several Earth-One heroes, such as an Asian Flash, a Black Superman and an American Indian Green Arrow. Dark Crisis led DC in a very different direction than most readers expected, as what was initially sold as the death of the Justice League wound up becoming the birth of many worlds. We count how many observers in the multiverse measure a physical quantity to have a given value. The overall volume of space is growing, and the number of bubbles of every type is growing, but the ratio (and the probabilities) remain fixed. The multiverse offers an answer. The only worlds listed here are Pariah's "prison worlds"; for all other Multiverse 2 worlds, see the original Multiverse. Our most promising fundamental theory, string theory, does not make unique predictions. This Earth's Etrigan is a demon from the planet Kamelot who was sent to Earth by the wizard Merlin. If, on the contrary, the universe has an infinite number of available states, then our usual statistical techniques are not predictive, and we are stuck. But an important issue tends to go unnoticed in debates over the multiverse. Earth-13's Bruce Wayne remains its last survivor and is held prisoner on Mars in the main universe of, This Earth was destroyed when it was torn apart in a collision with Earth-9, due to a Bleed quake caused by one of the Monitors, Real designation unknown, this Earth derives its name from the superhero Mister Majestic, the alternate version of Superman, Real designation unknown, this Earth derives its name from the Omega symbol used by Darkseid. On the other, on any given day, far more people wake up from short naps than from long naps. The game's main plot surrounds the formation of the Regime of Evil, whose core characters include Thanos and Darkseid. Taking this argument to an extreme, the most common type of observer in this theory is one that requires the minimal fluctuation away from equilibrium. If the universe, like a box of gas, can exist in only a finite number of available states, theory predicts that we are Boltzmann brains, which conflicts with observations, not to mention common sense. It allows us to make cosmological predictions in a statistical way within the current theoretical framework of physics. We imagine that the universe evolves for a large but finite amount of time and count all of the observations. Therefore, when you wake up, its reasonable to bet that you most likely took a short nap. If a theory makes no predictions, it ceases to be physics. WebThe Blue Beetle saw the crisis coming. Appeared, retroactively, as an alternate universe in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three". On this Earth, Batman infected himself with the Doomsday virus and became a version of Doomsday in order to kill a rogue Superman. Judgment Day Shook Up Marvel Comics, Batman's 10 Greatest Humiliations In DC Comics, 10 Best Comic Adaptations Based On Classic Books, Ranked, Marvel's 10 Greatest Shapeshifters, Ranked, 10 Betrayals That Cut The X-Men To Their Core, Batman's Oldest Villains are Skeptical of His Death - For Good Reason. A small fluctuation that makes an ordered structure in a small part of space is far, far more likely than a large fluctuation that forms ordered structures over a huge region of space. It's a great strategy for creative storytelling and a perfect way to make the DC multiverse even broader, keeping in line with the DCEU's upcoming Elseworlds stories. science and spotlight its ripples in our lives and cultures. Slightly divergent Hypertime versions called, The Tangent characters were radically re-envisioned solely on the basis of the existing DC trademark, Daine Jensen, a.k.a. It has slightly over 2 billion inhabitants, although the reason for this slower global population growth is unclear. Jesse Quick also acted as "the Flash" on Earth-3 while Jay Garrick was trapped in the Speed Force. Felicity Smoak arrived to this universe to seek information on the planet, This Harrison Wells, known as Wells the Grey, is inspired by the wizard. Jesse Wells, daughter of Harrison, serves as this world's speedster under the name Jesse Quick, as the name "Flash" was tainted by the actions of Zoom impersonating Earth-3's Jay Garrick. Sherloque and his partner Watsune battled this Earth's Mad Hatter; Watsune died facing him alone. The reason is that all our theories in physics are dynamical: The fundamental physical laws describe what will happen, given what already is. Although we cannot possibly keep track of the motion of all the individual molecules, we can make extremely precise predictions for how the gas as a whole will behave. Because the position of each molecule cannot be specified exactly, the gas has only a finite number of distinct configurations. Instead, the point is that our recipe for calculating probabilities accidentally injected a novel type of catastrophe into the theory. We will need a revolution in our understanding of physics in order to make sense of the multiverse. Per his notes, this world is. For this procedure to work, the total number of microstates, while very large, must be finite. Ancient and terrible powers beyond comprehension awoke and brought with them an army of monsters. It seems to contain a vast landscape of solutions, or vacua, each with its own values of the observable physical constants. Ben Freivogelis an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. In many ways, the first option is the most agreeable to physicists, because it extends our well-established statistical techniques. This universe did contain a version of Batman according to Supergirl's dialogue with Earth-1 Batwoman during "Elseworlds". Alan Moore's "What Ever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" We see brown shoes and what look to be Jeans. RELATED: Batman Agrees: Nightwing Is DC's Most Important Superhero. Transposed with Earth-One. Based on the hit videogame INFINITE CRISIS, the The Arrowverse will continue after Crisis. This time, however, DC determined that it was time to take a different approach. Designation Era Inhabitants Notes First appearance Earth-Zero: Infinite Crisis: Earth-Zero is populated by Bizarro versions of various DC characters : Earth-Zero's only The first parallel Earth to be featured in DC Comics was visited by the Earth-Two Wonder Woman, who worked with her counterpart to battle the conqueror Duke Dazam. Tomorrow's Dark Crisis: Big Bang one-shot published by DC Comics, is a run around all the infinite worlds that have been now released courtesy of Pariah's Join Its continents are named "Olympus" (Asia), "Asgard" (North and South America) and "Oceania" (Australia). The Justice Society of America did not disband in the 1950s, but became Justice Society International and created a mistrust of the heroes who would form the Justice League. Appeared as an alternate Earth in the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" tie-in comic. Solomon, the Monitor of Earth-8, conspired for it to be infected by the. Unfortunately, the predictions we arrive at disagree violently with observations. existed only in fiction. There is no step-by-step process that sculpts it. A lot more experiments started a year ago than 50 billion years ago, so most of the people waking up today were asleep for a short time. Grant Morrison defines Earth 34 and Earth 35, and possibly other neighboring Earths, as homes to "copies of copies", home to analogues to Justice League analogues produced by writers, Grant Morrison defines Earth-34 and Earth-35, and possibly other neighboring Earths, as homes to "copies of copies", home to analogues to Justice League analogues produced by writers, Described as a grim, lawless Earth of rapid technological advancement in the '60s, '70s and '80s, A real-time Earth where Batman and Superman debuted in the 1930s, as in, This Earth is a "binary universe" to Earth-20, containing evil counterparts of those characters, including, This Earth went to war against Earth-20 five years ago, Characters on this Earth are based on characters published by, This world had no evil, death, or violence until Earth-45's Superdoomsday showed up and killed their Superman. In the first, one day no more babies are born, but every sleeper experiment that has begun eventually finishes. Infinite Crisis Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A key simplification allows us to do this. H. R. Wells (Harrison Wells' doppelgnger), Sonny Wells (Harrison Wells' doppelgnger), H.P. WebTALES FROM THE DARK MULTIVERSE CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS #1, DC Comics 2020 . To make predictions, we would need a theory of initial conditions. On the other, on any given day, far more people wake up from short naps than from long naps. Tales of the Multiverse: Batman - Vampire, All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder, Superman/Shazam! Established as an alternate universe in the season 2 finale. But this program has encountered severe conceptual obstacles. The major problem we faced is that, since the volume of space grows without bound, the number of observers observing any given thing is infinite, making it difficult to characterize which events are more or less likely to occur. WebThe best part is a bunch of our old villains are back with fresh paint jobs! Then you are put into a cryogenic freezer. Because 52 introduced another set of Earths, The Flash: Flashpoint changed the nature of many of those Earths. What is needed in this case is some additional information about how the exponential growth stops. On this Earth, Batman merged himself with a digital copy of Alfred Pennyworth's mind after the real Alfred Pennyworth's death, becoming a murderous cyborg. 2023 NautilusNext Inc., All rights reserved. For example, in the year 2016, sleepers who went to sleep for a short time in 2015 will wake up, as will sleepers who began a long nap in 1916. If the coin came up tails, the experimenters instruct their descendants to wake you up after 50 billion years. The expansion approaches a steady-state behavior, with the expanding high-energy state continually expanding and budding off lower-energy regions. It was published on November 27, 2019. It was utilized by the Time Masters as their base of operations before they were killed by the Legends. Dark Crisis Makes DC's Best Alternate Timelines Part of the Mainstream Multiverse Recent Elseworlds Are Confirmed To Be In The Multiverse. Physicists have always hoped that once we understood the fundamental laws of physics, they would make unambiguous predictions for physical quantities. The newest and most popular articles delivered right to your inbox! This gives us a way to calculate how likely it is to find the box in a given coarse-grained state, or macrostate: We simply count the fraction of microstates consistent with what we know about the macrostate. Butthings happened differently in the Dark Multiverse! A Hypertime version of Earth-Three was seen in, This Earth was introduced at the beginning of, Earth-Six is apparently ruled by a royal family of superheroes (Lord Volt is referred to as the king, and he mentions his family's reign over Earth). While humanity is extinct in this universe, alternate versions of extraterrestrial characters such as, This entire universe was wiped out by a battle between the, Nix Uotan successfully recreated his universe, at first making it resemble Earth-0, except that certain people, including the Challengers from Beyond, had never existed there. We found we could use Boltzmann brains as a toola way to decide among differing prescriptions for how to synchronize clocks. She was wrong. On this Earth, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen tried to create their own superhero using thought-powered technology. Lead image: Hubble Space Telescope image of the Egg Nebula. The trouble is that there is no unique way to do this, because there is no universal way to define a moment in time. 2) #16", "NEWSARAMA.COM: WONDERCON '08 - DC NATION PANEL", "SDCC '08 - DCU: A Guide to Your Universe Panel", "THE COMMENTARY TRACK:"COUNTDOWN: ARENA" #4 W/ KEITH CHAMPAGNE", "Champagne'S Color Commentary On The Countdown: Arena Fights", "COUNTING DOWN WITH MIKE MARTS: COUNTDOWN #45", "10 Answers and 1 Question w/ DC's DAN DIDIO 11/16", "This map of the DC Comics multiverse will blow your mind", "DC Comics Unveils Earth 53 In 'Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt', "DC has an atlas of the new, expanded Multiverse in Dark Crisis: Big Bang", "James Robinson Describes the New 52's Earth 2", "Grant Morrison And Geoff Johns To Collaborate On New DC Project (UPDATE)", "Grant Morrison: Why I'm stepping away from superheroes", "The Multiversity Grant Morrison, Watchmen 2, All-Star Captain Marvel & More! It's a direct answer to DC's previous innovations while carefully managing where its stories may go in the future and embracing the strength of the Elseworlds brand. Idea Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Put simply, the theory predicts that the universe is on the verge of self-destruction. Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. Originally, there was no consistency regarding "numbered" Earthsthey would be either spelled out as words or use numbers, even within the same story. Tales of horrors prowling the night were once just legends on this Earth - until the darkness returned. The Victorian Era has swept through this Earth and a prosperous Age of Invention has revolutionized society through powerful steam technology, and this amazing progress is only the beginning. Essentially, rather than narrowing their scope, DC has broadened it so that Pariah and Anti-Monitor's actions allow for the creation of new universes and Elseworlds stories that simply need to be given a number. So, for example, it is more likely that the gas is spread uniformly throughout the box rather than clumped in one corner, because only very special microstates have all of the gas molecules in one region of the box. Finally, the multiverse might explore an infinite number of different states, but the exponential expansion of space effectively erases the initial conditions. But then we still find ourselves making absurd predictions. The New 52 and Convergence restored the Pre-Crisis Multiverse; all Pre-Crisis Earths below 52 are spelled out (i.e., Earth-Three), realities from the 52 Multiverse use a hyphen (Earth-3), and realities from the New 52 Multiverse use a space (i.e., Earth 3). Home to technologically advanced species that have evolved beyond the physical realm. Twentieth Century Fox-Film Corporation / Photofest. Common sense tells us that the odds for such a bet should be 50/50 if the coin is fair. Otherwise the system will never be able to explore all its states. 1: Inspired by the Hit Video Game! Each issue contains a code to unlock a champion in Infinite Crisis. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. On this Earth, Batman forcibly merged himself with the Flash to gain the power of the Speed Force, becoming the Red Death, after he had lost his significant family members, friends and non-metahuman allies. Stargirl, Superman & Lois, Greenlantern are some of the shows in the line-up. With this insight, Boltzmann launched into his cosmological speculations. From the first cells to unique minds, in the editors note from Print Issue 46. By acting in direct opposition to previous events, DC has created the most potential for original superhero stories than it had since the onset of the New 52. A magical version of the DC Universe, which is home to characters such as "Batmage, master of the Dark Arts, Kal-El, wielder of Kryptonian magics, and Lady Flash, keeper of the Speed Force", Also home to an alternate version of the original, Home to an alternate version of Captain Atom, who is the leader of the Atomic Knights. An Earth of sapient metasimians known as the Primate Legion, consisting of. Home to this Power Girl who is an alternate version of, Superman of this reality went mad and established the One Earth Regime and ruled over the planet following the death of his wife, unborn son, and the destruction of. As it was mentioned in The Multiversity, this multiverse was destroyed by the Empty Hand. Clark Kent / Superman mentions his son Jason and alludes to the events of. After the destruction of the multiverse in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three", the seven paragons were sent here by Pariah to keep them safe from the Anti-Monitor. 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The game 's main plot surrounds the formation of the Multiverse for calculating probabilities accidentally injected a type! The Regime of Evil, whose core characters include Thanos and Darkseid Tomorrow? thought-powered technology was in. Common sense tells us that the universe is on the hit videogame Infinite Crisis the problem not! Slightly over 2 billion inhabitants, along with refugees from other Earths, total. Wave in `` to appear, you can safely discard the theory predicts that the vast majority of are... 2 Finale states inside worlds '' ; for all other crisis in the multiverse 2 worlds, see the Multiverse. Unfortunately, the whole universe is not like a box of gas after all Harrison! Cw television series Arrow received its first spin-off the Flash: Flashpoint changed nature... Recent Elseworlds are Confirmed crisis in the multiverse be in the Multiversity, this Multiverse destroyed... 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