Deducting income before calculating a providers current operating expense as part of determining a subgrant award amount undermines the purpose of the ARP Act stabilization subgrants. Consult an accountant or tax professional to understand more about the programs particular tax situation and how this guidance applies. associated with the licensed capacity of 50. Allowable changes could include children who are Tribal members, whose membership is pending, who are eligible for membership, and/or are children/descendants of members. Tribal lead agencies should develop a process to verify the assurances while collecting the information to report on use of funds and data elements about the subgrants and subgrant recipients. Are child care providers required to provide complete relief from copayments and tuition for families in their care while they are receiving an ARP Act stabilization subgrant? Lead Agencies may interpret this provision (i.e., prohibiting the use of CCDF for education) to apply only to services when a child is physically at school for in-person educationand not when a child is in a child care setting, such as if a school, which is closed for in-person education, is being used as a child care facility. Other funds are not within the scope of this review. Funds will be available to child care providers in the form of: In a recent webinar hosted by the Office of Child Care Technical Assistance Network, national family child care business expert Tom Copeland provided an overview of the stabilization grants and how family child care homes can handle the tax implications. I feel like its just more income I have to claim and pay taxes on. To the extent that child care workers continue to participate in TANF, child care workers would not lose SNAP eligibility as a result of receiving child care stabilization funding. Now you are on the Dashboard page, scroll down to the Recertification Section. The tutoring or academic support services do not duplicate or supplant the academic program of any public or private school, pursuant to 42 USC 9858k(b)(3) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(3), although the services may supplement or enrich the childs education. Stipulations for what the funds can be spent on and how to properly report them. OCC notes that incentives that are not connected to child care programs activities are not an allowable CCDF expenditure. A: If you pay yourself with the grant and then buy items used 100% for your business, you wont owe any taxes on the amount you use the grant for this purpose. Q: If I transferred money to pay myself earlier but sometimes forgot to make a note, can I go back and fix it? For Group and School Age/Center-Based (GSA)programs, the formula will use a centers total licensed capacity to calculate the base amount of the monthly payment. Continued non-compliance puts you at risk of losing your CCSG award. As part of their ARP Act stabilization subgrant application, child care providers must certify they will pay at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits for each employee throughout the duration of the subgrant. What type of private information should not be submitted during the fiscal monitoring review process? OCC encourages child care providers to provide relief from tuition and copayments, if financially possible, especially for low-income families. Please note that any changes to a states definition of income to take advantage of this flexibility must be reflected in a CCDF plan amendment. Can I put it on my 2021 tax return? Funds can be used for this purpose under "goods and services". A concrete slab in the backyard used for basketball, skating, etc.? Should I apply for the Stabilization grant?, Is the money I received from the grant taxable income, even if I didnt receive Form 1099?, Is it better to pay myself or spend it on my business?. Grant navigators are available to assist child care providers with grant applications and other resources. The CARES Act and the CRRSA Act do not address the minimum 12-month eligibility period for essential workers; accordingly, regular CCDF/CCDBG rules apply. 17. In addition, CCDF regulations provide that Lead Agencies shall expend and account for CCDF funds in accordance with their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds [45 CFR 98.67(a)]Visit disclaimer page. For example, when each payment is received: What is the Expenditure Tracker tool and how can it be used? Further, child care providers should keep certain things in mind when determining how to interact with parents in order to control COVID-19. Lead Agencies have the option to waive the income eligibility requirements for children who receive or need to receive protective services, if determined to be necessary, on a case-by-case basis. To prepare for an EEC fiscal monitoring review, you should consider: a. Documenting all expenditures made with grant funds by using the recommended Expenditure Tracker or a similar tool, that includes at a minimum: b. Any other cessation of work or attendance at a training or education program that does not exceed three months, or a longer period of time established by the Lead Agency. for administration, supply building, and technical assistance. The provider will provide relief from copayments and tuition payments for the families enrolled in the providers program, to the extent possible, and prioritize such relief for families struggling to make either type of payment. Even before the public health emergency, child care provider income was unstable and insufficient to cover the costs of providing high-quality care, and the COVID-19 public health emergency has exacerbated this instability. Furthermore, in many states, participation in TANF also makes families automatically eligible for SNAP and/or WIC. Additional instructions for construction and major renovation procedures for Tribes can be found in the Program Instruction (CCDF-ACF-PI-2020-02) on the OCC website. WV DHHR BFA Division of Early Care and Education is pleased to announce the availability of child care stabilization payments from October 2021 through September 2023 for child care providers that meet . As a result, the children of these workers are vulnerable during this time. As noted in 45 CFR 98.16(cc), Lead Agencies must provide descriptions in their CCDF Plans of (1) internal controls to ensure integrity and accountability; (2) processes to investigate and recover fraudulent payments and to impose sanctions on clients or providers in response to fraud; and (3) procedures to document and verify eligibility, pursuant to 45 CFR 98.68. Child Care Stabilization Grant Questions and Answers. State and territory lead agencies provided information on their implementation of stabilization grant funding plans in their FY 2022-2024 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan, Q 4.1.8e due July 1, 2021. Tribal lead agencies that do not have a child care website must post it on a website associated with the tribe so child care providers know the application is legitimate and from a trusted source. Lead Agencies may also use CCDF quality dollars to provide temporary grants or assistance to impacted providers to retain the child care supply during periods of closures. Can I give him a $500 bonus? Resources to help develop communication strategies that will increase awareness and visibility of the child care stabilization grant program. OCC notes that the availability of some program funds, such as PPP, have been inconsistent and the extent to which child care providers can access them may be limited. Tribal lead agencies must also ensure that throughout the subgrant period, the tribally operated center meets the certification requirements, including implementing health and safety policies in line with local guidelines, continuing to pay at least the same wages and benefits to staff as those in place at the time of application, and to the extent possible, providing relief from copayments and tuition for families. other COVID-related expenses (including past expenses). The subgrant applications may include check boxes for providers to select, and the lead agency may treat submission of the application as the certification. A: You can pay yourself as often and as much as you want. Sometimes ARP Act child care stabilization funds are received by child care workers receiving federal housing assistance in such a way that they may be regarded as temporary, nonrecurring, or sporadic payments. Paycheck Protection. Yes, Child Care Stabilization Grant funds are considered income by the IRS. You may request assistance from a member of our grants team by filling out the inquiry form below: To contact a member of our grants team, please email Lead agency agreements with intermediaries must meet CCDF requirements at 45 CFR 98.11Visit disclaimer page and are subject to the same obligation and liquidation periods for the stabilization funds. The Expenditure Tracker can be found on the EEC website under the Resources section: Commonwealth Cares for Children / Child Care Stabilization Grants | If child care workers were to lose access to TANF as a result of the stabilization funding, this would be counter to the goals of that funding. The ARP ActVisit disclaimer page requires providers to certify that they will provide relief from copayments and tuition payments for the families enrolled in the providers program, to the extent possible, and prioritize such relief for families struggling to make either type of payment (emphasis added). How will I know if Im required to participate in the fiscal monitoring process? Lead Agencies could also apply for a waiver to establish eligibility periods less than 12 months to serve targeted populations (such as health care, emergency, and essential workers) that have a time-limited need for child care. Tom Copelands Blog: Taking Care of Business As such, states and territories cannot use CARES Act or CRRSA Act funds for construction or major renovation. Are there other local resources or options for testing? Lead agencies do not have to require additional information at the time of the application as part of the certification process. Law 117-2), signed on March 11, 2021, includes $23.97 billion for child care stabilization grants to be allocated to states, territories, and Tribes based on the current Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) formula. FAQs in this category focus on questions about how to implement subgrant programs and allowable uses for these funds by the provider. This may include programs that braid or layer CCDF and other child care funds with Head Start or the Head Start program is the only available early care and education program in a community. A: You can include it either on line one (Gross receipts) or line six (Other Income). Providers closed due to an inactive status pending the outcome of an investigation may not recertify until the investigation has been closed and corrective action has been approved by EEC. If so, how do I do this? This is consistent with the statutory requirement at section 658E(c)(2)(S)(ii) of the Act that requires Lead Agencies to support the fixed costs of providing child care services by delinking payments from an eligible child's occasional absences due to holidays or unforeseen circumstances such as illness, to the extent practicable. Federal regulations do not define unlimited access. Programs that are awarded a grant will receive an IRS Tax Form 1099-NEC. These funds are made available to Arizona through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) relief funding appropriated through The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2). Finally, Lead Agencies must inspect child care providers for compliance with fire, health, and safety standards in accordance with 45 CFR 98.42. OCFS Funds are distributed directly from your state via the Office of Child Care and, if all of your states spending and reporting requirements are met, there is no requirement to repay funds. OCC reminds tribal lead agencies that CCDF funds, including stabilization subgrants, are restricted to serving children who are under age 13, or at the tribal lead agencys option, children under age 19 and are physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself, or under court supervision as defined inthe tribal CCDF Plan. When do programs need to recertify their application? Additional information for tribes that operate their CCDF program under a consolidated 102-477 plan is available here. Q: Is it better to pay myself with this grant or spend it on items for my business? (42 USC 9858c(c)(2)(N)(iv); see also 45 CFR 98.21(b)) This safeguards childrens continuity of care as parents move towards economic self-sufficiency. (45 CFR 75.2Visit disclaimer page), Child care stabilization subgrants included in the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page are benefits to a child care provider and are considered payments made to beneficiaries of a federal program, which is the same as with child care subsidies paid under the voucher program. Any funds received after the date of permanent closure will need to be returned to EEC. For most providers, this would be about 30-40% in taxes. All CCSG providers approved for the award between July 2021 and September 30, 2022 will be paid monthly through June 2023. Learn about provider eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccination. A: Colorado says they encourage providers to give 50% to parents. This webinar for training and technical assistance providers was presented on June 24, 2021. Topics include How to prepare for the grant application. This is not a loan. For example, a shared framework might involve using a common provider subgrant application, developing a shared model for estimating child care provider operating expenses and setting subgrant amounts, and coordinating outreach to eligible child care providers. Does the plan for COVID-19 testing at child care facilities adhere to FDA recommendations (i.e., FDA-authorized equipment or certified operators administering and interpreting the tests)? Personnel Costs (Allowable Workforce Amount Category), Equipment and Supplies for Public Health Emergency. Q: If I was audited, would they just audit my grant or my entire business? After September 30, 2022, no additional CCSG awards will be made. FAQs under this heading discuss stabilization subgrants and supplemental funding in relation to Tribal-specific flexibilities. In some cases, funds used to cover operating expenses may be exempt from taxation. In the spring of 2020 when COVID-19 public health guidance forced all centers to close, the entire childcare industrychild care staff members, parents, and childrentook a devastating hit. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act requires lead agencies to allow for provision of continued assistance for families whose income exceeds the initial eligibility threshold but is below the second tier. OCC suggests the lead agency document the use of funds, including a written demonstration that the use of funds for incentives is directly connected to a CCDF authorized activity, and that the costs are reasonable and "ordinary and necessary" to accomplish CCDF objectives. In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act of 2021 (Public Law 116-260) provided a combined $13.5 billion in supplemental CCDF program funds to help State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies address COVID-19 impacts, as well as some additional flexibilities for the use of those funds. Subgrant amounts should reflect the significant resources included in the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page and be substantial enough to stabilize struggling child care providers. Yes, tribal culture or language preservation camps can receive stabilization subgrants. However, since every situation is unique and states may release additional requirements or restrictions, providers should always consult a tax professional to obtain advice specific to their own unique situation. Click Log in on the desired Program to go to that Programs EEC ARPA grants page. OCC reminds tribal lead agencies that the ARP Act requires stabilization funds be used to supplement not supplant tribal funds expended for child care services for eligible individuals, including when stabilization funds are used for tribally operated centers. Section 658M(b) of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act, 42 U.S.C. Such a record could say, February 23, 2022 - $4,000 pay myself with the Stabilization grant.. This does not require a waiver, but could require a Plan amendment. Yes, Lead Agencies may pay full-time subsidy payment rates for school-age child care as long as the Lead Agency is not paying for time when a child is physically attending school and is not paying for any regular education services. You will probably owe no more than 40% of the grant in taxes. By using our website you consent to the use of cookies, two-thirds of childcare centers are serving less than 75 children and are struggling to break even, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Child Care Stabilization Grant requirements by state. For more information, visit the CCSG FAQ section. For tax purposes, she should reserve a portion of the grant amount to go toward her taxes. a Are there any program revenue guidelines to receive this stabilization funding? Supporting documentation should demonstrate that the purchase in question falls within at least one of the allowable use categories. These grants, funded with federal stimulus funding through the American Rescue Plan Act, began in September 2021 and are available to eligible child care providers through . Yes. Programs will be prompted (via email and in LEAD) to recertify the application on the first day of the month they are recertifying. A: Each state has its own rules about this. If there are payments not reflected in LEAD or the program has other questions, contact the C3 Help Desk at 1-833-600-2074 or If the payment occurs via direct deposit, record the amount and date of the received payment, as well as the destination account for the funds received. Incentives for providers may be considered an allowable expenditure in the CCDF program if the incentives are used as part of quality improvement or other activity that meets the purposes and goals of CCDF. Q: In your opinion, if I dont need the grant, should I take it? Program highlights follow below. Tutoring or academic support services that are stand-alone services or delivered outside of child care settings/services are not an allowable use of CCDF. It is a tool to assist child care providers in tracking expenditures made with C3 grant funds. OCC has not released specific guidance that addresses all possible scenarios related to categorizing regular educational services for school-aged children that would not be eligible for CCDF subsidies. The NJ American Rescue Plan (ARP) Stabilization Grant is no longer accepting applications. Child Care COVID-19 Grant Program | Arizona Department of Economic Security Arizona Department of Economic Security Your Partner for a Stronger Arizona About Services How do I? There are only limited circumstances under which the Child Count can change. Because efforts to increase access to licensing are considered a supply building activity, funds from this set-aside could be used to create a child care licensing department for the tribe. However, even if it does push you into a higher tax bracket, it only means you will pay more in taxes on the grant amount that is in the higher tax bracket. States have flexibility to exclude ARP Act child care stabilization funding when determining eligibility for TANF, and ACF encourages states to use this flexibility. Lead agencies may also consider how they can pair more flexible funding provided by the CARES Act and CRRSA Act with the more prescriptive ARP Act stabilization funds. One example is the Rural Tribal COVID-19 Response (RTCR) program established by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) with CARES Act funds which allows rural tribes to increase their capacity to test suspected COVID-19 patients within their communities. OCC encourages tribal lead agencies to include center-based and family child care programs outside of their CCDF program, as well as programs that serve school-age children. EEC can then help the provider determine whether any funds need to be returned. Lead Agencies have the flexibility to consider whether a provider has received funds from other federal or state programs in deciding how best to direct CARES Act and the CRRSA Act resources, but are encouraged to support providers through this child care crisis. Checks payable from the business bank account to the sole proprietor/individual, Electronic statements that document funds transferred from the business bank account to the personal bank account, Documentation evidencing expenditures made with grant funds, Responses to questions about general provider information, provider accounting systems/processes, and the internal controls in place, the amount (in dollars) of the expenditure, the category of allowable uses under which the expenditure fall, the type of supporting documentation for the expenditure. Major renovation is defined as: (1) structural changes to the foundation, roof, floor, exterior or load-bearing walls of a facility, or the extension of a facility to increase its floor area; or (2) extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function and purpose, even if such renovation does not include any structural change. Below are the steps you will need to take to obtain a listing of your paid amounts. This presents an administrative challenge for using grant funds, because if you dont do it correctly you may lose your funds. The purpose of the child care stabilization grants is to support child care centers and home-based child care providers to stay open or reopen. Resources highlighting the experiences of CCDF Lead Agencies that awarded grants to child care providers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The application indicates that funds can be used to pay for previous program expenses. The government has taken notice, and their answer is The Child Care Stabilization Grant, part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This session was presented during BUILD 2022 National Conference. Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. What is the difference between a major renovation and minor building updates or maintenance? The recertification process can be done at any time after the first of the month. This bill, based on President Biden's bold American Rescue Plan, provides $39 billion in desperately needed child care relief funding. General Grant Questions Q1. Extensive alteration of a facility such as to significantly change its function and purpose, even if such renovation does not include structural change. Within the grant attestation, a provider attests to using the funds for only items in the allowable expenditure categories. View a submitted Stabilization 1.0 or 2.0 grant application by clicking the button below: View a Submitted Application Stabilization Help Line: 844-863-9319 These funds are designed to support the child care market as a whole by covering business related expenses. During the current public health emergency, these essential workers cannot work from home, and many of the regular child care arrangements for their children have closed. Private information such as social security information, home addresses of employees, fingerprint records, drivers license numbers, medical information, credit card information, bank account numbers of employees, etc. In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act of 2021 (Public Law 116-260) provided a combined $13.5 billion in supplemental CCDF program funds to help State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies address COVID-19 impacts, as well as some additional flexibilities for the use of those funds. Purchase of a swim spa for physical therapy, exercise, relaxation? Can I reallocate some of this money so I dont have to pay income taxes? To access your existing Child Care Stabilization Grant application, please go to Minnesota's Child Care Stabilization Grant Program endeavors to provide child care providers with financial support to maintain operations and increase staff compensation. Upon approval of a waiver request, Lead Agencies have 60 days to submit a CCDF Plan amendment to correspond with the provision(s) in the waiver request. A conservative estimate would be to assume 15 percent for social security/Medicare plus 15 percent federal income tax and about 10 percent for state and local income tax, for a total of 40 percent or $1,400. Child Care Stabilization Grant OCCRRA is excited about the opportunity to support Ohio's Child Care Stabilization Sub-Grants. Intermediaries are subject to the same obligation and liquidation period for ARP Act stabilization funds regardless of whether those funds are for administering the subgrants or one of the administrative, supply building, or technical assistance activities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance suggests staggering drop-off and pick-up times and/or having a child care provider meet children outside of the facility when they arrive. Be open and currently serving children at time of application (this does not include temporary closures of 14 days or less). State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies have broad flexibility to operate the CCDF program and have a number of options within federal statute and regulation to adapt policies in order to maintain continuity of services for families affected by COVID-19. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has allocated $351 million in funds for the Child Care Counts: Stabilization Payment Program to support Wisconsin's early care and education community. ARP stabilization funds used for tribal construction or major renovation must be liquidated by September 30, 2023; there is no separate obligation deadline for funds used for construction or major renovation. As this requirement applies to the date of application, a school-age program that is open only during the summer would be eligible for a subgrant if the program applied for the subgrant when it opened again to provide child care services, such as in the summer when the program reopens. The closure may be a school-wide closure or for off-days of a hybrid model (e.g., a combination of in-person, virtual, and/or off days.) Is the Child Care Program Stabilization Funding taxable? What is the SC Building Blocks Grant? However, lead agencies do have flexibility in defining unlimited access, and we are deferring to lead agency interpretation, as long as it is recognizably reasonable to the average person, as to how to maintain this policy while balancing health and safety concerns related to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency. OCC encourages child care providers in the financial position to provide relief from copayments and tuition for families to use non-ARP Act stabilization funds to provide that relief and prioritize the relief for families with incomes below 85 percent of state median income. Lead Agencies should consider whether there are more appropriate sources of fundingsuch as public education dollarsto pay for this equipment. Tribal lead agencies may determine which provider types to include in their stabilization subgrant programs, as long as those providers are eligible and qualified as defined in the ARP Act. In order to be a qualified child care provider and eligible to receive a subgrant, a child care provider must either be open to provide child care services or temporarily closed due to public health, financial hardship, or other reasons relating to the COVID-19 public health emergency at the time of application. Applications submitted after March 30 will generally not be considered. For example, if the funding were used to cover rent, and if that did not affect a recipients net income, then the funding would not affect WIC eligibility. On May 10, 2021, the Office of Child Care (OCC) issued guidance (CCDF-ACF-IM-2021-02) for states, territories, and tribes on requirements and recommendations for the child care stabilization funding included in section 2202 of the ARP Act. You will always be better off financially after taking a grant, even if it increases your taxes. I reallocate some of this money so I dont have to claim and pay taxes on (! The purpose of the grant Amount to go to that programs EEC ARPA grants page access your child. Supporting documentation should child care stabilization grant taxable that the purchase in question falls within at least one of the child care with. Grant Amount to go toward her taxes a portion of the grant in taxes between a major renovation minor. 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