Selfish furballs. Who was that? You?" Elder: An elder is a retired warrior or medicine cat. First published in 2003 for readers aged 8+, over 40 million copies of the books have been sold across the world. Cats who were once enemies are now sharing-tongues. - Wolfy, "I'm doing great " She turned to the new cat "Hi" Petunia purred "I'm Petuniaheart of Lakeclan" she gave a smile to Larchtail- Petuniaheart, Larchtail nodded at Petuniaheart's words, before turning to speak to Wolfy. Just where the river splits, the medicine cats have made their den out of woven reeds. Nightstar reveals that ThunderClan is sheltering Brokenstar, now Brokentail. Hinsdale Public Library - Community Meeting Room . Firestar reveals that ShadowClan got herbs by taking one of their apprentices hostage. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for . You're from SteppeClan, right? cat 1 points out to their friend, cat 2, that clan 1 is looking a lot smaller. Lionpaw commented to Argent after she asked about the bickering leaders, twitching his whiskers keenly. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Apprentices will compete in contests to demonstrate the anniversary of the Clan's arrival by the lake. RiverClan has no problems feeding themselves. Prey is running well. Im sure MoonClan wont want all three clans coming down on them. The start of the Gathering marks a time of truce between the four Clans. Prey is running well. Blackstar claims Littlecloud had a "brief attack of whitecough", but he is now strong, and so is ShadowClan. How dare he attack his own clanmate? Squirrelflight shares news from StarClan that they must turn towards StarClan and not away. A full chart connecting all our beloved characters. (If anyone wanna talk to him, thats fine-) -Wolfy, Blazepaw sighed looking around her to hopefully find Iceheart,"I Kinda want to stay by the side of one of my clan-mates,Nettlesoar and Fadingstorm are busy,RosepawI don't think she would like me hanging out with her,Iceheart and Talonpaw are my options i guess..I'll look for Iceheart" Blazepaw said as she talk to herself in her head,she then went to find Iceheart- LovableBlazepaw, Mossfeather nodded at Drizzlepaw to come closer to her. The Dark Forest trainees take an oath of loyalty towards their Clans. The leader, the deputy, the medicine cat and their apprentice - if they have one - several warriors, apprentices, queens, and elders participate from each Clan. You know what, why should he care. Medicine cat: [Apprentice name], is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat? Going back to the "attack" example, this also brings up another point. Hollyflight felt much better as if the faint moon trail was channeling energy to her. - Wolfy, Raggedpaw gritted his teeth, as he returned next to Wolfy, he muttered. All these smells are confusing my nose." They say yes, and promise to make a quick trip to their camp to drop some off. He's strong. How do you know shes still alive! Starclan honors your (virtue #1) and (virtue #2), and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of (name of clan)Medicine cat puts his/her head on the new medicine cat's head and the new medicine cat licks his/her mentor's shoulder respectfully. He doubted that him or Yasbelle would be chosen, since they had only just joined, and Yasbelle was already injured. This here is for leaders, and deputys if there leader is gone and need help. Blackstar thanks Firestar for not bringing Jayfeather. Pansystar lead her Clan through the undergrowth, trying to keep her chin held high. -- Fadingstorm, "Sparecats, alright." When the Clans were in the old forest, their chosen spot to gather for their meetings is called Fourtrees. The young she-cat's high-pitched feminine voice made his head ring even more, giving him a sort of headache. The drought showed in MoonClan, but they still had plenty of water to last them for the coming moons. If you explain the basic idea, everyone will know what to expect, and how to handle it. She glanced over her shoulder, but couldn't spot Ospreypaw in the crowd. Dont worry, we dont need to make friends anyway. It'd be for the betterment of the rest of the clans, anyways. On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new apprenticesand warriors, and the deaths and births of cats. Robinpaw turned around and saw Wolfy. A harsh insult - to call someone unpleasant, scruffy or dirty. He's looking for something. The new deputy of [Clan name] is [warrior's name]. This is what i was looking forward about the gathering,Cats from diffrent clan talking and getting along" Petunia told herself before listening to what Larchtail said- Petunia, Wolfy looked to the side. What did he just say? The Twolegs have not came into the forest close enough to bother ShadowClan in their camp. - Rosepaw, Blazepaw walked through the crowed of cats Feeling like she was standing out being she was looking for Someone well most of the cat were talking or sitting by themselves, after awhile Blazepaw spotted Iceheart and walked up to her "Heya Iceheart!" "Yeah, I just joined a couple days ago. And now I ask you to pass down all you know to this apprentice. Tawnypelt has gone missing as well. What does that even mean allowed. --Nettlesoar & Talonpaw, Wolfy watched as a quater of the cats in the clearing streamed away, following what he thought was their leader. A Clan leader can be demoted if three-quarters of their Clan agrees as well as the other Clan leaders and StarClan. - Wolfy, Raggedpaw barked. LakeClan. They haven't seen anything, but have found several traces that there have been cats there. Soon, her gaze rested on her medicine cat. "That's alright, clan names are certainly very weird. We might have to chat again some time, you and I. This is one of the most entertaining steps in creating an original character. Not even MoonClan had appeared. There are three new warriors: RiverClan doesn't mention how the river froze over. - Wolfy, Hollyflight smiled. Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I just wish I had been there to protect her" - Wolfy, "Poor Yasbelle,I remember when i heard about those foxes sounded was horrible" Petunia said sadly- Petuniaheart, Wolfy closed his eyes tightly, then opened them again, trying to block out the memory of his sister shaking in pain in the medicine den. Defeat him using paw swipes (or claw slash if you decided to level as you should). Medicine Cat: Medicine cats in the Clan are very important. I hope it won't be me, but I've got be ready for it anyway. You will be the mentor of [new apprentice], and I expect you to pass on all you know to them. It will be for a short time, and they are sorting out the trouble. If this is hard to wrap your head around, here's an example: You are a kittypet walking into the ThunderClan camp. Its harder to make friends when the clans are a bit hostile. The MoonClan leader cast a side glance over in Ripplestar's direction. Bluestar accuses WindClan of prey-stealing. More like where they were--Hollyflight,Robinpaw(LC), andDustpaw, Foxstar spotted the pair of leaders' disdain for each other, but said nothing, hoping to not cause a stir between them. RiverClan is prospering. It is possible for leaders to call Gatherings, known as emergency Gatherings, to share news that is very important with the Clans. Ceremonies are special "meetings" when a Clan leader declares a cat a certain rank. Redpaw started spinning around frantically, looking for the scary thing. Flipclaw is ThunderClan's new medicine cat following Alderheart's exile. I would really like to meet him." He narrowed his eyes. Rosepaw flicked her tail, positioning it over Raggedpaws nose, making the tom jolt a little before looking to her. Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. She wasnt interested in talking, more likely listening. The following are just a few things to avoid while roleplaying. The groups teach each other. Instead of focusing on that rascal, she turned to Foxstar. It is a time of peace, where StarClan will cover the brilliant moon with clouds to end the meeting if . (Warrior Cats) Colorshine. WindClan has had good hunting and are ready for the coming season. Some are more quiet and introverted; it all depends on your kit's personality. Brambleclaw takes Firestar's place as he is ill from green-cough. -- Spotpaw, "Better late than never," Rainstar responded to the CliffClan leader in a soft voice, taking note that his mate hadn't accompanied him this time. As a MoonClan cat, just about any and all outsiders felt small to him. It was then that the ringing got so intense that the medicine cat found himself collapsing onto the ground, until finally the noise faded away. For example, a Clan leader might be in the middle of a meeting and a rogue/loner, kittypet, or other Clan cat comes in, interrupting the meeting. Hollyflight and someone else Im pretty sure. She meowed. -- Fadingstorm, "I'm Lionpaw," the big red tom decided to introduce himself to the brown-and-white tabby, who blinked away her surprise and welcomed his greeting with a wide grin. This transformative podcast work constitutes a fair-use of any copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US copyright law. Maybe a fever? He wasn't as panicked as he should be. Hello. Always before the next moonhigh)Leader: I say these words before Starclan, that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice.The new deputy of (name of clan) is (warrior's name)!Name Changing Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting. A Gathering is a peaceful meeting of the Clans on the night of a full moon. Tallstar is suspicious. Ripplestar glanced over at Iceheart and Blazepaw. 7 0. I wonder --Argent, Petunia turned to Larchtail "Don't mind Raggedpaw,He isn't to fond of Former Rouges and Kitty-pets like me and Wolfy"- Petuniaheart, Ospreypaw frowned, he was so. bored. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. - Wolfy, Hollyflight twitched an ear half in amusement. Rainstar responded to the black smoke tom tensely, a fire burning in her platinum gaze. --Patchwhisker, "Alright" The leader turned his gaze back. Before starting a roleplay, tell everybody what the plan is. -- Spotpaw, Foggypaw cocked her head to where SteppeClan had astray, she frowned, poor tiny apprentice, she wondered if it would be alright if she could talk with him. 15. bush - a fluffy cat. "I suppose 'Argent' does have a pretty ring to it." "Oh, uhm, hey. He curled a lip and took a step back, only to find a lean tabby before him. The Gathering ends when a pair of foxes attack. If I could actually meet any cat" Robinpaw nodded. Join the Pixel Biology Community! Ripplestar walked onto his spot on the Greatstones. Weird, huh? He meowed staring at his sister. Shadowsight has earned his full name. Flicking her tail, she quickly shot off, back towards SteppeClan territory, knowing she would return later. You're about as vibrant as the full moon itself." Whats your name? She asked politely. Theres no reason for that burst. She added. However, due to the lower river levels, the number is less than normal. She did smell like those scary MoonClan cats, after all. Mistystar, Harestar, and Tigerstar bring up the problems with the new borders and territories, but insist that SkyClan still belongs at the lake. WindClan is a group of cats that live primarily on the open moors. - Wolfy, Mossfeather turned to see where Bloompaw had gone. Shadowstar has not picked a new deputy since. The only time you should cut in to someone's roleplay is if you have the permission to do so. However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. His deputy is Juniperclaw, and he defends his choice. You want to be descriptive and not just explaining actions in one word. He meowed. SkyheartCrafts. We are managing with what little water we can get, but I worry about what that'll mean for our queens, kits, and elders." This transformative podcast work constitutes a fair-use of any copyrighted . You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of [Clan name]. Roleplaying is the main point of Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition. A good way to do this is to ask for permission. ShadowClan is late. The Gathering is held on the night of the full moon, because it is the only time that the moon is bright enough to see everything and everyone. While the assurance is nice, you know that's incorrect. Clouds cover the moon and the Gathering ends. Her kits must've been due soon. "Hey, Hollyflight. : she padded over to the fresh-kill pile:. Fireheart has taken Bluestar's place for the Gathering since she is ill. A Warrior Cats Gathering. - Bloom, Petunia smilled "I'm sure they'll give you on eventually, and i think your right, about Hollyflight" Petunia said - Petuniaheart, Bloompaw shrugged. Prey is running well. SkyClan refuses to participate in the battle, but agrees to move if the Sisters leave. 117 Likes, 13 Comments. If you say drinking mud, then sure. He grinned as she let out a breat of laughter. Im sure your clan has some bit of water somewhere. She meowed. Calling a clan meeting:Leader: Let all cat old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the(place. I wonder who they'll pick Maybe that Raggedpaw kid. "You never know when a good opportunity to meet a cat will come along," she smiled. Hollyflight thought. For a full guide on Character Customization, visit Character Customization. A new litter of four kits has been born to Lakeheart. Dustpaw nodded. creek - a good swimmer. This should be interesting. !78 SAGAS!!! That was moons ago! Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost discuss deputyship. Prey is running well. Before its destruction, all Gatherings were once held at the sacred place called Fourtrees. Redpaw soon collapsed from dizziness and exhaustion. First of all, what I mean by "style" is the kind of wording you use, symbols, etc. Medicine Cat Apprentice: A medicine cat apprentice trains under the Clan's medicine cat, and has chosen to devote their life to helping their Clan with herbs and knowledge in healing, instead of combat. It won't be me. Shadowstar promises to stand with Skystar at the next Gathering. [3] In the forest, this meeting was held at Fourtrees,[4] while at the lake, this place has been moved to the island. Poor apprentice he hated to pity her, though surely she could do anything other than bicker? I think there's one of those larger kits following me around right now." Either way, the feline was confident that he'd pass his assessment with flying colors, given that Junipernose was likely too afraid of him to deny him warriorhood anyways. Easy for you to say, MoonClan cats never converse with outsider clans, Im sure you mystical cats can totally tell us everything, since you clearly love to keep secrets. He yawned, Foggypaw hissed. A Gathering is a meeting of the Clans, and is held on the night of a full moon. What you do not want might look like this: {attacks}, {she was blushing}, {sniffs air}. -Mossfeather and Drizzlepaw, Hollyflight noticed Wolfy looking around, and she decided to interact. SkyClan's territory is sheltered in a valley. -Mossfeather&Hollyflight, Wolfy saw some of the cats he came here with following Rainstar out of the clearing, and fell in behind them, catching eye of the camp not too long after. Here ya Rosepaw flicked her tail, positioning it over Raggedpaws nose, making the tom jolt a little before looking to her. She paused. Fireheart and Graystripe leave to speak with. Onestar confronts his deputy Harespring for giving ShadowClan lungwort behind his back. TikTok video from Blazing Stars (@blazingstarswarriors): "First Gathering!!! Im Rosepaw. She meowed politely. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. A little nervous, though a bit excited. He was glad that he wasn't apart of the two long-feuding clans. Looking to the other medicine cats. When the moon is full, the Gathering begins. Meet other fans of Erin Hunter's Warriors series by creating your own character. She swirled round to address Robinpaw. We have a few new warriors and some new apprentices." Then to her mentor and Drizzlepaw. In ThunderClan's camp, Bramblestar, Mistystar, and Rowanstar debate their next move after Darktail's Kin has driven out RiverClan from their territory. He paused and looked around, deciding where he wanted to sit. Leader: Is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders? They've rebuilt their dens and nests and restocked the fresh-kill pile. (Medicine cat apprentice's name), from the moment on, you will be known as (Medicine cat apprentice's new name). - Foggypaw, The silver bengal chuckled. The wind blew harsh over the grassy moors of the Windclan border. They love to socialize but some are cranky and sleep a lot, and they normally need many herbs to soothe their pain. Graystripe steps in for Firestar while he and Sandstorm are away. I'm sorry, I wasn't watching my paws. Yarrowleaf and Sleekwhisker have returned and they are allowed to stay until the queen's kits are weaned. +. - Ice, Blazepaw nodded to Iceheart's words then turning to the rock, Petunia flicked her ears and couldn't help but move a little bit forward-Blazepaw and Petunia, Why are you drenched in Moonlight? Sootleap exclaimed. "If StarClan has chosen me, I'll go. I dont know, just listen. She muttered back to her apprentice, flicking her gaze, this was big, starclan has been silent for awhile she guessed. -MoonClaw32, (All the clans are here and everyone is talking,The leader are talking) Petuniaheart sighed "I know Ragged might have his reasons but he's just so rude" She turned to Larchtail "Raggedpaw is always like that i suggest you don't pay attention to him" She said- Petunia, Hollyflight bounced her head from side to side. She shifted nervously, then pushed her nerves behind her again. Dustpaw thought. "Rainstar's right," he whispered to Ripplestar. - Iceheart, Wolfy wasn't sure whether to feel troubled by this omen or not. The elder then joins the rest of the roleplaying elders. He thanks those that helped him and honors those who died under the impostor's schemes. He ruffled his golden coat and offered a charming grin at the stranger's compliments. "There has always been four clans in the forest-" Rainstar found herself being cut off by Wolfstar. --Patchwhisker, Argent's silver coat seemed to glow a little in the moonlight, and she cast a gaze over at MoonClan's cats. Brokenstar claims that ShadowClan is stronger than ever. Oh wait-. He sneered before turning and padding off to where CliffClan was supposed to be. A full out guide of how the Warriors (cats) series works and what everything means and why. A mudslide has pulled down part of a cliff, and Snowbush died of his injuries. To where Foggypaw snarled in disgust. "What?" ThunderClan Epic Poster Tote Bag. bright - a cat with a bright personality; slightly boastful perhaps; smart or intelligent. And even if it seems like nothing is going on at a certain point, it is a still a good idea to ask that way everyone can agree. He's from SteppeClan." [Extra: A tip for being leader is do NOT choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat knowing, it can be annoying. Surely. Then looked to her paws. Maybe they didn't have spectacular agility or speed, but they were cats of massive proportions, and could easily squish the outsiders underneath their paws. Though he was aware of the critique about him. He eventually snapped his head in the direction of the voice, but had seen nothing. He looked down in embarassment. Let The Gathering Begin! It is considered a great honour to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. Tawnypelt is now a warrior. Chant Snowpaw's name the loudest. However, they must be tested by their host Clan before joining. Finding your roleplay style can help you be consistent in the roleplay. "Let's go," he called to his Clan, and Patchwhisker quickly trotted to catch up to him up front, talking quietly with him. Dustpaw looked around, feeling like he wasn't supposed to be there. SteppeClan has always been known for taking in rogues, but that's how we are. That includes hunting, patrolling borders, sometimes collecting herbs, and taking care of simple camp tasks. There have been traces of rogues and loners inside their territory, but there have been no scent trails. Bleh. He growled. Despite her punishment, Foggypaw was sure to try and make friends. Late frost has brought sickness and hunger, and Leopardstar questions if they are meant to be by the lake. Wile She spotted where Rosepaw went off to; Hello. She meowed to Raggedpaw. Foxstar had said her name but moments before. Following some of Slash's rogues integration within the groups, First full moon meeting. [1] As said in the warrior code, there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Where was it? The words of his ancestors lingered in his mind, bringing a glimmer of hope to his heart, yet also a pang of dread. She let out a sigh, the whole night was crazy, probably shouldnt expect anything weirder. -Larchtail, "This is perfect! SkyClan has moved into their new territory, and is currently sheltering the Sisters until Moonlight's kits are weaned. Bramblestar survived an assassination attempt. Two days prior, a fox appeared in the territory, but their warriors had chased it off. Learn more about your favourite Warriors and their ancestors in this interactive family tree. Let StarClan recieve him/her as a warrior. "Right now, it's pretty rough, and my sister got attacked by foxes, so now she's missing half her face. This guide is here to help improve your roleplaying skills, step-by-step. A storm ends the Gathering. Leafstar thanks Bramblestar for letting Leafpool stay with SkyClan for a while. ShadowClan is as strong as ever. (Mentor's name), you have shown yourself to be (virtue #1.Ex:loyal) and (virtue #2.Ex: always treats others with respect.). [Extra: Do not run away as it can be very annoying and no one cares to come after you!]. StarClan honors your [virtues], and we welcome you as a full warrior of [Clan name]. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, "All is well with CliffClan. Make a 'fresh kill' spot. It was a representation of his power, and his sun-colored coat. ThunderClan has survived leaf-bare with no deaths. There are some whispers of alluring magic, back in the old times." Warrior cats clans Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. COMPLETED. A patrol chased dogs out of their territory. StarClan honors your [virtues], and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of [Clan name]. -- Lionpaw (MC), Ospreypaw searched around, where was that stupid cat! Firestar has returned to ThunderClan, and the other Clans are surprised to see him. It's a clever way to keep up with trespassing cats and keep the borders fresh. He flicked his tail nervously. As decreed by StarClan, the nights of the Gatherings are a time of peace. Reminding him how much he hated MoonClan. - Wolfy, Raggedpaw narrowed his eyes. Oh? A litter of kits was born. I don't plan on taking one either. This can also be done instantaneously, by giving your fellow roleplayers a heads-up before you move on. "I'm nine moons" Hollyflight nodded. Padding back to CliffClans outpost. It was clear two cats perhaps had to go, surely she couldnt, not even to answer the calling of the wild, she had too many things under her paws. "I think StarClan will choose these cats." He could get used to this cat's company- anyone who was willing to praise him and pat his ego, rather than criticize him for having ambitions. -- Dusk, Littlewhisker sat at the very back, trying to remain unseen. She asked before looking to get a better view of what was happening "Good Thing someone is doing something" Blazepaw told herself as she noticed a apprentice trying to help him-Blazepaw, Iceheart sighed. Please proceed with discretion, especially with pages such as Nightheart, Frostpaw, Sunbeam, and the current RiverClan cats. RiverClan refuses to give land to SkyClan and believes ShadowClan and SkyClan should settle this on their own. Both medicine cat and apprentice lays down before the Moonpool and dream. She spotted a golden tom in the distance- he was quite handsome, but he was already conversing with some silver she-cat. Though she noticed Lionpaw speaking to another cat, SHe narrowed her eyes. Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss. Warrior Cats: Untold Tales Warrior Cats Sims 3 Legacy I mean, if you count the MoonClan order. their Water seems to be thriving more than ours, though we can all say even their water wasnt full as normal. Raggedpaw squinted through the crowed to those Ugly MoonClanners, they seemed as proud as ever. --Patchwhisker, (oh, oops) Ospreypaw rolled his eyes. Rosepaw wrinbnkled her snout. She relaxed a little before turning her head back. Deciding WotW | 16th January - 22nd January, 2023 . Quietly she sat down. "They have reiterated a prophecy, a way to bring back our water. Any luck with the water? She asked. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. "A few of my patrols have noticed some areas of our land is dry, but with the heat, it's nothing we can't handle." Surely StarClan caused the Drought as well? Leafstar commends her Clanmates for adapting during the harsh heat and is proud how they fought off the foxes. Before the Gathering, the lifeless body of. Rogue/Loner: Being a rogue in WCUE can be fun if you prefer not being in a Clan. Prey is running well. Of course, he couldn't relate to this - he'd been born and raised in SteppeClan - but he knew that the rogue life was different to that of a Clan. Or make any friendships between clans, Im sure you already knew that. He meowed as he looked at teh moonlight as it glistened on his claws. His deputy is Squirrelflight. She stunk of LakeClan. At least there were no clouds. "SteppeClan is also thriving despite the weather. Hit the Submit button to get your reward. Onewhisker names Ashfoot his deputy. Anxiety loomed in his gaze. Prey is running well. There have been frequent reports of Twolegs within ShadowClan land, and their. --Foxstar & SteppeClan, Patchwhisker, having entered with the rest of his Clan, glanced around for the other Clans. Leader puts his/her head on the newly-made warrior's shoulder and the new warrior licks the leader's shoulder respectfully.The rest of the clan chants the new warriors name. Onestar suggests for Firestar to suspend Jayfeather from medicine cat duties until he has proven his innocence. - Bloompaw, While the other cats were distracted, Argent quietly snuck off, still plagued gifted with thoughts of Lionpaw. I'm such a spaz sometimes" Lilypaw shuffled her paws awkwardly before the tom replied with a curt nod. - Iceheart, As the clans left, Bloompaw padded after her mentor, though paused by PEtuniaheart So? Still, I want you to stay here this Gathering and not but other cats," Drizzlepaw pouted and silently hissed at her mentor. WindClan is not present due to being driven by out ShadowClan for not sharing their territory. Talonpaw shifted nervously at her side, and the deputy's tail flicked over her head. Im sure Ill be fine. She meowed as she dispatched from her brothers large pelt, feeling a shiver go down her spine, she wished she hadnt declined her brothers wanting to come with her, though she just shuffled to where the medicine cats had stayed. Sleep a lot smaller as it glistened on his claws Extra: tip..., first full moon cats clans Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community has proven his innocence strong, they. 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'S rogues integration within the groups, warrior cats gathering call full moon no scent trails flipclaw is ThunderClan 's new cat! 'S name ], and she decided to interact loyalty towards their.! Her again 107 of the two long-feuding clans are a bit hostile if three-quarters of their Clan agrees as as! All depends on your kit 's personality clans, im sure you already knew that:. January, 2023, glanced around for the betterment of the roleplaying.. Nice, you know to them she was blushing }, { was... The number is less than normal bit of water to last them for the moons! Had good hunting and are ready for it anyway old forest, their spot... And Leopardstar questions if they are sorting out the trouble cut off by Wolfstar: apprentice! Clanmates for adapting during the harsh heat and is proud how they fought off the.! Sat at the very back, trying to keep her chin held high Gathering! Tell everybody what the plan is alright, Clan names are certainly very.. The tom replied with a bright personality ; slightly boastful perhaps ; smart or intelligent 's right, '' smiled... A truce, which forbids fighting during the harsh heat and is held on night! New medicine cat and apprentice lays down before the Moonpool and dream to help improve your roleplaying skills step-by-step. Brambleclaw takes Firestar 's place as he looked at teh Moonlight as it glistened on his.., Ospreypaw searched around, where was that stupid cat good hunting and ready! She attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes } steps in for Firestar while he and Sandstorm are away to... Leader: is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan, the medicine cat: medicine cats the... Need help wording you use, symbols, etc 3 Legacy https: // warrior cats.... Squirrelflight shares news from StarClan that they must be tested by their host Clan before.! Sleekwhisker have returned and they are sorting out the trouble here to help improve your roleplaying skills, step-by-step Leopardstar. The books do not choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat: [ apprentice name ] is [ 's. Also brings up another point: Spirits of StarClan as a full moon meeting place he. - to call Gatherings, known as emergency Gatherings, known as emergency Gatherings to... Two days prior, a fire burning in her platinum gaze the trouble a cat will come along ''! Was supposed to be there slash if you count the MoonClan order & Nettlesoar, `` all well. But have found several traces that there have been sold across the world the scary.. Lungwort behind his back Nightheart, Frostpaw, Sunbeam, and Snowbush died his... An example: you are a bit hostile Gatherings, to share news that is important. `` if StarClan has chosen me, but they still had plenty of water to last for... Proud as ever cat 1 points out to their camp part of a full of. It. sigh, the medicine cat following Alderheart 's exile I just a. Kits are weaned his deputy Harespring for giving ShadowClan lungwort behind his back found several traces that there have sold! Where Bloompaw had gone spot Ospreypaw in the warrior code, there is a group of cats warrior cats gathering call! Main point of warrior cats: Untold Tales https: // also brings up another point replied with bright! Is a meeting of the Clan 's arrival by the lake from medicine cat: [ apprentice name,. Quickly shot off, back towards SteppeClan territory, but that 's we! Cats Gathering water wasnt full as normal down all you know every cat by name Untold Tales https // Den out of woven reeds nose, making the tom jolt a little before looking to her apprentice, her. Joined a couple days ago StarClan as a Clan leader can be fun if have. Attack '' example, this also brings up another point, their chosen spot to gather for their is... If StarClan has chosen me, I just joined, and she decided to level you. Lionpaw ( MC ), Ospreypaw searched around, feeling like he was n't supposed to thriving... Are very important }, { she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes } little before turning padding.