Thanks for recapping ! while watching this episode, as in "I really want to understand, but honestly, I don't. (function(d, s, id) { As she takes a taxi home, she opens the window to feel the wind. The Last Winter is an eco-supernatural horror film about oil workers in the Arctic who are stalked by a vengeful spirit determined to keep them from exploiting the oil. (maybe the real one, since they were going in the same direction?). I really liked the beginning (episode 8 was definitely the climax of happiness for me) but then we dove into melo land which culminated in a LOT of crying in the last episode. Happy waiting for the next trip everyone. Some people reasoned that the blurry scenes are from Young's perspective, but these blurry scenes seem to occur only around Oh Soo. There's a gangster figure who seemed really mean, but who is actually a bit of a softie. If the fact that AFF is a story about a sexual relationship between two people growing into something else isn't enough justification for it having sex scenes, I don't know what is. So it kinda kills me to read HeadsNo2's criticisms (that I agree with, btw) about often not being able to understand Young and other characters in this drama. Now after years of negotiations and behind the scenes dealing the advance group from Northern Industries is preparing the way for full scale drilling. The ending just seemed so fanservice (and I know I have already said that, however, that feeling kept staying with me). She lost her mom, brother and though secretary wang is there, she is controlling OY. But this was seriously a group of really scarred people. No, she responds, and we see through Youngs eyes first its a blur of color, then light. (futile question, I know)." Therefore, I think that one stab wasn't enough to kill Soo. I guess I understood his decision 'against' Soo ("the needs of the many blablabla blood is thicker bla") but it was so rushed that I totally did not connect on an emotional level. I can't buy Jin-sung doing it, I don't see the logic of the threat (did his family get hit by that truck? This place is weird: Jim Hensons Liminal Films for Children and Adults. The site's consensus reads: "The Last Winter creatively and effectively uses horror tactics fear, tension, anticipation, and just enough gore to shock, but never repulse, its audience. Im going to carry you.. What a waste! Also, when OS passes by OY by the cherry blossoms, is that real OS or imaginary OS? If not, its a bad thing. Apparently shes been a regular at his restaurant and picked up on the sound of his bracelet, and though hed always bring her tea he never showed his face to her. Fessenden introduces North Corporation, a government-backed oil research and building team, working under the watchful eye of two environmental experts. The atmosphere of coldness, emptiness, isolation and the resulting paranoia are captured Things arent looking good for Soo in the game, as Boss Man starts laughing as he turns over his cards. *sighs* I need the (halmeoni) from Goodbye Solo to comfort me right now, so disappointed am I in the finale and in the drama as a whole. A good cast that acted well above this movie. That problem didnt exist as much with Soo, though these past few episodes didnt do him a ton of favors. Srsly the ending confused me i wanted to see wt happened next when Soo got staped i mean when he healed and stuff XD hmph oky i was happy that they ended together & happy ending but not like this lol . This happy ending is what sealed this drama into my heart. But the entire last episode did not flow at all from the previous ones. ;), Which means Soo must be alive, too. I'm not a Kim Bum fan anyway, so when he's still acting adolescent in the tractor scene I just wanted to smack him upside the head. Still, as good as the first episode of The Last of Us might be, the stakes skyrocket when the series explores Ellie ( Bella Ramsey) and her apparent immunity to the cordyceps. I think they are dead. A final note: the KISSING! I did feel one thing at the end of the final episode: Thank God it is finally over! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Well, Young must be alive. I wished they would have saved time there, and showed us what happened after OS was stabbed, instead of letting us speculate on what happened. - I really praised the writer for having this kind of story. I too felt a bit confused about these show towards the last few episodes, but I'm pretty happy with my ending. To me it appeared a cop out or a compromise how ever you want to go. Why did he have to go stab Soo? The most important thing being that Soo was still standing at the end-would have hated that he died Young was still alive. It seemed like the restaurant was Soo's because he told her he actually wanted to cook because Jin Sung and Hee Sun both like his cooking. Period. And where you buried my brother, or which river you spread his ashes at. I think they are dead. It's the memory of those far superior movies that make this one watchable at first. Could you please make sense? As far as stabbing goes guns are really hard to get in Korea so stabbing's the best way to kill someone. But gradually, the characters grew on me, and their relationships touched me. Then that means shes still the same old Young, still capable of putting those around her through unspeakable misery because she cant see past herself and her feelings. The pair is There was never ever enough Kim Bum. The only thing I was actually left wondering was what happened to President Kim? fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); I thought that you may not like me when you see me. When Young scoffs at this, he asks, Does that mean you like me?. The chief catalyst here is allegedly the spirit of the Wendigo; Dawn, while treating one of Elliot's nose bleeds, refers to a similar spirit from Algonquin mythology known as the Chenoo. Its no surprise that Soo lived, since every character in this show (aside from poor Moo-chul), displayed a knack for healing without a scratch. Wang was forgiven so easily. Theyre in it to win it or else. Hee-suns alive and living in the countryside with Jin-sung, and Jin-sung effectively scares away a possible suitor by telling him that hes already slept with Hee-sun. That said I think it lost me in episode 12 or 13 with Young's funky character development and the insane troll logic medical stuff. But hes not there to hear about her family life, and instead asks her to return to Youngs side. ), Young gets out what she wants to say as she fights back tears, but as she speaks, Soo lets his flow freely. The Last Winter (2006 film) Jump to navigation Jump to search. 2006 thriller film by Larry Fessenden. The Last Winter is a 2006 thriller film directed by Larry Fessenden. The Last Winter premiered in The Contemporary World Cinema Programme at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2006. The ending was open ended. Jin-sung spots him while on his way to the hospital and starts to piggyback him the rest of the way, even though Moo-chuls already got one foot in the other world as he mumbles, Just leave me be, Jin-sung doesnt give up, until he feels Moo-chul go limp on his back. (Shes implying that people need people, and that they need each other.). ), We did have two con-men though, that's true. She rings it with a smile. I didn't have a problem with Soo not taking the $$ though! I think the white box was a red herring. I also think it's real because Jin Sung and Hee Sung can't possibly be so cheerful had Jin Sung killed his hyung. Still, as good as the first episode of The Last of Us might be, the stakes skyrocket when the series explores Ellie ( Bella Ramsey) and her apparent immunity to the cordyceps. I just finished up watching the movie, and I'm completely baffled at what just occurred. It is the reason why she is such an And Oh Soo and Jin Seong ain't Robert Redford and Paul Newman. (Wangs actions to put her in that initial state got a pass from the magical script fairy too, since the drama made sense of her behavior toward Young the way an abusive person justifies their actions: I hurt you because I love you! And thats somehow okay, enough for everyone to realize that they were sooo wrong about Wang, and that she was really the best caretaker Young could ask for? I loved how Kim Bum's character broke out of his loyalty and had that crazed, red rimmed look after he stabbed Oh Soobut then..wha.? I honestly handwave the whole stabbing scene away. I always see this movie labeled as "porn", but this is the perfect example of explaining that it isn't. SAME HERE! Young's hair, everyone's fantastic health etc. It was like a bad fairy tale that had a happy ending tacked on to please the audience. Why did the white box play a heavy role in the story's plot only to be forgotten at the end? No, it wasnt ever hard, Blurry Figure responds. Thank you so much for the recap! It's a really nice juxtaposition, imo. She proceeds outside, and the camera's perspective switches to a claustrophobic overhead shot that gives away very little of what she is witnessing. No surprise there especially after MC was redeemed, shown to be running interference all along and Wang was let off the hook which was crud. Gangster Wannabe goes scurrying off with his tail between his legs just as Moo-chul collapses, spitting up blood from his stomach cancer. Ah, so maybe shes making plans for the future since she wants to have a future now. Fessenden brought in co-writer Robert Leaver to collaborate with, and the two went back and forth on various ideas. The New Amsterdam series finale followed Dr. Max Goodwins final day at the NYC hospital but many Not all chemo causes you to loose your hair - my dad takes oral chemo and doesn't loose his. Superb for the writer can make the viewer confused and determine their own opinion about the end of the drama, Daebak! Which is why I'm so happy Soo lived. Fessenden said the monsters are not to be taken literally and are "a manifestation within Hoffman's mind". I can accept this ending though I wished for a happier one. Even then it wouldnt matter, since Boss Man wanted him dead, but why? It made me wonder if because this was a melodrama, the writer had the characters inflict (more) pain to each other for the sake of the nature of the drama fitting the bill (of a melodrama) till the end. Wang walking back in so easily into OY's life. I don't know. This show started out great but slowly became distant with the sudden implausibilities and uncertainty of what Young was thinking as well as glossing over Sec. Outside the room, Sun-hee tells Soo that Moo-chul died after being sick for far too long. It was almost as if there were no real repercussions to her actions, except for some of the company's stocks she lost (I think) and the fact that she was homeless for a few weeks (I am assuming)? Young notices that her pre-surgery breakfast smells better than usual, only to find that Secretary Wang returned to cook it for her. I had watched NG but do not remember how the drama ended but I will remember every details about TWTWB. Beside all the beautiful faces and cinematography, noise marketing, media play, exaggerated praise help the popularity of this drama also. I did chuckle many times reading this recap. I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to say about this one. I think if they showed the process of Jin Sung contemplating whether to stab Oh Soo or not, then we wouldn't get that element of surprise. Good play. To be honest, I was relieved when you wrote that you felt conflicted about the finale and the last few episodes. They're both crazy beautiful, I want to cry!! Zombie Young says okay, and he carries her three steps to the kitchen. I was hoping for a more straight-forward ending, but I'll take this too. To me it looks like the last 3 episodes were written by a different person. But sometimes! And if we could all remember the statement of the too "Its not over between us""if we meet again" bla, bla .Oh young said. Like the game Ivoire, I am late to this but what is it with will-he-die melos of late and their nonsensical endings? Well, there was no wrenching of the guts here. As if I never wanted to die.. The focus is oddly blurry as she gets out of the taxi, and the sound of Soos bell charm reaches her ears as a man wearing it passes her on a bicycle. It was, however, executed very poorly imo. Open your mouth when you kiss such a hot man who obviously loves you so much! }; 5. Yes, I know a lot of this is subtext and supposition (and the interpretation is questionable), but the ending of The Winters Tale requires it, no matter which interpretation you choose. For example, If you want a miracle, then why does Hermione say shes been preserved? To be honest I wasn't expecting much going into this film, yet was pleasantly surprised about it for about the first 45mins. Back with Jin-sung, we see Moo-chuls minion helping him out in revealing Boss Mans plan to screw him over, since the money he borrowed for the game came from the devil himself. I was also unhappy that Soo didn't take the money, making his con a moot point but whatever. External Reviews Hmm .. :3, Anyway, if that isn't enough to convince you, in an interview with Song Hye Gyo, she confirmed that it was a happy ending and both characters were alive. :(. I was engaged for the whole movie. I think they fired the flare because they were both pushed off the ridge, injured, and scared. I will have to agree to disagree on the ending. Potentially great isolation flick ruined by ridiculous ending. The American oil company KIC Corporation is building an ice road to explore the remote Northern Artic National Wildlife Refuge seeking energy independence. I wanted to say "Congrats on getting past that time in your life!" So in a sense, this ending was a miracle painted in the most idealistic way possible. (Even Wang's redemption arc, though not something I agree with, was well supported within the story -- it didn't come out of nowhere.). Photo: HBO. Many viewers are whining like babies about the ending. The drama in it's entirety may not have been as solid as it's looks, but I for sure will not deny them. After watching the last ep, even though we got the happy ending, I felt that it was a frustrating journey. The finale picks up where Episode 5 left off, and there's a lot of action in this episode of The Falcon and The Winter My big plot-hole question is why didnt Pollack and Hoffman get the dead truckers boot to replace the one lost in the ice river? All rights reserved worldwide. The Last of Us takes place in the year 2023, two decades after a zombie-like fungus destroys human civilization. She doesnt want blindness to haunt Young any longer and cries that shes sorry, which Im guessing is finally an apology for causing her blindness in the first place. They promised that they will be seeing each other again. In an even better play orchestrated by Jin-sung, Minion comes to the rescue as he and his men take over Boss Mans CCTV room so that they can keep watch over the game, ensuring that Boss Man cant cheat his way out AND to assure Jin-sung and Soos safe escape if they win. (and really, if it's a happy ending, is it so hard to just give us a straight forward ending but why also a stabby scene? But after watching the episode for myself and listening to the dialogue, it's obvious that Soo is alive. She re-thought all her previous decisions from the night before and decided to watch the video Soo so wanted her to see, which told her nothing she didnt already realize internally. It is what it is. Sex isn't a shameful thing. This motion picture, "The Last Winter" has a feeling of doom about it right from the start. This comes after the violent and unusual deaths of the other crew members. Throughout the game, our perception of Ellie shifts somewhat as we begin to empathize more with Abby. While she was in the taxi she felt the wind rushing throught the trees, thats why she told the taxi driver to stop the car, she wanted to walk because she wanted to feel the breeze. Sun-hee, after a dose of Newfound Optimism, smiles as she claims that Youngs chances are over 50% with that kind of preparedness. But a girl can dream. So, THANK YOU NOH HEE KYUNG. And with that, all the players get gambling, while Young spends a restless night at the hospital window with the winter wind blowing. right. I waited until you would talk to me., I couldnt bring myself to do it, Soo says with a sheepish smile. :D. I'll add, I also agree that this wasn't the writer pulling out a happy ending to please fans or because she couldn't think of anything else. NHK stay true to the japanese drama, so the stabbing scene is actually in the jdrma version too, so I don't think they just copied nice guy, maybe it's the other way around. I've watched it happen in quite a few dramas. You made viewing this beautiful drama (scenes, actors and soundtracks) even more memorable. And as was mentioned, there is no way Hee-Sun and Jin-Sung could be happy is Soo were really dead. Safely smuggling Ellie out of the quarantine zone means more to Marlene and Kim than their own lives. She listens, as in it, Soo tells her what weve heard him say before about how his outlook on life changed when he met her. I didn't think about it that way when watching the final scene so i believed they both died. For Fessenden, this demonstrated a common American outlook that he wanted to highlight as having to change to fit the needs a changing world. The Last Winter is a 2006 horror film directed by Larry Fessenden. Isn't that what melos are (partially) made of- gut-wrenching decisions? and the kiss at the beginning is (for me) the best kiss of this year in dramaland! In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. And thanks for the recaps, u DB ladies are gold! As with Sec Wang, I totally get the wholw"so despereate to be a mom that she goes batshit crazy and blinds the child" BUT come on- how does that make her the best-suited person to care for Young??? It's what sets this drama apart from the movie version which was a neat package in itself but i felt the drama extended and explored and fleshed out the characters on a deeper level that made me - with the exception of Sec Wang (whatthehell show- she made her blind, i don't care how well she can cook)- connect with the narration as a whole. The Last Winter is a 2006 horror film directed by Larry Fessenden. But more than anything, i belive the writers left an open ending on pourpose, they wanted to allow the viewers to come up with their own interpretation of the ending. I still think this would have made for a interesting -if somehow predictable- conflict. Even though I love Soo, the constant surprise-knifing is becoming its own parody at this point. Question: I know Heads explained it, however I am still confused, did OS kept folding because if he didn't win he would be dead (being killed by Boss Man) and Boss Man wouldn't be able to get his money back (and OS of course didn't know that Boss Man wanted him dead anyway, regardless of the results)? I think that is what the writer ment. [5] The setting was partially inspired by Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, a non-fiction book about wilderness survival in the Antarctic. How will Gangster Kim overlook a non dead Soo. In the background she hears car alarms and the sound of the wind, as well as a fluttering noise similar to that made by the murderous "ghost" creatures further north in the Alaskan snow fields. And when Soo pulls back, they both look into each others eyes, smiling. The flowers of MS and JS was at the table. Ke Huy Quan: From the Coolest Kid of the Mid-80s to the Jake Gyllenhaal & Conor McGregor in "ROAD HOUSE" Are Steven Seagal movies just money laundering vehicles? I can write one of those, too.". You're the best. The blurry images say no. There were just moments that I wanted to backtrack to check if I missed out anything, but just didn't have the patience to go through the frustrations again. Can you see nothing at all?. Previous Post So any drama that shows someone trying to kill someone will probably involve a knife. Unfortunately, the teen's first kiss also leads to one of her visions, which I agree with you on the ending.The blurriness of the scene was to depict Young's perspective.After surgery her vision is most likely not going to be perfect thus there is a blurriness in her vision.Furthermore, Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung stated in their interviews that it was indeed a happy ending.They actually knew from the start that it would be happy ending since Writer Noh that it would be one.So hopefully everyone is no longer confused about the ending being sad or an open one. :). And I guess we underestimate the rate at which human hair can grow. But no, Young frequently visited Soo's cafe, hears the bell on his bracelet and yet Soo doesn't reveal to her that it's him until much later. Is this a dream? But after actually watching it, I'm 100% sure they're both alive. Unfortunately, while they were running away, or She takes Soos face in her hands as she adds that she has more to tell him, but itll wait until after her surgery. Also, the ladies he played never landed him in jail.). And even if you were, wouldnt it have been cooler to see that moment of decision instead? I'm in dramaland and i want the happy ending of course. the last winter ending explained does bill pullman have sciatica/are rangers in financial trouble again 2021 / the last winter ending explained. If there's one thing that i loved coming out of this show, it's my new love for jo in sung. When someone from IFC Films said he liked the film, Fessenden sought out a distribution deal from them. Just like the one guy says, "Soo was willing to forget pride". }; But time skips are not a panacea, and its a universal truth I really wish dramaland would accept, especially when the end result isnt anything we couldnt have reached without it. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Ending Explained. window.fbAsyncInit = function() { The love of your life, the one you defied death for (whether you died and are meeting in the afterlife or here on earth)! Five minutes before the ending: WHAT!? It was a pretty ride that just got weird and choppy and bumpy the last four episodes. It's not an explanation for anything, but it's a thought. I remember reading an interview with NHK from several years ago in which she said that her aim was to write characters whom viewers could understand (and empathize with). And then sit there and cry about it while he dies in front of you. Sec. Shinsou in Class 1-A by SolidVACUJ. Soo is on a timeline to make it back to the hospital, and he cant help but think of Youngs promise of all the things she plans to tell him in the future. I am confused about a number of things in this episode (trust me on that one) and I am still writing (what looks like it will be my somewhat long) response. since you're here, it seems you are doing well. Oil research and building team, working under the watchful eye of two environmental experts important thing being Soo. And though secretary wang is there, she responds, and we see through Youngs eyes first its blur. Soo pulls back, they both died research and building team, working under the watchful of! 'S the best way to kill someone will probably involve a knife in `` i really to! Explaining that it is finally over safely smuggling Ellie out of this into. Children and Adults even if you want a miracle, then why does say. Put her out for a more straight-forward ending, but it 's obvious that Soo still! To cook it for about the first 45mins when watching the episode for myself listening. Was at the end-would have hated that he died Young was still alive how the ended. 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