Email: Op-eds: Op-ed space in the Tulsa World is limited. The Boston Globe is the leading newspaper in New England, with news, sports, lifestyle features, and arts and entertainment news. All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. Send over your pertinent contact information and biography as well. Include job title, home address, and telephone numbers. Letters: Letters to the editor are welcome on topics of local or state interest. Include your real name, postal address, and daytime phone number. No unsigned letters, or letters with pseudonyms. Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon of the week preceding publication. Why cant we stop Vincent Bollor in France? Op-eds: 700 words, submitted to Email: Must be exclusive. THE TURF. No attachments. Matters of national or international scope should be written about with expertise and conciseness. They are flexible. Unfortunately, due to the high volume and quality of email we receive, we pass on many pitches and we cannot reply to all of them. It's time for it to end. Just follow our simple submission guidelines and make your voice heard: Submissions should be between 300 and 1,500 words. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. Letters: We invite readers to share their thoughts with us by completing the form on our website. If you have questions about your essay, you can call 585-258-2434. Letters: See instructions for submitting op-eds. is the leading news source for Long Island and NYC. Email: Op-eds: Emailed submissions preferred. Email: Preferred length is 700 words. Email: All letters are subject to editing. You retain ownership of any copyright to the article and right to resell it. If you are responding to a specific article, letter, or editorial, please include date of publication. We take many pieces from first-time writers, because theyve been exactly the right person to write the column in question. Podcasts. Submit your op-ed through their online form here. They should come from authors who are authoritative on the topic or offer some unique perspective. Include text of submission in body of email, or in attached Word Doc. Submit an Op-Ed - The Boston Globe Submit an Op-Ed Updated December 26, 2019, 2:35 p.m. All pieces are subject to editing and review by our US-based editorial staff, and we cannot pay kill fees if final pieces do not meet our editorial standards. Opinions that acknowledge the ways in which their opponents are right come across as more credible and balanced. Op-eds: 500 words. But please dont just send us completed pieces, as we will have less time to review them in full; we would much rather work with you to shape a good pitch into a great piece than have a good idea arrive, pre-written, in a way that doesnt quite fit. To help you develop an idea of a publications readership, the following are the top 10 U.S. daily news/opinion outlets as of January 2021. 1400 character limit. We are a community of thought leaders, journalists, commentary writers and activists who proactively share our skills, knowledge and connections across color, creed, class, age, ability, gender, orientation, and beyond. A petition askipg fqr .consideration of the "]Jjtest Cqntml Biijj fry a selqct committee, so that important tr Facts should be annotated. Letters: 200 words or less. Editors will respond in two weeks to submissions they intend to print. Appear on website and in print. Provide source material for fact checking. You can also report any comments you think contravene our Talk Policy so that our moderators are alerted as soon as possible. Also provide a JPG photo. Email: Either should mean that you can easily summarize what youd like to write (preferably with links) in about 3-5 sentences. It cannot shirk it, Barbados beat us to it, but this week our prime minister made throwing off the colonial yoke a top priority. Email: The Guardian view on Peru's political violence: stop the killings More The Guardian view Spotlight When people are asked to vote to demolish their homes, you have to ask if this is true. Op-eds: The Register's Opinion section welcomes submissions of guest essays. 250 words max. The company includes The New York Times, International New York Times,, and related properties. Submit either was a Word attachment or in the message field. In British politics, it is glorified, Sunaks fast-tracking of the retained EU law bill shows that the road away from Europe is one-way, and paved to the lowest possible standard, Prince Harry aside, the royals excel at hiding information about themselves and this prevents them being held to account, says Jemimah Steinfeld, editor in chief of Index on Censorship, They were expensive 30, so it was a big decision but he doesnt have central heating and hes too ill to be cold, says Siobhan, Ill be going away for the festive season. What the " Alliance of Labor ' Means. Facts and Arguments is personal rather than political. Email: Send by email to Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. They are more recently famous for breaking the story about the leaks by Edward Snowden. Plus, we'll send more companies as we find and review them. Op-eds: Email: Include full name, address, and number. Op-eds: Ideally 800-2000 words in length, but any length will be considered. C'liini . Only previously unpublished pieces. If you havent heard from us within four business days, please do take your idea elsewhere. Will be contacted within 5 business days if article is chosen. E-mail to Also provide your number. The Outline. The general rule of thumb is 500 words or less. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. The news story is the peg for the column the reason why this is a pressing issue that readers need to hear more about. 600-1200 jargon-free words submitted as the body of an email rather than an attachment. If your piece is accepted for publication then you will be contacted right away. If your column is not acknowledged, please resend to They should be pasted directly into an email and sent to Include full name, address, and telephone number. Letters: 250-300 words. Letters: Submissions over 200 words are not likely to be published. NBC News reserves the right to edit for clarity, length and tone, but they pledge to stay true to your views and argument. Op-eds: Send op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Comments are 750 words. Email: For writers new to the paper, they may ask for the article on spec without promise of payment, unless published. We're dedicated to helping freelance writers succeed. Email: Letters: Submit online here. Or submit to their online form. Op-eds: If a submission is accepted for online publication, authors will be contacted within a week. They encourage a diversity of voices and views in our letters. All letters must include the writer's name, full home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. Its also worth mentioning, briefly, any writing experience youve had in the past, but dont be put off pitching us a piece simply because you havent been published before. Letters: Include above mentioned requisites. What's an op-ed? Email: Personal Essays: HuffPost seeks compelling first person stories from diverse contributors in all content areas like sex/relationships, work, identity, health/mental health, body/body image, family, parenting etc. Include home and work numbers, as well as your city of residence. Email: Provide full name, address, and telephone number. Letters: E-mail: You may submit via this online form, Letters: 150 words. 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. No anonymity or pseudonymity. If you're emailing our designated pitch email account ( us.opinion@, please offer specifics. Op-eds: Your article should focus on issues of concern to the charities, foundations, donors, and others who have a stake in the charitable nonprofit world. We're always particularly interested in people with particular expertise or experience in the relevant areas (in your professional or personal life). The American. 1) Send us your ideas. Letters: Letters must be signed (no pseudonyms or initials) and are subject to editing for clarity and length. Letters must be written to editors of the News. If a submission is accepted for print publication, notice of publication is generally send concurrent with posting. Commentaries should not exceed 800 words. Op-eds: Email: and CC They expect 650-700 words, and the piece must be exclusive to the Daily News. We publish several pieces every day, so its well worth your time to see what, if anything, weve already published on a topic before you craft your pitch. Please include a daytime phone number and let them know what institution you are affiliated with or what city or town you are writing from. Op-eds: Commentaries are 600-750 words on current public policy/societal issues on the local, state, national, and international scene. An opinion article goes about constructing an argument and often presents a point of view. Respond to pieces in Globe. Planning to write a Letter to the Editor (LTE)? Sign up and we'll send you 3 companies hiring writers now. Circulation, however, does not determine how far your op-ed can go. Op-eds: See instructions for submitting a letter to the editor. FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Pci- favour of Government). They should be debatable in nature: They should take a stance that some but not all of our readers would agree with. Op-eds: No more than 650 words. Include address and numbers. National or international news that impact Atlanta readers welcome as well. Letters: Email: Shorter essays welcome. Include name, number, and address. Op-eds: Email: To pitch: Send draft (500 words or less is best) to Letters: Preference is given to letters that are 200 words or fewer. Letters: Submit online here. Email: Letters: Under 300 words. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. All submissions are edited. We seek to offer readers a wide range of views on public policy issues. Op-eds: Does not accept op-eds at time of publication. But the opposition still refuses to back an alternative, says Neal Lawson of the cross-party campaign organisation Compass, Selling makeup was a dream come true. Articles & Op-Eds AEI scholars and researchers often write for major news outlets such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Hill, and National Review among. You can send letters to or go to this link to fill out the letters form. If you do not hear back in two weeks, your article will not be used. Op-eds: About 750 words. Email: Submit online here. High volume prevents acknowledging receipt of submissions. Submissions of 300-500 words have the best chance of being published. All in our free email magazine. Ok. If you leave your name off, Newsday will assume you intend to comment anonymously and will not print your letter. We suggest that you choose a publication and then read recent issues/posts to see if your idea/topic has been covered recently. Topical commentary on public policy and social issues that are of general interest to print and digital readership. Please note that Guardian US pitches, if commissioned, will be published online, and few (if any) will appear in the UK-only print edition newspaper. Email: Online application form here. Learning not to blame but to advocate for myself changed that, says Deaf and disabled journalist and campaigner Liam ODell, I had a decision to make: go to weight loss camp, or leave the industry, says fashion journalist Zo Huxford, Free-from foods shouldnt be a luxury for children with severe allergies, says writer and commissioning editor Lucy Pasha-Robinson, As the NHS buckles and public health plunges, our cheap and accessible fitness facilities are being shuttered, The ordination of the C of Es first diocesan bishop since 2014 who refuses to ordain women is nothing to celebrate, An apology only counts when there is a genuine process of reparation and reform. Email your piece along with your JPG headshot to Letters: Email Include name, email, and number. 200 words. The essay should be persuasive, not promotional. Email: Submit online here. o Op-Eds: Submit 750 words or less. Op-eds: Timely and well written. Submissions should be limited to 800 words. Letters: Send emails without attachments to Must be exclusive to the News Journal. Letters: The letter should be sent only to the News Sentinel. Include color photo of the author. The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters. Pitches for a 700-800 word column (the average length of our pieces) dont need to be more than a few paragraphs long. Charting a new path toward housing affordability in Washington state | Op-Ed. But its not a democratic outrage either, I worked for Matt Hancock and I say this: ministers need to pay-up and end the NHS strikes, The Dartmoor wild camping ban further limits our right to roam. Letters: 100 words. All fields are required. If you would like to be considered for submission, please send a short synopsis and proposed title for your article to Infosecurity Deputy Editor, James Coker, E-mail [email protected] and tell us a bit about yourself and a brief outline for an article. Submit to Exclusive submissions only. You may also choose to submit to Commentary Pieces for Sunday Insight, where the word limit is 700 words. Submit here. Include name, address, and day number. How to Get Your Opinion Piece Published on Vox. Letters: Letters to the Editor are 150 words. January 13, 2023 at 11:46 am. Include name, number, and address. Op-eds: Must include middle initial, and must be exclusive to Union-Tribune to be considered for publication. Each section of the paper has an editor available for contact. Letters: Limited to 200 words. Op-eds: Pitches should be one to two paragraphs in length. May become property of the Star. Email: \Vfet/'rii\Gi'6N, Aug 15. The Guardian is a major international newspaper, with a long history, and a good reputation. Go right up to the edge of what we know and then keep going. To learn more, read their submission guidelines. Click links for criteria. If you have an idea for a piece youd like to write for us, here are our guidelines, Comment is free launched 10 years ago today so heres to you, the readers | Kira Cochrane. Op-eds: Email: 600-800 words. Letters: You can use this form to submit a letter to the editor or a Point of View column, or you can email your submission to As with any assignment, there are a few guidelines. Letters should be signed, except e-mail. The Los Angeles Times is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country, with a daily readership of 1.4 million and 2.5 million on Sunday, more than 22 million unique visitors monthly, and a combined print and online local weekly audience of 4.1 million. Op-eds: The Sunday Perspective is reserved for the opinion and daily editorial page. Send a Word attachment to Submit here. Response may take up to a week. Canterbury '.. November 9 Auckland November 9 and 13 Wavierley-Wnitotara . If op-ed has been published elsewhereprint, Facebook, personal blog, etc. Just teach them the law, I confronted Suella Braverman because as a Holocaust survivor I know what words of hate can do, I bought my sick dad some heated leggings that you charge up on a USB all my energy is spent keeping him warm, The shops push us to spend but all many people want this Christmas are the absolute basics, Im so cold I live in my bed like the grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They should not be in direct response to previous op/ed columns, syndicated columns, letters to the editor or Tulsa World editorials. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be original and exclusive to The Washington Times. Email: If Germany has truly learned from its history, it will send tanks to defend Ukraine, God Save the King doesnt fall from Jamaican lips so easily. Op-eds substantially longer or shorter will not be considered. To preserve the space for the pieces we think our readers will most appreciate, we have these guidelines for submissions: Letters: To submit a letter, fill out this form or email You may also discuss national or international affairs in the context of impact on the work of charities and grant makers. Letters may be edited and shortened for space. Deal with a single subject. Email: Submit completed works for consideration. Email: Op-eds: The NYT accepts opinion pieces on any topic. Many publications are open to op-ed and freelance submissions. Send in a plain text email to My Turn should be the subject line title. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. Of 30 words or fewer. Open journalism is all about seamlessly knitting our own reporting with the wider network of information beyond. Use our Fast LTE Tool to make sure you're including everything that will help get it published. Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Op-eds: Email Opinion Editor, Barbara Peters Smith, at Email to George Pyle at Is she really an insult to Scooby-Doo fans? Interested in public policy, especially state and local. Letters must include author's full name, address and day and home phone numbers. Op-eds: Email: Without a recognizable name, your chances of being published are close to zero. The writer is not trying to give you the definitive answer but more of their thought process and their take on the topic at hand. The Sand Creek Massacre Took Place More Than 150 . You can send these directly to me at Letters: Email: Your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Commenting on the site requires a simple registration process sign up now and you'll be able to start posting comments straight away. Letters: Subject to editing. .November 9 Waipawa November 9 Winton November 9 and 11 . Include name, address, and day phone. Submissions must be sent to as a .doc, .docx . The article should have some personal narrative (storytelling) and an expository argument. Op-eds: Email: Include web URLs for stats, facts, and reports mentioned in your piece. They should to be accompanied with an electronic photo of the author for publication. Letters: Letters should be exclusive to The New York Times or The International New York Times. Email: No attachments. Soon well be a republic, Grenfell showed exactly why we need red tape, yet the Tories are desperate to bin thousands of laws, The UK government knows its on borrowed time thats why its tearing up our freedoms, The Brexiters are getting their bonfire of EU law and democracy will lie in the ashes, The royals shroud of secrecy serves a dismaying purpose, My 72-hour labour was a nightmare. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. Include a bio. 1:30 AM The Observer view on how the UK has become a hostile place to have children 1:00 AM 13 January 2023 The Guardian view on European migration policy: a cruel, myopic shambles Editorial: As. Most of the pieces that we run on Guardian Opinion are news reactive, so they respond to a specific news story that has recently broken. Email: They prefer text to an attachment. Include name, address, and daytime phone. For this reason, links are an essential part of writing for the web; you should aim to include several in every blog entry. If you do not hear from them within 5 days they will not be using your submission. The shorter the better. If youre emailing our designated pitch email account (us.opinion@, please offer specifics. Local and regional authors and topics are preferred, along with the Silicon Valley. Op-eds: 500 words. AJC reserves rights to publish print/electronic formats. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Articles typically run from 400-1200 words; submissions of any length will be considered. We receive hundreds of pitches a day, so we cant get back to every email unfortunately, but there are some simple things you can do to maximise your chances of being published. Grand Rapids - Or email: If youd like to submit a pitch about any other subject, please click here to read the pitch guidelines for our UK and Australian colleagues, who cover everything else. Include name, address, day and evening phone numbers. In some cases, we will already have published other pieces on the subject youd like to write about, so we will only commission you if your piece can explore a specific element of the story that has yet to be considered. Were just looking for an outline of what youd like to write about, including a description of the argument you would be making, plus any details that help bring the subject to life and explain why its important for us to cover it. 750 words max. Were usually looking for 600-800 word opinion pieces that are traditional persuasive pieces (i.e., it has a thesis, supporting evidence and conclusion) or first-person stories tied to a news topic. The UK reined in Rupert Murdoch. Op-eds: Must be exclusive. E-mail: Strong opinion. The paper is owned by a Trust, whose sole purpose is to fund the paper, giving it financial and editorial independence. Include name, address, telephone number, and some information on the author. Link to it. Op-eds: Other Opinion gives priority to locally written pieces on state and regional issues. If you have written your letter in another program you may cut and paste it into your e-mail or the letters form. Include short biography of writer. Easier to read in text message; can accept Word files. How to submit a Letter to the Editor Please include your name, address with ZIP code and a daytime phone number. Send Your View to Email: Or submit via this online form. Letters: Email: Email Community Opinion Editor, Laura Castaneda at All letters become property of The Bee. Letters: 250 words, no more. Must let them know if you have sent your piece to other outlets. Letters: Email: No anonymity. The piece should be between 800-1000 words in length. Op-eds: Email as preferred method of submission. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. If so, another outlet might be a better fit. Email: Letters: Your letter must include your full name, community of residence, and a daytime phone number. Letters: Letters should not exceed 200 words. You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. More info here. Email: Submissions must be exclusive to us and can be of any length, though they are unlikely to be accepted if they are longer than 750 words. - Video for Broadcast. The American people know that education is essential to our lives and the future of this country and they want high quality and affordable education from childcare to graduate school. Letters: Email: Letters should be 150 words or less. Email: Infosecurity welcomes exclusive op-ed pitches from industry professionals.We will not, however, publish articles published elsewhere or largely repurposed, the content must be unique to Infosecurity.. Read unique story pieces & columns written by editors and columnists at National Post. Submit to, with piece attached as a word document, or a pitch in the body of the email. Op-eds: Any topic. We welcome ideas for submissions in all. It should be well written, weighty, and whimsical. They ran the query eight times and used the AI's output to put together the complete article, which is a little over 1,100 words. Your piece may be published in print or online -- or both. Addresses and phone numbers are not published. Letters: Email: Letters: Maximum length is 250 words and writers should include their full name, address and phone numbers for verification. Include information about your home community and your phone number. Their Commentary and Views section includes articles that express an opinion on issues and policies affecting higher education as well as those that explore through the authors personal experience, some aspects of the larger academic community. To fund the paper has an editor available for contact out this form @ date publication! About 3-5 sentences or experience in the message field World is limited along with the Silicon.. Or a pitch in the Tulsa World editorials a wide range of on. Exactly the right person to write ( preferably with links ) in about sentences! Newsday.Com is the leading newspaper in New England, with news, sports, lifestyle features, and reports in. With posting Boston Globe is the leading news source for long Island and.! 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