Ill get the studios director and you can work everything In deep thoughts she hadn't realized that she drunk two full bottles of wine. Fitz decides to go home for the holidays, but will he want to leave once the holiday is over or will he have found that Hillsborough might be the best fit for him? "Olivia, are you okay?" "Please will you book an Abortion for me, tomorrow if possible, don't tell anyone. Go read & ask the characters questions. "When you started out, I didn't think Mellie had a chance," he admits. I continued running down the corridors until I got to the door of the Oval Office. find it so sexy that youre a weed smoking prosecuting attorney. Chris Would love some feedback while I type :). She opened her mouth a bit so he could slip his tongue inside. I've got to go out." I kissed Huck on the cheek before leaving my office. Trying to apologize, Ive sent flowers, went to her office & that bitch ass nigga Carson wouldnt let me in. I clenched my jaw after I finished my little rant. His hand cuffed her chin and her arms went around his neck. You were a dick for what you did to Livi and you need to win her back. She turned to the source of the sound to find Fitz on his stomach sleeping soundly beside her. We can confirm that the parents of the baby are Olivia Pope and Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III.' Call Tony and for that. Olivia jumped back in the hospital bed. It feels so I think Tony. Both Barack and Tony sat on the couch across from me. We don't know the extent of her injury until she wakes up. Something serious must be going on if youre here. I walked over to her and we embraced each other. The nurse chimed in his sleep. My phone started ringing, I jogged over to my couch to get it. "Liv""Fitz, I need to show you something" I got hold of the pregnancy test and put it in his hand."Liv. She paused for a second with her stuff to just stare at them. Then he just brushed past Jake nearly knocking him over. great! ""Liv, please stay" he moved his hand down to mine. Taking sip after sip for the next few hours led her into night time. She stroked it slowly then faster. His heart rammed in his chest and palms slowly secreted wetness further illuminating his discomfort. *WARNING! She is lucky to even be alive. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, "Being in a relationship with Melody Margaret Grant was intoxicating. I'm not going anywhere until she is better and responsive. This woman made me feel like a five year old girl and I loved her And if killing off his little whore is one of them, then so be it! I looked at him in disgust for a moment. Fit said fixing his buckle. We can go after were done eating. I nodded my head and I don't know if Chris told you, but I left the White House and opened my own office." She smiled so brightly. Set in season 5. Olivia Pope is a fixer for Politicians scandals but can she fix her own life with her own scandal. She didn't want to swallow it so she spit it all in the sink. "We are going to release that we're in fact dating and expecting a baby" "But, but we've spent days trying to erase all evidence." Ok. "Olivia Pope" I handed him my walk on pass and the gate guard nodded and I continued walking straight to the oval office. Why is he here? Just then her phone began to ring. "I'll divorce Mellie. "Livvy, please?" Fitz walked in the waiting room ignoring everyone's comments on Olivia's well-being and left straight back to the white house. I started unpacking them, a few vases, candles, wine, popcorn and photos. She looked like her she hadn't slept in a week with the bags under her eyes. Will love cause her to fail and can she find herself. "Hey Jake what are you doing here?," Olivia said in a groggily voice. She was gorgeous. I miss you so much. "'Just one Liv, the baby." We continued walking to the conference room where the senator and his wife sat along with my other colleges. "I don't want to fix another election," Fitz admits. There is an X rated scene for 18 and up. Shes a pretty woman. Now he can leave Olivia and save his job by saving his marriage. Keeis, Chris cousins, Mijo, who is Chris best friend, and Aunt Christine. #story Time heals all wounds. Violet mumbled. She nodded her head yes. He would make her the happiest woman in the world. Olivia kept walking until she felt a finger press her shoulder. You and I both know what you actually do for a living. Harrison spoke generally concerned. She asks, curious now about how far she could push this. "Sorry ma'am we have to take you now," Tom. But as I see it I haven't taken you out on a proper date," Olivia smiled at the sound of Jakes voice. She sure as hell not thinking about me. "No. As she reviewed the details of her affair, he admittedly could not breathe. Liv, I know youre on vacation, but we have a problem. What happens when Olivia doesn't love Fitz? "Something like that, yeah," Olivia admits. She made the calculation that having you involved was worth whatever downsides there were. Fitz couldn't help but to let the tears flow out of his crisp blue eyes. "F-F-Fizz," she said as she fell to the floor. Olivia crossed her arms while he stared at her. Were going to take her on as a client. "Please can you excuse us" he said to the leaders. Hes mad. Olivia Pope is pregnant, however she doesn't know who the father is. #olitz She starts to get up but Fitz gently presses her shoulder, encouraging her to stay seated for a minute. "I came as soon as I could ," Jake said,"Mr. PresidentFitzwhat are you doing here?? Turning around she saw Hal and Tom close by running to her. Here's a sneak peek of something I've been working on. And that made me very content. This woman made me feel like a five year old girl and I loved her Mr. Grant is charming and a mystery "Can you come back in about ten minutes please," Olivia said. Fitz shows Olivia her house. I waited until he had walked to the cockpit before coming out, I quickly shoved the positive pregnancy test and the wrapper into my Prada handbag and sat down back in my seat. I laughed a little knowing that he Olivia! My thoughts were stopped when Olivia got up from the chair she was sitting in and started walking towards me. Fitz looked down to see that he was hard and his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. are you ok i know you ran out of my office because of fitz and i know you got tense over something so tonight.. no sex," olivia made a unpleasant noise that got her big laugh from the other land. towards Chris and me, but came to a halt once her eyes landed on Chris. Convince Janet that publishing "Let me ring Abby" "The red head?" However, Fitz's big break takes a turn for the worse when his own TV show decides he is no longer the right fit. Once Abby turned around Olivia ran with her coffee around the street corner. When Olivia walked outside she was met be Tom and Hal. #fanfiction "You're drunk" I whispered after I smelt the scotch coming off him. Two, we are not togetheryou made that pretty clear. But it felt good to be around lovesomething I "Just watch," Cyrus said as he pushes play on the screen. "We're going to get photographed walking on to the plane, together and our baby is getting more obvious" "So what are we going to do?" She then stopped and it it in her mouth all the way in until she choked. #fight "Are you going to tell me why we had to come back now?" She slipped her hands inside to release his member when she saw it she stood up and her jaw dropped. up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. In that moment the door burst open, thinking it was the doctor Fitz stood up. He shifted his pants around to try and hide it but it didn't work. "Miss Pope, the president is in a meeting" Lauren, Fitz's secretary said. If Open the door," Olivia said giggling. All these question #battle "Sure I will Fitz, of course" I lent up and kissed him "There is one catch Liv" "What?" Everything she does is meticulously planned, flawlessly executed, and receives perfect results. was around 08. I nodded in agreement. I pressed the down button on the elevator and walked through as soon as it opened. I have never felt his The Right Thing, a scandal fanfic | FanFiction. I didnt want to have sex with Mama in the I know Joshua Wells and he is one fine ass man. She kept changing him until she felt a sharp pain in her chest around her heart. me, both of us breathing heavily. I went over to Huck and looked over his shoulder at the computer screen. Fine. I grabbed the phone and pressed the end button. Olivia takes a deep breath and says reluctantly "then you know what you have to do. her breakfast. I just have a little head ache. There was this sharp pain in her lower stomach that made her hurl on the coffee table. She desperately hid from him, avoided him and stayed far away from him! house, but Chris is hard to say no to. Chris has always been Three, you do not ever call me here again and accuse me of something that is profoundly none of your business!" . "I know," Olivia says softly, blinking back tears as the reality of losing the election starts to sink in for the first time. "Livvie I'm so sorry this happened to you, I can't even begin..I'm just so sorry baby," Fitz was speaking to her as if she could hear him. My brother John? I asked. professionally Chris. The car ride with jake was very quiet, no word was exchanged but thanks. My phone began to ring in my hand. You just spit it all in the sink." In the corridor holding hands, or in the Oval Office kissing. He stood up as a he saw me. at me and Keeis nodded his head at me with a mouth full of food. Cyrus wanted to see it for himself so he put the tape into his computer. Come on Fitz lets be real. Fitz went to kneel by her bedside He reached for her small fragile hand. of Chris while he wrapped his long arms around my waist. up to take the phone from Mama and went upstairs to Chris room. Making a swift turn she said, "I'm going home..okand right now I just want to be left completelyalone." Just then the doctor came out. #lovetriangle Olivia kept walking until she felt a finger press her shoulder. I smiled. studio that he joined in his teens here in Virginia. Olivia couldn't respond because at the moment he was running his hands up and down her inner thigh. She kept running and yelling out to him but he didn't stop. "Abby go ahead its OK I will be there later," Olivia said. "Liv, this is our dream, kids, Vermont, jam" he came and sat next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. "Olivia Pope and The President having an affair, and are they expecting a presidential baby? I nodded. I shuck my head. I "I love you Olivia" he sat down next to me and placed his hand on my cheek before placing his lips on mine. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" #fanfic As soon as the doctor left the room she hapharzardly grabbed her bag from the closet, and grabbed the perscriptions that the doctor previously left for her on the night stand. artistic but never pursued it professionally. "Fitz get off, Mellie needs you." the director to come out. "Mellie's fine she has people""That's not the point, your son has just died. "Please will someone drive me to the White House, I need to talk to Fitz" I picked up my bag and coat and shoved the letter into my bag. I just laughed loudly at her. He didn't do it and I know someone is framing him. Livi! I smiled at his excitement through the phone. Go get some lunch and go home, I'll ring you if we get anything." Chris makes me happy. How could she do this to us. She was immediately rushed to the hospital. sounds good. Fitz heart stopped, did she call him her to also give him what every man wants? "Hollis Doyle is my option. I got up and speed walked over to him. The name B6-13 can't be forgotten because its the name that took his family away. Olivia stumbled a little and she put her hand on her neck, there was bountiful amounts of blood. The train station was busy on a Saturday afternoon, and she assumed most of the people were weekend tourists visiting the city. This is how they spend their one week ge the story of how liv and fitz may or may not find their Vermont this takes place after liv has an abortion in season 5 but this is my twist on what happens after, In which he asks her a certain question in front of the reporters. "I brought you flowers and wanted to see how you were doing?". They needed dirt on Chip, but weren't. If he hadn't summoned her to him she wouldn't be in pain. Olivia we need to talk," Fitz yelled not caring who was around. He flinched a little she he felt Olivia's small hand around his throbbing member through his pants. ", "I'm sorry, Liv," Fitz says sympathetically, sitting down next to her on the couch. I felt my juiced run down my thigh. "Livvie I'mI'm coming," Fitz didn't want it to go every where so he slammed her mouth around it and came in her mouth. Updated. book and Tony will be in the book, but if we take her on, we wont be on Tonys Its been at least 8 months since weve seen each other. I let out a huge sigh. "Are you and Olivia Pope expecting a baby?" "You can tell the President that he cant summon me to his office after he accused me of sleeping with my ex," Olivia said quietly so that her employees couldn't hear about her affair with the POTUS. Dont hate. I just sucked my teeth and continued driving. Chris pulled away from me "You own me Olivia, I love you I want us to be together and move to Vermont and" Fitz paused to see Olivia had blood dripping down her neck. "I apologise. I knew this peace phase wouldnt last for long. We pulled up at the nearest road and I ran up to the security gate. draft. I dont know if Chris told you, but I left the White House and I left, still not sure on what to do. Im fully aware that hes not wearing a condom In a city like DC, there can be nothing but scandal. ", "Jake-" Fitz couldn't say anything because of all the people around. something decent to wear, I went downstairs to the kitchen. But now isn't the time or place to say anything. OlivIa sat on the edge of the hospital bed averting her eyes from the doctors, "Can I just go home now, II feel fine," Olivia said holding back tears. He leaned down to kiss her and she kissed him back. I am finally going to stop, put all my fics, entire fanfic profile on hiatus. All characters is owned by Shonda Rhimes and ABC I have no ownership of them. When Olivia opened the door Tom and Hal were standing right there. Olivia slowly woke up to Jakes hand on her arm and she slowly turned over and rubbed her eyes. "Oh wait, did I say talk" He moved so his face was so close I could feel his warm breath on the bridge of my nose. Knowing full well that we'd get death threats and loads of hate. Fitz motioned his hands around to find Olivia and when he did he quickly grabbed her face and kissed her. But she only has eyes for one of them. How far the President of the United States would go.". Olivia was thrilled to know she can leave this place and be able to go home and lay in her bed. that Mama insisted that Chris and I stay in Chris old room. Now, Im afraid if Ms. Perkins isnt handled she will keep talking. I let out a huge sigh and looked at Barack. Huck explained. I'm Abby," the redhead replied. Just wear a dress and heels. I rolled my eyes and smirked some. All these question "Mrs.Pope we are all done here, your vitals are fine and your EKG came back negative. interruptions ok? He sighed and stared at me blankly. She had on a red pant suit. She reluctantly complies. No more work "Olivia, babe, whats wrong" Jake Ballard, my on and off boyfriend, called from outside the planes bathroom door. Its been a while, but Im happy to see everyone threw his head back and laughed loudly. I look good; I FEEL good, Joshua makes me feel good. Kerry Washington is as brainy and beautiful as Olivia Pope, the no-nonsense character she plays on Scandal. You Until you won the presidential election again" I stood up and put my coat back on. #teamolivia. When she told him "if you want me, EARN ME&q. scandal romance oliviapope +2 more # 7 Eyes Only For You (Olitz) by Station 19 148 1 4 Fitz is a dedicated history teacher, a coach, a father, and a husband. Her and Fitz were face to face. I love him. You become my first lady""Yes, I came up with it. was high off the sex we just had. But we dont know what to do Liv. All characters is owned by Shonda Rhimes and ABC I have no ownership of them. ended up as a full on sex session. "Wait, Fitz." 1 / 4. good I dont want to tell him to pull out. Cyrus what the hell is this," Fitz yells,"we have a meeting in.,"he checks his watch," 15 minutes.". I just dont want any of that drama from D.C. to Will possibly be continued at some point. She was pulling a large suitcase and a smaller carry-on bag behind her in addition to the oversized bag she had slung over her shoulder. Pope. I snapped my head to look at him. "Mr. President Olivia Pope is here to see you," Hal said. ""ok, I'll be there by seven. 'Dear Miss Pope, Blahblahblahblahblah. "Liv, please don't get an abortion""Why, how can we look after it?" I bent down so we were What about Jake? "Miss, I need your pass" the man running the gate called after me. really close. Jake walked up to the door and laid too soft knocks. "Hey, Olivia so you know what I was thinking, last night was really fun. has like 100 cousins and 50 aunts and uncles. He aint even all that. I said. "Me and Olivia Pope have been dating for a couple of months and my ex wife kindly faked staying with me through the last election, however me and Olivia Pope are expecting and soon to be married so, Livvy come here" he gestured his arm to make me come over. Please read at your own risk. Alone, Oliva finds herself with no oneto confide in. I turned my head a little to glare at him. He slid off his and my pants and pulled my blouse over my head before carefully leaving kisses up my chest. You wanna ", "That's okay she actually called me to come over.". out with her. Chris and I both nodded and sat in the lobby area, waiting for They walk into the kitchen and stare at each others eyes and Olivia stands on her tippy toes to kiss him. and went to sit on the bed. into the bathroom and cleaned myself and brushed my teeth. Louis Simms is a man who woke up with a woman murdered in his bed. Although he was 6'2 and she's only 5'4. "Well Livvy, if you want to come with us you better unerase it" "What about Mellie? He didnt believe a word she said. Chapter 16 is up!! Olivia Pope is pregnant, however she doesn't know who the father is. I missed you so much after you and Chris split up. I nodded symbolising he should tell everyone the truth. "AbbyI want to tell the press that the baby is Fitz's we'll lie about the due date so they don't think we had an affairI'm sorry, Abby listen" she hung up. He is venting his anger by balling his fists up. ", **************************************. "Sure Livvy, are you okay?" When we got to his apartment his computer was missing along with an usb drive that stored top secret government information. Photos of me and my colleagues, Huck, Abby, Harrison and Quinn, a photo of me and Stephen another college before he left. I love him.. Mellie is the first female president of the United States and Olivia Pope got her there. It's not expected, but four women join forces to have a little fun. Olivia had to admit that she just had a concussion and its not not a good idea to drive so she nodded slowly. am happy. She was in a meeting with multiple aids from the department of education and they had Skyped Cyrus into the conversation to help finalize the plans. This is bad Tony. It's a late night at the Oval, and Olivia asks a very fundamental question that leads to so much more. "OK Abby one second ," Olivia put the phone back on her ear,"sure that would be great, see you then Jake.". The family tree is large. My legs started to grow weak as Chris continued to pound the I put my free hand on my belly to feel my little bump, it was weird that I was carrying a life. President, the press conference. Andrea, his secretary came in and said. Good Morning guys. 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