A Capricorn sign male and Pisces sign female are almost the opposite of each other. This marriage is warm, loving, and mutually supportive. A Pisces woman usually has excellent intuition, and she can see solutions to problems that most people cannot. They both have a harmonious relationship as both of them remain loyal to each other. "When I made the plan to travel around the globe for a year it was supposed to just be me, myself, and I. I had every intention of traveling alone and getting lost in the world. A Pisces woman manages to bring out the best in her man. She's always spending time dreaming of the tall, dark Byronic hero. Check compatibility traits between Pisces and Capricorn zodiac signs. Beautiful experience, cant wait to do this again! Both signs enjoy spending time together and sharing feelings. However, this doesnt mean that the Pisces man should be a pushover. Also, it is difficult for a Pisces man to hold on to a job because of his dreamy nature that deters him from living a composed life. You are so spot on. If you want to know what a Pisces man needs, check out Pisces Man Secrets. We wish you Good Health. You did great at understanding my breakup and giving advice to repair things. This coldness may make it difficult for Pisces to express her emotions. He is also ambitious and a stable partner which is what Pisces needs. Love won't evaporate between these two even after decades of being married. It is a bond, rather a strong one, which can make them realise their true potential in being together. What was it that attracted you towards each other? Capricorn men function best when they are in charge, even though he can be a little harsh to his underlings. So, the Capricorn man Pisces woman love compatiblity will thrive on an effortless, co-operative and peaceful engagement. Pisces is a sign that is often misunderstood. A Capricorn man and a Pisces woman are exceptionally well-matched. Related: Why are Pisces People So Good in Bed? The Capricorn man would have managed to save enough in his life and will want to continue saving for their future whereas the Pisces woman would want to splurge. I remember in that moment feeling overjoyed. They speak the same emotional language. When with them, you should be prepared for. Despite their differences, this pair can still function harmoniously as they respect each others personality. She is sensitive but intuitive and will be able to create an enormous fire of sexually stimulating passion for the Capricorn guy without saying a word. This made my experience very personal and I have a feeling thats how she is with all her clients. Fascinated by each other, the Pisces man and the Capricorn woman have a rare kind of connection. Together we can achieve . In totality, the blend of a Capricorn man and Pisces woman is something to look forward to! But they are both mature. Looking forward to trying out more psychics on here. The Pisces Woman and the Capricorn Man make for a wonderful friendship and love affair. Since they push one another to learn and grow, they make quite the power couple and will never get bored with each other. Capricorn Man Taurus Woman Photo: pinterest.com and pinterest.com Just by her touch, she brings Capricorns emotions to the forefront. Pisces Woman and Capricorn Man: Sexual In bed, these two reach heights that are hard to attain among many partners. Capricorn loves that Pisces is so gentle and submissive. A Pisces woman is creative and often has brilliant ideas. A sign of relief, as they can definately rely on each other as life partners. In turn, she cares for him and supports him in his dreams. This pair will also balance each other well when it comes to parenting. Their symbiotic relationship is made possible by their ruling planets. These two make a lovely pair as their differences balance out so well. The Capricorn male finds himself to be more carefree and bright as per Capricorn compatibility whereas the Pisces female finds his company comforting and encouraging. When Pisces feels comfortable following Capricorn's lead, this pair can find themselves with natural sexual chemistry. Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? These two complement each other when they work together. He does not believe in love at first sight or any such nonsense. Its your compatibility. Will call soon. You are an angel! A Capricorn woman on the other hand, though cannot be called distrusting, can expect the worse out of those whom she meets. The Earth Sign natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach. He is ready to fulfill her wishes and needs. So we agreed to call off our wedding and go our separate ways. A Capricorn man will be able to take these ideas and adjust them so that they are workable. Once assured of her interest in him, he will take the reins in his hand and show her a wonderful world of love, care, and security. In turn, her softness and kindness will balance his tendencies towards coldness and overambition. Then Zach came along 24 hours into my journey. My go to, my therapist. It takes a lot of effort for Pisces to discern this mans feelings. It is always said that the opposites tend to attract each other like the two ends of a magnet. He is able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of those who are working with him and to utilize them to their fullest potential. Understand the real motives that drive you to seek a particular friend. He has been my go-to person for when I dont know what is going on in my life and need some guidance. A Capricorn and a Pisces in bed together will be awkward at first because a Capricorn man and a Pisces woman experience sex very differently. Capricorn, which inherits the earth element has a slight dimension of an authoritative nature which is ruled by Saturn. Another flaw of the relationship is that a Capricorn woman is highly dominating in nature, thus, keeping the Pisces man in the shadows and making him feel vulnerable as well as left out. What is often shared by both of you in this relationship is love and comfort. He will realize very quickly that a Pisces woman is not one that he can casually date. If youre looking for a relationship that works, a Capricorn man is the best choice for you. Thanks so much! The Capricorn male is an energy bomb in the bedroom. If these two want, they could very much have a successful long term relationship or even marriage. His bluntness and drive adds to his sex appeal. It may take time for the Capricorn man to want to open up enough to let the Pisces woman in and to allow her to be sexual with him. Great reading! Theirs is an ideal match between a strong and a gentle person. But are they soulmates? With her emotions, she can reach the deep inner depths of his emotional being by her simple touch. Man with Capricon zodiac is the most practical of all men. Pisces, on the other hand, is intuitive, and she values freedom.She is also emotional and isnt very rational at times. When she does, however, her best traits fall away and they can become inverted into the negative traits she is sometimes associated with. The pair of a Pisces man and a Capricorn woman is highly volatile and comes with its pros and cons. Capricorn Man and Pisces Woman carries an extreme degree of compatibility. Eventually, she gets attracted in bed by a Scorpion man's sexual antics and submits herself to his sexual prowess. The personality of a Pisces woman is characterized by an extremely caring, intuitive and sensitive person. Although, a Pisces man is flexible and would love to dominate you, if that's your desire. The Capricorn man also gives her a sense of security. A Pisces woman is a dreamer and intuitive who makes good decisions with her sixth sense. While he can live in a chaotic environment, she is more inclined towards cleanliness as well as tidiness. I never knew what "soulmate" love felt like or if I even believed in such a thing, but I did know that I always felt like something was missing in that relationship. However they are wonderfully thoughtful lovers and caring they are extremely sensitive loves to argue and make noise. When these two come together, Capricorn will benefit from Pisces sense of imagination while she will learn how to focus more on her goals. There is an aura of benevolence exhibited when these two signs Capricorn and Piscescome together as a couple. He is always improving himself and seeking knowledge. Provided also are Blessings, Negative Energy Removal, Reiki, Energy Work, and more. Besides the fact that he was great at reading me, the conversations we had opened my mind up to the possibilities the world has to offer. Its your compatibility. He is particularly vulnerable to a kiss on the cheek or you might take his hand. Like all Water Signs, a Pisces woman can bond completely with another and suffers a great deal when these bonds are broken. He wishes to live in the moment and thus, would want to spend all at once. It could go from snuggling and being close to turning into a full-on sexual tryst. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. Thus, she will make him feel secure and safe, a feeling he looks to achieve in his partner. That being said, its important to know how these two might line up should a Pisces woman want to cultivate a bond with a Capricorn man. There is a certain level of comfort that these two share with each other. We were at a mutual friend's house party. Make sure that a Pisces woman is capable of doing so, becoming the best support system for the Capricorn man. A Capricorn man and a Pisces woman in a relationship can be called a match made in heaven. Capricorn man seems as though hes cold or callous, but his Pisces woman helps bring out the tenderness he has deep inside. They do not match on the emotional quotient, but they both balance it beautifully. Great reading. Both signs enjoy spending time together and sharing feelings. 6. Angel Answers connects with the angels and archangels, which is what I was looking for. The love chemistry between them is quite interesting. Ready to calculate your chances with your Capricorn man? Once committed, these two could actually have a very close bond for life. All they need is to give each other some time and patience to learn the weaknesses of each other and together they can easily pave a way out to work out their negligible differences. Im yet to see any website that beats Predict My Future when it comes to psychic readings. Also, the thinking pattern being different between the two, contrasting thoughts will keep them fascinated with one another, along with allowing him to stay focused, and her to chase her dreams. Her calm demeanor keeps her away from trouble. Her tender love and care make Capricorn feel safe even on his worst days. Wow! Some problems do arise as it happens in every relationship. So much positivity. The sexual attraction between these two partners is although not ideal but not bad either. Pisces and Capricorn are an excellent combination in relationships because, despite their differences, they get along really well. I loved my reading! Its clear that they dont just put random psychics on here, each one is amazing at what they do. The likelihood is very low, and so Pisces woman needs to be aware that if she really wants a Capricorn man, shes going to have to work for it. Capricorn man inspires Pisces woman to take action to make her dreams come true instead of just fantasizing about them. The reality is though; they seem to just get each other and can understand where the other is coming from. The love-making between the Capricorn Man Pisces Woman in bed is always beautiful. A Pisces man and Capricorn woman have contrasting traits and support each other in almost all types of relationships. She will absorb a lot of emotionality from the Pisces man considering the fact that she is cold in nature and over a period of time their house would become comfortable as well as welcoming. I knew I was settling for mediocrity, when I really wanted magical love. A Pisces man and a Capricorn woman make an excellent couple. The Capricorn man is recognized for his stability and dependability, while the Pisces lady is naturally gentle and soft-hearted, making them an ideal combination. The Capricorn woman and Cancer man have much to learn from the other and the sexual attraction is compelling. I appreciate your time connecting with me. Thank you for such detail! When the relationship match between these zodiac sign are at its peak, then it will be very tranquil. He will take his time to reveal his feelings (Earth signs are . Capricorn men arent into one night stands typically and yet take a very long time to get to know someone before he will get sexual with them. We bantered back and forth for a few minutes and then he took down my number. Relationships are all about give and take. We're programmed to please. I got another prediction about my future in a second reading and cant wait for it to come true because the first reading was accurate! The Capricorn man and the Pisces woman are known to be a great combination in love and in relationships. If shes looking for just hot sex, she may be disappointed because hes not going to give it up easily. We now come to the main part of the article. Though, they may not be very expressive, the Earth Signs can be really warm beings from within, but it may take long. The Earth Sign natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach. Thus, they grow to be more close to each other and the conversations that they shall have will range in all kinds of subjects. Hes worth it, and he will give her all the love and security she could ever ask for. Pisces and Capricorn make quite a seamless fit when it comes to sex.