We see this in the Bible the weeping for Tammuz. Alexander Hislop creates this story himself a story that is never told or known by anyone before him. Anyone that uses it has not actually studied History. Ishtar was a goddess of many different things including love and war. Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: Deuteronomy 6:4 KJV, And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; Deuteronomy 17:3 KJV, And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 KJV. We believe as you learn how they impacted history and how they continue to infiltrate the world today you will begin to understand satans agenda to deceive Gods children. In fact, they think that the Romans borrowed Persian ideas in forming their own. In verse 17, God asks, "Is it a trivial thing to the house of Judah to commit abominations which they commit here [in the Temple!]? The two arms of the image symbolize this division. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, 'the horned one.' Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. However that cannot be said about much of his claims, that we will later see, that are nothing more than fantastical.Deciphering fact from fiction is indeed very complicated due to the complete entanglement that has occurred between the 2 in many ancient writings that are still being confused by historians and theologists today, those historians and theologians who still rely on historians who did not or could not not differentiate between these 2 ideas anyway. This could not be true, for we have sufficient evidence that the Tower of Babel stood long after Nimrod's day. Even if the person making the claim does not know it themselves. Historical truth often grows to superhuman feats in mythology. She would give birth to their son Ninyas and shortly after this Ninus died. Writings of the early church and Church fathers. Why did God instruct stoning as a punishment. Nimrod is mentioned just 4 times, Tammuz once and Semiramis not even once. Diodorus account again is based upon the writings of Ctesias. Whatever she did during her reign she seems to have been powerful or revered enough to have been seen as equal to her male counterparts and had an obelisk inscribed and placed in prominence in the city of Ashur with the inscription. A look at the evidence. Tammuz is described as being a former lover of Ishtar in the epic of Gilgamesh. It comes as no surprise then that modern Assyriology does not cite Hislops Two Babylons; it is a discredited source. [xv] Adonai means The Lord. Greeks also knew Nimrod as Dionysus, the sin bearer,[xvi] and gave homage to him as Zeus, the savior,[xvii] and Mithras, the mediator.[xviii] The Babylonians worshipped Nimrod as El-Bar, or god, the son. Archeologists in the ancient city of Nineveh have unearthed sculptures inscribed with this name. He initiated the rebellion against God. Richard T. Ritenbaugh Semiramis would appear to be the Greek name given to Sammu-Ramat. There is no historical evidence for the claim beyond the writings of the Greek historians. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz Then, in regard to the death of Ninus, profane history speaks darkly and mysteriously, although one account tells of his having met with a violent death similar to that of Pentheus, Lycurgus, * and Orpheus, who were said to have been torn in pieces. Each gate removing her items of clothing. In the history of mankind, Nimrod stands unequalled for his symbolism of evil and Satanic practices. She,wanting to accomplish greater things than her predecessor and wishing to establish her fame went about building a city in Babylonia. . No matter how many people believe or retell this story it will remain the concoction of Alexander Hislop and nothing more. Semiramis is not stated as being Nimrods wife, they are are not described as the King and Queen of Babylon and never described as having a son. God or he/who/which In 1 Timothy 3:16 should it read God was manifest in the flesh or he/who was manifest in the flesh? 1 Timothy 3:16 what is the correct reading? The Babylonians wept for him on "Good Friday." They worshipped a cross-the initial letter of his name. When the Lord could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did your land became an object of cursing and a desolate was without inhabitants, as it is today. This vision reveals that paganism had deeply affected the women in Israelite society as well. (Something that he repeated throughout his writing on this subject. Scholars are still divided over whether Cyrus actually meant that the God of Israel was indeed the true God and thus his sovereign Lord. . Onnes sent for his wife who having observed the battles gave Ninus a plan of attack that finally led to the King taking hold of the city. After God came down and confused the languages at the tower of Babel due to the evilness of this religion who tried to build a tower so tall it would reach into heaven with Nimrod having said he was angry at God. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Part Two): Chest and Arms of Silver. Alexander Hislop used an Egyptian myth that was associated with Osiris, Isis and Horus and because as he claimed they are Egyptian versions of the earlier gods he proceeded to input those beliefs back into history even though this story is not told of anywhere by anyone that included Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. After human dispersion at the Tower of Babel, worship of the fertility goddess and mother/son duo continued across the ancient world, but the names changed in different locations due, of course to the different languages. Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed Him or followed His law or His decrees or His stipulations, this disaster has come upon you, as you now see. Jeremiah 44:19-23. Nimrod, Semiramis and TammuzThe Myths behind the myth ( Short version part 1). God executed that judgment shortly thereafter, when King Nebuchadnezzars Babylonian army destroyed Jerusalem. It wasn't until the late 18th century that the markings on these tablets came to be known as actual writings. must watch antichrist nimrod semiramis tammuz ancient babylon witchcraft by doc marquis The result was a re-incarnated Nimrod. Inanna (Semiramis) was known as Ishtar in Babylon, Isis in Egypt and the son/husband was Osiris - the sun god. Genesis 10-8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character, by Samule Noah KramerSir Austen H Layard retrieved from the ruins of Nineveh cuneiform tablets during the 1840s and 50s. Tammuz who was Damuzi is ripped out of the story of Ishtar and then simply forced into the Egyptian myth and becomes Horus the son. They have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as offerings to Baalsomething I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind. Listen! Herods massacre of infants in the city of Bethlehem was a horrific attempt to accomplish that goal. Itt would seem that Hislop simply chooses which parts of a story and from which version of the story to take and make up the correct story. He then took Semiramis as his own wife. However, Semiramis didn't just deify her husband. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (quick version), You can read the full version here http://www.followintruth.com/nimrod-semiramis-and-tammuz. Baal worship was an abomination to God and a major factor provoking His judgment on the Canaanites and Israelites. He built his empire through the means of conquest. Damuzzi was a shepherd god and associated with vegetation. Nimrod was the grandson of Shem who was the son of Noah. All attempts to trace the origin of goddess worship lead ultimately to one single woman of ancient history Semiramis. They ruled the people and turned them against God. The Bible never states that Nimrod built the tower of Babel and it never mentions how or indeed when he died. The bull is given and released. Was Jesus Crucified? I am going to bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle. Semiramis is the amalgamation of fact and fiction. (Http/www.1dolphin.org/Nimrod.html; author Bryce Self). The Apostle Paul wrote in the Epistle of the Romans 1:21-23: For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor gave thanks to Him; but their thinking became futile, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Such, then, are the conflicting accounts which may be found in the historians regarding the career of Semiramis. In an effort to retain power and to hide her misdeeds, Semiramis makes a most audacious claim. In 1850, Edward Hincks published a paper suggesting that cuneiform was instead invented by some non-Semitic people who had preceded the Semites in Babylon. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). People adored her, especially in her home city of Uruk. contact@findinghopeministries.org Yet separating fact from fiction is of fundamental importance in order to obtain true history. Yet again Plutarch repeated that we should not believe the myths as they are simply stories with attributes. Even before the fall of Babylon, Cyrus had defeated the wealthy Croesus, king of Lydia in Asia Minor (546 BC). Then it is said that Semiramis set out to build her empire. She is turned into a corpse and hung on a hook. . This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Tammuz is simply referred to as a lover of Ishtar's youth. Nimrod became "god-the-father", Tammuz became "god-the-son", and Semramis became the "dove" or "spirit" that held this holy union together. That Seed is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who will rule the nations with an iron scepter, as illustrated in this same verse. Tammuz also known as Horus and Adonis . He then uses some things that are attributed to Ninus such as being warlike and a hunter.These attributes are linked to Nimrod through similarities. This fact alone should at least cast doubt over its veracity. this is simply taking one cultures myths and inputting it back into history and applying it to another cultures myths even though nobody ever wrote this story about Ishtar. Nevertheless, the dragon did await the birth of that infant (Jesus). Neither can we simply take just one version of the story when various myths and stories were believed. God is not three different persons all rolled into one, neither a complex unity as some Christians like to teach. After victories in central Iran and in Phoenicia, he conquered Babylon in 539 BC, and his son Cambyses overthrew Egypt and Libya in 525 BC. Hence Hislops etymological inventiveness which traced wordsto Chaldee roots, is irrelevant in establishing linguistic links to Nimrods Babylon and Assyria. If nobody before Alexander Hislop had ever written about Nimrod , Semiramis and Tammuz together how did he come up with the theory in the first place? See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. Semiramis is not stated as being Nimrods wife, they are are not described as the King and Queen of Babylon and never described as having a son. Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. The simple fact is the story has no historical basis and when studied is shown completely fictional. Hislop tried desperately to explain this verse and make it seem as if it was in fact talking about Nimrod rather than Asshur, I am persuaded that the whole perplexity that commentators have hitherto felt in considering this passage, has arisen from supposing that there is a proper name in the passage, where in reality no proper name exists. He was unable to take it. Genesis 10- 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, Asshur was the 2nd son of shem , Asshur is also the name of a people (the assyrians). We are introduced to the concept of and the significance of the son through this myth. Kronos was also the Roman god Saturn, who devoured his own sons as soon as they were born. Mythology portrays Semiramis as world civilizations worshipped her in that way. The pagan concept of the trinity began most likely in the days of the Tower of Babel. So where did Hislop get these ideas from? This is where the myths of the Egyptians are drawn in and linked with Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz. Another myth has Isis and Osiris producing Apollo before they had even left their mothers(Rhea) womb. Onnes then hung himself with a rope. The name, Bel, also means the Confounder.[vi] Cush likely assisted in the planning and building of the Tower of Babel. Many people claim that Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz are the pagan trinity. Richard T. Ritenbaugh The very story that Hislop uses to start all this off, that of Ninus and Semiramis acts as evidence against this as nowhere in the Greek writings relating to Ninus and Semiramis is this version recorded about them. These likely symbolized his satanic connection. Nimrod, Semramis, Tamuz y la Navidad - Pensamiento Pentecostal Arminiano Pensamiento Pentecostal Arminiano En defensa de la sana doctrina: Creados para honrar a Cristo como Seor en nuestros corazones. Moreover Ishtar is actually the Akkadian name for the older Sumerian goddess Inanna. The Popes poor victims may think differently, but speaking Mandarin doesnt make me Chinese either. A long description of the building of the city itself is given. Further to that there is not one single historical writing, including the talmud orthe writings of Josephus, that places these 3 together before Alexander Hislops book, which was written in the 1850s..AD.Hislops claims are fanciful and catch the attention of those with itchy ears. Erec-ki-gala gave instructions that the 7 gates of the underworld would be locked and Inanna must go through each shedding one divine power at each gate. In his Fasti Hellenici he makes his age to have been BC 2182. The claims in this book are the basis on which the claims made by most people who state Nimrods wife was Semiramis. [ii] http:www.onesimus @ix.netcom; author Bryce Self, [iii] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; pp 5, 20-21, 30-31, 74-75, 141). Osiris was also a vegetation god, as Horus was believed to be Osiris Damuzi who we know was Tammuz was linked to Horus by way of Osiris and so Tammuz became the equivalent of Horus.. (all very complicated indeed). Hislop asserts that Semiramis was instrumental in Nimrod's plan to rebel against God, and he speaks of the woman's unusual ability to manipulate the will of men. Hislop cites and calls upon the Plutarch for support regarding the myths of Osiris,Isis and Horus. Hislop using evidence (Eusebius) to clearly identify Ninus as an ancient king of Assyria. While this kings list places Semiramis at the time of Abraham and so therefore as it is also claimed that Nimrod was alive at the time of Abraham, this also places Semiramis at the time of Nimrod it still does not actually connect Nimrod and Semiramis together. Parts of the story are shown in many different Egyptian texts. Ancient mythology describes Hermes as the interpreter of languages. There is an inscription engraved in an Egyptian temple of Isis that reads: I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. From the beginning of time, Satan has done everything in his power to destroy that lineage. In the proceding writing of Diodorus he tells the story of Semiramis how she was found as a baby after her mother had abandoned her. Many learned individuals have taught polytheism was the evolutionary forerunner of monotheism. I will assume that this question is Read more, Supporting Followintruth.com in 2022 Hello, and happy new year to all the followers of FollowInTruth.com. If the death of Osiris should be taken as the death of Nimrod then the death of Ninus should be the same if Ninus was Nimrod. The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. No mortal has removed my veil. In this video we take a look at the identities, the biblical historical stories, and the actions of whom these deities actually are Nimrod, Semiramis, and Ta. Lenoir, NC 28645, What the Bible says about Orphans and Widows. Unable to execute JavaScript. [ix] Henry Morris; The Genesis Record; p. 265. I certainly am not advocating Easter itself (see my writing is Easter Christian?) [xi] The Phoenicians every year sacrificed their beloved and only begotten children to Kronos, or Saturn; and the Rhodesians often did the same. [xii]. Again this in no way deterred Hislop. This horrible form of idol worship incited Gods judgment upon the Canaanite people and also upon the Israelites, as they participated in this worship. -The Religions of Tammuz-From the Book of Ezekiel 8:14. Due to the fact that we are critically-thinking human beings, who are also Holy Spirit led, these views are subject to change at any time. Nimrod, who was born on December 25th, the High Sabbath of Babylon, was the founder of Babylon and the city of Nineveh. This clip explores the role that the Pagan Mother Goddess Semiramis has been playing ever since the time after the Great Flood of Noah. Nimrods followers assigned him many mythical names that implicate works achieved only by the true Son of God, Jesus Christ. Con imgenes de la historia de la Leyenda del hijo de la luna Tamuz, Semiramis su madre y Ninrod su padre en Babilonia, los huevos de pascua (nacimiento de s. Conflicting accounts which may be found in the flesh full version here http: //www.followintruth.com/nimrod-semiramis-and-tammuz ( Eusebius to. Etymological inventiveness which traced wordsto Chaldee roots, is irrelevant in establishing linguistic links to Nimrods Babylon Assyria... Is given Henry Morris ; the genesis Record ; p. 265 Hislop using evidence Eusebius. Going to bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of everyone who of. 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