What cars are used to score points in the weekly series is up to the discretion of the individual participating tracks, within Weekly Series guidelines. We look forward to the season ahead and developing this amazing class of incoming drivers. The cars use steel tube-framed silhouette stock cars powered by carbureted V8 engines. (Jacob Kupferman/NASCAR) We look forward to the season ahead and developing this amazing class of incoming drivers. Even former National Hockey League player Patrice Brisebois runs in the major events which now feature over 40 cars. The series began as the NASCAR Winston Racing Series in 1982 as weekly, local track racing sanctioned by NASCAR. Jacob Brown's NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series Division V national championship this season was particularly special for him and the track where he races. Paige Rogers - NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series Late Model:The 19-year-old from Fort Wayne, Ind., will make her debut with Rev Racing in 2023. Ally 400 Bank of America Roval 400 Coca-Cola 600 Coke Zero Sugar 400 Daytona 200 Daytona 500 Daytona Duel Dixie Vodka 400 Food City 300 Geico 500 NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series NASCAR All-Star Race Points Explanation Kennington won his second championship in three years. The 14-year-old also has an iRacing background. In recent years, a NASCAR regional series driver from the United States will often run in the races to gain experience and with NASCAR's specification engine rule. 12 Ford to . 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f_btn_font_size="13" f_results_msg_font_family="712" f_results_msg_font_size="11" f_title_font_family="712" f_title_font_size="13" f_title_font_line_height="1.2" f_meta_font_family="712" f_meta_font_size="11" f_meta_font_line_height="1" title_txt_hover="#008d7f" btn_bg_h="eyJ0eXBlIjoiZ3JhZGllbnQiLCJjb2xvcjEiOiIjMDA4ZDdmIiwiY29sb3IyIjoiIzAwOGQ3ZiIsIm1peGVkQ29sb3JzIjpbXSwiZGVncmVlIjoiLTkwIiwiY3NzIjoiYmFja2dyb3VuZC1jb2xvcjogIzAwOGQ3ZjsiLCJjc3NQYXJhbXMiOiIwZGVnLCMwMDhkN2YsIzAwOGQ3ZiJ9" modules_gap="0" image_height="80" meta_info_align="center" results_msg_color_h="#008d7f"], 2022 Snowball Derby Entry List Stacked with NASCAR National Series, ARCA, and Pintys Series Drivers, Mason Diaz Exits Car, Walks Away After Frustrations with Inconsistent Officiating in South Carolina 400, Brenden Queen Holds Off Carson Kvapil for Triumph in Chaos-Filled South Carolina 400, Video: Dale Earnhardt Jr. The full list of themes and cars for Glory Road: 75 Years now is as follows: Plan your visit to the NASCAR Hall of Fame and purchase tickets by visiting nascarhall.com/tickets. The following are the tracks which have been, and are currently used in the NASCAR Pinty's Series: A gradual implementation of both competition and safety-based modifications have been made to the cars used in the CASCAR Super Series. Brown has been racing since 2006, winning seven track championships between I-80 and Iowas Shelby County Speedway, as well as two other regional touring series titles. He won the title by 10 points, besting Salina Highbanks Speedways Jaylen Hardbarger. Jaiden Reyna - NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series Late Model:The Cornelius, N.C., native, 16, returns to Rev Racing after securing two 1st place finishes at Lincoln Speedway in the young lion division. DASHBOARD. Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a shortened 2020 season was completed that consisted of six races at three tracks. This will be a pivotal year for our organization and this next class of drivers.. Caruth is a prominent iRacer who made his transition to the racetrack in 2019. Paige Rogers, Eloy Sebastin Lpez Falcn, Caleb Johnson and Nathan Lyons will make their debut in 2023. Rogers is the 2021 runner-up in the O'Reilly Auto Parts Late Model Sportsman division at Corrigan Oil Speedway. The series was also set to produced their first-ever dirt race at Ohsweken Speedway in August of 2020. NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Racing series . The new Venom F5 Revolution Coupe is an apex predator on a racing . Replay. } This page designed by Jay Adamczyk, All Rights Reserved. Larson is the first graduate of the NASCAR Drive for Diversity Program to win a NASCAR Cup Series championship. DeVos won 10 races and had 21 top-five finishes in 24 starts at Michigans Berlin Raceway. For more information, visit the NASCAR announcement here or visit nascar.com. On June 2, 2019, Julia Landauer became the first woman in NASCAR Canada history to lead a lap when she led lap 72 of the APC 200 at Jukasa Motor Speedway.[10]. The fifth iteration of Glory Road recounts 75 years of NASCARs rich history with the most eclectic selection of vehicles ever to grace the 33-degree banked exhibit space. Bonus points were also awarded to each driver starting a feature 20 points for at least 21 cars starting, 10 points for 15 to 20 cars starting, and none for less than 15 cars starting. Former champion Don Thomson Jr. retired after a lengthy career. HOME. Jayski's is a registered trademark of Jay Adamczyk. Putting up those statistics makes you go win a national championship, I guess.. We couldnt be more proud of our accomplishments last season and of Nick and Rajahs growth. In 2023, Wallace enters his third season with the 23XI Racing team owned by Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin. Five of the tracks divisions will race for points in the NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series. [7] The championship would also be renamed to the Pintys Fan Cave Challenge. As of the Motomaster 125 at Jukasa Motor Speedway (September, 12, 2020). The series would be returning to two previous tracks - Sunset Speedway and Circuit ICAR. Drivers include Cale Gale, Jason Bowles, Timmy Hill, Tony Stewart, Dave Blaney and Austin Dillon. The NASCAR Drive for Diversity Driver Development Program was created in 2004 to develop and train ethnically diverse and female drivers both on and off the track. 2021 NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series Division III champion Chad Baxter. Brown had seven wins and 12 top . He is 2022s NASCAR Mxico Challenge champion. . Theres a few of us and we all know our jobs and positions, and we all get along and we have a fun time, Paul said. Dec 8, 2022 Co., native finished 5th in the Carolina Pro Late Model Series point . Paul finished with eight of them, and 15 top fives in 16 races. Reyna also finished a career high 2nd place at Florence Motor Speedway in the late model division. In 2021 he became the first Black driver to win a NASCAR Cup Series race in almost 60 years. Series: NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series Formerly Known As: NASCAR Winston Racing Series (1982-1999); NASCAR Weekly Racing Series (2000-2001); . SERIES NEWS. In an October 2022 interview with PEOPLE, comedian Amber Ruffin explained how canceling a celebrity for something controversial doesn't always impact their career in the way some would expect. By clicking Accept all you agree that Yahoo and our partners will process your personal information, and use technologies such as cookies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights, and product development. Our entire Rev Racing organization is committed to being a championship contending team and one of the premier development programs in NASCAR. Tickets Shop Search for: Search for: News. The team which includes Pauls parents, Rick and Serena, and his brother, Chad gets up bright and early on race days, and pick up crew members Dakota and Zach to ride to the track, where they meet their other crew members Rod, Ryan, and Dalton. They also signed a television contract with TSN to carry all events with select races being aired live. 100% Money-Back Guarantee. Lizzo isn't the only celebrity to speak publicly about "cancel culture" as of late. At the end of the day, though, Even though we struggled quite a bit this year with things, we all pulled together and worked hard, and it paid off, he said. Three of the series races, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal, had crowds in excess of 50,000 fans. Nothing has come easy for Layne Riggs from the moment his auto racing career began. Photo courtesy of Tom Jensen. The 19-year-old from Carneys Pointe, N.J., returns to Rev Racing after securing 1. : The 17-year-old Griffin, Ga., native returns to Rev Racing for his third season after earning two top 5s and two top 10s in the2022 Cook Out Summer Shootoutin the semi-pro division. I said, I want to see proof of this first, one way or another. Not just get my hopes up and hear, Oops, we made a mistake, or whatever. The $20,000-to-win Solid Rock Carriers Battle of the Stars, scheduled for Saturday, March 4, will be the first race under the NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series banner and the first race . When Ramsey, who raced this season at Iowas Adams County Speedway and Nebraskas I-80 Speedway, realized he had a chance at a second national title, he knew he had to go for it. The system awarded two points per position in the feature event, with a maximum of 25 cars starting and 50 points going to the winner. Following a national and international search, eight talented drivers were selected to the newest classafter participating in the Advance Auto Parts Drive for Diversity Combine. Paul finished with eight of them, and 15 top fives in 16 races. "Chevrolet: Winningest Brand in NASCAR" will be temporarily unavailable due to Induction Weekend festivities. He and his wife, Kaylee, will typically travel about a half hour away to Pauls parents house to work on the car throughout the week. At just 15 years of age, she became the all-time winningest female driver in Hickory Motor Speedways storied history, an accomplishment that contributed to her earning the 2022 Wendell Scott Trailblazer Award. The 2023 class features the following drivers: Andrs Prez de Lara - ARCA Menards Series: The Mexico City, Mexico, native, 17, returns to Rev Racing after competing in the NASCAR Mxico Series and NASCAR Mxico Challenge categories. RALEIGH, N.C. Advance Auto Parts, a leading automotive aftermarket parts retailer and the official auto parts retailer of NASCAR, announced the return of its "Home Track Highlights" program, in partnership with Team Penske and its No. Were excited to be going NASCAR in 2023 and be a part of the sports 75th anniversary season, New River All-American Speedway promoter and operator Anthony Goodyear said. The NASCAR Drive for Diversity Driver Development Program was created in 2004 to develop and train ethnically diverse and female drivers both on and off the track. Layne Riggs wins 2022 NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series championship . Ive got to thank my team for that, my partners, my parents, and all them for all the support that makes it possible.. Were really looking forward to the Battle of the Stars, Goodyear continued. For the 2014 season the maximum cars starting was dropped to 18 resulting in 36 points for the winner. Even after he was told he won the national championship, it took some time for Paul to believe it was true. Birthdays eSports It was, in many ways. Paige Rogers - NASCAR Advance Auto Parts Weekly Series Late Model: The 19-year-old from Fort Wayne, Ind., will make her debut with Rev Racing in 2023. He is 2022s NASCAR Mxico Challenge champion. Advance Auto Parts assumed naming rights for the series on June 10, 2020.[1]. 23Xi Racing team owned by Michael Jordan and Denny Hamlin hopes up and,! For: News believe it was true Series championship previous tracks - Sunset Speedway Circuit! Racing career began finished with eight of them, and 15 top fives in 16 races our Rev... Iii champion Chad Baxter larson is the first Black driver to win a NASCAR Cup championship! Shop Search for: News of Jay Adamczyk champion Chad Baxter race at Ohsweken in! Ohsweken Speedway in the Late Model Sportsman division at Corrigan Oil Speedway six! 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