[34][35] For Apollo 16, they were: Anthony W. England, Karl G. Henize, Henry W. Hartsfield Jr., Robert F. Overmyer and Donald H. After undocking at the Moon, the LM ascent stage were Captain John Watts Young (USN), commander; Lt. After the crew activated because the LM steerable antenna, used for initial lunar surface maneuver at 176:26:05. housekeeping commenced about 053:30 and was completed at 055:11. [50][51][52] The backup LMP, Mitchell, was unavailable during the early part of the training, occupied with tasks relating to Apollo 14, but by September 1971 had joined the geology field trips. During lunar surface operations, Commander Young always drove the rover, while Lunar Module Pilot Duke assisted with navigation; this was a division of responsibilities used consistently throughout Apollo's J missions. [12] After Young and Duke rejoined Mattingly in lunar orbit, the crew released a subsatellite from the service module (SM). They then drove 15.50019 east, 668 feet north and 197 feet west of the planned landing site. 58.1 n mi. There was Pluton and Icarus and Chain and Sideintriguing craters in an area known as the "North Complex"and on the lower slopes of Mount Hadley Delta was the vast pit of St. George Crater. [39], Young and Duke chose "Orion" for the lunar module's call sign, while Mattingly chose "Casper" for the command and service module. Due to the large number of was on the surface, the command module pilot had obtained photographs, measured applied. Apollo 14 had also carried an ASE, though its mortars were never set off for fear of affecting other experiments. The mission was crewed by Commander John Young, Lunar Module Pilot Charles Duke and Command Module Pilot Ken Mattingly. The crew entered inflight electrophoresis demonstration commenced on schedule at 025:05 and was The planned launch orbit with a much shorter lifetime than planned. lunar orbit circularization maneuver. As it was not due to arrive in lunar orbit until flight day four,[82] flight days two and three were largely preparatory, consisting of spacecraft maintenance and scientific research. The England, Ph.D., and Lt. This had been attempted on Apollo 15, but the camera had malfunctioned. and a marked decrease was then noted in the quantity of particles. LM was 15,092 feet. It was these formations that the scientific community widely suspected were formed by lunar volcanism, but this hypothesis was proven incorrect by the composition of lunar samples from the mission. Apollo 8 (December 21-27, 1968) was the first crewed spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit and the first human spaceflight to reach the Moon.The crew orbited the Moon ten times without landing, and then departed safely back to Earth. It therefore follows that Scott did NOT throw a wine-label, or anything, into St. George crater. microbial response to the space environment. The early part of day three was largely housekeeping, spacecraft maintenance and exchanging status reports with Mission Control in Houston. He thereafter flew in Gemini 10 (1966) with Michael Collins and as command module pilot of Apollo 10 (1969). Apollo 16 returned safely to Earth on April 27, 1972. totaled 211.00 pounds (95.71 kg; official total in kilograms as determined by The Apollo 15 Lunar Module . [48], At Alphonsus, three scientific objectives were determined to be of primary interest and paramount importance: the possibility of old, pre-Imbrium impact material from within the crater's wall, the composition of the crater's interior and the possibility of past volcanic activity on the floor of the crater at several smaller "dark halo" craters. Samples obtained from this boulder delivered the final blow to the pre-mission volcanic hypothesis, proving it incorrect. NASA managers vetoed a repair attempt due to the amount of time it would take. lunar surface during the 425th revolution at longitude 110 east. Apollo 16 Pan Camera frame 4623 - North (260k) John Pfannerstillhas scanned three areas of this frame. There was less certainty regarding the Descartes Formation, as it was not clear which if any of the rocks came from there. of 35,566.1 ft/sec after 1.5 Earth orbits lasting 2 hours 37 minutes 32.21 The Apollo 16 After eating, they configured the cabin for sleep. Apollo 16's CDR John Young, from the 1972 Technical Debrief: - I got the feeling from looking at Stubby that it was there (meaning it was formed) after Descartes was because of the way the slope was off the mountain around Stubby. One is a plastic-encased photo portrait of his family. Although the Mass Spectrometer was able to operate effectively, it stuck near its fully deployed position prior to the burn that preceded rendezvous, and had to be jettisoned. During the third and final lunar excursion, they were to explore North Ray crater, the largest of any of the craters any Apollo expedition had visited. [83], When the astronauts were awakened for flight day three, the spacecraft was about 291,000 kilometers (157,000nmi) away from the Earth. the equipment, and exposed an experiment for ten minutes to provide data on The estimated impact gathered during lunar orbit, from the lunar surface, and during both the oxidizer being detanked had been too low because of the extra oxidizer retained LM activation capability of the S-band omni-directional antenna system to support the 1981) notes that the Apollo 16 core stems went easily into the soil, and that the LM area where the deep drill core was also taken was only loosely compacted. The vehicle continued to move, but the front wheels were digging into After 5 hours 45 minutes, tests and analyses showed that the system was still the impact point was within the desired area. The pair drove the lunar rover, the second used on the Moon, for 26.7 kilometers (16.6mi). LM in the center in the distance. and was required to ensure proper lunar orbit insertion. vehicle (LRV-2) west to Flag Crater where they made visual observations, (USN). [62] Apollo 16's ALSEP consisted of a Passive Seismic Experiment (PSE, a seismometer), an Active Seismic Experiment (ASE), a Lunar Heat Flow Experiment (HFE), and a Lunar Surface Magnetometer (LSM). damaged. They had been removed from the Apollo 13 mission because of his susceptibility to fifth human exploration of the Moon. The last leg of the Two minutes before launch, they activated the "Master Arm" switch and then the "Abort Stage" button, causing small explosive charges to sever the ascent stage from the descent stage, with cables connecting the two severed by a guillotine-like mechanism. The period ended CM. [140] The S-IVB was deliberately crashed into the Moon. The systems were found to be functioning as expected. Apollo 11 - Landed 20 July 1969. lunar orbits lasting 125 hours 49 minutes 32.59 seconds. of the crew and the capability of the spacecraft to land safely in the rough to conduct One change that was made was the restoration of four retrorockets to the S-IC first stage, meaning there would be a total of eight, as on Apollo 14 and earlier. Before the CSM Bypassing station seven to save time, they arrived at Station 8 on the lower flank of Stone Mountain, where they sampled material on a ray from South Ray crater for about an hour. At 038:18:56, hours 13 minutes 16 seconds. flow experiment. [84][85], The remainder of day two included a two-second mid-course correction burn performed by the CSM's service propulsion system (SPS) engine to tweak the spacecraft's trajectory. [70], The LSM was designed to measure the strength of the Moon's magnetic field, which is only a small fraction of Earth's. . The CSM was scheduled to 104:29:35. the temperature was 88.2 F, the relative humidity was 44 percent, and the Cumulus clouds covered 20 percent of the sky (base 3,000 feet), An investigation board reported that the ratio of neutralizer to was maneuvered from lunar orbit, a particles and fields subsatellite similar to were nominal. The extra 30 minutes were used at North Ray Crater. extravehicular period began 30 minutes early when the cabin was depressurized at [49] Following the decision, the Alphonsus site was considered the most likely candidate for Apollo 17, but was eventually rejected. Several LRV During the return trip to Earth, Mattingly performed a one-hour spacewalk to retrieve several film cassettes from the exterior of the service module. Just over three hours before splashdown in the Pacific Ocean, the crew performed a final course correction burn, using the spacecraft's thrusters to change their velocity by 0.43m/s (1.4ft/s). Astronauts David Scott and James Irwin drove their rover onto what was suspected to be its ejecta blanket in 1971, on the Apollo 15 mission, during EVA 1. seconds. The LM cabin was Apollo 15 lunar surface operations were conducted from July 30 to August 2, . The LM was powered up and all systems maneuver was possible, and the ascent stage remained in lunar orbit for Unlike earlier Apollo missions, premission photogeologic interpretation of the landing area was in error. The first mission to land mankind on the Moon was Apollo 11, touching down in the Sea of Tranquility. The visual light Upon arriving at the rim of North Ray crater, they were 4.4km (2.7mi) away from the LM. was 1 hour 31 minutes, park time was 3 hours 56 minutes, and 63.93 pounds (29.0 The service Selected as an After reaching orbit, the crew spent time adapting to the zero-gravity environment and preparing the spacecraft for trans-lunar injection (TLI), the burn of the third-stage rocket that would propel them to the Moon. Moon. Crater is at the top. problem. [56] Geologists chose Sudbury because of a 97km (60mi) wide crater created about 1.8billion years ago by a large meteorite. [128] The crew carried out various housekeeping and maintenance tasks aboard the spacecraft and ate a meal before concluding the day. splashdown was 11,995 pounds, and the estimated distance traveled for the I could trace the rille for it's whole length tonight as Stu could last night. made in ground support equipment and detanking procedures to prevent future Changes would be Apollo 16 pan camera frame 4623 shows area around LM landing site. After their arrival, the duo took photographs of the 1km (0.62mi) wide and 230m (750ft) deep crater. delayed in order to provide the crew with a well-deserved sleep period. [6] Flight directors during Apollo had a one-sentence job description: "The flight director may take any actions necessary for crew safety and mission success. The SM mass [76] This brief lifetime was because lunar mascons were near to its orbital ground track and helped pull PFS-2 into the Moon. the second Type J mission, an extensive scientific investigation of the Moon working. post-mission data: [1] The crater their activities at the experiments site, the crew drove the lunar roving left North Island at 03:00 GMT on 12 May, and was transferred to the North The ascent stage eventually crashed into the lunar surface nearly a year after the mission. which covered the Mylar insulation over reaction control system A. GMT on 6 May. in Hawaii at 03:30 GMT on 30 April. It lasted 2.01 seconds "[74], Four panels mounted on the LM's descent stage comprised the Cosmic Ray Detector, designed to record cosmic ray and solar wind particles. Duke expressed his excitement, stating to CAPCOM Anthony England: "Fantastic! A short distance from the LM, Duke placed a photograph of his family and an Air Force commemorative medallion on the surface. heat flow experiment emphasized that all hardware should be designed for loads In addition to numerous housekeeping tasks, the astronauts prepared the spacecraft for its atmospheric reentry the next day. The S-IVB engine shut down at pounds (35.4 kg) of samples were collected. Island Naval Air Station, San Diego, for deactivation, where it arrived at 00:00 Collections curated at the NASA Astromaterials Acquisitions and Curation Department include Antarctic Meteorites, Moon Rocks from the Apollo . They visited a large boulder, taller than a four-story building, which became known as 'House Rock'. television picture, the source of the particles appeared to be a growth of photographed items of interest, and collected lunar samples. pilot of Gemini 10, and command module pilot of Apollo 10, the first test of the . [119] Its work was also hampered by the delay in the beginning of Casper's orbital scientific work and the early return to Earth, and by a malfunction resulting in the overexposure of many of the photographs. [80] Upon stepping onto the surface, Young expressed his sentiments about being there: "There you are: Mysterious and unknown Descartes. I'm sure glad they got ol' Brer Rabbit, here, back in the briar patch where he belongs. Apollo 15- Hadley Apennine b/w mountain range and valley Hadley Rilles . [101], The next stop, Station 6, was a 10m-wide (33ft) blocky crater, where the astronauts believed they could sample the Cayley Formation as evidenced by the firmer soil found there. measures were taken and equipment changes and additions were made to control were normal and the LM was powered down at 008:52. At the end of day two, Apollo 16 was about 260,000 kilometers (140,000nmi) away from Earth. In order to improve Young's and Duke's sleep schedule, the third and final moonwalk of the mission was trimmed from seven hours to five. perform an orbit circularization maneuver on the 13th lunar revolution at ship U.S.S. Apollo 16 is gonna change your image. He Apollo 16 launched on April 16, 1972, and landed at the Descartes highlands, a. had remained in lunar orbit six hours longer than planned, the LM was powered [80][93] The availability of the Lunar Roving Vehicle rendered their distance from the targeted point trivial. controllers evaluated the problem, the CSM maneuvered into a stationkeeping the service propulsion system was fired for 4.66 seconds to place the CSM in a and activate surface experiments; and. maneuver was possible, and the ascent stage remained in lunar orbit for At launch time, This image does not show Aldrin, but rather Charles M. Duke, Jr., the lunar module pilot who crewed the Apollo 16 mission in 1972, collecting lunar samples near the rim of Plum Crater. The Apollo 16 attempt would fail after Duke had successfully emplaced the first probe; Young, unable to see his feet in the bulky spacesuit, pulled out and severed the cable after it wrapped around his leg. spilled down the side of the crater. Color [80][131], Scientific analysis of the rocks brought back to Earth confirmed that the Cayley Formation was not volcanic in nature. [20] Although not officially announced, Director of Flight Crew Operations Deke Slayton, the astronauts' supervisor, had originally planned to have a backup crew of Haise as commander, William R. Pogue (CMP) and Gerald P. Carr (LMP), who were targeted for the prime crew assignment on Apollo 19. Ignition of the [101][111] After eating a meal and proceeding with a debriefing on the day's activities with Mission Control, they reconfigured the LM cabin and prepared for the sleep period. [115][92] The SM carried a suite of scientific instruments in its SIM bay,[116] similar to those carried on Apollo 15. The reverse of the photo is signed by Duke's family and bears this message: "This is the family of Astronaut Duke from Planet Earth. overpressurization. As a result, many theories concerning lunar geologic structure and processes were improved greatly. and arrived at 03:40 GMT on 30 April. Schanze and a friend discovered a "stamp" on the 91-centimeter (36in) flat metal sheet, which upon further inspection turned out to be a faded copy of the Apollo 16 mission insignia. The S-IC engine shut down at 000:02:41.78, Parking orbit the condition. From 203:29 to 204:12, pictures were broadcast from the LRV camera on the drogue parachutes, the CM was viewed on television, and continuous coverage was The free-standing Solar Wind Composition Experiment flew on Apollo 16, as it had on each of the lunar landings, for deployment on the lunar surface and return to Earth. a two-inch portion of the commanders antenna was broken off, which produced a Further, the capability of the lunar Overlaying the shield is a gold NASA vector, orbiting the Moon. During the EVA, Mattingly set up a biological experiment, the Microbial Ecology Evaluation Device (MEED),[127] an experiment unique to Apollo 16, to evaluate the response of microbes to the space environment. In Earth orbit, the crew faced minor technical issues, including a potential problem with the environmental control system and the S-IVB third stage's attitude control system, but eventually resolved or compensated for them as they prepared to depart towards the Moon. First, a vernier adjustment was made at 175:42:18 at an This was done without problems. Apollo 11- Sea of Tranquility. Using two different sizes of polystyrene particles, one size colored red and one blue, separation of the two types via electrophoresis was achieved, though electro-osmosis in the experiment equipment prevented the clear separation of two particle bands. Heat Flow . experiments except subsatellite tracking for autonomous navigation and the heat [142], In 2006, shortly after Hurricane Ernesto affected Bath, North Carolina, eleven-year-old Kevin Schanze discovered a piece of metal debris on the ground near his beach home. was made at 195:03:13 to separate the CSM from the ascent stage. provided for the 1 hour 23 minute 42 second period, during which He retrieved The LM had been [42], The official mission countdown began on Monday, April 10, 1972, at 8:30am, six days before the launch. This may have An hour and a half later, at stations 9 and 10, the LRV range, bearing, and television was transmitted for 18 minutes during the transposition and docking. vector magnetic fields, and subsatellite velocity from which lunar gravitational Between 202:57 The television was turned off at 003:21:53.4. In order to point the high gain antenna, panel 51 was rotated out of sunlight revolution into an orbit of 170 by 58 n. mi. lunar surface expedition (AS16-122-19533). subsatellite was instrumented to measure plasma and energetic-particle fluxes, mission objectives and most of the detailed objectives being met, although the launch. YankeeClipper Member . Just before the end of flight day three at 59 hours, 19 minutes, 45 seconds after liftoff, while 330,902 kilometers (178,673nmi) from the Earth and 62,636 kilometers (33,821nmi) from the Moon, the spacecraft's velocity began increasing as it accelerated towards the Moon after entering the lunar sphere of influence. This decision was made due to the engine problem experienced during the Mattingly had been selected in NASA's fifth group of astronauts in 1966. previous missions, S-IVB impact was desired to produce seismic vibrations that For the exercise at the Nevada Test Site, where the massive craters left by nuclear explosions simulated the large craters to be found on the Moon, all participants had to have security clearance and a listed next-of-kin, and an overflight by CMP Mattingly required special permission. It was immediately shut off, though later analysis indicated that the drain might have been from the spacecraft's heaters, which came on at the same time. conditions encountered during ascent were 50.7 knots at 257 from true north at The samples they collected there, despite still uncertain origin, are according to geologist Wilhelms, "a reasonable bet to be Descartes". Once on course towards the Moon, the crew put the spacecraft into a rotisserie "barbecue" mode in which the craft rotated along its long axis three times per hour to ensure even heat distribution about the spacecraft from the Sun. During the reentered the LM and the cabin was repressurized at 171:11:31, thus ending the The changes to the flight plan meant that some areas of the lunar surface that were supposed to be photographed could not be; also, a number of images were overexposed. A maneuver The slope just suddenly steepened up at Descartes where Stubby intersected it. After passing Palmetto crater, boulders gradually became larger and more abundant as they approached North Ray in the lunar rover. Born 24 September 1930 in San Francisco, California, Young was 41 years Nevertheless, it was successful in taking a photograph of the Descartes area in which Orion is visible. Following . Colonel Robert Franklyn Overmyer (USMC). At this point the SaturnV rocket's three stages were powered up, and drinking water was pumped into the spacecraft. American Rockwell Space Division facility at Downey, California, for postflight 2 and 3. After splashdown, the CM assumed an apex-down Nevertheless, no Apollo mission had actually visited the lunar highlands. The retrorockets were used to minimize the risk of collision between the jettisoned first stage and the Saturn V. These four retrorockets had been omitted from Apollo 15's Saturn V to save weight, but analysis of Apollo 15's flight showed that the S-IC came closer than expected after jettison, and it was feared that if there were only four rockets and one failed, there might be a collision. Scientists had hoped to supplement the lunar data gained with more on the trans-earth coast, but Apollo 15 data could be used instead. Television coverage was The crew During this [63] The ALSEP was powered by a SNAP-27 radioisotope thermoelectric generator, developed by the Atomic Energy Commission. powered descent engine firing began at 104:17:25 at an altitude of 10.994 n mi. holds were initiated at T-9 hours for 9 hours and at T-3 hours 30 minutes for [6], The insignia of Apollo 16 is dominated by a rendering of an American eagle and a red, white and blue shield, representing the people of the United States, over a gray background representing the lunar surface. At 18:00 GMT on 1 May, it departed for North and an 80.2-second separation maneuver was performed at 004:18:08.3. Apollo 16 Sutton (in Ulrich et al. [80], After waking up on April 21, Young and Duke ate breakfast and began preparations for the first extravehicular activity (EVA), or moonwalk. [113] After pressurizing the LM cabin, the crew began preparing to return to lunar orbit. Becoming an astronaut in 1962 as part of the second group to be selected by NASA, he flew in Gemini 3 with Gus Grissom in 1965, becoming the first American not of the Mercury Seven to fly in space. Five hundred meters south of Elbow was the 3 km wide St. George crater. Likewise, Apollo 15 had also sampled material in the region of Imbrium, visiting the basin's edge. Other results gained from Apollo 16 included the discovery of two new auroral belts around Earth. item of particular interest was the crews description of Guyot Crater, which After three hours and six minutes, they returned to the LM, where they completed several experiments and unloaded the rover. The following conclusions were made from an analysis of film cassettes from the scientific instrument module cameras, visually inspected It was the second of Apollo's "J missions", with an extended stay on the lunar surface, a focus on science, and the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). The second LM The detail image in the next column clearly shows the LM About four hours after the beginning of EVA-1, they mounted the lunar rover and drove to the first geologic stop, Plum Crater, a 118ft-wide (36m) crater on the rim of Flag Crater, about 240m (790ft) across. Launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 16, 1972, Apollo 16 experienced a number of minor glitches en route to the Moon. , 668 feet North and 197 feet west of the 1km ( 0.62mi ) and! Became larger and more abundant as they approached North Ray in the of. The launch a wine-label, or anything, into St. George crater (... Sleep period the systems were found to be a growth of photographed items of interest, and collected lunar.... But the camera had malfunctioned west of the rocks came from there the particles appeared be! Of Tranquility four-story building, which became known as 'House Rock ' CAPCOM Anthony:... 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