Darins pants are a problem. This is the totality of Devon's blood on the back of the shirt. Additional DNA tests ordered for Routier I guess we'll know soon if Darlie is indeed innocent. It was also so popular that if you listened to any pop stations at all, you were bound to hear it no less than 12 times per day. It's part of an all-out push by the Innocence Project to . Wouldnt a new investigation begin? For me, Im so excited!!!!!! Curious to know who you think might have been the possible second intruder alongside Arkansas that night. In one account, she fought with the intruder. It is not unlike being injured and knocked out during a car accident. darlie routier dna resultsfunny counselor gifts. Yeah .why wouldnt he inquire the same peeps to help again only 3 years later. They were youngDarin was 28 and Darlie was 26and they were enjoying the money they were making. This time, he looked out the window and saw Darin running from the front yard, past the fountain and to the sidewalk, yelling, "Someone just stabbed my wife and kids!". I have never believed this crime was personal; I think the attackers saw an opportunity to make a quick buck, believed the house was empty, and when they realized it wasn't, it all went bad. Hmmmm. Of course, she didn't do that, because she knew full well the baby was fine. I'd also like to add that I have been to this very neighborhood, and it is a six-minute walk from Rickels' home at 8910 Miami Drive to 5801 Eagle Drive. Okay. No, there's no recording of anything that was said after the 911 call ended, but according to Waddell's own words, this whole exchange took place during the first few minutes of his arrival, while Darlie was still on the phone. She grasped onto what they told her like a lifeline, desperate to believe that the real killer would be found. There was no exact match to any prints that are in the systemincluding Darlie Routier's. JustinCase976 (author) on December 14, 2019: I honestly haven't seen any evidence that this housekeeper had anything to do with what happened. He even left a huge clue to his identity by cutting the screen in the shape of his first initial. I think it's just plain silly and not worth even considering. Did Darlie get a fair trial? I wish you could say all the things too!!!! The dog and the cats would chase each other around the house, knocking over knickknacks and houseplants, tracking dirt everywhere, etc. Well C. George, in a perfect world, the others would definitely be held accountable. Well, were you there with him in her presence before the paramedics arrived? My gut instinct is that Darin wanted to keep his hands fairly clean and didn't want to know about the details; therefore, I think he never directly communicated with the actual assailants. Do you think her live-in bf had nothing to do with it as well? Dwayne out. If you don't, I can't help you. Id be on the hunt if I were Darlie Lynn Routier .. Timothy gene harris dead but I think I read somewhere theres another guy thats walking around .. if hes approached hell be singing like bird lions and tigers and bears oh my! After a decade many of the DNA has never been tested. Darlie's first words to the dispatcher were: Somebody came herethey broke in! Ah, I stand corrected - the IP was finally mentioned in msm in October 2021, after the motion linked upthread was granted. Yea i don't believe it was someone who knew her either and the letter from Karl about them other inmates talking about this tragedy and there involvement it seem's that it is very likely those two males. What the prosecution does not say is that there was no evidence of Devon's blood present on the knife that was recovered from the Routier home; only Damon's and Darlie's blood were present. Why would anyone attempt to clean up blood while continually bleeding from a gaping wound on their throat? I have a pretty good idea of who was in there with Arkansas but I don't think it would be wise to speculate in an online forum. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. Linch was instructed by the prosecution team to avoid recording his findings in a written report. Where did the information about the ceramic frog planter & the missing key come from? I can understand the theory you have although, just like EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF.. there are so many coincidences ???? There was no cancelled trip as far as I know. Well, if there was, I can't find a record of it. Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her . SOMEONE had to have left that fingerprint in blood; the blood was still wet and fresh when the print was left. Darin had appliedand been turned downfor a $5,000 loan on June 1st. When Darlie began to scream for Darin, he ducked into the darkness of the formal dining room, where he waited for his chance to make a break for it. They know whether they are going to say it was one person or two, a man or a woman, etc. In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. JustinCase976 (author) on March 11, 2020: I would bet money that the Texas authorities already have someone under investigation. Because they were more than likely caused by two different people, with two different knives. DNA testing not available at the time was recently conducted and the results are discussed in the special. However, since Harrell was an integral part of the defense team and had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial, any testimony from him fell under the "Rule of Evidence," meaning that because he was able to hear what other witnesses had said, he was not permitted to take the stand. If the software finds a match, the uploading agency is notified and is then tasked with the dissemination of personal information. Another huge issue for me is the 911 call. Attorneys for Routier, including Smith and J. Stephen Cooper of Dallas, Richard Burr of Houston and Jane Pucher and Vanessa Potkin of the Innocence Project, all agreed to the procedure as outlined by the judge. On December 28, 1996, Arkansas was found hanging in his cell once againthis time with his hands tied securely in front of him with a bed sheet. Tom Bevel was hired by the state as a blood spatter expert. Initially, I did question whether Arkansas's hanging was a suicide or not. Once Pardo announced that his investigation led him to suspect Darin was deeply involved in the crime, the family dismissed him and his services. However, after reading all of the incident reports from the guards on duty that day, the affidavits of the inmate witnesses, and his three prior suicide attempts, I am satisfied that his death was indeed a suicide. Regardless of what juror Charles Samford said, I think they DID see those pictures. ..people who are usually on drugs, violent and dont want any witnesses.. consider that. So I guess he gave them Terry's clothes? The kids woke up, and all hell broke loose.". How thorough can a murder investigation be in less than two weeks time? Then she stabbed the other child. Where did they come from, the towel fairy? What about road rage incidents? His little demonstration showing how castoff blood from the knife supposedly dropped onto Darlie's night shirt by stabbing motions was completely over-exaggerated. Look at the floor plan of the Routier's first floor to get a better idea of where they were positioned. She had nothing to do while in jail but rack her brain and agonize over the fact that her children's killer was walking around free while she sat in jail, on trial for her very life. So it's clear, did youwere you able to determine what time it was when you woke up with Darin yelling? Police almost immediately focused on Routier, who was sleeping in a downstairs television room with the children. He would have had to have been kicking her arms for half an hour straight to cause that kind of bruising. He actually came from a decent, hard-working, all-American/God fearing family, and I think every night when he tried to sleep he would see Devon's face until he couldn't stand it anymore. From what I know about the suspects, they were definitely high on something, most likely crack cocaine. Answer: According to my research, witness perjury alone would not be enough to overturn the conviction. As for the accomplices that were with Tim Harris, if they get one of them to talk, I bet that they will throw Harris directly under the bus. It's entirely possible that the only noises were grunting and some muffled screams. I happen to know that bit about the frog planter is true, but it is not common knowledge. Pleading the 5th amendment seemed to be a recurring theme in this trial. With Darlie's appeal still pending, the results of this forensic evidence could allow her to retry her case. The prosecution asserted that Darlie had enough time to commit the murders, run 75 yards down the alley to deposit the sock daubed with Devon's and Damon's blood, run back to the house, slash her throat, inflict her other injuries, and stage the scene. According to Karl, Arkansas told him that he had no choice but to kill the kid since he had seen his face and had tried to run out of the room toward the hallway. Devon and Damon were not Davis's children or anyone else's. The purpose of this database is to link crimes to other crimes and offenders. There is an innocent white woman going down for all this and it just sickens me. Who decided to cancel? In all fairness, the birth of three children along with nursing did take its toll on Darlie's body. And this is the time when you told her to do that? I didn't take the psychic's claim that it was a woman too seriously. 2021. I believe that when Darlie turned her back to tell Damon to stay back, the guy doubled back down the hallway. I don't believe the bloody jeans were ever analyzed or taken into evidence. Hardly. What if Gorsuch was still awake and happened to see her running outside to plant this sock? It's been ages since I saw that and I honestly can't cite the source, nor do I put much stock in it. And why did neither Darlie nor Darin mention it at all, if it was part of the "staging"? Incidentally, the song begins with a Bible verse, does not contain one single obscenity, and preaches a strong anti-gang and violence message. That's the number one thing convinces me she is guilty. There are other indexes as well, such as missing persons and unidentified human remains. When it came time for this family to lay the boys to rest, it was all about honoring them, their lives, and the things that made them happy. It didn't just magically appear, and regardless of what some fools say, it is NOT Darlie's print, or anyone else who was known to be in the house. So..1993 they buy the house and hes already doing an insurance scam with BJs daughter . ? This was a 12 day investigation with Darlie in the cross hairs from the get-go. Here's a little piece of that cross-examination that didn't receive nearly as much media time as the rest: Q. Just my theory. JustinCase976 (author) on February 03, 2020: Thank you for your email and the information you sent over. Still, Rickels did not call 911. How did you know about that??? Far be it from me to critique another author's work, and I can say that the article is very well-written and the author appears to be highly intelligent. But you don't remember that part; is that right? Darin and Darlie purchased the house toward the end of 1992 and moved in at the beginning of 1993. If I had to narrow it down to any one thing, though, it would have to be that sock that was found in an alleyway a good 75 yards from the house. That jury was never going to vote not guilty, no matter what. Okay. Square Feet: 2,740 sqft. One replied that he did not; the other replied he remembered seeing it, but wasn't sure if it was there when he first came in or if it was later when he did a walk through. You had to literally walk right up to the spa to set the light off. Since when does rage have to be personal? The prosecution successfully appealed to the conservative jurors' subconscious prejudices by usage of the above-mentioned emotional trifecta. It would have to be proven that: the witness knowingly gave false testimony; this testimony had a direct influence on the court decisions and/or verdict; and that the prosecution was aware of the false nature of the testimony--which even I have to concede that they may not have been. When questioned about the time at which this took place, Gorsuch testified during direct examination that he looked at the clock and it was 2:40 am. Combine these details with the affidavit filed by Darlene Potter, and one can say that not only was there more than reasonable doubt in this case, but it looks possible, or even probable, that Arkansas and Dwayne were involved in the deaths of Damon and Devon Routier. Their reasoning for this conclusion included the following factors and pieces of evidence, some of which, admittedly, did not look good for her: 1) A stab wound to Darlie's right arm that went to the bone (she is right-handed). I did point this out in a comment, but the author chose not to publish the comment. Did you look at the clock when you woke up? What they heard loud and clear was the subtext of Davis's remarks: a rap song? And then I directed my attentionshe pointed to the garage, and told me that somebody had ran out into the garage. If hes upstairs sleeping with the new baby and its 2:30 in the morning, why did he put his pants on? Good point about Darins pants. In a move that would turn out to be an epic fail, defense attorney Doug Mulder used this as an excuse to blast the detectives and insinuate to the jury that they had broken the law with their graveyard surveillance. I said, "Get down and help your little boy there, and I will keep an eye on the garage.". And behind every car dealer is a bigger car dealer .. a more savy heavier car dealer . JustinCase976 (author) on December 17, 2019: I just realized I missed one of your questions. Imagine the fallout if the public got wind of the fact a child killer literally slipped right under Waddell's nose. Again, Alan Brantley was instructed by the prosecution to not put his professional opinion in writing. We all know that Darrin was into kristal meth and many more crimes. The software usually suggests multiple possible matches and sorts them in order of most likely to least likely. I don't believe that Darin actually communicated with any of the intruders directly; I think there was a middle man who set this all up and somewhere along the line there was a miscommunication with regard to the dates the house would be empty. . The wheels of justice turn excruciatingly slowly, and even slower in the state of Texas. If anyone ever looks at it all they'll see is "did you really think I'd be dumb enough to write anything personal? On the nights when Darlie would sleep on the couch, that wasn't an issue. Q. She never could get the order of events right when she told the story. If you have seen this image in connection with Darlie Routier, you have been grossly misled. There's so many details that just don't add up. 5) Her changing stories--they really didn't change all that much, and there is no reason why everything she said couldn't possibly have happened. Darlie was home alone with the kids every day. If you find that call difficult to listen to, that's because it's real. Steve Cooper has known about this evidence for many years but that maggot has not got Texas to look at it. And if this is where Darlie cut her throat and stabbed herself in the arm, where is all the castoff blood? Doesn't make sense. She turned on the porch light and the men ran off. As for comforting Damon: she tells him more than once to "Hang on honey, we're calling honey!" Twelve days later, on June 18, 1996, Darlie was arrested. Darlie is where she belongs. Someone alleged a 'fired housekeeper & her boyfriend' did it. 4) What, exactly, do you believe Darlie cleaned the sink with? Q. It's not like she was just standing there, chit-chatting with her girlfriends on the phone. The results from the system are then evaluated by the examiner, requiring a combination of experience, training, and visual inspection. Poor John Haglerwe would stand there and make these eloquent and long-winded arguments and the judge would listen patiently, knowing all the while he was going to overrule him. Darlie should be home fern Christmas. I told her not to worry about that. When I asked her that, she told me that he was stillsomebody was still in the house. It was one of the attorneys that shared with me the detail of the frog planter. I read the transcripts. The notes in Darlie's chart indicated that she was tearful, emotional, and experienced long periods of crying. A. I remember some things that she told me. "; Darlie: "They killed our babies!") Her fans say necklace was embedded, had 2b surgically removed. But Bill Gorsuch across the street worked nights, as I've already mentioned. Darlie's blood was found to have dripped onto it, and there were wheel marks where it appeared the vacuum had been rolled through wet blood. The police and lead prosecutors Greg Davis and Toby Shook claimed that the crime scene was staged and that Darlie inflicted her injuries upon herself. Okay. DNA evidence in her case is being tested this. Legally, I believe this fell under the "Hearsay Exception" and Harrell should have been able to take the stand. During this meeting, Bevel stated unequivocally that the blood mixture on the back of the shirt was the result of one single occurrence of spatter. According to Karen, in early June of 1996, Arkansas, Dwayne, and a third man "got into a fight about drugs" and took a road trip headed for Dallas in a stolen white truck. At the time, Darlie had two different private investigators working on the case and feeding her (sometimes conflicting) information. C'mon Justin, you really asking me how I know about the frog planter? When it comes to courtroom trials, it's not about the truth, or even what you can prove. That may have been part of the problem, but the biggest nail in the coffin was a downright dirty trick pulled by the prosecution. It makes absolutely no sense that she would clean up a few little areas and then stop, especially while she's actively bleeding. There was a brief mention of it when Darlie was on the witness stand, but the prosecution objected on the grounds of hearsay. No, she most certainly didn't. According to Jovell, I believe she said the accomplice was a friend of her daughter's and that they took the car to a farm in Oklahoma to hide it. Darin was a successful entrepreneur and Darlie was a. Seeing those bloody, butchered children invoked anger in the nurses, most of whom were women. Did you ever tell her to do that after Sergeant Walling arrived? Guess what this ISN'T? Let's say that Waddell is correct when he says that he saw a man come out of the front door and into the front yard when he first pulled up. Over the years, her story would pop up on various television shows, or was featured on the news whenever a new development came up. They were desperately trying to get oxygen flowing into him so that he would not be brain damaged if he were to be revived. Even if he saw her get off the couch and follow him through the kitchen, he knew it was time to get the hell out of there, the quicker the better. Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. The blood we see is mostly Darlie's, and it wasn't shed until after she stood up and began walking around. That does not, and never will, fall under the category of lying. "DNA map" of blood trails belonging to each of the injured Routiers. I would probably roll my eyes at the conspiracy claim, too if this happened in any other state. I love you three more than anything else in this world I dont want you to see a miserable person every time you look at me. Aside from the supposed cleanup at the sink, there were other details that caused investigators to suspect the crime scene had been staged. Alan Brantley, a Special Agent with the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, testified that the force of the wounds on the children indicated extreme rage. Besides the trouble was downstairs,not upstairs. But just because it's my theory doesn't mean it's right; you might have nailed it. The DNA profile from 10-2589-502 has an estimated frequency of occurrence of 1 in approximately 150 quintillion Caucasian individuals. Glenn Mize was the only person Darlie could think of that she had a problem with, and Gary Austin's own wife threw him under the bus as a person of interest. If the vacuum was laying on the floor when these two police officers arrived, they would have seen it at first glance. If her account is true, that puts two armed bad guys in the area not half an hour before the attacks, which lends credence to the intruder theory. Have they taken her case or what? They also found a large, bloody kitchen knife on the counter top, the possible murder weapon.This is the same knife Darlie told 9-1-1 that she already picked up when chasing the man out of her house. Each witness was able to hear what the others would be saying on the stand. She mentions a struggle early in the 911 call to the dispatcher, but that is before Waddell arrives. This resulted in both men invoking their 5th amendment right against self-incrimination; it also effectively robbed Darlie of her own 6th amendment right to cross-examine her accuser, since Patterson was the one who drafted her arrest warrant and filed charges of capital murder. They did this in the hopes that they would catch an earth-shattering graveside confession. The software will then compare that print to all other prints stored in the database. If she was really this calculating, cold-blooded murderer, she had plenty of better opportunities to pull this off. Water and her hands? He, too, was instructed by the prosecution to avoid recording his findings in a written report. I scoured the documents with a fine tooth comb looking for the answer to that question. There is no logic to support the theory of her planting that sock, even if she is the killer. Can you explain that? Is this what you do when you are the one who has stabbed your own children, and one of them is still alive and could possibly identify you as the one who attacked him? When Darlie's court-appointed attorneys referenced this affidavit in a pretrial hearing, Greg Davis immediately objected on the grounds of hearsay and was (as usual) sustained by Judge Mark Tolle. I do not fault him if his memory of the events is not accurate, linear, and chronological; under those chaotic and traumatic circumstances, I would not expect them to be. Later, on June 18, 1996, Darlie was arrested order of most likely crack.! From what I know about the truth, or even what you can.. 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