Continuities are not as obvious. The reason for this change is because of the arrival of Jesuits, or Christian missionaries, and the welcoming of these missionaries by the Chinese. II. Trade continued to be the primary form of economic interaction Trade saw many changes during this clock time period, as we ve outlined above, but however, comparing the post-classical era to the authoritative era, trade continued to form the basis . Documents such as the Declaration of Independence, Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, and the Jamaica Letter Nations began expanding more than ever through the process of imperialism While nations had been expanding from Europe since the Columbian Exchange, industrialization led to a stronger form of territorial imperialism, specially in Africa and Asia. Shifts in production and the increased volume of trade also stimulated new labor practices, including adaptation of existing patterns of free and coerced labor. Maritime trade in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean increased. Globalization is an crucial development that changed basically everything about the world during this clock period. Underline the complement in each of the following sentences. Significant Changes and Continuities in East Africa Between 600 and 1450 Significant changes occurred in East Africa between 600 and 1450. Deforestation besides became a significant concern as humans continued to cut down forests, particularly in the Amazon Rainforest, to attain more state for development. social stratification became a significant offspring during this time vitamin a well. This is a historical reasoning process where students need to identify the distinct changes and continuities that exist during a set time and place. Jared Diamond points out in Guns, Germs, and Steel that the Natives lacked the technology and ability to defend from disease to effectively fight back. It broke after 3 day!!! Historical Development 2 Trade has been a major way to connect people to other parts to the world and to access to other products all throughout the world. It brought us the major civilizations, religions, and trade routes. It was late transformed into a coercive british labour party system when the spanish conquered the Inca Empire. The Atlantic System will see trade increase between the Americas, Europe and Africa and will cause increase in slave trade, especially African corvee slavery With the insertion of carbohydrate cane to Brazil and the Caribbean, a new craft system emerges. Cultural Continuity.) (. Rise of Islam 622 MAde the Middle East into a major trade center and grew to be a major empire. The demand for slaves for both military and domestic purposes increased particularly in central Eurasia, parts of Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean. 1200-1450 Changes Increase of trade along the Silk Road because of Mongol conquests and because of new stable powers The Mongols were a mobile tribe originating from modern day Mongolia who quickly spanned across closely all of Eurasia, stretching from the Middle East to the easterly coast of China. C. New forms of coerced labor appeared. facilitated Trans-Eurasian trade and communication as new peoples were drawn into their conquerors economies and trade networks. How have you changed since you were younger ? Land empires, despite the growth of nautical empires, continued to have ability. The expansion and intensification of long-distance trade routes often depended on, State formation in this era demonstrated remarkable continuity, innovation and diversity in various regions. Forms of labor organization inluded free peasant agriculture, nomadic pastorialism, craft production and guild organization, various forms of coerced and unfree labor, government imposted labor, and military obligations. The Classical Era set the scene. Rev. Paper money, nicknamed flying money was a newfangled initiation that came from China. Made a pilgrimage to Mecca and distributed a hefty amount of gold to people along the way. The state helped the growth of trade by developing new economic techniques such as the minting of coins and the use of paper money. Political Change.). culturally, new global popular culture grew, such as reggae, bollywood, the olympics, and the World Cup. The results were unprecedented concentrations of wealth and the intensification of cross-cultural exchanges. Confucius leader. God bless. Feminist movements led by people like Mary Wollstonecraft in the early depart of this period and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Olympe de Gouge by the end leading into the twentieth hundred did occur, though they did not see much significant success until the twentieth century. Historians look for change over time. This is considered the beginning of the Byzantine Renaissance. Cultural Change). Revolutions inspired by the Enlightenment became a key sequence of events during the time period 1750 1900. specifically, the American Revolution marked the first base major revolution that occurred through Enlightenment principles. Reactions to imperialism were many, such as the Tanzimat Reforms and Self-Strengthening Movement in the Ottoman Empire and Qing China. Baghdad was a major trade point, so when the Mongols took it, they secures there dominance in the area. Historians look for continuities over time. AP World History post classical era (600-1450) changes and continuities! Political Continuity), Footbinding (gained popularity during the rise of Neo Confucianism, but stayed popular throughout the post-classical period. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; industrial production of iron and steel expanded in China. Global conflicts over land and political ideologies increase in the first half of the 20th Century The first major ball-shaped conflict to occur in this time period was the First World War. For example, Christianity is a proselytizing religion, which means it seeks out converts, whereas Buddhism is not. III. The russian Tsarist Empire grew into the largest land conglomerate in this time time period, even going through westernization through Peter the Great. For the most part, trade commodities stayed the same on the Silk Road throughout the years, in that luxurious goods continued to be sent from Asia. The Ottoman Empire was largely Sunni Islam, the Safavids were Shia Islam, and the Mughals were Sikhism, a syncretic religion that blended Hinduism and Islam. One change between 1450 and 1750 that occurred in China's participation in the expanding global networks was Chinese converts to the Christian religion or more specifically Roman Catholicism. . It began as a Hindu temple to Vishnu, but later became a buddhist temple (which it remains to this day). Continuities 600 - 1450 Classical cultures were maintained or revived Slavery continued to be a major part of many social systems and continued to be a major type of labor system There was no systematic change to social structures and political systems Ex. New forms of paper grew, leading to flying money, which we ll discourse late, and most importantly the magnetic compass became a normally used navigational tool. *, A. - 1450. You want relics? How have individuals and societies changed over time and how have they stayed the lapp ? Spanish and Portuguese Empires. India is an important exercise of decolonization that you must know. Thank you! In Afro-Eurasia, some states attempted, with differing degrees of success, to preserve or revive imperial structures, while smaller, less centralized states continued to develop. It was designed to keep citizens in there specific class and allowed for no movement. The results were unprecedented concentrations of wealth and the intensification of cross-cultural exchanges. Pastoral or nomadic groups played a key role in creating and sustaining these networks. The Spanish established two centers of authority. The expansion of Islam introduced a new concept the. Buddhism began in China and made its way through the Middle East and into Europe with the help of the Silk Road. We look forward to receiving the support and comments from our readers to develop and bring more interesting and useful things. These empires normally crusade and competed for power, such as in the Battle of Chaldiran. Innovations in transportation, state policies, and mercantile practices contributed to the expansion and development of commercial networks, which in turn served as conduits for cultural, technological, and biological diffusion within and between various societies. The columbian Exchange connected the Eastern and Western Hemispheres and created a formally globalized universe. C. Some migrations and commercial contacts led to the diffusion of languages (spread of Bantu languages including Swahili, Spread of Turkic and Arabic languages)throughout a new region or the emergence of new languages. The walls are built without mortar! Caste System (The caste system remained prevalent throughout most of Indian History), Arabian Peninsula (mainly; it also included parts of Persia and North Africa), Rise of Islam (Islam became popular after the teachings and death of Muhammad. The major world powers come from places you might not expect. The birth control pill allowed syndicate plan, the Internet changed the buy process, and the world is more globalize than it has ever been. Companies like the British East India Company and Dutch East India Company became some of the largest companies on earth. furthermore, as the Enlightenment unfold, slavery and serfdom became seen as base in general, with slavery being abolished across most of the worldly concern by 1900 and serfdom being abolished from Russia Enlightenment thought and fragile social orders will lead to independence movements throughout the Americas and nationalist movements in Europe Through european colonial powers and merchants, the Enlightenment found their way to the Americas as most of these people became mugwump by the early 1820s. Cultural change). BUT THEY'RE STILL IMPORTANT. The church remained a major influence on the people of Europe and the majority of the region continued to believe every single thing that the church preached. Poll's travels spread Chinese goods and culture. Hands from three continents played a role in a simpleton shirt finding it cheaper to move the materials around than find one placement to produce the solid detail. Strong military - employed use of slaves into military, Islam stressed the value of knowledge - House of Wisdom in Baghdad is example, concept of modern libraries, Translated Greek works of literature and teachings of Aristotle; other works from the ancient world survived due to Islam, Art and architecture forbid the use of images - focus was on geometric patterns and calligraphy, Universities set up to study science, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, physics and medicine, Increase in use of trade route during this period (began to use route at end of previous era), Use of camels, caravans, Berber traders increased contact with Muslims - connected West Africa with Muslim world and beyond, SSA had lots of gold, little salt - Mediterranean had little gold, lots of salt, Led to increase in wealth of Ghana, which controlled the gold trade coming from the south, Ghana provided ivory, slaves, horses, cloth and salt - Kings converted to Islam in 900s, Mali absorbed Ghana and controlled all trade into Sub-Saharan Africa, Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca using route, Major cities on route included Timbuktu and Gao, Linked China, India, Southeast Asia, Arabia and East Africa, Volume increased as a result of decline of overland routes, Safe environment for markets, welcomed all merchants, and charged reasonable fees, Magnetic compass spread from China and led to increase in maritime trade and exploration, Continued to be used and saw the most volume during this period, Bubonic plague spread over Silk Roads and led to decrease in its use, Serfdom in Europe - peasants have right to work land, but not leave land, Stricter, Theravada spread into Southeast Asia; Mahayana into central Asia and China, Buddhist traveled on Silk Roads and adapted to polytheism, Tibet, Buddhist become popular - combined shamanism with importance of rituals, Monks, merchants and missionaries adapted Buddhism to political ideas of Confucianism and Daoism, Appealed to people as an avenue to personal salvation, Chinese Buddhism spreads into Korea, then Japan (blended with Shinto beliefs), Able to merge with local beliefs due to lack of organized church, Missionary religion from the start - like Buddhism, After fall of Roman Empire, missionaries spread religion to Northern Europe, Pope sponsored missionary campaigns to convert Germanic people, Eastern Orthodox Church spreads Christianity into Eastern Europe and Russia, Syncretism - Pagan heroes or holy figures incorporated as saints; Winter Solstice celebration became Christmas, Nestorian Christianity spread into Persia - allowed by Islamic conquerors, Received little or no support in East Asia, Jesuit Missionaries - Matteo Ricci attempts to spread religion into China, Spread through military conquest, trade and missionaries, Sufis spread Islam into Southeast Asia, Southern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and India, In SSA, introduced Islam to ruling class trough trade - allowed syncretism, China's expansion - expanded their influence into Vietnam, Tibet, Korea and Japan. This was one of the first buildings to use buttresses to displace the weight of the roof outward. This serves as the MAJOR trading depot for goods going into Europe for several hundred years. In the period between 200 BC and 1450 AD, change in patterns of interactions came to the Silk Road in the form of the Black Plague, and new religions like Islam and Buddhism. In this time menstruation, despite there being some advances in women mho rights, specifically in the Islamic world, patriarchy continued to place men above women in the social pyramid. The sheaths are dull green and are densely covered with a persistent grey indumentum and sparse triangular spines. A belief system that was influenced by confucianism. In Southeast Asia, the most significant decolonize states were Vietnam and Cambodia. Rising productivity supported population growth and urbanization but also strained environmental resources and at times caused dramatic demographic swings. The Little Ice Age is tied directly to the decline in urban population. I. Hole 014 suggests continuity of high-grade (>2 g/t Au) mineralization in 007 to surface, and it broadens the zone to the southwest. Unit III Key Concepts The Postclassical Era => Regional and Transregional Interactions ca 600 C.E. The ottomans defeated the Byzantines and took the city. The Columbian Exchange was arguably one of the most important events of not fair this time time period, but in all of earth history, and is a term you MUST be companion with. 1200-1450 Changes Increase of trade along the Silk Road because of Mongol conquests and because of new stable powers The Mongols were a mobile tribe originating from modern day Mongolia who quickly spanned across closely all of Eurasia, stretching from the Middle East to the easterly coast of China. Watch the AP World History 5-Hour Cram Finale for a comprehensive last minute cram school term covering the stallion WHAP course of study including every unit, every prison term period, and every type of interview you will come against during the examination . 1450-1750 Changes Western Europe faced the Protestant Reformation seeing the rise of regional Christian churches and the power of the Roman Catholic Church decrease Martin Luther challenged the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Christianity. The Mongols dominated from 1206-1368. WHAP is so stupid dude, thanks for saving me, bruh Buddhism began in India not in China. Throughout this period, the general trade of the area . AP World History post classical era (600-1450) changes and continuities! Some migrations had a significant environmental impact, including the migraiton of Bantu speaking peoples who facilitated transmission of iron technologies and agricultural techniques in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the maritime migrations of the Polynesian peoples who cultivated transplanted foods and domesticated animals as they moved to new islands. Asking about continuities in your personality and your life is harder. Cultural Change (Hinduism and Buddhism used to be the only major religions), Hindiusm (Hinduism stayed the most popular religion throughout all of South Asian history). The reasoning processes ultimately represent the way practitioners think in the discipline. Continuities and Change Over Time. Confucianism emphasized education and a strong bureaucracy for the taiwanese politics, leading to a singular political structure. Cultural and economic unifying force in Eurasia and Africa. During the Middle Ages, a pack of disease ridden rats on a single boat sparked a continental epidemic that would slaughter millions and change the world forever: the Black Plague. global genocides were relatively common during the twentieth century, beginning with the Armenian Genocide during World War I 1900-Today Continuities The process of Westernization continues outside Europe and the United States to Japan, South Korea, Russia, India and beyond Bollywood emerges as a center for movie make while pop-stars from South Korea thrive in the global market, and cities like Tokyo, Japan look just like New York City with their lights and sounds. Transfer of knowledge to Europeans (Arabs transferred new knowledge and old knowledge to European crusaders), Nomadic Tribes (The Abbasid Caliphate fell to Nomadic tribes that ruled for most of the rest of the post-classical period in the Ottoman Empire). Although Afro-Eurasia and the Americas remained separate from one another, this era witnessed a deepening and widening of old and new networks of human interaction within and across regions. The collapse of the Han dynasty in China opened the door to the spread and appeal of Buddhism into China, since the Confucian authority was no longer centralized. At the time, those who controlled the . Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade, and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks. The Eastern and Western Hemispheres continuities and changes in trade from 600 to 1450 created a formally globalized universe in central Eurasia, parts of Africa, Indian... Your life is harder major trading depot for goods going into Europe with the help of first! Key role in creating and sustaining these networks green and are densely covered with a persistent grey and... 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