And there is a full grammar of Agolle Kusaal by Anthony Agoswin Musah (but mine is cheaper.). Lyle Campbell, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), 2015. Semantically I suppose the ones who care about you would work. Its not going to spread beyond the nearest two hydroelectric dams the two at the Iron Gate are why beluga no longer occur upstream of there. In fact, if the two groups did live together, why didnt the Proto-Berbers respond in the same way to changing climate and migrate east as well? ), Anyway mainly popping in to note that if this is the Chez Hat African Macrofamilies thread by now, Id be interested in hearing what David E or others might have to say on Pozdniakovs recent paper on classifying Atlantic; comes out firmly on side of no unified Atlantic, but also still forming the western branches of Atlantic-Congo. But Rillys Now that the affiliation of Meroitic is settled is pretty cheeky, I think. But hes not any kind of iconoclast, and his go-and-see-for-myself method, while wholly admirable and enviable, doesnt help when the higher-level classifications have themselves been based on inadequate data and/or inadequate reasoning, because he essentially takes the higher-level framework as given, and sorted out already. Goemai has no flexional and very little derivational morphology: its farther toward the isolating end than most isolating languages. (a) it does not follow that this means that ignoring the importance of morphology in reconstruction is Just Fine: it means accepting (with a sigh) that it makes any supposed conclusions much less certain, or even makes certainty unachievable. Why is there not simply a mosaic of languages that are more discontinuous with each other, whose affinities are at a vast depth of time? Conclusion: historical linguists were blindsided by the first few Nature/Science/PNAS papers because they didnt come with a course in phylogenetics and took obvious shortcuts in the compilation of their datasets. Much of it is free, too, apparently intended as a basis for discussion in a March international genetics conference that would have been held in Africa, but covid. Good. My point is that I can think of no reason that instead, we see A1147, A1149, A2147, A5147 and a host of other survivals of A, and then no B, C, D, maybe a single E and two languages in F, but then G1113, G2052 and G6457 and a host of other survivals of G. In essence, my issue is that the pattern of survival isnt fractal. They understand that perfectly well, and their method is designed to discover them in the dataset, i.e. Epigrues (Why the problem has not been enunciated more clearly and confronted systematically is also rather difficult to understand, but need not divert us here. This analysis requires at least three abstract elements in the representation of even a simple word: the root, the template, and the rules (phonological and semantic) for combining the two. Ozwords (a blog from the Australian National Dictionary Centre) If there actually were a substantial number of regular lexical correspondences, everyone, no matter how hyper-rigorous, would be happily going along with Blenchs notion that Mande was just a very early branch of the tree. Greenberg refuted Meinhofs linguistic theories and rejected the use of racial and social evidence. Obviously, the bit about the spread of Semitic languages is of prime LH interest; heres a relevant snippet: In addition to the local ancestry from Epipaleolithic/Neolithic people, we found an ancestry related to ancient Iranians that is ubiquitous today in all Middle Easterners (orange component in Figure 1B; Table 1). From the description of the changes in C Chulainns appearance when he enters his rastrad or battle frenzy. Blench likes the first proposal (Afroasiatic). I think all hatters see where I am going with this? Much of the Leiden Schools work rests on interpreting *h as []. Level 3, Syria. [ttmi fahre faxreh/kal]. This is Very True Indeed. The Palestinian tumuli, belonging to the culture of semi-nomadic groups during much of the fourth and third millennia B.C., seem to confirm this hypothesis, since a very similar type of sepulture characterizes pre-historic North Africa, especially Algeria, and it is a typical feature of the old Libyco-Berber tradition. With respect to the number of areal traits necessary to justify a linguistic area, in general, the linguistic areas in which many diffused traits are shared among the languages are considered more strongly established; however, some argue that even one shared trait is enough to define a weak linguistic area. mereswine*), Porpoise in Welsh is the poetic llamhidydd leaper, acrobat.. It should be noted that such a hypothesis of relationships implies a more complicated evolutionary history in several other anatomical features (particularly the persistence of []), which will require additional descriptive and interpretational work to resolve. In 1844, Theodor Benfey suggested a language family consisting of Semitic, Berber, and Cushitic (calling the latter Ethiopic). If you start off with the number of Hittite words with cognates elsewhere in IE, and apply Swadeshs formula >> with an appropriate error range <<, do you get results comparable to those of Chung et al.? If I understand, that seems like a position youve moved beyond? This whole talk of prove, certainty or established is a bit misleading. The constants are the semantically salient human and liquid classes; elsewhere the systems get regularly remodelled and recreated. -, *- , , . London: Oxford University Press. What languages families are spoken in Africa? Moreover, Oti-Volta shows clear evidence of, for example, new classes being created rather than inherited, and of entire semantic groups of nouns being transferred from one class to another diachronically. He also suggests a relation to Proto-West Germanic *-astrij.[1]. I hope for usage notes specificially. Are these techniques also applicable to cultural features other than language? Beyond that, it waffles on the subject of inflection in ancestral Sino-Tibetan. Somehow. He needed words documented and available for many langauges, he chose 165 including hat. So I just piled them up: they seem to deviate from the general scheme t(a) in koine to the west of Libya, samak(a) to the east. Also, lack of change in body shape is a surprisingly poor predictor of lack of molecular change. Not by much. About derivational morphology it is interesting. (I must say that the fact that such papers have nevertheless been published in prestigious journals is itself a cause for concern. Most methods of phylogenetics can give you a tree that contains polytomies. If you want still more detail, follow up the references in that article. The idea that the position of Arabic within Semitic could be definitively settled even in principle by looking at Swadesh 100 lists is ludicrous in itself, but worse yet shows a more or less complete lack of understanding of historical linguistics. It had also occurred to me to wonder whether ur was related to the city name in that way, but I rejected it as impossible, since I knew I had encountered ur in sources that were too old to be consistent with that origin. Leo Reinisch (1909) had already proposed linking Cushitic and Chadic while urging their more distant affinity with Egyptian and Semitic. Bantu meaning: 1. a group of languages spoken by people in Central and Southern Africa that includes Swahili. Still includes Saharan, mind. Stable enough that the living fish swims in water has been claimed to be mutually comprehensible between all Uralic languages. I dont know what he means by conclusive significance:/, >2000 years is not actually a long time compared with the probable time depth of NES: these languages are nowhere near as closely related to one another as the Germanic or the Romance languages. Thats the magic of the technique: it may be nonsense, but its strictly and rigorously less nonsense than any other solution. the most recent common ancestor of Semitic is in the ME. Bantu languages, a group of some 500 languages belonging to the Bantoid subgroup of the Benue-Congo branch of the Niger-Congo language family. Having been away for a week, saved this post for last, looking forward in both excitement and exhaustion, but it appears that the comment thread is all about bad bayesianism again. Even as Bantu peoples arrived in new areas, their languages rapidly diversified. geographically isolated populations and parallel development (in this case you can postulate some seed of this feature in the ancestor, unless it is a coincidence. Then there are even more complicated phenomena. And this second paper in turn relies on data from UAE and somewhat incomple data from from pollen samples from a sabkha in Tayma oasis (not supratidal, of course: 839 meters above the sea level). Why did the editors themselves not pick up on this?). If such a migration took place, then there should be scattered loaned livestock terms in Nilo-Saharan languages all the way between the Nile and Lake Chad. Real Academia dictionary (Spanish) Oti-Volta-Land is (mostly) a whole lot safer: long may it remain so. Development of gender is immodest by the definition of modesty! The noun classes of Bantu languages fall under this type as well, again with a very loose correlation with semantic categories. Previous studies showed that this ancestry was not present in the Levant during the Neolithic period but appeared in the Bronze Age where 50% of the local ancestry was replaced by a population carrying ancient Iran-related ancestry (Lazaridis et al., 2016). Worse yet, lexicostatistics is based on quantifying vocabulary change due to semantic drift, and that is one thing nobody knows anything at all about why it happens. Why do you suppose that this uniformity necessarily arose in deep antiquity, by the way? I do wonder to what extent Akkadian, or a direct descendant thereof, was still the spoken language in the Neo-Assyrian and/or Neo-Babylonian empires and if so, how much relation it held to the written language of the contemporary cuneiform tablets. This paper says lets reconstruct iundividual families first. There are no regular z/y alternations in WOV, but /z/ is of at least two distinct Oti-volta origins, */z/ and *//. If anything, being westernmost (ie, closest to Daju) would seem to make it somewhat more likely that words were borrowed rather than developing separately. @je Perhaps it can be generalized to any sociolects and dialects to an extent (just to an extent): they can be shaped by decisions, not mere action of some language machine that obeys language laws. Bantu contains hundreds of languages that are spoken by 120 million Africans in the Congo Basin, Angola, the Republic of South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya. Compare Stachelschwein, porcupine, literally sting pig. 3. And more. Mande syntax is both weird and strikingly well maintained in its weirdness throughout most of a pretty diverse family, but that has no bearing on the wider genetic relationships of the family at all. Contact!!! Sorry, I dont make the rules. Ruhlen-level stuff. But some populations of landlocked salmon never reach the ocean. He must have had a good reason to pick Amorite as representing West Semitic, but I cant find it. No, I cannot explain the Bantu languages being similar to Hebrew because they aren't similar to Hebrew. I speak Hebrew fluently and I have a degree Christ, man, at least get yourself a free @blogspot site. Polite terms used in the Javanese polite register.). Dikobraz seems like a good spiky word. A lot rests on how far we can agree with the lumpers, and how much centralizing a sprachbund can impose in a hunter-gatherer setting.). Yet a different Semitic writing tradition would descend from the Proto-Canaanite script. The practical question is whether we have suitable material for comparative work. My Spanish education was typical for an American (North): Spanish was basically the language of the commercial class of Mexico City. and founded the first Semitic Empire at Kish. 33003050 B.C.) Sadly, it was pushed away from the market by Apple and Google. The correspondences are just eyeballing superficial similarities. The fragmentary and highly stereotyped character of the Meroitic remains is always going to limit its direct usefulness in reconstruction severely. I didnt think it had ever not been accepted. These nominal classifications make themselves felt primarily in agreement systems as expressed on: determiners, adjectives, subject and object marking on verbs. His Meroitic doesnt look anything like that to me. Some of the subgroups have it, but they might have invented it themselves. In general, I have to insist that areal linguistics, and contact linguistics more broadly, are or at least should be every bit as fundamental to historical linguistics as reconstruction and phylogeny. Im not sure that when the authors used the word diluted, they were arguing in favor of what Im talking against. Studies [] have revealed deep and substantive similarities with amniotes in the braincase ([2 papers by some of the other authors]). If youre trying to figure out where the turtles come from, all mammals are the basalmost living amniotes, and Ive seen them quite casually called that in a paper that wasnt joking either. But it is no different from mitochondrial Eve. Bonny Sands (2009) finds the proposal by Sav and Tosco (2003) the most convincing: namely that Ongota is an East Cushitic language with a. Beja, sometimes listed as a separate branch of Afroasiatic, is more often included in the Cushitic branch, which has a substantial degree of internal diversity. Efforts have been made in the past to explain the suffix/prefix difference as due to Gur having reinforced its nouns with following articles and then having lost its original prefixes. Though given todays news, it might have been more topical for me to find new scholarship on Kehf el-Boroud! dubina a club (dub an oak). Trsor de la langue franaise informatis Subscribe now to receive periodic updates from the Center for Hebraic Thought. Poletika was hm. And though I dont know the work, I can imagine there is a degree of subjectivity there. In teaching us pescado, I assume our textbook writers were trying to ward off possible confusion when we heard it in conversation. Proposed locations include the Horn of Africa, North Africa, the Eastern Sahara and the Levant. I again ask, in pre-state settings with limited trade goods, how would linguistic uniformity across broad areas arise, except through significant population replacement. Not all categorizations of critters are Linnaean. My conlang Kebreni has the infix -su-for made of X: siva sand sisuva sandy. If you mean living fossils, you can only tell that they havent changed much by comparing them to reconstructed ancestors. ~ German drehen turn, rotate. (The fatal problem with this whole parascientific endeavour, which now seems to have established itself in its own parallel universe where references are made only to papers from the same universe, and a study which produced results grossly at variance with known facts is described without further comment as successful.), Seems fair computers are victims here too , a model that places the ancient Mesopotamian language Akkadian as the most basal lineage of Semitic. Im not very well up on recent introductory stuff, having acquired what I do know largely by years of osmosis (resulting in huge gaps in my knowledge, occasionally partly filled in by Hattic experts.). Interesting! Just discovered that singulative in Breton is unanderenn where unander is sg. and -enn is singulative suffix. And from what I understand there are three voseo verbal inflections, depending on dialect: habls, habls, hablei; I myself only heard the first one, in standard Argentine, and the third one, marginally, in Chilean. And sorry for writing that much about pigs, but I have many questions now: 1) why there are THAT many synonims for a thorn? Just want to go back to Lameens comment. And I meant hablai, not hablei. I have the clear impression that, from decade to decade, Kloekhorst tries to read ever more into any spelling variation he can find in Hittite. 1986). Not everything here hedge, pike, spike, pin, spine, tine, brod, means exactly a thorn/prick[le] etc., but many do, many mean similar things and I could name many more. The rRNA genes are large, universal (except in sub-cellular things like viruses), and possess both regions that can change easily (being primary structural) and regions that are very resistant to change (since they are key to the ribozyme functionality). This is just one morphological feature, in only two branches of AA, being studied with care and detail, and that only three years ago. I havent taken a look at the new paper yet, so I dont know if it continues this blunder, but I know that other recent Bayesian analyses of language phylogeny have not perpetuated it. In fact, it was a certain Edgar Gregersen who seems to have felt that the relationship was likely because of the difficulty of classifying Songhay, why not. So carry coals to Newcastle is send something to a place where it was already commonplace. However, an abecedary found at the Palestinian site of Beth Shemesh, consisting of consonantal cuneiform characters like those in use at Ugarit, shows the same letter order as found in the Old South Arabian script. As in the spread of back /r/ across the French-German isogloss bundle. Im not sure if Im interpreting Fig. Almost all scholars have accepted this classification as the new and continued consensus. At least I think its the same morpheme, borrowed from MLG/Dutch. Erich Neu argued in his seminal Das hethitische Mediopassiv und seine indogermanischen Grundlagen, where he analysed how the r-endings spread during the attested history of Hittite texts and how that pathway differed from those in Italic and Celtic. We conclude that African taurines received as much as 26% (estimated as 0.263 in the network, p-value<2.2e-308) of their ancestry from admixture with wild African auroch, with the rest being Fertile Crescent domesticate in origin.". But I think Blench imagines it more or less this way: the least recent own ancestor of Semitic is in Africa Well, yes, Blench is right: Gldemann here is not interested in genetic relationship. SImilarly, et is in a word list for arsusi (Oman) and I heard it mentioned in the context of Yemen. (I dont know the first thing about the Gurage languages, though.) Its very hard for me to understand what dynamics would allow a trade language to wipe out the preexisting languages in a pre-state setting with only limited trade. In Oman/Yemen they have both and variations of , this one is at least obvious. . Fish just arent all that stable . They survey evidence of population flows out of North Africa, but notably mention no pulses in the direction of the Levant. Because authors use slightly different datasets, pick up cognacy judgments from prior researchers or use their own, consider grammatical data or only use lexical data, use variations on the methods of calculation etc. Its not a hen.. which is from none other than Kay Williamson and Roger Blench. If the maximalist claim has been made and is widely believed in, and we disagree with the maximalist formulation, he is right to call if hyper-[.] This is not a feature of the method, it is incompetence in its execution. The quoted dictionary records this usage for everywhere outside the Southern Cone. Scholars have at times utilized the following considerations as criteria: (a) the number of traits shared by languages in a geographical area, (b) bundling of the traits in some significant way (for example, clustering at roughly the same geographical boundaries), and (c) the weight of different areal traits (some are counted differently from others on the assumption that some provide stronger evidence than others of areal affiliation) (see Campbell et al. Figure 5. There is an argument that the split between the familiar Afroasiatic sub-branches could have happened in Africa. c) that language is an autonomous system, resembling more a physical than a cultural system, d) and that relationships can be expressed as a series of binary splits. Stewart went on to try to prove his point by comparisons between his Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu and Fulfulde, but its a very weak paper. This has been demonstrated, for example, for how children acquire the semantics, morphology, and syntax of causative verbs in three typologically distinct languages: English at the more analytic or syntactic end of the scale, Hebrew with relatively synthetic bound morphology, and Inuktitut as a polysynthetic language which marks causativity by both morphological and lexical means (Allen, in Lieven 1998). No it hasnt (And what is a basal lineage in historical linguistic terms, anyway? Personally I can use it just to express surprise (it is just me). I dont get the impression that presumed PIE etymologies play much of a role, in fact, but I know very little about this. Hes got lots of papers on if you can bear all the spam that results from merely brushing past the site. Li ka nuaa. They mention no major influxes from anywhere else in the relevant time period. Eric Hamp. In his font the characters are slightly distinct, but I dont know enough to tell which Unicode symbol, if any, is appropriate here. There is the much less productive Old Irish -ne. The Bantu languages are spoken in a very large area, including most of Africa from southern Cameroon eastward to Kenya and southward to the southernmost tip of the continent. I have a poor knowledge of Korean, and I would be interested if someone who knows more could enlighten me on this point. Anyway, they became Russian nobility Blench is always worth reading, though I priggishly disapprove of his overenthusiasm for top-level lumping. Palauans are free to do whatever the want with proto-Welsh phonemes as long as they preserve Dravidian orthography. If a percentage of the 50 was a slender reed, some of the 20 is a blade of grass. This is the region of greatest internal genetic diversity within all of Oti-Volta, but its also a Sprachbund, as is apparent from the happy accident that the Western Oti-Volta language Boulba has wandered into the area, and participated in almost (but not quite) all the phonological changes that Manessy thought were inherited common innovations demarcating his Eastern Oti-Volta grouping. I was trying to talk both about morphology (visible shapes what I mostly work on) and molecules. That was also pretty much the technique used by Bouckaert et al. In biology, there are so many interesting things you can do once you have a reliable phylogenetic tree that demand has outstripped supply lately. Its confined to the two Kusaals, and seems to have no cognates anywhere else, not even in Nabit, which is so like Toende Kusaal that they would probably be regarded as dialects of one another if the politics were different. The collapse of the Ghassulian culture in Palestine around 3300 B.C. Heres a short version. Competing synonyms for nouns only have pairwise cases: two each of pole, bark and mouth, as well as root, vein | vein, sinew and breath, soul | soul, self; adjectives have two cases of dry and possibly big. If it were spelled urox, I think I would have less of a hard time of it. Quite apart from his general supreme rightness in these slides, he makes the very pertinent point that in this kind of mass-comparison-by-stealth approach, actually identifying cognates correctly is the real difficulty, that (at this level) good scholars can disagree considerably over this, and that you often need to reconsider your own earlier judgments in the light of further research. Bozzones law: in Greek, *hj > h, *hi > hi. By contrast in Uralic *kala is highly stable, lost only in Permic and, if were counting, Helsinki slang. Eastern and southern click languages seem to be so unrelated that its only possible to recognize their affinity by the sound inventory. convergence with ones ancestors or just random back-mutations) that an analysis can deal with is very high, because, as you add data, the signal adds up, while the noise cancels itself out. At Nabta Playa it was initially cows, later on also goats, in a semidesert environment probably incapable of supporting wild cattle, with some evidence for seasonal transhumance; a short intro: Clothing can be masculine or feminine depending on who is wearing it as I noted, it happens with diminutives here:). . By I am no Greenberg, to be deluded by such pretty baubles . Its titled The Small Bang and it reports on a newly funded project to collect linguistic data on Bangime and other Dogon languages. That could be accounted for in various ways, e.g. not possible to initiate [my emphasis] the process of reconstruction until large numbers of probably cognate grammatical and lexical items are available to compare, and until a subgrouping hypothesis exists to ensure that all parts of the phylum are properly represented. African folklore is poor and overwhelmingly of Eurasian origin. This Proto-Canaanite script is the immediate ancestor of the Phoenician script (appearing in the eleventh century BC), which is in turn the source of the ancient Hebrew (ca. Im working on a Best Preserved Uralic Roots list currently and a checkup comes up with 59/205 verbs; not an especially bad haul per se, but already including e.g. Supplements: S3: Binary representation of data (what DM calls a blunder), the tree in the paper is based on it. they matter little for cognacy judgments, but maybe not enough of the Swadesh list is available. Similar results are reported by Kehayia (1990) and Kehayia, Jarema, and Kadzielawa (1990) for Greek, a language in which bare stems are never legal. David E.: [Blench is] good at writing, unlike one or two perfectly capable linguists one can think of, who have everything except the gift of clear exposition. >The really striking thing about the paper for me was how overwhelmingly Natufian the ancestry of Arabian Arabs is. Full text in HTML is also available. Yes. I was confusing him with Mukarovsky, who actually had a quite different erroneous idea re Songhay and Mande anyway. Almost certainly Kelif is an OCR error for (or human misreading of) Kehf. >Do we actually have enough evidence to say that the Natufians went from the Levant into Egypt, rather than from Egypt into the Levant? No, I have no idea why it isnt uras as would be expected. I thought it was more like Arab raiders in Africa or Viking raiders in some places: burn a village, steal some women and slaves, come back in a few years and do it again. (in English) Or I do not know, maybe to Germanists it looks easier. Hey, those Afroasiatic Y chromosomes dont propagate themselves, you know. are different. Mandarin shngxin fresh fish, fresh fruit vegetables, Japanese seisen fresh (of food).). Got it?. Vasmer says on : Then we naturally want to make regional (skewed) terminology compatible with international (unbiased) terminology and here we have a problem. My knowledge of either would be limited to the barest understanding of Hebrew grammar. More research needed because we dont know the answer yet; possibly we never will. AA Urheimat somewhere near the Red Sea, Chadic spreading westward. Interesting. (1983) and discusses Russian data from Tsvjetkova and Glozman (1978) to support the view that patients revert to -forms only when the stem is a word in the language, otherwise misselecting the required inflection. porpoise (Meerschwein. First the authors rarely engage with the literature, failing to describe the errors that presumably characterise the proposals of those who want to argue for the reality of particular phyla. and the Chinese paddlefish seems to be extinct because of the Three Gorges dam. You do; Im (mostly) using the term in a generally accepted sense: **Domestication is a somewhat misleading word. On the other hand, the bright orange background to his slides (with scarlet bullet points) , >>Dimmendaals belief that Songhay is definitely related to Nilotic. Like that to me culture bantu semitic language Palestine around 3300 B.C et is in a word list arsusi... Must have had a good reason to pick Amorite as representing West Semitic but... 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By people in Central and Southern Africa that includes Swahili languages being similar to Hebrew because they n't! In Greek, * hj > h, * hi > hi by the definition of!... Borrowed from MLG/Dutch his overenthusiasm for top-level lumping more research needed because we dont know the answer yet ; we... Confusing him with Mukarovsky, who actually had a quite different erroneous re. While urging their more distant affinity with Egyptian and Semitic many langauges, he chose 165 including hat you! And their method is designed to discover them in the Javanese polite register..... Of Meroitic is settled is pretty cheeky, I can imagine there is an argument the... Korean, and their method is designed to discover them in the relevant period! Language of the Swadesh list is available can give you a tree that contains polytomies been. 1909 ) had already proposed linking Cushitic and Chadic while urging their more distant affinity Egyptian. 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