Mr. DeGrave, who was licensed in 2015, was suspended for one year and until further order the Court for striking his then-wife in the face during an argument, which led to injuries requiring surgery. The reinstatement fee applies to each month that . A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. No client lost money due to Mr. Kelly's misconduct. Mr. Furlett, who was licensed in 1979, was censured. Mr. Fonfrias, who was licensed in 1996, was suspended for six months. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. Ms. Lowery, who was licensed in 2000, was suspended for 30 days and required to successfully complete the ARDC Professionalism Seminar within one year. The Supreme Court of Iowa reprimanded him for neglecting a client matter and failing to comply with Iowa disciplinary authorities' requests for information about his conduct. He engaged in a conflict of interest by representing a client in a dissolution of marriage case while also pursuing a romantic relationship with her. Mr. Ries, who licensed in 1998, was suspended from the practice of law for two years and until he is reinstated to the practice of law before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board revoked his license to practice law and struck his name from the roll of attorneys after he failed to perfect the appeal of his client's criminal matter, resulting in the dismissal of his client's appeal. A referee appointed by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin publicly reprimanded him for neglecting a client matter, failing to communicate with a client, and failing to cooperate in disciplinary investigations. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Mr. Potere was licensed in Illinois in 2012 and in California in 2015. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. The Supreme Court of Florida entered an order holding him in contempt and disbarring him for his failure to comply with a Florida Bar rule requiring him to notify his clients, opposing counsel, and tribunals of an earlier suspension, and requiring him to provide the Florida Bar with a sworn affidavit listing the names and addresses of all persons and entities that were furnished with a copy of the earlier suspension order. The suspension is effective on December 14, 2022. Mr. Kelly, who was licensed in 1987, was suspended for three months. He accomplished the conversion by reactivating a dormant client account at the law firm at which he was a shareholder, creating and sending multiple false invoices, directing payments to the formally dormant account, and submitting fraudulent reimbursement requests to his firm's accounting department. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. He committed the criminal act of aggravated battery on one of his neighbors, a woman over 60 years of age. Mr. Kowalski, along with five other defendants, including his sister, attorney Jan R. Kowalski, was the subject of an eighteen-count second superseding indictment which charged that Mr. Kowalski committed the offenses of bankruptcy fraud, tax fraud, and conspiring to embezzle at least $29 million from a bank. Mr. Kanarish was licensed in Illinois in 1971 and in Arizona in 2011. She failed to act diligently on a client's domestic relations matter, failed to adequately communicate with the client, and filed a pleading in the case containing false statements. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Ms. Kooi was licensed in Indiana in 2009 and in Illinois in 2010. Pursuant to amended Supreme Court Rule 756 (i), the reinstatement fee is $25 per month, subject to a $600 cap. She did not timely file a client's claim in a workers' compensation matter, she falsely informed her client that she had timely filed the claim and that she was appropriately handling the matter, and she did not respond to Missouri disciplinary authorities' complaint pertaining to her conduct. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended her for one year, with the suspension stayed in its entirety by a one-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to November 21, 2020, subject to the conditions imposed in California, and continuing until she completes her California probation. Mr. Stephens, who was licensed in 1975, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court. Antonio Brown was suspended from social media application Snapchat on Tuesday after he was reported by the mother of his children for posting sexually explicit photos of her on his story, TMZ . His wife, a paralegal at the firm, fraudulently opened accounts in the law firm's name using names of relatives and then used funds from those accounts to pay for law firm and personal expenses. Mr. Halling was licensed to practice in Illinois in 1993 and in Colorado in 1995. Mr. Weber, who was licensed in 1984, was disbarred. Mr. Araujo, who was licensed in 1993, was disbarred for sexually harassing three women: a Chicago police officer, a court reporter and an Assistant State's Attorney, while he was acting as a Cook County Circuit Court Judge. Over a five-year period, he submitted more than 380 requests that his firm reimburse him for travel, lodging, and dining expenses relating to client matters, totaling approximately $360,000. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for 180 days, with the suspension stayed after 90 days by a two-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to January 14, 2021, subject to the conditions imposed in Indiana, and continuing until his probation in Indiana is terminated. No lawyer may petition for reinstatement until [six months before] the period of suspension has expired. The ADB appoints hearing panels composed of three volunteer attorneys to conduct the trial-level proceedings under Subchapter 9.100 of the Michigan . His misconduct arose from his June 2021 conviction in Lake County for aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol, causing the death of another. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. Mr. Pomrenze, who was licensed in 1984, was suspended for five months and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed in its entirety by two years of conditional probation. When an investigation ensued, she falsely reported that another COPA investigator, whom she wrongly suspected of having reported her misconduct, was planning on carrying out a mass shooting at the COPA office. He engaged in conduct with no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, and burden a third person in the course of pending litigation by using vulgar and abusive language toward his female opposing counsel during a deposition. Mr. Jackson was licensed in Arizona in 2011 and in Illinois in 2014. Mr. Hankes, who was licensed in 2006, was suspended for three years and until he completes the ARDC Professionalism Seminar, for converting nearly $80,000 of client funds. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. Mr. Moonen is currently suspended in Iowa on a separate case involving his failure to cooperate with Iowa disciplinary authorities' investigations. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and entered an order reprimanding him and suspending him for nine months and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Maine. Ms. Winbush, who was licensed in 2013, was suspended for 90 days and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed in its entirety by a two-year period of probation with conditions. He commingled and used without authority approximately $5,200 in others' funds in connection with real estate escrow and earnest money matters. Mr. White was licensed in Illinois in 1998 and in Indiana in 1999. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. While serving as a court-appointed public defender for a client, he made sexually explicit comments to the client, touched the client without her consent, and masturbated in front of the client in his office during a meeting about her case. Ms. Doss, who was licensed in 1989, was disbarred on consent for dishonestly converting $8,767 in funds being held in trust for her client in a real estate transaction and for improperly withholding $3,875 in funds being held in trust for that same client. Mr. OConnor was licensed in Illinois in 1980 and in Arizona in 1988. He was found guilty of bank fraud after he participated in a multi-year scheme that provided fraudulent information to lenders in order to qualify buyers for mortgage loans to purchase condominium units owned by other participants in the scheme. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for six months and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Missouri. Mr. Szymanski later pled guilty to misdemeanor battery in connection with that incident. Mr. Parikh, who was licensed in 2009, was suspended for one year, with the suspension stayed after five months in favor of a two-year period of probation, subject to conditions. An Arizona disciplinary hearing panel disbarred him for engaging in a pattern of misconduct in three separate matters. A lawyer who embezzled almost $80,000 from former clients should be suspended for three years, according to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission Review Board.Robert John Hankes, a former employee of Vedder Price P.C., was found to have created false invoices for his former . Mr. Darnell was licensed to practice in Illinois in 2005 and in Virginia in 2007. The suspension is effective on February 10, 2022. Ms. O'Brien, who was licensed in 1998, was disbarred. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. He also represented clients when he was administratively suspended from the practice of law. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Mr. Mr. Blumenfeld, who was licensed in 1967, was disbarred on consent. The following dates apply to the declared distribution: Ex-Date: January 19, 2023 Record Date: January 20, The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline, reprimanded him, and suspended him for 120 days. He did not repay the funds until the client complained to the ARDC. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Welcome to the Attorney Discipline Board. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Mr. Mr. Lewin also sought to represent that defendant even though the representation would be directly adverse to, and materially limited by, his responsibilities to another client in a related case. She also filed a brief on appeal in a client's immigration matter without complying with mandatory legal authority concerning claims of ineffective assistance of counsel. In 2017 and 2018, Mr. O'Shea made false statements to the police and the Judicial Inquiry Board about the accidental discharge of a handgun in his apartment. Mr. White, who was licensed in 2014, was suspended for two years and until further order of the Court, stayed after one year in favor of a three-year period of probation subject to conditions. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. e) The CPO may debar a vendor. He used his former firm's bank account information without permission to pay his attorney registration fees, and he made misrepresentations to the Administrator in writing and in his testimony at a sworn statement during the investigation of his conduct. Mr. Cooper, who was licensed in 2002, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court. The Indiana Supreme Court suspended her for 90 days, beginning November 23, 2020, with 30 days of that suspension to be actively served and the remainder stayed subject to completion of at least two years of conditional probation. She knowingly or recklessly made a false statement impugning the integrity of a judge and made false statements to the ARDC during her sworn statement. Mr. McWard, who was licensed in 2017, was suspended for 90 days. He communicated with a defendant in a criminal case whom he knew to be represented by counsel without consent of that defendant's lawyer. He knowingly and dishonestly mishandled a clients security retainer funds and used those funds before he earned them. What is the ARDC? Ms. Azimi, who was licensed in 2015, was suspended for 90 days. The Supreme Court of Iowa publicly reprimanded him and suspended him for 60 days for neglecting several client matters, placing a client's signature on a document without authority, and entering a plea of not guilty for that same client and waiving her right to a speedy trial without consulting her. Mr. Lewin, who was licensed in 1974, was suspended from the practice of law for 60 days. 26037, 2010 PR 64 (Ill. Sept. 26, 2013). Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The suspension is effective on December 7, 2021. Mr. Fitzgerald, who was licensed in 1991, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court retroactive to his March 8, 2018 interim suspension from the practice of law. He also pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence of alcohol. The Illinois Courts Commission initiated a disciplinary matter against then-Judge Araujo based on this same misconduct and entered an oral ruling finding that he had committed the misconduct. Mr. Fieweger was licensed in Illinois in 1987 and in Iowa in 1989. His misconduct arose from his Michigan criminal convictions for manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a drug house, and possession of marijuana with the intent to deliver. She employed a former California attorney who had resigned from the bar with disciplinary charges pending and permitted him to handle client funds over approximately an eight-month period. Attorney regulators in Illinois are looking to extend a law license suspension for a former Vedder Price shareholder who admitted to cheating his clients out of nearly $80,000 by generating fake . The Michigan Attorney Discipline Board is the adjudicative arm of the Michigan Supreme Court for discharge of its exclusive constitutional responsibility to supervise and discipline Michigan attorneys. Mr. Piatt was licensed in Illinois in 2011 and in Indiana in 2015. He converted over $38,000 that he was supposed to hold for a third party in a real estate transaction by giving it to another client without the third partys consent. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. The ARDC summaries contain the name of each disciplined lawyer, the community in which that lawyer last practiced, a brief summary of the misconduct and the disciplinary sanction ordered by the Court. He commenced and conducted an inappropriate sexual relationship with a client after the formation of their client-lawyer relationship and engaged in dishonest conduct when he prepared a letter to the woman's prospective landlord falsely identifying her as an employee of his law firm and providing false information about her purported salary and work history. Mr. Bartelsmeyer, who was licensed in 1992, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court. On March 18, 2021, the Virginia State Disciplinary Board entered an order suspending him for nine months, effective on September 19, 2022, when his current three-year Virginia suspension ends. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for one year and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Iowa. He dishonestly converted $13,906.56 in funds belonging to two clients, failed to refund unearned fees, neglected and failed to effectively or timely communicate the status of matters to three clients, and failed to reduce two contingent fee agreements to writing. In another matter, he did not adequately communicate with his client and failed to research issues involved in his client's matter. The ARDC may seek an interim suspension whenever an attorney has been charged with (as opposed to convicted of) a crime that involves moral turpitude or a crime that reflects adversely on the attorney's fitness to practice law, and there is persuasive evidence to support the charge. The payments totaled over $136,000. The ARDC has two offices, one in Chicago located at 130 E. Randolph Drive, Suite 1500, Chicago, Illinois 60601, (312) 565-2600; and one in Springfield located at 3161 West White Oaks Drive, Suite 301, Springfield, Illinois 62704, (217) 546-3523. Mr. Ybarra, who was licensed in 2008, was suspended for one year, with the suspension stayed after 60 days by an 18-month period of conditional probation. Mr. Jones was licensed in Illinois in 1997 and in Florida in 2000. Many of those messages were vulgar, profane, abusive, included anti-Semitic remarks, and served no purpose other than to harass or burden their recipients. The Supreme Judicial Court of Maine publicly reprimanded him and suspended him for nine months. In the course of representing clients in personal injury matters, he provided financial assistance to two clients, misrepresented the status of matters to at least two clients, and signed a client's name on a settlement release without authority. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended Mr. Kovac for five months. In 2018, Mr. Loprieno fabricated documents that purported to show that another attorney had prepared documents that would have changed the terms of Mr. Loprieno's grandmother's estate plan, then falsely denied creating those documents in his initial response to the ARDC's request for information. He engaged in a number of criminal acts involving incidents of domestic violence and driving while over the legal limit for alcohol, and he mishandled three patent applications. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. Mr. Hall, who was licensed in 2019, was suspended for 60 days, with the suspension stayed after 30 days by a one-year period of probation with conditions. His misconduct arose from his August 2021 convictions of four counts of bankruptcy fraud and three counts of concealment of assets, for which he was sentenced to two years in prison. Mr. Bowe had continued to practice law after the administrative suspension of his law license, and he did not maintain required trust account records. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended her for six months and until she is reinstated to the practice of law in Missouri. He failed to diligently pursue a workers' compensation and a personal injury matter and misrepresented the status of those matters to his clients. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. The suspension is effective on December 7, 2021. Mr. McCarty was licensed in 1998. Mr. Cooper, in six client matters ranging from estate administration to applications for Veterans Administration benefits, accepted retainers but then failed to communicate with his clients or advance their cases. Debarment is the permanent suspension of a vendor from doing business with the OAG. Ms. Sodaro was licensed in Illinois in 1986 and in Arizona in 2017. 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