Ive been using a racket ball to roll out the bottom of my foot and help to stretch the tendon a little. Lol. I can definitely second that this site is really helpful. Great to hear youre doing well, Muhammed. Katie Price was spotted leaving the doctors just days ago with a bandage on her left foot, after undergoing surgery on it recently as part of her recovery from an old injury. Slower Healing: The healing process for traditional bunion surgery can be painful. Sign up for all the best celeb news from the Mirrorhere. Surgeons prefer not using screws that will hold the bunion correction in only a few cases. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified Just want to post my story in case others discover this thread looking for some information. Unless they say its more of a deal with the pain and slowly work it type deal. The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or bunionectomy. I used to get those weird quick shoots of pain down there, but cant say its happened recently. Given your description of events, I would be very surprised if youve done any real harm. Placed some weight on my toes (and jammed my good shin against a bar on the scooter - that hurt the most). Read our editorial policy. I have two really shallow stairs that lead up to a larger staircase on the right that takes me upstairs. Hey all! I'm just trying to be extra careful! I started that yesterday and loving it, although my Achilles is really tight so its challenging. I literally just did the same thing! We were coming out of the theatre, the rows of seats are narrow, and I had to crutch along and then start going up some stairs at an angle. I was worried because some ppl didnt report a ton of issue, whereas I was having a decent amount of aching, tingling, heavy feeling etc compared to before fall. I'm hoping I'm not moving forward to fast. Haha. I felt a pop. I have pretty good range of motion. I can still point my toes with minimal pain and no additional swelling or sensitivity after I had my accident. I had my first PT session today and went from 0% weight bearing on a scooter to walking on one crutch with 60% weight on the foot! Yikes! The hardest part for me is getting in/out of a walk in shower. I was in my walking boot when it happened. It felt sounded like tearing. I didnt land on the bad foot, I fell forward and tried to catch myself on a table with my hands but the bad foot came down anyway as I fell forward , and sort landing on on the ball of that foot. I was terrified that I might have ruined the whole process! i want to add that i was given a surgical boot to keep on and an appt to see my surgeon exactly 1 week post op. Doc said that everything was fine, and that healing was going well, Glad to find these posts. Rob, I agree with Rick - lots of people experience a little slip during that period and its scary to think you might have screwed up (I had the same experience). My dr had xrays done to make sure nothing moved out of place however I do have a screw that is in my bone where theyve realigned it so it can mend back he said it looks like nothing moved. Its always best to check with your doctor, but I wouldnt worry yourself too much. Hey all, I figured Id add to this thread as well. He said depending on how much weight went down through foot and how much time, would affect how much pain/symptoms youd have. My doctor also said that shes only ever had 1 re rupture patient, and they were walking, full weight bearing, with a splint on. And depending on the type of fracture, the sizes might range from 1.5 mm to 7.3 mm. Take things slow and be extra careful in all things, even when it doesnt seem necessary! Medication (which I had been off) helped with the pain it was still painful but lessened with meds which was what they told me to look for. Good luck! It was mostly getting over the mental fear of falling and lack of confidence. Moral of the story for me, no matter what Im wearing my boot even if its a pain in the butt. Although I passed the Thompson test, reflex test and moving my foot up and down and side to side there was a gap shown in the MRI that had occurred during my fall. WebThe amount of pain experienced after bunion surgery is different from one person to the next. Hi all, Good luck! I am in pain but more worried I did damage. My pain level since surgery has been minimal. Pain lasted about 30 seconds. I also have a wonderful husband who actually remembered the 20+ years I took care of him (house wife, a damn good one lol! ) This blog has kept me sane as I keep freaking out that I re-tore the tendon. So I went in for my initial assessment for PT and 4 week post op with my surgeon. I go to the Doc in two days so Ill update everyone whose reading this one way or the other to provide some feedback then. No real pain but annoyed at my stupidness. I swear I am feeling a wet sensation like bleeding from the incision. I figured I would share my 2 stories that happened recently so that others can use it for their own. This is bringing me hope. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. KG do you sleep in your boot? Brain thank you. Only way to know for SURE is talking with your doctor. It is essential to keep the surgical wound dry and clean after bunion surgery. Today waking up pain is a little worse.I feel like I have less strength in foot than I did prior to the fall and very concerned Ive re-torn or lengthened the repair. I am seeing my doctor in a few days but I am terribly worried that I screwed the whole thing up. I saw your post that you have written in February and I had a very similar incident. I hate running even more now. Felt good!m. each week feels better and better! Dont risk re-rupturing your tendon. The pain seems to be just in my toes and subsiding since laying back down. Its going to be a long few months. he mentioned to me that if something had moved or been fractured id have to go into surgery asap to fix it. Long game. I felt a pain and a stretching sensation that went up into my upper calf, but no pop or tearing that I could discern. I am going through this as well but my doctor did say i can put as much as i tolerate, but i am so worried because i am overweight. I am more cognizant of the incision point than before, but no real pain. it seems like the boot/splint just prevent your leg from moving enough to actually re-rupture. Everything going well today I had stitches removed and hard cast out on. They will get you answer one way or another! Hi, my name is Denis and Im 27 years old. I always thought of myself as a sporty individual, I practised sports for all my youth but when I e entered college and the professional market had to put that aside. Taking everything slow and steady to make sure I dont hurt myself again. minimal scars. wont hear back til tomorrow either way i have an appt in about 32 hrs to see him. (During surgery. However, the bunion has to be shifted back as it was, in the original position, and to do that, screws are surely needed. Join the conversation! 2 days later went in to get the cast off. To make sure, give your doctor a call, theyll let you know if you need to see them earlier, Just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has posted about their journey back from their Achilles injury. I talked to another friend who did the same thing a few years ago and he was walking and back to work during the 7-8 week marK. Were you OK when you went to the doctor? No pain, but freaked out. Two weeks after surgery and just had the experience of falling off my scooter and intstictively trying to stop myself by putting out my bad foot. The main point he told me was that if you are in a boot or cast, the odds are very slim that you would re-rupture the tendon because your foot cant move in the directions that would cause that to happen. Back to square one. I had a sharp pain for about 30 seconds, but the shock from being worried about a re-rupture was worse. Do call your doctor tomorrow if you are still worried about your foot. I ruptured my achilles about 3 weeks ago, had my surgery a week ago, nwb. WebRe: Accidentally put weight on foot ughhh, Plates or screws that may have been added Nurse called back and said this does happen frequently and that its general not something to worry too much about. I hope ALL OF YOU have the best recovery possible, and thanks so much for sharing!! If it starts to hurt worse or you notice any other weird symptoms that were not present before you fell, I would be concerned. Hi there first thanks for the posts. Im so glad to have found these replies! Right now, though, I just have pain around my ankle. The main reason I am worrisome is the pain is mostly in my heal where my sutures are reconnecting my tendon. If I still feel pain, I will reach out to my doc and get checked out. Today, while transferring from a chair to my knee scooter, i misjudged my knee landing on the scooter pad and had a tumble over the side. That if the pain worsened or was not relieved by medication I was to come in the next day. Roost They have been very reassuring and I would still be panicking if I had not found this page. i'm on day 9. doctor had me go in this morning ASAP to get x-rays done. My last appointment all they would let me do was ankle pumps and push the foot up just enough to where it was a little uncomfortable. The pain went away about 30 minutes later, but my incision was bleeding a little still. Wound looks fine and I did not do any damage to the Achilles. Ask our community of thousands of members your health questions, and learn from others experiences. But more than likely, youre just fine. The recurrence rate is about 20% over a patients lifetime. I have been running my fingers up and down the tendon and it feels fine. I am not exactly sure how much weight on put on it. Everything has been good so far after surgery. Even if they didnt I think Ill stick with the booth because I dont want to wake up and accidentally do something like put too much weight etc when Im half asleep so I keep the boot on but much looser. Call a doc if you are worried! For more severe cases, the soft tissue must be further disturbed. I am still able to move my foot and toes, but it is limited like it was before I fell. WebThe goal of correcting a failed bunion repair, using a procedure called revision surgery, I immediately went inside and iced it down. Are you managing to use the knee walker now? it seems like, from my read through of the comments above, the main people that thad re-rupture were ones who fell getting out of the shower or bed and didnt have any type of protection. Today calf behind incision is really sore and had a knot in it. I realize it takes time but I can hardly stand sitting still and not doing anything. I too can say I fall into this category. I am only 10 days post op and still in my splint. During your recovery at home, your healthcare provider will instruct you to: During the first two weeks after surgery, you may need to ask someone to help you prepare meals or do household chores. The first time I fell it was 2 weeks post up and I was in a hard cast. Looking for some feedback/advice. Not only was there no damage, but everything healed very nicely. What happened is that i was getting out of the bathroom and i lost balance and i accidentally put weight on my injured leg , i did hear something but not on my operated area but on my foot , i did not feel pain at the time as i quickly picked it up but it was really stiff . Noticed a small bump off to the side of my tendon by the incision. Stay positive everyone. All rights reserved. Felt something that didnt feel like pain but more like an electric shock. Mine was a complete rupture. It seems there is just a huge spectrum of postop treatment out there, some docs more conservative than others, but each case is different too so in the end, I always follow my docs advice. But I dont know I think and going mental with this and wanted to share. I thought all that work healing, elevating, icing, for nothing! Im 64 and 225 pounds and put all my weight down early on. Immediately after I put he warp and boot back on elevated and iced it, but for the remainder of the night and into this morning the tightness in the back of calf and heel have me so worries that I really messed something up.. so frustrated with myself. But It hurt really bad for a few minutes but I popped a pain pill. After many tears and painkillers later, I was sure I reruptured my achilles. Yes, I fell hard on my foot. I called doctors office was told if additional pain or swelling to come in Im praying there is no additional harm cant handle any more surgery. Started physio yesterday after being put into the aircast moon boot. There is something you might be interested in. Live up north where I was holed up. Shaving the bunion bump can be an effective treatment for an older individual with a mild bunion deformity. As the joint continues to function out of alignment, the bunion deformity gets worse. I dont know If my brain is telling me I already can put some weight in my injured leg or something but now im in panic trying to remember the extend of pressure I did to realize if I could damage the repair. Woke up the next day with marked improvement, however still discomfort at incision site. Instinctively, my right foot came down (the injured achilles foot) and bore most of my weight (170 lbs). May God grant you a swift recovery. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in Reading this makes me feel better about what just happened. Remember that. I felt something that I could describe as a stretching or a ripping feeling, and now I have some pain in the incision area. I feel so stupid. I had surgery Friday, August 5, and stumbled yesterday (August 9) at work. Had pains for about 3hrs seems to be feeling ok. Whats the best way to know if I re ruptured it? Im glad that I found this blog though. the first day after surgery was brutal. I tried to catch myself with my injured foot but that didnt quite go as planned. The doctor does not open till tomorrow so I have to just wait it out. My advice is (and im sure you have heard this a million times already) not to rush anything. It is a weird feeling. Sounds like this has happened to plenty of people - anything I should stress about?? Either recurrence or overcorrection may require a second operation . It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. Add me as a statistic. This x-ray on the left shows a foot with severe arthritis of the bunion joint , and less arthritis of the smaller toe joints. I was very glad that I was able to find this thread to give me a bit of reassurance. This morning I lost my balance and fell off my scooter, dull weight in my injured leg with my aircast boot on. I have a bivalve fiberglass cast and I am 2.5 weeks post surgery and had an accident yesterday. I experienced a complete rupture of the Achilles - and there was NO QUESTION about whether or not I had ruptured it. I think that reading the experiences of others helps give you the mental strength required to continue after this injury. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. When I checked out my ankle, I noticed that my incision point was bleeding quite a bit, and that is where I felt pain. Your bunion took years of wear and tear to form. Surgery usually takes up to an hour and afterwards, you will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing as well as the sensation and circulation in your foot are back to normal. And you can setup your own blog if you want to share your journey with us and those who follow. Two days ago, I did it again. He actually is a very good Dr in the most respected and qualified facility in town so I'm at a loss on this. Hopefully I didnt re injure my Achilles. Im good with that. Quick recoveries to us all! Should I be worried?? My incision/surgery site has healed fully, i have little to no scar tissue. AJ, Im sure youre fine! But you are healed now. For background, I fully ruptured my Achilles tendon in the first week of August and had surgery roughly a week later. I took off my boot and checked my incision point which was now covered in Seri strips since the sutures were out. The dressing will need to be changed frequently, and even more often if it becomes damp with fluid or blood or becomes soiled. My foot hurts today in the arch but I'm not sure if that's from the removal of the twenty five staples yesterday and bending it to a ninety degree angle to put the cast on. This is generally the moderate stage of the development of a bunion. WebVery close inspection is usually necessary to find any trace of bunion surgery. While trying to get into the house with crutches I fell on cement step forward the pain was excruciating! Inserting hardware is an imperfect science because everyone displaces stress differently on their feet, so what might work for one person may cause pain with another. I fell off my scooter this morning and am in so much pain! Right foot forward, left foot back. Update: Saw ortho today and had cast removed. I am in fear of a 2nd surgery. Eric_Mark_1 hello,, I'm on week 3 of bunion surgery, I tripped while using the stairs and put full weight on my affected leg, it's been 12 hours and I still feel swelling on feet bottom and sometimes pressure against the operated area. Hoping just flared up and no damage done! Researching minimally invasive surgery, patients can come across different surgical techniques. my next foot, my left is my weaker leg. was my weaker leg so I am a little concerned. 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