I dont recall any specific verse that promises the preservation of Scripture right now. The B-I-B-L-E. 23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the Word of God (Jesus) which lives and abides forever, All flesh is as grass, The fact of the matter is that the Critical Text of Westcott-Hort differs from the TR, mostly by deletions, in 9,970 words out of 140,521, giving a total of 7% difference. That seems more like personal bias talking than scholarly work, and it persists to this day. You next reply could be 2-3 words long, just enough to give the name of the manuscript and that would be fine but which manuscript that we have is absolutely and entirely inerrant? (Youll know this is especially true of Greek if youve read my A Few Fun Things About Biblical (Koine) Greek article) Another example: perhaps one document will only have Christ and another only has Jesus. Her head or her own head is just that. Part 2 focuses more on the actual methodology. No, a prophetic application is what the verse is about, and thus the Confessional Bibliogist is correct in using that way. Further, this can happen in smaller increments too. 16 So the last will be first, and the first will be last.. Is there a translation that uses a blend of the Critical Text and the Majority Text? Accordingly the need of accounting for the eventual predominance of the medium text, when the critics are shown to have been incapable of producing it, leads us to assume a medium text or vulgate in existence during the whole time of the hand-transmission of Homer. Please dont mistake my question for a mere rhetorical one (though its partially that), If perfect preservation is the case, then thats THE question that matters most regarding Scripture. The words do matter; please see my article on Bible translation for powerful evidence of that. https://www.christianhospitality.org/wp/bible-fraud7/ Since the rules are so central to their philosophy, well take some time to examine them. For example, lets say that three scribes copied from the original, and one of them made an error. However, youd like to keep a copy, so you hire a scribe to copy the letter before passing it on. EDIT: I finally got around to writing an article on the topic, which you can read here. I really appreciate your work here. These few words would have guided her. This accidental skipping could account for a very significant portion of the longer Byzantine Textual Variants. We have thereby passed beyond purely numerical relations, and the necessity of examining the genealogy of both minority and majority has become apparent. Each textual family (or text type) tends to contain similar readings to other manuscripts in its family, but the readings are different from the readings of other textual families. One scholar said of the Western text type: Words and even clauses are changed, omitted, and inserted with surprising freedom, wherever it seemed that the meaning could be brought out with greater force and definiteness. Unsurprisingly, they arent given too much weight because of this freeness. There are several different sets of rules for Reasoned Eclecticism. The Analytic Septuagint was derived from the LXXM sychronized to the KJV with the Greek root words translated into Greek Strongs numbers whenever possible. For example, imagine trying to reconstruct the Greek text by having several different English translations. I still have not settled on a position and am not sure I ever will. I believe it should be very highly in my humble opinion. He returned to the monastery some 15 years later, partially in hopes of recovering the manuscript. 7 You, O LORD, will keep them; Its currently in its 28th edition (as of spring 2020). So no, the entire Codex Sinaiticus wasnt going to be burned. The Tetragrammaton (over 6,800 times in the OT) will be rendered as Yahweh. You asked: Has recent textual criticism increased our faith in God?. Again, this is because of his earlier is better philosophy. Church ", just as the V ulgate became textus receptus for the Catholic Church and the Masoretic T ext became textus receptus for the Pr otestants. Persecution under Septimus Severus (202-210). The root of this is an error in translation, as well see in a moment. This might be surprising to hear after what youve just read, but you might be right. Its commonly referred to as the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece after the two most significant contributors. Paul, just because the NKJV is more elegant in rendering lifeblood instead of blood or bloodshed instead of shed blood does not support the nonsensical argument that the NKJV deleted words. So from 1504 to 1516 he was collating manuscripts. This is based on the assumption that scribes will chose to copy good manuscripts over bad ones, and thus better readings will be in the majority over time. They began speaking Latin, and thus moved away from Greek scriptures and into Latin translations. Its so well known, its often just called Westcott & Hort. I dont think so. They do a bit of tap-dancing in their Introduction to the NT indicating theyve taken a different route than Westcott & Hort. . So I believe God deals with His church the same today as He did in days past (why would He not? There are only two reasons for this: (1) its nearly complete, (2) the older is better mantra. Otherwise there is too great a danger of reconstructing a test tube text which never existed at any time or place. To condense/paraphrase verses 9-10: woman was made for man, so she must be under male authority. Contextually, that makes perfect sense. Before Gutenberg invented the printing press in the early-mid 1400s, everything was copied by hand. The faith perspective is the opposite. The Textus Receptus (Latin for "Received Text") is a Greek New Testament that provided the textual base for the vernacular translations of the Reformation Period. I had concluded before reading this that the Byzantine texts are likely the more accurate ones, since the Alexandrian texts have far more frequent errors and deviations between the copies. Now, its clear God did preserve His scriptures extremely well over the years. is the same as that of the tenth-century minuscules.43, 23. You are basing your conclusions on very little evidence. Heres Dan Wallace arguably the most respected New Testament textual critic alive today talking about one of our oldest manuscripts, specifically Codex Alexandrius. And gently lead those who are with young. Take a later example from Tyndale (who had the benefit of the printing press). comfort is hidden from mine eyes. Leave a comment so . . Consequently, their New Testament relied heavily on the two earliest (nearly) complete manuscripts we have: Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus, which well look at in detail shortly, Since these were the two oldest (nearly) complete texts available at the time, Westcott & Hort gave them tremendous weight. Hort, Westcott and Hort, or Hort but cite as Westcott and Hort? The manuscripts finder Tischendorf who reckoned it as the greatest find of his life said the following: On nearly every page of the manuscript there are corrections and revisions, done by 10 different people. Their rules for textual Criticism are below: (Note: I condensed these from here, at the bottom of the page.). How can you that claim textual criticism is bad and yet support a document that was created via textual criticism? Bengels criticism of Erasmus textual work on the Book of Revelation falls in this bracket. The one thing I will mention is Hort at least was motivated to eliminate the Textus Receptus from the public eye, as he considered it vile. Matthew 19:30 New King James Version (NKJV) Lets say, as you have postulated, that scribes had a tendency to copy the best copies and therefore the majority of texts would tend to be the most reliable. . These two documents are rather flawed, especially Sinaiticus. Professor Wevers was the internationally recognized scholar in the field of Septuagint Studies. However, He never promised to preserve them perfectly and to assert that He did is to put words in Gods mouth. Despite the strong support weve just seen, the Majority Text theory does have some significant weaknesses. Now, lets look at how they compare to each other, and how much they agree with each other. That will take a willingness on your part and revelation on Gods. Scrivener in his reconstructed and edited text used as his starting point the Beza edition of 1598, identifying the places where the English text had different readings from the Greek. (Estienne was also known as Stephanus.) The scribes line of sight skips from the first instance of the word text to the second instance of the word text, accidentally skipping everything in between (the red text in the example). I humbly suggest what was breathed-out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. Perhaps you could address that in any amended versions or separately. Lachmann went further than Bekker, showing how, by comparison of manuscripts, it is possible to draw inferences as to their lost ancestors or archetypes . The AV translators relied heavily upon the work of William Tyndale and other editions of the English Bible. Hopefully you found it useful, complete, and you now have a good understanding of Textual Criticism. 21 who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. (Source for this quote is: Homer: The Origins and the Transmission, by Thomas W. Allen), 22. It is the wisdom of the world that is foolishness to God. They both believed that scribes were more likely to add content than remove content. His librarian, supposedly Demetrius of Phalerum, persuaded Philadelphus to get a copy of the Hebrew Scriptures. He writes inChurch History(VIII:2): All these things were fulfilled in us, when we saw with our own eyes the houses of prayer thrown down to the very foundations, andthe Divine and Sacred Scriptures committed to the flamesin the midst of the market-places, and the shepherds of the churches basely hidden here and there, and some of them captured ignominiously, and mocked by their enemies. Do you believe We can no more touch the preserved Word of God than we can the incarnate Christ? Do you believe that we can only do our very best to discern with our human abilities and scientific approach what is correct and what is not? There is no end to where this kind of doubt will lead. (, 3rd generation: 8 correct copies, 7 incorrect copies (~1, 4th generation: 16 correct copies, 22 incorrect copies (~1, 5th generation: 32 correct copies, 60 incorrect copies (~1, Short = Alexandrian, reflecting scholarly revision, Medium = Widely believed to be the true/original because it maintained a near-identical form over 1000+ years, and most manuscripts are of this type. REV. This reading ranks second in terms of the number of manuscripts containing it, and has a wider distribution among text-types. Just as the doctrine of inspiration is considered to be foundational to our understanding of the Bible, so should be the doctrine of preservation. ); He has not left them to wonder which words are Gods Words. 6. ) Both Textual Variants are meaningful, but its nearly impossible for them to be original (they arent viable). It was at the foot of Mount Sinai, in the Convent of St. Catherine, that I discovered the pearl of all my researches. . F.H.A. Full NEB text is available online at site I linked below. So in the text types of Homer, you have: Among scholars, theres little doubt that the medium text type of Homer is the original, while the short is the result of scholarly revision. There is some disagreement on the actual level of quality. It does say though that it is the historical NT text of the church. Introduction to the New Testament in the Original Greek: With Notes on Selected Readings by Westcott & Hort. We have to assume that the original was a medium [= vulgate] text The longer texts were gradually shaken out: leads us to assume a medium text or vulgate in existence during the whole time of the hand-transmission of Homer, This consideration revives the view that the Homeric vulgate was in existence before the Alexandrian period [Such]. Thanks so much for all your analysis. However, the King James Translators used the 1525-1525 Masoretic Text by Daniel Bomberg as the basis for the Old Testament. The words are in English. 2. Is it possible that Jesus is talking about His prophecies in that chapter? However, this argument can be reversed later as evidence against the Byzantine Text type. Given time, Gods promises always hold true. It is pitting your limited human experience and learning against the stack of Gods promises, His power, and His faithfulness concerning His Word. The crooked places shall be made straight The Textus Receptus is not just the half-dozen manuscripts of Erasmus. And so saying, he took down from the corner of the room a bulky kind of volume, wrapped up in a red cloth, and laid it before me. There remains a persistent bias against the Byzantine Text type in Reasoned Eclecticism/Critical Text advocates. KJV Onlyism, in my view, is culturally triumphalist and myopic in that it holds up a particular 17th century English translation of what were originally Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts as the standard. And the rough places smooth; 5 The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, Some doctrines are certainly strengthened in the Byzantine Majority text and the Textus Receptus, but no major, central part of the gospel is affected. Thats pure theory without other evidence, but its interesting. These two codices Codex Vaticanus (B) and Codex Sinaiticus () are the foundation for nearly all modern New Testaments. So, in short, the humanist way of analyzing is starting from the human and moving to God. What Textual Variants? God has preserved His Word to all generations, without fail! This page has been accessed 19,382 times. On which manuscript(s) should we base our translations? Nice article, well-balanced and thoughtful. Amen! They are inextricably linked. (Please send me an email via the contact page if you find some.). (As weve seen). The Bibles authority is only as great as our confidence in its reliability. Again I must ask, which specific text/manuscript do you consider to be perfect/perfectly preserved? 15 But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. You will find more additions than subtractions. Codex Vaticanus (B) is an excellent example of the Alexandrian Text type, and many scholars think its the most important Greek manuscript we have (again, because its the oldest.) You are using an out of date browser. They argue that any uncertainty is 100% uncertainty. For now, lets look at the underpinnings for the Majority Text theory. The fact that they share a unique characteristic makes it more likely they came from the same general area. It doesnt depend on you or your words. The existence of these singular readings disproves the myth of the tenacity of errors completely. I believe the King James Bible was translated from the preserved Greek text for the NT, but I also believe there are many other hundreds of languages that can say the same thing about the Bible they have. For the vision is yet for a time, and it shall shoot forth at the end, and not in vain: though he should tarry, wait for him; for he will surely come, and will not tarry. Only WEB has a 14:24-26. Further (unless they are working in concert) the odds of them coming up with identical changes is minuscule. We dont have to wonder whether God merely preserved His thoughts, or His ideas. Second, this is Matthew 24; nearly the entire chapter is prophecy. The Pharisees did not challenge Him on the accuracy of His quote. Confirms what I had already come to believe, but with a lot of supporting information. I think if you want to be a textual critic. I especially loved that you point out that this is a less than 1% issue that affects no essential Christian doctrine, even as Bart Ehrman has admitted. Further the Majority Text theory could be in trouble if it could be proven that large chunks of manuscripts were lost. Lets assume for the sake of argument that the Majority Text is essentially identical to the original. 4. And all flesh shall see it together; This position takes its name from where it starts: a confession of faith. Scrivener loved the Textus Receptus and compiled his own version of it, which is widely accepted today. Or perhaps youd use all of three, using the combination to correct the few small variants between them. This is especially interesting because they also said the Antiochian (Byzantine) text was the dominant text in the second half of the 4th century (the later 300s). ----- SEPTUAGINT ALXX (Old Testament) + TR (New Testament) Accented + Strongs Numbers + Transliteration (Charles Loder Method). This New Testament is the King James Version which I have revised to reflect the Patriarchal Text. One reason could be that something is always lost in translation. The Majority Text and the Original Text: Are They Identical? As weve seen, the Byzantine Text type is significantly longer than the Alexandrian Text type. The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Was There a Scribal Preference to Copy Better Manuscripts? and you accidentally skip It depends on God and His Word. The HCSB has essentially been replaced by the CSB. Most modern translations are based on an edition of the Nestle-Aland/United Bible Society (NA/UBS) text. The WEB is the first major translation to use the Majority Text. Codex Sinaiticus was found by a man named Lobegott Friedrich Constantin (von) Tischendorf, at St. Catherines monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai. The main source for Bezas New Testament was Robert Estiennes 1550 Greek New Testament. (Trying not to accuse anyone in particular there.). Great attitude also, I appreciate your openness. You believe yourself, not the text. Psalm 40 6. Often, one scribe would read while several other scribes copied. I am very thankful to have found your work. Source: The Greek New Testament according to the Majority Text, p. xi. Theres a great book I recommend if you are interested in learning more. The NT Byzantine Textform reflects a similar continuance from at least the fourth century onward. Its not good to be so confident in your writing and yet be so wrong in interpreting Scripture. While the Confessional Position holds no water, the Textus Receptus itself is a very good document. Its (parerchomai), just like in Matthew 5:18 which we just looked at. Ever since then, I have done a lot of study on Bible manuscripts and I have been struggling a lot with the differences between the textus receptus and the critical text. In their own words: All distinctively Syrian (Byzantine) readings must be at once rejected. Westcott & Hort, Again, in the last 100+ years weve found manuscripts that prove the Byzantine text type isnt a combination of the Western and Alexandrian text types. The mistakes which the original transcriber made are of perpetual recurrence. He said, Search the Scriptures. Its by no means an ironclad argument, but I wouldve been remiss if we didnt talk about it here. Again, it simply doesnt matter which is original because theres no impact on meaning. That one sentence defines a whole doctrine the Confessional Position for millions of Christians. The Septuagint is claimed to have been translated between 285-246 BC during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Alexandria, Egypt. Something that the TR can not boast nor the modern critical texts. I gave it a look and was far from impressed. Thankyou so much for all your research and sharing your knowledge. Further, this argument for Scribes choosing better manuscripts has parallels from the Textual Criticism of non-Biblical works too. The fact that the Byzantine Text type dominates the manuscript copies is proof of disproportionate copying. I know too much Greek to accept something that was (seemingly) intentionally mistranslated. Some even go so far as to say that other Bibles/translations are heretical and you cant truly be saved with them. In any event, the fact that Erasmus had only a handful of manuscripts during his preparation of the 1516 edition is irrelevant in regards to the reliability of the text underlying the KJV. That much is obvious. Some of these translations included Luther's German Bible, William Tyndale's English translation, as well as the King James Version. That means the only support for the Doctrine of (perfect) Preservation is the tradition of men. These . Ive had an NIV Bible for a long time and stumbled across some KJV only preachers on youtube who challenged my translation. Thats both amazing and very scary. More importantly, Erasmus references in sundry of his letters some of the manuscripts he used. I didnt ask if you thought God could preserve it, I asked which manuscript *that we have* do you think is inerrant? I like the no copyright, but I wouldnt quote it or use it. This translation will be available by the end of year 2021. I admire the zeal textual scholars have in combing through myriads of manuscripts in an effort to better understand Gods word. I know you cannot hear tone in a text reply, so I can only hope that you believe me when I say that Im not trying to be difficult with you or that Im angry at you. He did but question, and who shall give a blow for a question? In English, we have this rule too. So each correct manuscript will always spawn 2 more correct manuscript, but also 1 incorrect manuscript will spawn 2 more incorrect manuscripts (and no correct manuscripts). The consistency is excellent, but we dont know on which manuscripts it was originally based. But the word of our God stands forever.. We must receive the Gospel message under the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit which brings the faith that gives Salvation. Certainly not all, but quite possibly a majority. They knew clearly which ones were the true Words of God. The parallels to the NT transmissional situation are remarkably similar, since the Homeric texts exist in three forms: one shorter, one longer, and one in-between. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christby grace you have been saved and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. There is no way to reduce Erasmus entire pool to 7-8 manuscripts. This is easiest to explain with an example. This method applies a series of rules to the various manuscripts weve found (well look at those rules in a moment). First, please notice that its words (plural) not word (singular). This very thing, or something very close to it, was subsequently proposed by textual critics in the 1900s. As surely as God created the stars (more than 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in the universe), and has the power to keep one from failing, and even to know everyone of them by name, He has the power to keep the very words He inspired. It shouldnt come as a surprise, but we dont have the original documents that Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, and other New Testament writers wrote. can never be the sole basis for a critical decision, especially when they stand in opposition to the external evidence. So instead of creating a new popular reading, theyre more likely to create several unique readings and even these are in a small minority. I just bought a World English Bible.This is where the World English Bible (also known as the WEB Bible) comes to the rescue. I believe she got more. In English the indefinite article a gets an n added when the next word starts with a vowel. The earliest Masoretic manuscripts are from the 9th or 10th centuries AD. The Westcott and Hort text is much simpler to define. Most often, they are simple scribal errors. 1. Furthermore, manuscripts should be weighed, not counted, and the peculiar traits of each manuscript should be duly considered. And His work before Him. For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. (I misread two years somewhere). And I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him. Ecclesiastes 3:14. Please notice the casual dismissal of the Byzantine text type by one of the most respected textual critics of our age. The Septuagint (/sptudnt/), or simply "LXX", is the Koine Greek version of the Hebrew Bible, erroniously assumed to be translated in stages between the 3rd and 1st centuries BC in Alexandria. Ive been studying on my own for quite sometime and read cover to cover various translations but could never understand the debate. The Byzantine Majority Text and the Textus Receptus have ~2000 differences between them. I believe God promised to preserve the Word used by His true church. Just be careful that you arent teaching as doctrines the precepts of men., which honestly is thebiggest problem with the Confessional Position. These different philosophies naturally produced slightly different results, Overall, the Critical Text of the modern Greek New Testament bears a remarkable resemblance to the original work done by Westcott & Hort. Thus Im curious as to your take on this Bible in its mid 20th century rendering. All the modern Greek Critical Texts bear an extremely strong resemblance to Westcott & Horts original 1881 Critical Text. They believe that God kept one particular text completely free of error, and that text is the Textus Receptus. However, this will hopefully provide a better background for you when making your own decisions about source texts. It certainly agrees with the Byzantine Majority Text quite well, and the differences are not typically very large (though certainly some are). Apparently, the note-writer regarded Codex Vaticanus as a museum-piece to be protected and preserved, rather than as a copy of Scripture to be used as such. I believe it has something to do with age and heredity. It is her own head that she carries on her shoulders. They use a set of rules to create their text, but never got very far away from Westcott & Horts original 1881 work. Also study the practice of the Muslims in burning countless Bibles as they advanced. I would be very interested to hear your views on this topic. from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1946 and taught there for five years. Even the official Codex Sinaiticus Project website (link above) admits this: No other early manuscript of the Christian Bible has been so extensively corrected. First, I couldnt find an article like this when I went looking so I figured Id have to do the research myself. It seems likely a decent scribe could copy 219 words without error. There is a well-known error when copying manuscripts by hand called parablepsis. The medium Byzantine text with its near identical form for 1000+ years is ignored, and the shorter Alexandrian text is preferred. This is the basic view held by the Confessional Position. In the last ~140 years since the Westcott & Hort 1881 Critical Text, weve discovered Papyri from the 300s, 200s, and even a few from the 100s. Also, do you have another source for what the second quote states? Its possible the longer reading was copied over from Matthew 22:14, but I would lean toward original. For simplicitys sake, lets assume the letter went to five churches, and then is accidentally destroyed. Bengel himself was a conscientious scholar, though prone to fits of erratic exegesis, like his prediction, based on an idiosyncratic interpretation of chronological statements in the Book of Revelation, that Christ would return on 18th June 1836! One of them appears to be of poor quality, one of mediocre quality and the remaining three appear to be of decent quality and a few small variants aside appear to be in near perfect agreement. However, getting to the original text of the Bible is rather like striving to be righteous; well never get there but that doesnt mean the struggle is in vain. Much to chew on. This results in a text that aligns extremely closely with the text the church has used since the 4th century, and it has changed very little in that time. I dont know what to tell you to change your mind. But I would give them all up to dispel the confusion and go back to studying the original languages, which I use Jewish-English, an LXX-English translation, and a lexicon to do. However, the majority of these manuscripts are later than Alexandrian manuscripts. The few small Variants between them now have a good understanding of criticism... By Daniel Bomberg as the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece after the two most significant contributors of error and!, well take some time to examine them the myth of the Muslims burning! Only two reasons for this quote is: Homer: the Origins and the of. God than we can the incarnate Christ for all your research and sharing your knowledge right now Alexandrian.! Central to their philosophy, well take some time to examine them far as to your take on topic. Greek: with Notes on Selected readings by Westcott & Horts original 1881 work looking i... Of doubt will lead incarnate Christ studying on my own for quite sometime read... 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Proposed by textual critics of our age confident in your writing and yet be so confident in your writing yet... Ptolemy II Philadelphus of Alexandria, Egypt times in the OT ) will be rendered Yahweh... Characteristic makes it more likely to add content than remove content tap-dancing in their own words all...
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