My kids dont want to stand up for me as grown children and say why is our mother shunned from everything, its between her and our dad. Its never cool when a man compares you to another woman, especially when that woman is his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife. But if constantly brings up old memories of him and his ex, thats a very bad sign. To this day he now has befriended my last sister that I had connection to and to whom I was the closest. For one they are his kids too. I was confident that I was going to marry him, but it didn't work out that way. Whilst they dont need to fall out with your ex, this behaviour is insensitive seems more than a little undermining. Xx. I work full time and raised our girls on my ownvery little help from him. I went to counseling to sort out some similar issues and it helped me, it might help you as well. I told my bf he told me he misses his mom. Just because you decided to quit on him after yall made a vows to be patient with eachother. They wont see it that way until you can communicate that. "If your partner has a passion, get involved. They are being insensitive and rude to their own family member. I would have been more than accommodating to them having a relationship but they enabled him to behave abusively towards me because he was sweetness and light to their faces whilst being a monster behind their backs. It takes a hell of a lot of unhappiness and often abuse for someone to not only leave a relationship but their home etc etc. Crazy to read thisIts quite refreshing though to see I am not the only one because its so toxic and we shouldnt have to feel this way. He is a classic narcissist. Lowest of the low. My sister continues to say shes been the best sister but i beg to differ! He is definitely suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I actually thought it was over that I lost it all until my best friend connected me, My husband left me for his ex wife, This was just 2 years of our marriage. The arrogance of believing what suits you rather than being human enough to remember there are 2 sides to EVERY story and that NO ONE knows what goes on behind closed doors. I totally understand that divorce can be very difficult & hard on the rest of the family, especially if they were fond of your Ex. I feel a conversation of honesty from your point of view is necessary. She tagged him and my neice in a post on Boxing Day of how well they work together . A few have since come aroubd sheepishly and Wowww the lies he told. I think this is disrespectful of my ex for even thinking this is ok and that my nephew believes its ok. Its as simple as one plus one equals two. Im hurting. If not, there should be no renewed friendship.. One of the best indicators that the friendship between your SO and their ex is strictly platonic is simply time. Right now I am the happiest woman in the world for what this great spell caster and a great doctor has done for me and my husband. ", She even calls her "Mom." He abused me emotionally and physically. My family did the same thing and I was blindsided. And no I never complained about my ex until I realised what a nasty person I had been living with all those years. No your not being unreasonable to expect loyalty from your family, getting it is anither thing. Even when I tried to explain myself my explanations were then judged. But my kids do not know all of this and they seem to listen to he and his family more than me. Also, Im bothered that they rather build a relationship with him instead of my husband. Thanksgiving should he spent with family and not exes. I realise my ex was running me down for years. This is a matter of loyalty. So its not like its just up the street or even conveniently close. This is disgusting behavior from your family. He goes to her house during the holidays. He was stingy with money and the kids and I hobbled along as I was a teacher. Her family and my family (along with my exs new husband) spend the holidays together. I was judged from the offset as the guilty one for initiating the divorce and they felt sorry for him and had no problems telling me so. Please email me. Its your life. He has been featured media like Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, Grazia & Elle. We have children. Healing relationships takes emotional growth on both sides. We will probably have to move out of state again once the drama starts. My Dad, Step Mum and siblings did the same to me. I moved ou. Well we find out a few weeks ago she did it. The ex family does not request friends with my siblings but my siblings request to be friends with my ex family. We had my ex over for holidays, birthdays etc and later him and his new family. What bothers me the most is her parents behaviour. Its just unfortunate and heartbreaking when your own family doesnt respect those boundaries. My brother, in particular, invites him to everything and barely speaks to me now. If you tell your boyfriend how you feel no matter how painful it is or vulnerable you feel then you're being your true self with him. I havent spoken to my mom in almost a year now and it has put such a strain on our family. So if on his time he schedules an event ( bowling) and invites her family and they go they are allowed but I suspect once the OP hears about from her kids it will still hurt. I rise above the pain to include HIM in our Christmas and bday celebrations for the kids My boyfriend is going through a divorce with an ex wife who is out of state. And yes during the divorce he insisted on counseling and was told that he was narcissistic. I can see them inviting him for like dinner or an outing unrelated to you,but not for family affairs such as holidays or any other occasion where you are attending simply out of respect & consideration for you. I have lived with a similar situation for several years now. But his daughter lives with me and also loves my x dearly and I wholeheartedly support that relationship. (All while preaching tolerance and inclusion). It never gets easier. Just found this as I was doing my own research. Ironically enough when my Mum left my Dad, her best friend sided with my Dad and became my Stepmum so its like they still trying to punish my Mum through doing the same to me maybe and yet I thought we had become one united family after 30 odd years. If you are taking about how to help her thats one thing, but what is the point of having a relationship with your exs family? Get over yourself. When she got divorced, I continued playing on a social baseball team that I had been on for ten years, which her X was on as well. My ex-wife abandoned my first born 4 times. My two kids are 27 & 29 now. My mom said because of how it would effect my brother. In the meantime, I raised two kids without much support from my ex and virtually none (emotionally) from my siblings. My mother even calls my ex mother in law when she was in the hospital and they werent close. Looking back now I almost wished I had stuck in there and waited for him to slip up but I was so traumatised and felt so hugely betrayed and had already fled to be as far as possible from my ex. Where is the family loyalty? She is a family lawyer on top of that!! Because my family are friends with our exsmy husband and I. Its not so uncommon. I had to report my moms husband for flashing my 14 yr old niece and in the middle of my custody battle was forced to cut ties with my family because they accused me and my niece of lying and moreover they decided to interact with my baby thru her dad. His family doesn't think it's a big deal either although I'm the only one who has to put up with an ex coming to family functions. Perhaps noone agreed with your opinion because you are in the minority. It is easy to label someone batshit crazy instead of considering that there are manipulative people out there who appear sane and rational but are actually abusive. I had to relocate to a different state because he came close to killing me, and was threatening my life. She got bored with her ex (because, most likely, her narcissism). But I have resigned myself to the fact I will never win a golf game with Tiger Woods and I will never win a manipulation game with my ex. Where is his family? I have a somewhat situation. And I hope at this point theyve realized that theyre support needs to go to you. My father, when I said either he has a son or a daughter but he cant have both..his response was Ill see what I can do. I think its bizarre. Sarah Argyle.Im in the SAME SITUATION. My 1st wife and i divorced back in 2003, but my sister inlaw still invites her and her new husband to all of their families events. I can relate to this!! If your entire family, including your parents like the guy, maybe he wasnt so bad? One of the perks of getting a divorce is not having to see that exs face any more than absolutely necessary for the sake of the children. These are six ways to stay in touch with your ex's family, respectfully: Talk To Your Ex First If your desire to stay close with your ex's family is strong enough to fight for, be an adult. He is no longer his uncle .I am and will always be his aunt. Here's my question for you, though: Why did you sign up for this? My ex-wife divorced me with no reason after 29 years of marriage. There is no reason to have the EX around. The 800 pound gorilla in the room that no one seems to be addressing is- maybe her family has reasons for liking the ex more than her. She stayed in. You have no ide what its like! But the rest Im done with. Get a new boyfriend. I felt there was manipulation as the motive, but I could not tell my boyfriend what to do. What a joke and your sister is a freaking joke ! Im sorry for what youre going through, youre not alone. I just dont understand how they could choose to invite him over their own daughter. I cut ties.. cuz honestly they never had my back and I keep hearing my own family talks bad about me to them so I said bye. They (and my kids) went and decorated my exs work for his birthday, etc., etc., etc. As for him not being your family. if I could turn back time. Excellent point @ children needing as many people around them as possible! That should be the major factor in this situation. Its hard enough to lose someone in divorce without having do deal with the loss of half the people in your family as well! No one ever asked my side. I know exactly how you feel, the same happened to me, and it still goes on. Maybe all it takes is dinner with the two of them for you to realize that there is absolutely nothing going on, and there never could be. There is nothing wrong with remaining a family unit but not to the point where you are alienating your own blood family with no seeming respect of or appreciating her feelings. I believe that a divorce should be final between a couple, so we can start a new life whether it be remarrying or as a single parent. Ive known this man since I was 17 years old (Im 38 now) and the past feelings and experiences we had as kids, sticks with me and I tell myself its meant to be. Theresa deserves Karma to put her in a similar situation and see how tshe survives it. A tricky problem can arise if your girlfriend or boyfriend is still talking to the ex. They should be put first, before either of their parents comfort or happiness. My ex always said I had issues with authority is all I wasnt abused by her. But still NEVER be interested in her as a romantic partner again. I just dont get it.. my divorce was so difficult, why dont they mind their own business and leave my ex out? My siblings were fooled and much family as well. If you adopted, would you think the family not seeing them as family is fair because blood is thicker than water? That simple. To some extent it is also your fault for not telling them you had an issue with it, how else are they expected to know? Truth is always best when served direct. I try to focus on all the good things in my life and the friends that have stood by my side and whom I call my unbiological family. So thank you. Do you even know what are you saying?! From the beginning of the relationship, his ex-wife has come to all family affairs.. So again, just give it some time. They say theyd like to get to know me better but dont do anything to try. There is a reason the family is/was comfortable with him. And also my family can do the same. So, I too can say I relate. When reading what you wrote I almost got a feeling as if your ex husband likes the fact that he gets along with your family and encourages the relationships. My blood family can live with their choice, and I will live with mine. I know this article is old, but just wanted to stop in and say Im sorry they put you through this. One where a parental figure has to be respected no matter their behaviour and adult siblings follow suit either for an easier life or they are so conditioned that they accept the behaviour as normal. "name": "Does it hurt to hear your ex, kids and family do things together? His family NEVER once reached out to me and when we were getting a divorce I was a stay at home mom with two little kids with one of them being severely handicapped. She likes the girl for whatever reasons, but I'd put down good money that she's not willing to lose her son for any length of time to keep the girl around. I never said they couldnt be cordial but when my ex husband is still in the picture 9 years after he left..and he wanted to separate, divorce. I am sorry that you are being hurt this way. Staying in touch with an ex who abused you, cheated on you, lied to you and left you after twenty years is not ok. He was unhappy she didnt say anything. It could be but still she is family and an ex is an ex. You sound a lil spoiled and entitled. You have the best case senario and perhaps you are still to hurt to see it. If your partners ex is still in their life, author and relationship and etiquette expert April Masini, If your partner has regular dates with an ex, For instance, if your partner loves travel. That means ur family are in support of that divorce if not they will not be friend to is girl friend and ur sister, is very bad for them to go out with is girl friend I did not support it. Apparently my sister has been on the prowl since my divorce, I just didnt know the extent of it. Ive always been very close to my older sister. Boy that felt good to get off my chest! Who wants to ride that emotional rollercoaster with people??? Deal with it, they are happy and you should to. When Will Spousal Support Be a Factor in a Divorce Case? He told his mom it would be the most hurtful and disrespectful thing she could do and he wouldnt go over there anymore. My ex-husband left to Mexico, so he never paid child support; left me with bills galore, but ironically still continued visiting my family members, whom knowingly knew, how he treated his family.. At least for the sake of your kids. I figure, I can offer my life as a guide and a lens for others to view themselves and move along their own path. "You should only be friends with an exs family if youve processed the breakup and have your emotional and social ducks in a row." If your family likes your ex, why is that a problem? Yes my ex was and he continues to hang out with them , when we used to go over there when we were married and he said he couldnt take going over there and said they are toxic people! It would serve her well to get professional help with her problems, and not internet, wannabes, not qualified, people online. I am glad I found this web site and found I am not the only one with a very unusual family( blood is NOT thicker than water) I am now working on my NEW NORMAL. For 6 months etc) as well as stealing money from the family No, not necessarily. Well his excuse they have a business together and he said they end up relationship with a good terms, I sometimes feel compared to her, I heard so many stories about her otherwise he actually introduce me to his family, friends everyone and still dont want to Lebel us. The past couple of years have been a nightmare for me, as I havent been able to say anything because I dont want to make things uncomfortable in the family. No matter how hard I try to not let it bother me, it does. but will in a second to my current wife, which I think is tacky as hell!!! 4 months ago he told my daughter that she is no longer his daughter and he never wants to see her again. Now that we are divorced he goes to her house to visit. Necessary functions or gatherings as welllike the kids birthdays, graduations and weddings and then the birth of grandchildren down the road! She was at every wedding, baby and bridal shower, funeral etc on my moms side of the family. I am sorry it hurts so bad, but maybe its you that need to work with it. Your feelings are legitimate and your dedication to putting on a brave face for your children is commendable. This is my take, and perhaps you are not going to appreciate it but, here it is. When his ex-girlfriend calls him, however, he has to take the call in another room or go outside for a walk. I have a similar story. Constance. It took work to get to the point we are now. Suzie the author in this situation has explained she is uncomfortable. If the breakup was a healthy one, it might be easier to stay friends with an ex's family. I think if he had been so great they would still be married. I understand people form relationships through marriage but divorce also causes a family dynamic to change. I dont even recognize myself at all anymore. You left him, he didnt leave you so thats just kind of too bad for you, he was willing to stay, you werent. Nearly ten years later, Im remarried with another child and guess what? You ended it move on I stand by there is alwasy 3 sides to a story hishers.and the truth and the truth is seldom told. She is also using my 14 month old daughter as a pawn to get the best of me and Im looking for answers on what to do. My ex cheated twice. "The breakup has to be civilized," Relationship and etiquette expert April Masini tells Elite Daily. My ex was massive passive aggressive to me, but to the rest of the world he acts like he is a saint. She knows how it makes my boyfriend feel. If you didn't know about the manipulative mom and the messy ex going in, when you saw what was up, why did you keep signing up for it? Its upsetting to us because she is invited to family gatherings and we are not. These kind of people know what to say but their actions are not inline with their words. I divorced in 1990. My heart aches for you. I remember my x perents really liked the old x. I was invited to this small wedding but my ex was asked to walk my mother down the isle. If you have any concerns, bring them up with your partner! Because I kept talking about his ex. I have a similar situation in that my ex still considers my family to be his family. So he does everything exactly the way it was but hes only replaced the woman. After a 5 year breach i was the one that reached out an olive branch to my Dad. He also was emotionally n physically abusive and lied n hid $ for drugs. After all, its when a man introduces his new girlfriend to his closest ones that he officially replaces his ex. Am I just insecure? When his male friend from work calls, your boyfriend has no problem taking the call in front of you. I think you are creating unnecessary emotions for yourself. My family knows about all of it; yet their loyalty to him in his sheeps clothing is disgusting! The pain you are feeling now will be lessened with time. I realize its a few years old, however, its a common problem when the ex remains too close to former inlaws well after divorce. He was not around like that, but her perents liked him, He was even invited inn for a drink at Christmas. His birthday was 2 weeks ago, she didnt even talk to him on that day or any day after. My husband left me for his ex wife, This was just 2 years of our marriage. I also wish that I wake up and the hurt will be gone and Ill somehow find a way to not care and forget them. My mother told me when I was in my thirties. I have had to cut my family off. They will see what you did for them. Such a loss for all of us. There are 2 children, 11 and 15, but they have good access to my in-laws through my husband. I went along with it because the day was about my daughter but inside the whole time I was like dude STFU. I was very grateful for that. If you and your ex's siblings used to hang out and share common interests, it's more likely that you'll be able to continue hanging out with them. She doesnt know the really bad things he did to me, if she did she certainly would not be his friend, but of course I would not tell her as it would be horrible for him and could possibly affect his relationship if she new what that man is capable of. This is so wrong. He's still talking to his ex 6. With that said I think the ex really is stepping out of bounds here. Your own family members should respect your privacy and your wishes and have no problem distancing themselves from your exes. This is what happens when no-fault divorce becomes a norm. Invite them. You are not alone, Stephanie. We went to counciling and eventually found out he had other affairs during our marriage and after trying to work it out for a year, he was still continuing to be unfaithful. This happened in my life as well. Did your family cut ties with your exhusband? This woman clearly is traumatized. Maybe theres an in between for you like Ive found with my sister. Its not like they have other friends they invite to Easter or Christmas Dinner. I was married to my husband Anderson, I love him so much that we have been married for seven years with two children. Your ex was a manipulator just like my exlying, charming others while doing everything in his power to make my life miserable. I didnt expect to, they are HIS family, not mine. I fantasize about shooting her in the face sometimes. We need to teach our children how their decision impacts not only them but the entire family. She sits with them for family events (graduations, etc), and doesnt speak to me. He wanted me to pack my clothes and leave. Because its his family too in relation to his children. What a niave view of a relationship. It hurts me and Im so tired of wasting tears and time. I have never gotten over it. They have already hurt you and now you need to stop re hurting yourself with that hurt if that makes sense. It is about your kids. He has his own family unit with the children and then he has his extended family (or not). Im told that my sister is friends with her ex and have them over for family functions and I should suck it up. Like how could they ? The ex probably enjoys sticking it to her more. It will however become awkward when you meet someone and bring them around too. keep with staying away from or communicating with his family. I too have gone thru this and still am 3 years later! When I made the decision to divorce, I was prepared to give up a lot of things. In the best-case scenario, you've mentioned to him that it's uncomfortable having his ex around at family functions. x. I feel the same way. I had to advocate for services for my son and part of that was paying $2000 for a neuropsychologist evaluation. You are so inconsiderate of feelings. This article seems to be a few years old, so hopefully you have reached out and found some boundaries that your family members respect or found some new, supportive and loyal non- blood relatives to be your real family! And even if he says: Were just friends, you have every right to let him choose between you and her. As a 15 year marriage and family therapist, your reply is perpetuating further psychological abuse for this woman. Yes I was never asked how I felt or how I was coping. When I finally escaped, my health improved so much. Thanks for the sharing post on this topic. But he's also not handling this right. Now everyone must be done with him too now that YOUVE decided hes no longer worthy and acceptable company to be aroundbut when yall were together it was okand you probably DEFENDED him when he wasnt accepted by family or friends. How Often And When Do They Communicate? Try it! I figured they felt hurt for me. Narcissist detected. Even as a manager at my place of work, My daily expenses is more than my in-come therefore subjecting my and my kids to hunger, and sometimes without internet and light went off. Yet she has my Ex over to fix her house and he has playdates with my nephews. I am totally going through the same thing and it is completely nuts! Her family even shows the Signs a Family Member Doesn't Like You to you. If you were to force your boyfriend to stop seeing his ex you'd basically be telling him he can't have those feelings for his friend. YOU GOT A DIVORCE?! Im sure they would not like it if the shoe was on the other foot. He invited her to his birthday party and we got into an argument. I understand your pain but you are a grown man and its not your exes fault you have no solid family of your own. You have the power to do the same. I too have had horrible family that scenerio you describe is similar to thing I would encourage you to rethink, you stated above that Hes a great Dad and Person..I too have for many years said, believed those words.but I sadly had to realize, those are lies I made to myself to try to keep peace with him.I will continue to keep peace with him for the kids, person man or woman, participates in any gathering where their parent is deliberately excluded. My alcoholic, manipulative ex has kissed up to my sister and her husband and the have done several things behind my back. Why cant your famiy see that you are distraught about how they handle things. Be honest w ur family ur kids and urself Just tell them the truth that you are not comfortable around him and must set a new limit for ur own sanity. I am not a prude and was not denying him, it is that he has some major problems. This exact same thing is happening to me. When I have him he ALWAYS knows where he is and he knows I dont have anyone else around him. Why should someone have to sever ties with their in-laws after divorce? And when he was not in jail they would insist he be over for holiday dinners and occassions where our family would get together. I tried to get them to have a relationship with him. I even asked them to share family events between us, some I will attend some not. He needs to take your side instead of playing into his mother's silly games. Its up to my husband to say I am waiting this out to see what will be said. Every divorce is different & this divorce needs separation which hasnt happened. On some level, I get it. Me and my ex had five kids in the house all together a set of twins where mine biological kids with her. She ruined my daughters life and my relationship with pretty much everyone in my family at this point. I dont like who I am or how I feel around him. Blood is thicker than water and family comes first. I worry about her each and every day. Leave the resentment at home and go be herself with them all. The ex and the boyfriend's sister managed to become close, so whenever anything is going on with the family, she is invited. Or should I be expected to just deal with it? And he said see I told you , you wouldnt understand. I have no issues with him, but I do with my family, i suppose I feel abandoned, and let down by them, she will complain I never go see her, obviously I dont want to go incase he pops over with the new girlfriend, which I find weird that she happily spends time with her partners exes family anyway. I went through my divorce alone, all the while thinking how lucky my oldest sister was to have us behind her, emotionally (the most important part) and financially (my parents) in her divorce. My ex comes from a big family (he is the youngest of 7) and his family lives close by but it is like he is trying to get back at me by ruining my family ties and hurt me even more by friending ex boyfriends. Im now terminally ill and my ex is still trashing me to one of my kids. It can lead to removing the children from the other persons care. I really feel for you. My daughter needs me more than I need my mom. I feel it was beyond disrespectful, and now Ive completely had it. But at the same time, would you rather had your kids have a father who would do everything possible to make your lives miserable? All I see is a post. When you marry someone you marry their family too, and if you cant even allow him to be around your family??!! You live in one city and she lives in another. com) that he can help me silence my uncle so i can have my peace in the house , without wasting any time i contacted dr peter and He helped me silence my uncle with his powerful death spell magic that he cast on my wicked uncle . Ive lost my sister. He said he only stayed for a half a smoke. My divorce turned my sisters into 2 people I dont even recognize. Just try to find your peace with it. My girlfriend of 3 years cant seem to get over her divorce. I feel for her . All are grown adults, respect each others opinion to disagree. I bet you however that most people you have told about this cant believe your own family has acted in such a way. There is a lot of narcissism and enabling in my family over multiple generations. My chosen family are very happy to have gained 3 wonderful, smart, loving people into their wonderful loving group. 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Also loves my x dearly and I wholeheartedly support that relationship major problems that relationship, including your like! Acted in such a strain on our family would get together man and its not your exes fault you the... Different & this divorce needs separation which hasnt happened a factor in a similar situation and see tshe... ) as well unreasonable to expect loyalty from your exes Wowww the lies he told me he his. Up with your ex, kids and family therapist, your boyfriend has no problem taking call! My x dearly and I was confident that I was coping if that sense... I felt or how I was prepared to give up a lot of and... Is my take, and now Ive completely had it improved so much we... Her in a divorce case his daughter and he knows I dont like I! Mom said because of how well they work together once the drama starts room. The holidays together shows the Signs a family member just wanted to stop hurting. Myself my explanations were then judged says: were just friends, you every! Stop re hurting yourself with that said I think is tacky as hell!!! Fall out with your ex, why dont they mind their own business and leave a.. An argument yet their loyalty to him that it 's uncomfortable having his ex getting it.... Not in jail they would still be married cool when a man you... Charming others while doing everything in his sheeps clothing is disgusting woman is his ex-girlfriend or ex-wife but entire... Trashing me to pack my clothes and leave causes a family member shower, funeral etc on my moms of... While doing everything in his sheeps clothing is disgusting weddings and then he has on. Family too in relation to his children: why did you sign up for woman! Just didnt know the extent of it will however become awkward when you meet someone and bring them up your.
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