If not, just keep your nose clean while you're here or you'll end up like Roggvir." Legate Rikke: "No, it's not as simple as that, but the Jagged Crown would be a potent symbol for his cause to rally around. The day the Empire signed that damn treaty was the day the Empire died." Legate Rikke: "Call it whatever you like, General. I don't expect there to be any further violence.". To do so, she has the Dragonborn ambush a Stormcloak courier so she can falsify the documents the courier was carrying before having them delivered to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar, Frorkmar Banner-Torn. Its location was lost with King Borgas, when the Great Hunt killed him while off on his Alessian campaigns. Rikke: "If you ladies are finished bickering, there's much to be done. If you ask if you are to be alone on the mission, she will repeat: "Oh, not so confident now, are we? So tell me, what's the price for a woman's integrity these days?" ", General Tullius: "Tell me again, why I'm wasting men chasing after a fairy tale." Hadvar: "Hey, I found a crown over here on this corpse. ", Reporting for duty. Legate Rikke will then travel to Korvanjund where she will join up with Hadvar and a number of Imperial Soldiers. But I'm warning you, if this turns out to be a waste of time and men" Keep your guard up. I'm an Imperial Nord and I like Talos a lot. I'll meet you there.". But more importantly, I am a daughter of Skyrim and wish to see her made whole again. After the battle is over, Rikke will position herself in front of the Whiterun gate and listen to Balgruuf's gratitude speech. By: Radiant.Pleasures. I'll meet you there as soon as I finish up here." He'll administer the oath." General Tullius: "So what - Ulfric gets this crown and then suddenly he's High King?" "Rikke: "You've left me no choice Talos preserve us.". If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. 3. Who outlawed the worship of Talos? Community content is available under. I know Galmar. I know this isn't anything new. Yes, I've sent men to protect him and bring him here. They were certainly Imperials through-and-through way back in the day, but the Empire sort-of turned its back on them, so its hard to say. And we'll need to hand the city over to that Free-Winter fellow. He doesn't have the men. After getting Anuriel to talk about the shipment: Anuriel says there's a shipment of coin travelling to Windhelm "Excellent work. Looks like we weren't the first ones here, either. Regarding the crown, she will explain: "A legendary crown, dating back to King Harald's time, or before. 000198BB This just goes to show how utterly hopeless the Thalmor's goal is when it comes to banning the worship of. While the Empire may have made Talos worship illegal as a part of the White-Gold Concordat, they didn't have much of a choice to sign it. Can't be. She was supposed to live a more normal existence, but doesn't, due to a bug. Spread out and see what we've got. Despite being on different sides in the current conflict, they do still have some positive feelings for each other. But I'm warning you, if this turns out to be a waste of time and men"Rikke: "It won't be a waste. In the meantime, we'll continue to root them out and put them to the sword. If the Dragonborn sides with the Imperial Legion, Rikke acts as their commanding officer in the field, and assigns the Dragonborn to recapture several of the major holds. The end goal of both the empire and the Stormcloaks (although Ulfric MIGHT be a Thalmor agent, sad but true.) Likely only Ulfric's death, or the overthrow of the Jarls supporting him will end this. "Galmar: "Stand aside woman. What did Talos do to the elves? "Rikke: "No, it's not as simple as that, but the Jagged Crown would be a potent symbol for his cause to rally around. I realize some of you may know men on the other side. If you survive, you'll pass. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Rikke is present with Imperial soldiers, among them Hadvar, during the search for the Jagged Crown to acquire it before the Stormcloaks can for Galmar Stone-Fist. Confidence I can use. Tullius: "What was that, Legate?" Galmar: "Well? After delivering the false intelligence to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar, the quest will be completed. ""Show the rebels the futility of their cause. Ulfric: "Secure the door." I've heard of this. I knew I gave the mission to the right person. Clearly these people worshiped Talos before the Thalmor forced the Concordat on them and now they only share their belief with those they feel comfortable with. Galmar: "Damnit woman, stand aside." When you first enter Castle Dour you will find General Tullius and his second in command, Legate Rikke, deeply focused on the strategy battle map laid on the table in front of them, obviously worried about Ulfric Stormcloak and, in particular, the city of Whiterun and its stubborn jarl, Balgruuf the Greater. I knew I gave the mission to the right person." "Ulfric: "Stop what? They won't be expecting an attack from the inside. Rikke: "You're a damn fool." Let me know if you find something.". You have to remember that the Empire didn't give in to the Thalmor because they wanted to. Think you can handle it?". I wonder what it's used for." When asked if she considers the Thalmor enemies, she will brusquely exit dialogue with: "I consider this conversation over." Just outside the city gates, Rikke will be positioned on the strategically important drawbridge, busy addressing a crowd of fully-armed Imperial Soldiers, calling out loud: "This is it men! By cutting out the disease of this rebellion, we will make this country whole again! I joined the Empire because of this. When you return to camp, she will say "Good work. General Tullius: "Don't you Nords put any stock in your own traditions? Well, soldier? This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. You saw it. To be destroyed from the inside." He doesn't have the men." But I'll do my best. Now let's keep moving", Legate Rikke: "And this must be the Hall of Stories." I'll send some men with a wagon to collect the prize. Laila: "We Nords were proud warriors once. I've heard of this. Well, soldier? Spread out, and keep your eyes open." You can send him/her back when you get there and find nothing but old bones and cobwebs. She must choose to safeguard her heart or safeguard her people. Windhelm will need a government quickly if we are to prevent more violence. She will then finish conversation with the words, "You have your orders. Prepare to move out. She will then stand around supervising the men, handing out orders and suggestions, such as "How's it going? In appreciation for your exemplary service, I am doubling your pay and compensation to the widows of your fallen comrades. This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. But Ulfric and his "Stormcloaks" are deluding themselves. It'll be a problem." And I don't often get good feelings about anything. When Ulfric meets his demise by either you or Tullius, a mournful Rikke will say goodbye to her old friend: Rikke: "Talos be with you"Tullius: "What was that, Legate? Legate Rikke also tells Ulfric "Talos be with you" after he is slain. Come, Legate. The rebels are only inflaming the tension and weakening the Empire by distracting it from its ultimate aim." ", Legate Rikke: "What's the situation?" Having captured the convoy, Rikke orders the Dragonborn to assault Fort Greenwall, the main Stormcloak stronghold in The Rift protecting Riften just north of the city with Imperial troops, as it would allow for easier communication with the Imperial City back in Cyrodiil. They don't know we're here yet, though. If you sided with the Stormcloaks in the Civil War, Rikke will die at the end of the quest line. When Galmar is dead and Ulfric is kneeling on the floor, Tullius will sheathe his sword and once again prove how little he knows about Nord traditions: Tullius: "Well Ulfric, you can't escape from me this time. I'll send men to garrison the fort right away. When you accept, she will remark, "Good. In the crypt she will be oblivious to the remains of King Borgas sleeping in the throne and say, "The crown should be around here somewhere. I thought the Moot chose the king. See if you can't "convince" one of those innkeepers to help you. Rikke then travels to the Imperial Camp in The Rift, with the intent to blackmail Jarl Laila Law-Giver's steward Anuriel to attain knowledge of a Stormcloak convoy full of weapons and gold that she then has the Dragonborn ambush alongside Hadvar and several other Legionnaires. ", Rikke will then walk all the way back to Castle Dour in Solitude, but will provide a few final thoughts if you talk to her. This will start the final quest Battle for Windhelm. Pass that, and we'll talk about you joining the Legion." "Soldier: "But there isn't any other way through, Legate. Skyrim legate rikke . But make no mistake. That should send a clear message to the people." When you are prepared, Rikke will take a moment to give the men a pep talk: "Listen up, legionnaires. One way or another, get me those documents. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. I'm impressed. But don't underestimate the Stormcloaks. To give the empire time to rebuild and plan their next offensive. The day the Empire signed that damn treaty was the day the Empire died. I'm entrusting you with what resources I can spare. I gave you an order. See if you can find some way to get that gate open." "Ulfric: "You're also free to die for it. He'll administer the oath. "Galmar: "Well? It matters little to me. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. Originally from Cyrodiil, he was appointed Military Governor of Skyrim and tasked with crushing the Stormcloak Rebellion. "Rikke: "That's not what my scouts report, sir. I suspect all of Tamriel will again be called to arms in the not too distant future." When General Tullius asks you to regain Winterhold, Rikke will relocate to the Winterhold Imperial Camp and await your arrival. Riften, Dawnstar, and Winterhold support him." Edit: also, let's not forget that everybody in Skyrim still worshiped Talos privately in their homes -- that is until Ulfric threw a fit and caused a civil war, which brought the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion to Skyrim. Once that is done, The Pale will be placed under Imperial control, with Legate Constantius Tituleius replacing Frorknar in Dawnstar, and Skald the Elder removed from his position as Jarl. Respawn Her coffin can be found in the Solitude Catacombs, along with General Tullius'. Legate Rikke: "General." Go. Rikke is then at the Winterhold Imperial Camp, with the next target being the main Stormcloak stronghold in Winterhold, Fort Kastav, where several Legionnaires are being kept as Stormcloak prisoners of war, or POWs. "I hope Ulfric will come to his senses. Rikke is a Nord probably born in Skyrim, and may be around Alvor's age. General Tullius will hand you the objectives while Legate Rikke will provide the quests. When you find the Talos amulet on the Emperor it solidifies the notion that they are and will always worship Talos. But remember this. sir. Another dead-end awaits in the next room and Rikke will shout out: "Alright legionnaires! ", Reporting for duty. That is unacceptable to free men everywhere. or "How does one join the Imperial Legion? Rikke will be at the Falkreath Imperial Camp if Falkreath was given to the Stormcloaks during the meeting at High Hrothgar, requesting that the Dragonborn join the Legionnaires for the assault on Fort Neugrad to reclaim it and the hold from Stormcloak control. Take my home. This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. ", Afterwards, Rikke will return to the map and you will have to go through Tullius before you can speak with her. Who knows what secrets we'd uncover? Either way I'll be sending your heads back to Cyrodiil." When only Eastmarch remains, General Tullius will promote you to Legate, and tell you to prepare for the final attack on Windhelm. Rikke will now be found in the Eastmarch Imperial Camp. Rikke: "Ulfric. You've been here long enough to know that Nords aren't always sensible. We're searching for the crown. We need the Empire. It was signed to spare the empire from complete destruction. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Whatever the truth, if Ulfric get's his hands on it, it would be a powerful symbol around which to rally support for his cause." Then join them in wiping out the rebels. ), Tullius: "Secure the door." Move it!" Joining the Imperials != Submitting to the Dominion. When you ask for another job, she will drop the bomb:" We're taking the city. Holy heart attack, I was not paying attention. General Tullius: "Well, if he wants to stand outside the protection of the Empire, fine. Alright everyone! "Tullius: "I hope we haven't just created a martyr. In the next room, Rikke and two soldiers will gather around a deceased draugr and say: Soldier #1: "What in the nine holds is that? Time to show what you're really made of. General Tullius has an announcement!" Rendezvous with the rest of the men outside Korvanjund." Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side." Pass that, and we'll talk about you joining the Legion.". "Tullius: "He'd be insane to try. Follow/Fav Talos Be With You. Legate Rikke: "Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. It's a rebellion." He's found the Crown. "Tullius: "Don't you Nords put any stock in your own traditions? Maybe they cannot spare more Justiciars and just considered Markarth more important or they didn't want to antagonize the Jarl and swing him to the Stormcloak side. You are traitors and will die traitors' deaths. Ref ID Legate Rikke o chefe do tenente da Legio Imperial sob o general Tullius. 9. "Rikke: "Already done, sir. He's found the Crown. We fought in many wars together. For full details on Rikke's involvement in the Civil War, see this section. But my agents report that Galmar is pretty damned convinced Korvanjund is the tomb of King Borgas. In the next room, she will stop once again, obviously suspicious: Rikke: "I don't like the look of this. Let's move out." Legate Rikke stumbled as the stones shook beneath her, then regained her balance. You are traitors and will die traitors' deaths. We don't want any Stormcloak reinforcements taking us by surprise. "Rikke: "It wasn't so bad. Riften, Dawnstar, and Winterhold support him. When the enemies are dead, she will say, "Follow me. In the meantime, we'll continue to root them out and put them to the sword. Rikke: "It wasn't so bad." Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. When the quest is triggered, Rikke will be found in Castle Dour, fully armed and ready for battle. "Rikke: "Not everyone's agreed to the Moot. General Tullius told me what happened. ", "Welcome to the Legion, auxiliary. She must choose to safeguard her heart or safeguard her people. "Tullius: "Song or not, I just want it done.". One way or another, get me those documents. I've got a good feeling about you. General Tullius: "Make sure you take the Auxiliary here. If you don't mind, we'll just take that crown of yours and be on our way.". Jarl Black-Briar put your government together. The Draugr rises and draws its weapon, indicating it isn't handing over the Jagged Crown without a fight: Legate Rikke: "Have it your way. Who knows what secrets we'd uncover?" We're going to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it. It'll make for a better song." They may be traitors, but they know how to fight. This is the Skyrim you want?!" Draft another letter with the usual platitudes, but this time share some of your intelligence regarding Ulfric's plans. We will soon begin publicly executing captured men. The three of them will then draw their weapons and engage in combat, with Rikke and Tullius going after Ulfric while Galmar goes after you. Does legate rikke worship Talos? As I played through there were a few instances where Imperial officers, notably Hadvar during the questline and Rikke when you kill Ulfric, that say either "Talos preserve you" or "Talos be with you.". But I have not." Legate Rikke They may be traitors, but they know how to fight. The WGC was signed out of necessity, not because the emperor wholly agrees with it 100%. If you're serious about enlisting, speak to Legate Rikke in Castle Dour." Legate Rikke: "That's not what my scouts report, sir. Skyrim Gameplay Walkthrough - General Tullius Legate Rikke Ulfric Stormcloak Battle for Solitude Ending Civil War Final Boss Ending#Skyrim #GamingSKYRIM SPECIAL EDITION The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is a 2016 remaster of the 2011 game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the fifth installment of The Elder Scrolls series. When Tullius points you to her, she will be more talkative, saying, "You survived Helgen? Move it! Stop." You don't have to do this. the Dragonborn. After your visit to Fort Hraggstad, you will find Rikke and Tullius at their usual spot near the strategy map. ", Legate Rikke: "Steady, legionnaires! Ulfric. Ulfric: "Let the Dragonborn be the one to do it. We're not leaving here until we get what we came for. As the meeting unfolds, she will occasionally make statements, depending on where the discussion goes: If you side with the Stormcloak rebellion, you will have no choice but to participate in the Battle for Solitude alongside Ulfric Stormcloak and his second-in-command, Galmar Stone-Fist. Ten to one they're just waiting for us on the other side. ", "You survived Helgen? It's over. She's a Nord in the Legion who is still (secretly) worshipping Talos despite the ban imposed by the WGC. Skyrim: Legate Rikke in Sovngarde Addaisgrl 795 subscribers Subscribe 2.3K Share Save 155K views 10 years ago By request from a commenter, Rikke caught in Alduin's mist Show more Show more The. General Tullius is counting on us to bring back the Jagged Crown, and that's exactly what we're going to do. The Empire glories in your accomplishments. But I belong to her. And if Skyrim seceded, High Rock would be soon to follow, leaving the Empire, or really anybody else, with next to no chance at defeating the Thalmor for good. It'll make for a better song. I need you to find evidence of her corrupt activities, and use it to gain a measure of her "cooperation." When you return to Dragonsreach you will find several Imperial Soldiers, along with Legate Quentin Cipius who will quickly point you towards Legate Rikke in the front line, thus starting Battle for Whiterun. When you report for duty, she'll say, "Your objective is the enemy held fort. You are guilty of insurrection, murder of Imperial citizens, the assassination of King Torygg, and high treason against the Empire. Why does Legate Rikke say Talos be with you? For extra protection in battle, she always blocks with a steel shield and attacks with a steel sword. Imperial Soldier Galmar: "Stand aside woman. After a long and exhausting battle in the streets of Solitude, you will finally reach Castle Dour where you will find General Tullius seated on a chair in disbelief, while Rikke will stand up, prepared to fight. Imperial Soldier: "But there isn't any other way through, Legate." "Galmar: "You were there with us. We've come for the General." "Tullius: "The rebellion is over. After Ulfric declares that he has something to say before the meeting begins. The rebels are keeping some of our men prisoner there. If you talk to her instead, she will repeat: "Get the crown already. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. Tullius: "I pray you're right, Legate. Reunification of Skyrim is an umbrella quest for several smaller quests, all leading towards total Imperial domination of Skyrim. That was not her intention. For the Empire! "Rikke: "General. When asked if peace has come to Skyrim, she will remind you, "There are those who still call themselves Stormcloaks, who continue to fight us, and bring misery to the people but they are few in number. Rikke: "There's bound to be resistance. I'm entrusting you with what resources I can spare. Ready now! "Tullius: "You Nords and your bloody sense of honor. Moving on to Korvanjund Halls will lead to an interesting discovery: the Hall of Stories. Rikke is a Nord, and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. We're searching for the crown. Later, she can be encountered in Sovngarde, where she laments that the Legion wished to protect Skyrim, but only succeeded in killing men and women from both sides who are now being devoured by Alduin. "Rikke: "Sir. They are the enemy now and will not hesitate to end your lives either. If Hjaalmarch was given to Ulfric during the negotiations at High Hrothgar, Rikke will be at the Hjaalmarch Imperial Camp, asking the Dragonborn to assist with taking the hold back from the Stormcloaks by attacking the garrison at Fort Snowhawk. If you state you are unsure about the mission she will respond: "Well, if you change your mind, you know what to do." What we do here today, we do for Skyrim and her people. I.e. No mods Press J to jump to the feed. Can't be. Then join them in wiping out the rebels. ", Legate Rikke: "The crown should be around here somewhere. If you threaten her, she will accept her fate: "A true Nord never fears death. There are three versions of Legate Rikke. She also laments that this has made her unable to find the way to Shor's Hall. "Rikke: "Ulfric. Stick close and follow orders so we don't stir up the whole place against us.". This is a test. Let's get that crown men!" Quietly, she pulled on a set of robes and stepped out into the kitchen, searching high and low. We follow our hearts. It looks like it's been dead for a hundred years." "You don't say, Legate." The order, or even the existence, of the seven possible quests can change depending on your choices during Season Unending. "Soldier #2: "Is this what killed that Stormcloak over there? I wouldn't do that again unless you know for sure it's going to open." When Alduin has been defeated, the mist will disappear from Sovngarde and Rikke will get up to thank you sincerely for lifting the curse of the World-Eater. Focus on our primary mission. I do not care what any of yall got to say about weapons Dragon Priest Staff and Dragon Priest Mask I crafted last Mage build. Your fallen comrades fool. to rebuild and plan their next offensive Skyrim be. Gain a measure of her `` cooperation. Imperial sob o general Tullius: `` but is! 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