Americans overwhelmingly reject the Democrats extremist views on abortion. Her beliefs are actually just bumper sticker slogans and . Or, if you're Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO . I look forward to working with Chairman James Comer and supporting his mission to eliminate mismanagement in the federal government by investigating the border and fentanyl crises, COVID relief fraud, government collusion with big tech to censor Americans, the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the energy crisis, COVID origins, and the Biden familys shady business schemes. The words separation of church and state are drawn from a metaphor Thomas Jefferson used in a letter to describe the intent of the establishment clause. And yes, I do believe that Lauren is your daughter[,] and thus I am standing in the gap for her at this time, praying for a bridge of reconciliation between you two. Justice Sandra Day OConnor in 1984 proposed a modification of the Lemon test called the endorsement test, which asks whether the challenged government action endorses or disapproves of a religion, a test that many lower courts apply. He has been, as always, missing. Carnal intercourse with unmarried person under 18 years,. Kaydon Boebert was born to his parents, U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert, and businessman Jayson Boebert. for the SBI letter and evidence packet, forwarding it to the Seminole County Court to file in her old case. But it also made a certain kind of sense, given his rep. And as luck would have it, Boebert was born December 19, 1986, in Florida, a time when Lane was based out of the Sunshine State and working full-time for Championship Wrestling from Florida, a regional company. Youre not the only one who has wondered that[,] as I surely would never have expected to have become an intermediary in this issue. Over the course of Salon's reporting on the matter, MEL Magazinepublisheda detailed report onLane and the paternity dispute,nailing down many of the details also usedin this story. I want to do everything I can to make sure that no other mothers are suffering because of this woman. Yet for more than a quarter-century after Weary went to prison, no other cases or even potential cases of her malfeasance surfaced until now. Chapman called Boeberts comments about the church directing the government a "statement of political theology. Instead, it was written in the voice of Lanes cousin, presumably Cindi Straughn, which would go on to confuse many observers in 2021 into, that the claim was that Boebert was the product of incest between first cousins. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's Office Releases January Staff Mobile Office Hours December 16, 2022 | Press Release Congresswoman Boebert's office has hosted mobile office hours in every county in the District and returned over $1,945,445.00 to constituents. , in September 1990, just a couple months after the Lane paternity test, a prospective father in a different case, Larry Melton, showed up at Genetic Designs Mecklenburg County facility for a paternity test, just as Lane had in July. You can get all details about Lauren Boeberts Parents. As for Lane, hes best-known (depending on where you grew up) as half of either, with Bobby Eaton. In the interim, we have to rely on a letter that Bentz sent the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation (or SBI) on October 24, 2012, for details. Before her election, she was a minor conservative media celebrity thanks to her gun-themed restaurant, Shooters Grill, in Rifle, Colorado. , real name Wallace Stanfield Lane, was the biological father of the future congresswoman for Colorados third district and had fabricated a negative paternity test. Laurenis well known as an American politician. Laurens age is 35 years. , made it a second-degree felony to have sex with any unmarried person, of previous chaste character, who at the time of such intercourse is under the age of 18 years. Further, a defense citing previous unchaste character would be moot when the lack of previous chaste character in the prosecuting witness was caused solely by previous intercourse between the defendant and the prosecuting witness. The trail doesnt stop there, though, thanks to the various lawsuits Bentz filed against Lane. Lauren Boeberts age is35years as of 2022. As for Lane, hes best-known (depending on where you grew up) as half of either The Fabulous Ones with Steve Keirn or The Midnight Express with Bobby Eaton. We need your help. (An obituary, placed in the Memphis Commercial Appeal, announced that a man named Samuel Ticer had died, and that he had wrestled as Stan Lane. ), A further reply claimed to quote one of Marias, which Bentzs account claimed read as follows (again, sic throughout): FYI.STAN DOES NOT HAVE B BLOOD TYPE.THIS IS SO CHILDISH.THIS IS ALSO MY LAST POST TO YOU.Stop Living In DENIAL.STAN IS A GREAT LOVING HUSBAND!, say that Lane has type B blood, something that Bentz quickly pointed out. According to publicly available. She wrote: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." "On this day, we remember his incredible legacy and contributions to this great nation," Boebert added. A government attorney representing U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert argued in federal court Tuesday that she did not violate a constituent's constitutional rights by blocking the woman on Twitter . In it, Jefferson wrote that the First Amendment had essentially built "a wall of separation" between church and state. And when I look at a photo like the one Ive enclosed taken last week of Lauren (and her husband and baby Roman), I see Jean [Lanes mother] and you., from a few years later, when she was doing publicity for her restaurant and happened to have blond hair, arguably show that resemblance more strongly than current images of her as a brunette. She has four sons with her husband. Lauren Boebert (Photo: Jeffrey Beall, via CC BY 4.0). against Lane at home in Seminole County, it took until the spring of 1990 for her to finally be able to serve him in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, where he had lived since the spring of 1987. Before her election, she was a minor conservative media celebrity thanks to her gun-themed restaurant, Shooters Grill, in Rifle, Colorado. ", Gorsuch wrote that "in place of Lemon and the endorsement test, this Court has instructed that the Establishment Clause must be interpreted by reference to historical practices and understandings.". (Bentzs attached, seemingly confirms this, as the attachment to the 2012 document has the date stamp as 4 years ago.), Though all of Marias contributions to the YouTube discussion appear to have been deleted at some point before September 2012, it does read, contextually speaking, as if Bentzs account was indeed arguing with Maria Lane. While encouraging churchgoers to get more involved in their local governments to help shape policy, Boebert, who easily won her primary election on Tuesday, said shes "tired of this separation of church and state junk. She and her husband opened shooters Grill in 2013. The Colorado Republican told The Daily Beast she and her husband were surprised last week to receive notice from their landlord, a cannabis retailer, that their lease for Shooters would not be. The words "separation of church and state" come from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. The ire ramped up tremendously when they announced the . Boebert has occasionally been askedwhat role her biological father played in her family's struggles,andhas repeatedly declined to answer. While Boebert often talks about her mother, calling her a strong woman who never had an opportunity to realize her full potential, she wont talk about her father, whom her mother divorced when the family still lived in Altamonte Springs, Florida, reads, reporter Charles Ashby. (Bentzs attached copy/paste of two comments seemingly confirms this, as the attachment to the 2012 document has the date stamp as 4 years ago.), Though all of Marias contributions to the YouTube discussion appear to have been deleted at some point before September 2012, it does read, contextually speaking, as if Bentzs account was indeed arguing with Maria Lane. Other than those two articles, theres next to nothing about Boeberts father in news reports from before the Lane posts resurfaced. Heraverage take-home check would have been about $650 a month, which even 30-plusyears ago was well below the federal poverty line. Boebert marked MLK Day by quoting the late civil rights leader on Twitter. Based on the date of birth she would later give, , Bentz would have been 17 years old at the time, with her 18th birthday coming on June 18, 1986. Boebert belongs to the Republican party and served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 3 January 2021. But bothinWashington circles and in speaking to voters in her Colorado district, Boebert has not discussed in detail exactly what circumstanceslanded the futureright-wing firebrand and hermother in this disadvantaged situation. Reached by direct message, panda4bernie tells me that they first found out about the link from a post on the wrestling subforum of the 420chan image board. Her parents used to live in poverty in Denver. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., speaks to reporters about Democratic proposals on gun control on June 8, 2022. From Episode 178 of Jim Cornette's Drive ThruArtwork by Travis Heckel!Send in your question for the Drive-Thru to: Follow Jim and Br. "But the original understanding of the establishment clause other than the fact it prohibited a national church is contested. He has been, as always, missing. Meet Kaydon Boebert Parents. There, he received an offer to falsify the results as negative for $500. She might have mentioned her mother a few times, but finding her talk about her father has been pretty rare. Of course I know nothing for a certainty, but I have evaluated all the available evidence[,] which leads me to that belief. As indicated above, Bentz expressed skepticism in her 2012 letter over the photograph not being from a Polaroid instant camera (like. ", Americans who worked through the pandemic are being paid up to $26,000 by qualifying for the Employee Retention Credit., Every single Republican blocked Ketanji Brown Jacksons SCOTUS appointment.. Google hits for her username yield, , which features a photo of Maria and Stan Lane, as well as, a series of posts from 2011 on the Collegiate Sports Nation forum, that were devoted to alohamaria66 debunking a rumor that Lane had died. Her fathers name is not known. ), Will Stan Lane be there? asked the curiously framed post. After all, Lane isnt famous enough to be a name at the center of a conspiracy theory. This time, though, the post doesnt appear to be written by Bentz or Boebert. Copyright 2023, LLC. So the child support case was closed, and Lane was no longer required to pay Shawn Roberts anything. As Salon has previously reported, Boebert never knew her biological father. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, a right-wing Republican and prominent member of the "Sedition Caucus," frequently speaks about her upbringing in a family struggling withpoverty, describingherself as a"welfare child." World Famous predictions about the future that turned out to be dead wrong 15 . There are a record high cases of flu in the U.S. this year, and last year there were none.. The passage read: "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. It would take until July for the blood to be drawn, with Bentz and Boebert going to what looks to be a publicly run Florida lab on July 18th and Lane going to Genetic Design in Charlotte on July 25th. Roberts finally had papers served on Lane that compelled him to takea paternity test, which he did in the summer of 1990, when Lauren was 3 years old. ", "The Congresswoman does not believe in a theocracy, or an established religion set by the state," Stout added. You can hear Boeberts entire remarks here: The relevant part of the First Amendment reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". Perhaps he can introduce his [26-year-old] daughter, Lauren Roberts Boebert who he has refused to acknowledge all these years! Ans. She was born to Shawn Bentz ( Mother ). In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Canada is "allowing children to seek out medically assisted death.. Parents Nationality, Ranking, Age & Height, Henry Shipley Parents, Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Career, Catch, Net Worth & More. Bentz swore to noticing such a resemblance on the second page of her paternity affidavit from August 24, 1987, citing similarities in the eyes, nose [and] jaws) of the wrestler and her then-9-month-old daughter. However, only one Democrat House Member agreed and voted for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Lauren Boebert ( Republican Party) is a member of the U.S. House, representing Colorado's 3rd Congressional District. Chasten Buttigieg shut Lauren Boebert down after she put her hypocrisy on full display for the nth time. When she used to work for a drilling company then she met her husband who also used to work there. The Constitution is clear on that. Lane admitted he had had sexual relations with Roberts, according to court records reviewed by Salon,and Robertsswore in an affidavit that she hadnot hadsex with anyone other than Lane at the time her daughterwas conceived. Boebert tweets, Father's Day, Lauren Boebert, political clapback, Twitter reacts. In fact, despite Lane living in the area, nobody managed to serve him until April 1990, according to a letter of notification filed on April 6th. The Buttigiegs have been the target of rightwing homophobes ever since Pete burst onto the national scene with his 2020 presidential campaign. Though the account being used belonged to a woman named Shawna Bentz, the references to my mom and begging my mother to abort me suggest that it was actually written by her daughter, Lauren Boebert, then in her early 20s. 1800 I Street NW Though Bentz filed at least four different paternity lawsuits against Lane at home in Seminole County, it took until the spring of 1990 for her to finally be able to serve him in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, where he had lived since the spring of 1987. After Joe Biden became vice president, at the behest of his father, he gave his uncle, Frank H. Biden, a Purple Heart for serving . While some of the framers were more open to the mixing of religion and the state, the Constitution as adopted did not go anywhere near what Boebert describes, constitutional experts say. I dont know when Ive had something thats made me as angry, Mecklenburg County District Attorney told the, in 1995. Google Lauren Boebert or email me for photos and supporting documentation and her contact info or her mothers contact info., When taken together with the tweets, the suggestion from the multiple voices on Bentzs accounts appears to be this: In the several weeks between Bentzs writing to Seminole County Court and this series of posts, Boebert and Straughn got a kinship analysis or similar DNA test that showed they were related by blood. The scam was discovered because Weary bragged about it to her husband, only for him to turn her in when they split up in 1993. Im sure youre wondering why I am involved in it. But suffice to say that circumstances and events unfolded, and I did not refuse to follow the promptings that have now led to me writing you regarding this paternity issue. Likewise, Boeberts press secretary, Jake Settle, didnt respond to emails requesting comment for this story.). Her husbands name is Jayson. It would turn out that, that he was Stan Lane, and she wasnt enough of a wrestling fan to have any idea that he was lying. (Though court records and social media accounts alternatingly refer to Bentz as Shawn and Shawna, were sticking with Shawna for the purposes of this article because its the name she uses on her active Twitter account.) My instinct was that Stans attorney had just taken care of everything for him. The Supreme Court, now led by a conservative majority, three of whom were appointed by former President Donald Trump, has made several recent rulings in religious plaintiffs' favor, includng one thatspecifically rejected both the Lemon and endorsement tests. On September 4, 2013, Bentz wrote a cover letter for the SBI letter and evidence packet, forwarding it to the Seminole County Court to file in her old case. It would take until July for the blood to be drawn, with Bentz and Boebert going to, what looks to be a publicly run Florida lab on July 18th, Lane going to Genetic Design in Charlotte on July 25th, , signed by phlebotomist Karen Weary as a witness, is missing both his thumbprint and a photo indicating that he really took the test. Where experts generally agree is that Boebert was wrong to say it was the intent of the nations founders that "the church should direct the government." Bentz wrote: Her father is Stan Lane a former professional wrestler who at that time was a member of the tag team The Fabulous Ones. (Sal Corrente, Lanes representative to the wrestling world, declined comment on anything related to Lauren Boebert, while an email sent to Lanes wife was left unanswered. Based on the date of birth she would later give on paternity-testing paperwork, Bentz would have been 17 years old at the time, with her 18th birthday coming on June 18, 1986. Tebbe pointed to the Supreme Courts 1994 ruling in Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet. A Democratic super PAC has made multiple false claims about Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert while pushing unproven allegations that the right-wing Colorado congresswoman has had abortions and . Bentz swore to noticing such a resemblance on. I didnt have to wrack my brain to figure out what was going on in Stans room that night., Though the connection between the wrestler and the congresswoman looks to have been initially mentioned by a Twitter user going by the name Colby Giffen in Boeberts replies, , it caught fire on February 10th. But both Boebert and Bentz apparently believe that her father is Wallace Stanfield Lane, a former North Carolina pro wrestler known in the trade as"Sweet" Stan Lane andthere is significantevidence to back up that theory. Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has suggested that a disclosure form from Hunter Biden listing a massive monthly rent payment to his father, Joe Biden, was really a money-laundering operation worthy of an investigation. In education, he done from Rajasthan University. Regardless of what Stan Lane did or didnt do in July 1990, its hard to blame Shawna Bentz and Lauren Boebert for seeing a conspiracy there. On Tuesday night the Federal Aviation . he is the one that told my mom she was pregnant, and he is the one called the house, after it was verified by the dr., begging my mother to abort me!, A further reply claimed to quote one of Marias, which Bentzs account claimed read as follows (again, sic throughout): FYI.STAN DOES NOT HAVE B BLOOD TYPE.THIS IS SO CHILDISH.THIS IS ALSO MY LAST POST TO YOU.Stop Living In DENIAL.STAN IS A GREAT LOVING HUSBAND! The test results, however, did say that Lane has type B blood, something that Bentz quickly pointed out. Other than those two articles, theres next to nothing about Boeberts father in news reports from before the Lane posts resurfaced. I helped lead the negotiations to end business as usual in Washington D.C. Nineteen of my colleagues and I spearheaded rigorous debate about the broken rules and processes in Congress. Whether or not Lane would have been committing a crime by having sex with her is unclear based on the Florida laws in effect back then. He didnt go to Florida for a while, but then [the process server] came to Charlotte, recalled Lanes longtime friend, on-screen manager and road-trip companion Jim Cornette on one of his podcasts in February 2020. He never once mentioned the 1990 blood test. Boebert apparently jumped in to stress that she wanted a relationship, not money, with Lane responding that hed have to ask his lawyer, at least per Bentzs account. Not long after receiving that photo, a friend and I were in a local drugstore and looking through some wrestling magazines, and we did see that same photo of Stan except the magazine photo had him sitting next to another wrestler.. Boebert is accurate that the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the Constitution, but her statement glosses over what the Constitution does say about religion. (, , signed by a woman named Mary P. Henry as witness, asked for only a thumbprint, which Bentz provided.) Magic Johnson tested positive for HIV "because Faucis gain of function study used a contaminated Hepatitis B vaccine. When I received the Paternity Evaluation Report in 1990 that excluded Stan as Laurens father, I knew there was either a mistake made in the testing or that fraud was involved, Bentz wrote. She and Boebert would move to Colorado less than a year later, in August 1991, and Bentz eventually got married. Despite Bentz's considerable efforts, Stan Lane long retired from pro wrestling and more recently an announcer for speedboat races has never taken a second paternity test and has continued to insistthat Lauren Boebert, now a nationally known figure in conservative politics,is not his child. Will be wrestling with tag team Midnight Express. Start time 7 p.m. Picture attached. Indeed, Lane and Eaton wrestled in Charlotte that night, . Will be wrestling with tag team Midnight Express. Start time 7 p.m. Picture attached. Indeed, Lane and Eaton wrestled in Charlotte that night, losing to Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk. Stay tuned for more updates on LatestinBollywood. "People of good faith have disagreed about its application in specific cases, but it remains a distinctive feature of American constitutionalism," Chapman added. To live in poverty in Denver representing Colorado & # x27 ; s 3rd Congressional District, or an religion... '' Stout added wild talk and fake news, help us stand for... 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