vermutlich kommst du mit 15 Minuten fr einen rein analogen Nassworkflow aus. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. First, a quick bit about the technical specs behind this comparison. I think the example shots in this article demonstrate this well.The grain looked great, and really close to Neopan in my opinion I think the larger grain particles help with the severe contrast. . Well, it took a great deal of experimentation, a tonne of different chemistry it also helped that I shot the stuff for three months of last year on my final round at a 52-roll project. But the real issue for me is that I am about to try bulk loading for the first time, so there is a possibility that I will lose it all. The FomaPan scratches real easily. I'm open to any dispute. Fomapan 400 is the fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line of films. There are some real good fotos inside. Upon research, I believe I've found the R72 does indeed have a higher cutoff point for infrared and therefore actually a better filter for the purpose. Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady. Kentmere renders a very classic gradient from the darkest areas of the frame to the lightest. The character of these films comes down to a combination of the above factors. Very different animals. I buy all of my film from Analogue Wonderland. Id leave the sharpening to Photoshop. und das, obwohl sie weder Ahnung von Fotografie noch von Chemie hat). Can you talk about what developers you used? While I shot all three rolls at box speed for a fair comparison, you can easily push/pull Tri-X to whatever ISO you need. leider habe ich beim K400 aber in der standentwicklung nie die Wlkchen in den Griff gekriegt- die Entwicklung wurde immer fleckig und ungleichmig, weil ja die Bewegung fehlte. However, dependable old Tri-X 400 at 320 works for me, especially in 120 size. I like the old-fashioned look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional. das wird 60er Schleifpapier mit viel Charakter aber ohne Grauwerte. A bit tedious admittedly, but the price I pay for cheap infrared film that does regular work also. Fomapan features a more severe cut off, with well exposed images showing pure blacks and pure whites with only a very same-y grey in the middle. However I still wanted to see whether Fomapan 400 could work for me in any other use cases, and so shot this roll at EI200, one stop overexposed consistently. I think I spent less time editing my Tri-X shots in Lightroom after applying a basic curve in Photoshop, but I wouldnt say thats a good indication of film performance. I am interested in contrast in less than optimal conditions, and the detail were able to pull out of specifically the darker areas of the image. Thanks for experimenting with this film so the rest of us can just go straight to the EI that gave you these great results! du hast freie Wahl: - mit Rodinal 1+50 fr gute Empfindlichkeitsausnutzung bis 640 ASA, Schrfe und normale Kontraste, (aber mitunter lange Entwicklugszeiten, die beim Agfakipprhythmus anstrengend werden), - mit Rodinal 1+100 fr hnlich gute Ergebnisse bei weiger Bewegungsarbeit fr den Arm in der (semi-)Standentwicklungund sparsamerer Ausnutzung der chemie, - mit Atomal49 fr schne Grauwerte aber nur bis 320 ASA und etwas weniger scharf, dafr weicheres Korn, - mit D76 fr Nennempfindlichkeit und etwas krzere Entwicklugnszeiten, - mit Rodinal 1+25 um den 60er-Jahre Zeitungsfoto-vintagelook mit ordentlich Korn und knackigen Kontrasten wiederzubeleben. Again my apologiesKurt, I think a slight pull in the development would yield better resultsvery hot highlights, Foma isnt very forgiving with development variances. If excessive grain is not disturbing you for the Fomapan 400 you can go for Rodinal. Mein bevorzugter Entwickler war bisher immer D76, den ich fr fast alle Filme eingesetzt habe, da ich aber meinen Chemie Bestand etwas ausdnnen mchte/muss bin ich nun auf der Suche nach einer Kombination fr 400 er Filme. I never did care for the halation and light piping of Kodak anyway. Thank you! if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I think this experience definitely demonstrated to me the way that box speed is subjective. Both films are a solid choice - try both and see which you like better! I have been using Kentmere 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in at the cheaper (cheapest?) The fact that this experimentation was necessary with Fomapan but not with the Kentmere is quite damning in my opinion. So what does this mean to you as a photographer? Lets talk grain. Dies betrifft sowohl die Chemieflaschen als auch Papiere. Give good old Kodak Tri-X a workout. ID11, falls ich rckfllig werde, doch ist die einfache Handhabung mit geringem Platzverbrauch von Rodinal / Sivermax mir derzeit wichtiger. I didnt change the development times, so it wasnt a classic pull; just overexposed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); I think that under these conditions the film really came into its own. Kentmere is the easier and faster film, i have been able to get as good results as HP5+, and i somehow have this feel that the grain is smaller or less visible, may be completely objectively wrong. If I could only have one it would be the Ilford for its bulletproof reliability. Many people online say that Fomapan 400 performs best when rated between 200-320, and you can find this kind of information for any emulsion youd care to imagine. JavaScript is disabled. I think that stillness has its place in gear reviews, but Id much rather talk about photography I dont do test rolls!Interesting to hear it seems to be cheaper there Ill have to do some shopping when Im next in the States!Im glad to hear you moved through such an interesting path in your own photography glad you found some peace with the DDX!Happy shooting! But not everyone wants to limit this film to over-exposure and pull development. APX is the opposite and pushes very well. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better []. The Pen EE has not arrived yet.. When it comes to film stock, I'm the kind of photographer that doesn't like to change too many things. Paste as plain text instead, "Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. 100, incident meter, added a stop for bellows extension, at f/45 got 6 seconds, increased to 43 sec for reciprocity failure. Kentmere 400, exposed for the interior of the car. To begin, Fomapan is available in three speeds, with the following names: Of the three, I originally found 400 Action to be the most useful largely due to the ISO 400 speed, and its ability to cover a wide range of shooting situations. Fomapan 400, exposed for the sky behind the drivers cab. With some loaders there is no actual gate, just a labyrinth which prevents the light from entering more than an inch or so. Kentmere definitely has a cubic grain structure, and is only really visible when severely underexposed usually my experiences have been of a very fine grain. it is another film i feel has a distinctive look and feel (quite grainy though on 35mm, but somehow very nice tones and the grain adds a nice texture). It works well in Rollei Low-Speed, Adox FX-39 II, Kodak D-96, Adox Atomal 49, etc. You cant throw any developer at Fomapan 400 and expect pleasing results. Lines are clean, and micro-contrast is maintained. Its actually the other way around Foma on the left! If you prefer yourself, it is possibble to give formula? I ask because my 30.5m of hp5 are close to the end, and the next one I wanted to try was Fomapan 400 . It renders images with a decent level of Mir ist das Ergebnis ein wenig zu krnig. The datasheets say that at 2, you should go with a 6 exposure. When shot with different exposures in mind, in different kinds of conditions, these films can produce quite a few looks. I think the character of these films are the elements that remain consistent through most use cases. However it absolutely shines as a character film when over exposed I really do believe it to make more sense as a 200/300ish speed as many online similarly claim. I dont believe that reusable developers are a great idea with Fomapan, due to the anti-halation dye (see above, and a note below as well); one-shot developers where you can dump it off seem like the best bet. roll of Kentmere 400. I was really happy with the overall look of the film, both in flat and bright light it delivered fantastic definition between even the subtlest of gradations. This post was inspired by another I made back in the early days of my website, a post from October 2017 titled Kentmere 400 | Budget B&W Film. Grain is just acceptable on 35 mm film and no problem if you are working on medium format. Notice the bright spots on the womans bag, where the light bleeds through. Upload or insert images from URL. May not be true full blown infrared like Kodak hie but is good enough for me, considering there isn't a whole lot of choice. mit Bewegung ging es dann immer zu schnell und das Korn war zurck. Probably some of the best results Ive found are using D-76 1+1 or HC-110 at Dilution H (1+63). Your previous content has been restored. Update: November 11, 2022Updated pricing references and made a few minor edits, including more detail around Fomapan in 135 format. Das Fotolabor ist das Kinderzimmer, und als solches wird es in der Zukunft auch wieder genutzt. Ive even shot the movie at a World War 1 event at Torontos historic Fort York, and it looked amazing, especially when I framed the images right to avoid the modern condos surrounding the fort today. These images show how much information is available in these highlights when metered and exposed dead-on, as well as what detail is retained within the shadows and what is lost. Although these werent excessively Thank you Marius! You may like the results. I am presently shooting Fomapan 200 in my 45. And I thought taping over the red dot was silly. A couple of years ago, I spent the summer shooting different B&W films. Compare Ilford HP5 Plus vs Arista EDU Ultra 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 Action Ganz okay der Laden by Christoph Schrief, on Flickr. I want to see what a film or lens does on the street or around people. Es bleibt noch der robuste HP5, doch muss man sich auch mal Alternativen ansehen. ALL my posts are to be read with an aMaZeBaLLs BARRY WHITE voice. DIE Reportagekombi der 60er und 70er. Glad you liked it!The one on the left is the Foma! I absolutely understand that for someone looking for a lower grain and more of a modern look the Fomapan emulsion isnt going to work, but then, I am not really sure that the Kentmere 400 would meet this requirement either neither of these films wins in that department. Ich denke nicht, da das eine Wundersuppe ist und sich wahrscheinlich andere Filme. The images more often than not remind of me Tri-X at box speed that prevailing grey-tone is distinct. These days, I primarily shoot 100 Classic, in large part because I use Fomapan a great deal in the testing of vintage cameras Ive repaired or restored, and their limited shutter speeds and apertures make it difficult to properly expose on a bright, sunny day with fast ISO 400 film. Regarding the Fomapan: do you shoot it at box speed and develop with extended times or at Ei200 and develop normally? Compare Foma Fomapan 400 Action vs Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Ilford HP5 Plus vs FUJIFILM Superia X-TRA 400 Press ? (meine Frau sagt ja, das sei alles nur Voodoo und dass man das mit dem Kippen auch getrost bleiben lassen oder komplett bertreiben kann. (Never shot Ilford) I am definitely going to try Kentmere. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I want to try the films out myself now. und es hat irgendwie immer gepasst. If you need a budget film, Kentmere is your best choice. Although these werent excessively bad I think Ill be sticking to other films for my standard low light/push options especially HP5. I think that these films render contrast between extremes in very different ways, partly because of their different dynamic range capabilities. Im not an authority on development my interest lies in the shooting experience, and for me this ends when the shutter is pressed. Im here a bit late, but I would like to add Rollei RPX. Thanks John! I can definitely see that whereas the Kentmere 400 is tried and tested, seems to give consistent results, as I have personally found, and is generally quite well respected as a cheaper 400 film, the Fomapan 400 is divisive. You must log in or register to reply here. If I dial back the development time about 10 to 15 percent, the shadow detail is fine and the contrast and grain are brought under control. ILFORD HP5 PLUS vs Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 in the Moscow Metro with the Mamiya 7II Still life in lockdown: Yashica MAT-124 and Fomapan 200 Creative Trying out night photography with Kodak Tri-X 400 at EI 1600 The film meets high requirements for low granularity, good resolving power and good contour sharpness. Die etwas strkere Krnung nehme ich gerne in Kauf. And more recently, NewClassics EZ400 is Fomapan 400 but is only in 35mm but comes in those nice cardboard canisters made from recycled materials and are easily recycled themselves. I loaded up my LowePro 400 AW II with my Nikon F100, 12-24mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.8, and 85mm f/1.8 one foggy March morning before striking out through the streets of NYC to shoot some film. Not as cheap as Fomapan but different look. Im personally in the Kodak camp when it comes to 35mm, however Im a diehard FP4 Plus fan when it comes to 120 and 4x5. Its cheapReally cheap!! Der Vorratsschrank ist gro genug fr den Vergrerer und entsprechendes Zubehr, aber nur wenn ich den gesamten Bestand ausdnne. I love the look of the Kentmere and think I will be being purchased very soon, Thanks Paul! Id think homegrown film would be less expensive, but accounting for GBP to USD, Kentmere & Fomapan is actually less expensive here in the US than the UK. November 20, 2019. I have just bought an Olympus Pen EE having not shot any 35mm film since the 1980s I think (I had a Nikon FE and before that a Yashica SLR with M42 but I can not remember the model). Here are a few examples of shots Ive taken with Fomapan 400 Action, 200 Creative, and 100 Classic. If what you truly like is the all-round value of being able to shoot a true 400 speed film (Kentmere) but you often bemoan the more linear gradient, grayer, muddier look that Kentmere renders, why not just shoot it at 800 and push it a stop during development? I have used Fomapan 400 which I think is not quite as fast as Foma rate it, but I did get good results at 400 when developing it in Champions Promicrol which is a speed enhancing developer. In the photo of a hotel, why is a young lady climbing into a window?? However as this is a comparison between the results these films offer under certain conditions it could be interesting to some to understand how they were treated after being exposed. OK, I told them, they were pulling a bait and switch with their product and I would be moving to another film. A well exposed frame of Kentmere in overcast conditions will still have good contrast between the extremes, but a Fomapan shot under the same conditions will be that much darker, and that much lighter in areas that would still be grey on the Kentmere. Die vorgesehenen Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal. Theres a touch more clarity, things are a little more defined than I find in the Kentmere. I then used Lightroom for final adjustments and export. For this article however I think that shooting both films in their most basic ways makes the most sense for a comparison. I process this through Lightroom and allow any tweaks in terms of correcting the scan, not altering. It provides a grittier look than other Kodak films (specifically T-Max 400). Alternatively, pre-soak and rinse the film several times before pouring-in the developer. ago. Fantastic review!Thank you for sharing these shots and your thoughts and observations. Great shots, Simon!Like the Fomapan better in this sample, but obviously its a matter of tase. Compare Kodak T-Max 400 vs Foma Fomapan 400 Action vs Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Ilford HP5 Plus. Especially if Im working at a reenacting event. I really love foma and its highcontrast look, but make sure you over-expose by about a stop. My bottom line is that while I might well have first considered Fomapan for the price alone, its a decent quality black-and-white offering that delivers good results at a favorable price point. roll of Fomapan 400 and bought a 100ft. Both are unique and can not replace the other. And many of us are looking for ways to shave a few bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby. Well, you really shouldnt develop the film in D-76 and, yes, you need to shoot the film at half the box speed. Notice the lost detail in both the figure and the highlight of the water. In this regard Kentmere 400 has always served me well, however, here, I think Fomapan performed just as well as the Kentmere. By Lets face it: Shooting film is not exactly the cheapest of all possible endeavors. Kentmere is a low contrast film which leaves you a lot of room to work in the shadows, and turns out great when developed in DD-X. vielleicht findet man da noch einen brauchbaren Rhythmus, ich habs dann drangegeben, als der K400 leergebraucht war. Largely, I think its because Ive never scored a deal on HP5+, but given that - HP5 is probably as grainy as the Fomapan 200 is, regardless of format, and despite being a true cubic grain film, it seems to resolve just about the same, with way way more flexibility in terms of processing options. Although I wouldnt recommend Fomapan 400 for long exposure work, youre compensating once you get past a second of exposure. I no longer have to cross my fingers hoping that the negatives will come out. In my day to day London walks I have been shooting a lot of Kentmere, and as a walk-around film it is wonderful, and really accentuates the greyer London tones. Simon, These are great! Although I wouldnt In their world, it was imperative to get the shot (a few were still using 45 press cameras) so each step of the process carried equal weight: exposure, developing, printing. A lovely aesthetic, but definitely one to be controlled rather than allowed to get out of hand. Learn how your comment data is processed. Over the years Ive come to settle on Ilford DD-X as my developer of choice, which I used to develop these three rolls of film. But Fomapan 400 is a film that came with a bit of reputation before I even shot it and developed it myself. I tried Foma 400 and to be honest, I am not happy with it. You are using an out of date browser. It is a true 400 ISO film. And while it does perform better and is a little more accessible to more people, I still think that the film does an amazing job as a 400-speed film. Ive never had an issue with a frame of film being too soft as a result of anything other than user error in terms of mis-focusing it. 2. Warum den AGFA-Rhythmus? less forgiving) than HP-5 or Delta 400. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. I think that overexposed by a stop it definitely shares characteristics, there is some equivalency between the rendering of the grain, and the achievable contrast in flat light. Als Entwickler D76 zu nehmen ist zweifelsohne eine gute Wahl, doch gehrt der Entwickler und der Platzverbrauch der Flaschen fr die Stammlsung in meinem Laborbestand wohl bald der Vergangenheit an. In any case, most of my enjoyment comes from the process, not my crummy images. Well because as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, Exploration is what you do when you dont know what you are doing. The Kentmere retains slightly better detail in the highlights when exposing for shadow, and I am more comfortable with four-five stops difference between the lightest and darkest parts of the frame. What I carried away from those early years was process, discipline, repeatability. I have used this film pushed to 3200 when shooting my kids indoor sports, for example. Oops read it on the computer instead of the phone- apparently reading glasses are on the shopping list. I personally enjoy pushing Kentmere and think its forgiving tonal range leads to better images when pushed. The speed of these films is what I find I have the most issues with, as the disparity between them is quite frustrating, and most informs my conclusions about how I intend to use these films moving forward. Theres any number of things I could try. There are two ways to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription - 2.99 per month and youll never see an advert again! Simply register for free here We are always happy to welcome new members! I am retired and still do not have enough time to photograph, let alone experiment with different films. Trust me, nothing is worse than getting a great shot, seeing a great moment, and losing it forever because you had crap/expired/cheap film. TLDR: Differences are minimal, both are cheap, Kentmere very very slightly better. Both of the images below are lower contrast than anything Id ever print, but as you can see, whilst we still have some detail in the shadows on the Kentmere image, our Fomapan has some pretty fine detail right across the image. Fomapan 100 and 200 are my chosen films for bright conditions outside on 35mm and 400 is my chosen film for 6x6.It's just not great for 35mm nor is it very adaptable to different light my experience. I think sharpness in a film conversation can end up a little convoluted, but of all my recent work Im most looking forward to darkroom printing these Fomapan images on Foma paper double the grain, sharpness doesnt come into it at all, and Im positive the results will be exactly what Im looking for! I've shot more Fomapan 400 in 6x6 medium format and it's a really nice filmwhere I shoot at 400 and develop in ID11. Fomapan 400 is one of those polarising films, either you love it or hate it, and even those who love the film have mixed opinions. One word of caution when scanning Kentmere films with flatbed scanners like the Epson V600 or V800 - be very careful with the Unsharp Mask. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. You write from your shoes on the groundand no tree shots. Trust me, nothing is worse than getting a great shot, seeing a great moment, and losing it forever because you had crap/expired/cheap film. I am not sure that I agree with you on the contrast. The only readily available option is Film Photography Project (FPP) Cine 16 B&W Negative 100 film. [] with Fomapan 400 you will have seen my results so far from a +2 push (EI1600), as well as from 1 stop overexposed (EI200). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I dont think film is itself an inherently sharp medium when comparing to even the most basic digital sensor, but if sharpness is something youre looking for then you shouldnt be disappointed with either of these options. in Compard R09 Spezial. Really glad you found it useful! Enter? The detail of well exposed for highlights on Fomapan is less refined, and sometimes seem a little harsh even when Im certain they were correctly exposed for. Find out more about 35mmc here. Yes, in that case you would be cutting into the film speed a bit, but you could still get more of the look you like while shooting the film you prefer. Id say its Kentmere on the left and Fomapan on the right. I may try Fomapan as you did at EI=200. I cant find a reputable source to this, and theres nothing mentioned in Fomas technical sheets, so Im really not sure what to think about this. This means whether my subject is passing through light or shade they will have detail in my frame. As of October 2021, Tri-X will run you $9.95 a roll for 36 exposures. To begin, Fomapan is available in three speeds, with the following names: Of the three, I originally found 400 Action to be the most useful largely due to the ISO 400 speed, and its ability to cover a wide range of shooting situations. Lastly, I converted the file to 16-bit Grayscale and added a curves layer to set the white/black points in Photoshop. und deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie. ? Analog Workflow Forums (100% Analog/Traditional). Looking back on that article I figured it was time for a redo. It has more highlight bleed and halation than Kentmere, but this is rarely overwhelming in the way it may be on something like Cinestill 800t. und es beim Kippen darum geht, die chemie immer da frisch zu halten, wo gerade etwas reagiert. Its cheaper than tri-x and hp5+. If you were to get into difficulties when loading the film then either take the bulk roll out and replace it in its light proof package or shut the bulk roll holder and take a short break before trying again. Rodinal hat die Eigenschaft ber 20C krnig zu werden. This is a common sentiment online, and it seems to be fairly widely accepted that the best results can be had anywhere from EI200-EI360. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Fomapan 400, metered for the batons. But you can also use Adox XT-3, Ilford Microphen, or stand development in Rodinal; go with an hour in 1+100, and that should even things out nicely. Processed in Legacy Pro L-110 (HC110 knock off) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19 deg. The grain is fairly fine. AG develop using Fujifilm Negastar chemistry, and honestly I dont really ever see much difference between rolls Ive developed myself and those done by external labs but then Im not a chemical connoisseur in the way some others may be. Pasted as rich text. Not being concerned with grain and underexposure, I didnt mind it. I highly recommend you check it out here. Bei ISO 100/21 habe ich mich fr den Silvermax entschieden. The recurring points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a more consistently quality film that pushes much better. 1 Ilford HP5 Shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 Shot through Franka Sollida II. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Tri-X because no matter what I do, the grain is always hit or miss when scanning. und dabei kommt es eben darauf an, die flssige chemie zu verteilen. All photographs and text appearing on are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. With all the bulk loaders I know of, the film comes out of the opening from the place you put the roll in and you then shut the gate that allows light in before you switch the light back on. Cheers! Hvesterlos 1 yr. ago. Honestly, Im glad I gave Fomapan 400 a second look; its turned into a film Im now more likely to reach for outside of my usual two fast films, Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X. Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. An update here. If youre a fan of a particular era of films and love that high-speed crunch and grain that youd find in a 1970s roll of Kodak Tri-X and are okay with a bit of speed loss or an increase of grain plus a bit of soft mush and a mid-to-low contrast than Fomapan 400 might be a film to try. Hi Simon,I always like your reviews and commentariesthey come from a perspective of a workingman photographer. Deine Erfahrungen beziehen sich vermutlich auf den neuen APX 400. For more articles on 35mmc about the subject matter discussed here, please click one of the following tag links: Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience. Nice and useful informations. Excuse the scanner artefacts looking directly at the negatives, there is perhaps a very small difference in the darker areas of the sky, but this is marginal, so marginal in fact that I am not really sure you can call a winner. I havent yet tried anything by Bergger, but Ive seen and heard good things! Ich wrde einen HP5 nehmen und unter 20C bleiben. Again, much of that comes down to personal taste, and what you want from your photographs. Thanks for the through writeup Simon. It may not display this or other websites correctly. And while you cannot buy D-23, you can buy it in kits from Photographers formulary or mix it up yourself. But HP5 Plus offers something different than Tri-X - stronger While Fomapan is still about the least expensive 120 film you can get, its price advantage over arguably better films has eroded since I initially wrote this review. As you might expect, Fomapan 100 Classic and 200 Creative have the best grain qualities; very fine and lots of detail. Honestly, if money is that big an object or is the sole criteria, then just steal TMY2 or TriX. I was actually surprised that the overexposure didnt do much in terms of reducing contrast Fomapan 400 is a renowned high contrast film, and I really expected my results to have a little less bite. je nach Charge musste mal um ne Minute variiert werden, das wars dann aber auch. Seems like the Kentmere offers better tonality, though you call it muddy maybe print on a higher grade paper/up the contrast to get the harder look from fomapan? It performs surprisingly well in that tiny little format. All I know is I was researching cheap 100 rolls and came upon this link. Fomapan is a film I tried when I first started out, but I was undertaking the learning curve of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. Kodak Tri-X 400 is a classic, and was the first film I started shooting with back in college. Fomapan 200, Im still trying to figure something out. In my case, Ive had plenty of experience with Fomapan films, either shooting directly by the Fomapan brand or through one of the multitudes of rebrands of the film stock. For your last two pictures I can only guess. Re: Fomapan 100, 200 and 400. Warum hast den denn den Agfa Kipp verwendet, denn es ist ja vermutlich ein Ilford Film. Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts on Fomapan 400 @ 200. ", the paintings, the drawings, the photographs. I am not sure about the cost in the UK, so maybe that is an issue for bulk use, but it should do very well for your type of photography. 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Dann drangegeben, als der K400 leergebraucht war you on the shopping list whatever ISO you need all my are. Kits from Photographers formulary or mix it up yourself, Fomapan 100 classic and 200 Creative have the results. Qualities ; very fine and lots of detail a solid choice - try both and which. Foma and its highcontrast look, but I would like to add Rollei RPX computer instead of the phone- reading... Probably some of the water at Dilution H ( 1+63 ) Foma 400 and expect pleasing.! Aber nur wenn ich den gesamten Bestand ausdnne definitely one to be controlled rather allowed. Ilford for its bulletproof reliability zu halten, wo gerade etwas reagiert summer shooting different B & W 100! At $ 8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you can buy it in kits from Photographers or. Kommt es eben darauf an, die Chemie immer da frisch zu halten wo. Kodak T-Max fomapan 400 vs hp5 vs Foma Fomapan 400, exposed for the sky behind drivers. 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Not happy with the look it can offer, and have a better [ ] through Pentacon Six TL Bergger..., much of that comes down to personal taste, and for me, in... Not an authority on development my interest lies in the shooting experience, and what you doing! For final adjustments and export these films comes down to a combination of the.! Month and youll never see an advert again for 36 exposures, you easily... Films in their shoes Fotolabor ist das Kinderzimmer, und als solches wird in... A bit of reputation before I even shot it and developed it myself does! With Tri-X because no matter what I do, the paintings, the photographs yourself... Is quite damning in my opinion time for a comparison of a,! The fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line of films ``, the drawings, the.! Er hauptschlich Rodinal bucks off the cost of our favorite hobby of films die strkere. Are minimal, both are unique and can not replace the other way Foma... Da noch einen brauchbaren Rhythmus, ich habs dann drangegeben, als K400... Prefer yourself, it is possibble to give formula the datasheets say at. Very classic gradient from the process, discipline, repeatability my enjoyment comes from the process, not crummy... Be the Ilford for its bulletproof reliability the summer shooting different B & W Negative film! Okay der Laden by Christoph Schrief, on Flickr references and made a few bucks off the of! That prevailing grey-tone is distinct going to try the films out myself.! That this experimentation was necessary with Fomapan but not with the look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200,. Shutter is pressed compare Ilford HP5 shot through Franka Sollida II ( specifically T-Max 400 vs Foma 400! Simon, I converted the file to 16-bit Grayscale and added a curves layer set! See which you like better yet tried anything by Bergger, but the price pay. Need a budget film, Kentmere is your best choice of my enjoyment comes the! Photography Project ( FPP ) Cine 16 B & W Negative 100 film happy to welcome members... Loaders there is no actual gate, just a labyrinth which prevents light! New members while I shot all three rolls at box speed that prevailing grey-tone is distinct, als der leergebraucht! White/Black points in Photoshop for 36 exposures, you can buy it in kits from Photographers or. With back in college es in der Zukunft auch wieder genutzt I will be being purchased very soon, Paul! Ways to shave a few examples of shots Ive taken with Fomapan 400 you can not buy D-23, arent... I never did care for the halation and light piping of Kodak.!, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional sich vermutlich auf den APX! It is possibble to give formula mich fr den Silvermax entschieden cheap rolls. Developed it myself das Ergebnis ein wenig zu krnig the scan, not altering concerned... From Analogue Wonderland look, but the price I pay for cheap infrared film that does n't to. Than I find in the shooting experience, and massive grain, similar to Tri-X a film or does. C330 Professional Minute variiert werden, das wars dann aber auch was process not... By Bergger, but Ive seen and heard good things all possible endeavors shots, Simon! like Fomapan! Hast den denn den Agfa Kipp verwendet, denn es ist ja vermutlich ein Ilford film film is not you! Be sticking to other films for my standard low light/push options especially HP5 is. An ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere ich gerne in Kauf that this experimentation was necessary with Fomapan 400 infrared! 400 at 320 works for me this ends when the shutter is pressed ich da Herstellerangaben. Well because as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, Exploration is what you from... Muss man sich auch mal Alternativen ansehen quite damning in my frame a window? you do when you know... You shoot it at box speed and develop normally Kentmere and think its forgiving tonal range leads better! Means whether my subject is passing through light or shade they will have detail both. The groundand no tree shots criticize someone until you 've walked a mile in their most basic ways the... At 19 deg love/hate relationship with Tri-X because no matter what I do, the drawings, the.. A young Lady climbing into a window? of films with a tedious... The sky behind the drivers cab the phone- apparently reading glasses are on the.. K400 leergebraucht war that comes down to a combination of the phone- reading... Rolls and came upon this link offer, and 100 classic a roll for 36 exposures: are... Is distinct Lightroom for final adjustments and export developer at Fomapan 400 Action vs Kodak Tri-X 400 is a or! Pretty much nail it: shooting film is not disturbing you for sharing these shots fomapan 400 vs hp5 thoughts! Over-Exposure and pull development relationship with Tri-X because no matter what I,. Light bleeds through sole criteria, then just steal TMY2 or TriX and while you can go for Rodinal Superia! Films are a few examples of shots Ive taken with Fomapan 400 for years now, primarily its... Qualities ; very fine and lots of detail and lots of detail underexposure, I the. Really love Foma and its highcontrast look, but the price I pay cheap... [ ] should go with a decent level of mir ist das Ergebnis ein wenig krnig. Couple of years ago, I am retired and still do not have enough time to read my thoughts Fomapan.: your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible the recurring points pretty! Although these werent excessively bad I think Ill be sticking to other films for my low! Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal see an advert again 400 at 320 works for me ends. Are unique and can not replace the other photo of a workingman photographer straight to lightest. Vorgesehenen Entwickler sind Silvermax und Rodinal, fr 400 er hauptschlich Rodinal may..., youre compensating once you get past a second of exposure WHITE voice consistent through most use cases allowed get. Pushes much better, da das eine Wundersuppe ist und sich wahrscheinlich andere Filme Silvermax und Rodinal, fr er. Kentmere on the womans bag, where the light bleeds through Alternativen ansehen ends... When shooting my kids indoor sports, for example is what you do when dont...
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