Burned? They have a contract with Metro Nashville to haul, store and apply thousands of tons of waste, which has now ended up in Robertson County.". Fact Check: President Joe Biden Was NOT Computer Generated, Fact Check: Vaccine Needle Is NOT Left In Arm And Is Not A Prop -- It's A Retractable Safety Syringe, SITUATION UPDATE: US STATES LIQUEFY VACCINE-MURDERED PEOPLE AND SPREAD THEM ON FOOD CROPS [2021-05-, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. You can read the rest of the sad storyhere. The list of ingredients for the three vaccines approved for use in the United States is easily found and available to the public on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. I hate to admit thisbut I was wrong. Just ask my hubby how long we searched for a sludge free source of hay for our donkeys. Then again,we now have organic proponents signing up to be injected with the deadly covid vaccine, which means they may soon become an input for the food supply itself. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Or fight. Bill 5001, which flew through Washington's Senate and House of Representatives with bipartisan majorities, provisions that the remains of deceased humans can legally be turned into "liquid compost" through a dissolving process known as alkaline hydrolysis, and then applied to growing soils across the state. In fact, I wouldbe willing to bet they fertilized their pastures with the stuff, put the cows out to graze, and then probably claim it's "organic" and charged you double for it. They are regulated and there are laws as to how to dispose of remains. I was sorely tempted to toilet paper their McMansions. Mad scientists want to grow mRNA covid vaccines in genetically modified lettuce, so you can EAT spike protein bioweapons as required by government, Ann Vandersteel talks about superfoods vs. Orders over $75 ship free with coupon code SHIPFREE entered at checkout! Alkaline hydrolysis, also known as aquamation, is allowed in 3 other p. Soon, if you eat non-organic product, you will be eating crops that are literally grown in human flesh goo. According to reports, Washingtons Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, Concerning human remains, which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the natural organic reduction of human remains. Introduced by Senators TESTIN, L. TAYLOR, CARPENTER, KOOYENGA and RINGHAND, cosponsored by Representatives NOVAK, SWEARINGEN, ARMSTRONG, BOWEN, CALLAHAN, KITCHENS, KRUG, MOSES, L. MYERS, J. RODRIGUEZ, ROZAR, SKOWRONSKI and STUBBS. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human "flesh goo" remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of "transfection" that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. StopEatingPoison.com is a fact-based public education website published by Stop Eating Poison Features, LLC. SEATTLE (AP) Ashes to ashes, guts to dirt. 2021 - 2022 Legislature - 2 - LRB-2075/1 KP:amn SENATE BILL 228 SECTION 1 440.70 (5) "Cremated remains" means human remains recovered from the cremation of a human body or body part and the residue of a container or foreign materials that were cremated with the body or body part, but excludes the sterile Learn more about the alliance here. Contact Us, The Plan To Enslave Humanity With Man Made Climate Change Propaganda Exposed, Student Loans Help Fuel Higher College Costs, Price Inflation Grew Faster Than Wages Again in September, After Alex Jones, Elon Musk Is Being Targeted Next, Videos: Biden Economic Advisors Continue To Gaslight Amid Disastrous Inflation Data, Videos: Hundreds Of Parents Protest Gay Porn Books At School Meeting, Activist Confronts AOC at Town Hall Over Support for Ukraine War, Gets Suspended by Twitter for Harassment, Best Places To Survive A Nuclear Apocalypse In The US, Nearly 8% of people living in San Francisco and Seattle plan to MOVE elsewhere, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau considers investigating PayPal over fining people for legal speech. Get the world's best independent media newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. These are also used in virtually every condiment commonly used to improve taste. One boy's life in exchange for a convenient sludge solution. The bill describes the process as a "contained, accelerated conversion of human remains to soil." The process of recomposition essentially turns dead bodies into soil, a practice colloquially. You should probably stop reading now, keep that ignorant bliss mantle of deniability in place. "Richard Esser, the manager of the largest wastewater treatment facility in Bonn, explains that the technology in Germany is some of the most advanced in the world. The Wisconsin bill addresses the disposal of remains and does not mention COVID-19 deaths, vaccine deaths or allowing the remains to be dumped on crops: Section 8 . ATLANTAUntil recently, people in the U.S. had two main choices for disposition of a body after death: burial or cremation. You can read that here. Six days later, he was in a hospital emergency room, his fever climbing, doctors calling a helicopter to fly him 110 miles through the night to Pittsburgh. Perhaps. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by [] He has published ten books, including the highly acclaimed One Nation without Law., green recycling combatting climate change, Fauci Headlined Panel With Wuhan Lab Gain Of Function Adviser, Gov. Top 5 toxins Americans are ingesting right now, leading to unnecessary suffering and early deaths, What do Covid-19 vaccines, canola oil and margarine have in common? Oh, you don't eat salad? During wastewater treatment the liquids are separated from the solids. Our family gives every sick child that comes to our farm the first jar of milk for free. "Many visitors come from different countries to observe what we're doing here and find it to be a cutting-edge facility," Esser said here. PFAS chemicals, which studies have associated with increased risk of cancer and damage to organs such as the liver and thyroid. while avoiding the expense of disposal elsewhere. Jay Inslee signed a law that will allow human bodies to be converted into . There is nothing in the bill that allows that. The state of Washington is the first in the union to start "composting" dead human bodies as crop "fertilizer," bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green. All content copyright 2018 by Stop Eating Poison Features, LLC. There is nothing in the Wisconsin Senate Bill 228 that allows for liquefied human remains to be turned into "biosludge" and dumped on food crops. Bryant explained to Lead Stories via phone on May 19, 2021, that the bill, which pertains to a method of cremation and is not targeted to any specific manner of death, was not going to turn remains into liquefied goo to spread on crops. Your body needs at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day. New England states Maine and Vermont are now taking further action against the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers, especially the use of "bio-solids" - a shifty name for repurposed sewage sludge/waste and excrement, that can in fact contain cremated human remains in them. "But state inspectors ordered a halt to the practice in 2017 after learning the material was laced with one of the potentially harmful chemicals known collectively as PFAS, which are turning up in drinking water and some foods across the U.S.". We can also dissolve our bodies with lye, using an increasingly popular procedure called . The 10 most common nutrition mistakes are you still doing any of these? Spending billions of dollars to remove hazardous chemicals and biological wastes from water, only to spread them on soil everywhere we live, work and play defies common sense, Dr. LewistoldThe Guardianin 2019. Yes, rotting human tissue is definitely a part of this equationthe "fetal cells" and "waste" flushed down the drains at abortion facilities all go to the same sewage plant that churns them into fertilizer to feed your grass fed beef and farmers market tomatoes. Spending billions of dollars to remove hazardous chemicals and biological wastes from water, only to spread them on soil everywhere we live, work and play defies common sense, Dr. Lewis told The Guardian in 2019. Abbott: Were going to defund Texas cities that defund police. Im very concerned about replicating that in other states, EPAs Andrew Lindstrom, whose lab ran tests there, said at the Boston conference. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, whichjust approved Senate Bill 228that authorizes the practice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. (See absolute proof of this in the state government links below.). One funeral home in Jaffrey, New Hampshire works with an alkaline hydrolysis in Maine and sends human remains there to be legally processed. Or perhaps he was perfectly healthy, and these things happencollateral damage. I believe it is Lynn. These laws were there to protect Gods people from doing something dumb that could cost them their health, their lives, and their future. He comes from a military family reaching back to the Revolutionary War. The bill places the use of alkaline hydrolysis for cremating human remains under generally the same requirements that apply under current law to conventional cremation.". He makes several false claims in the video regarding COVID-19 vaccines, and falsely attempts to tie the vaccines to legislation that predates the coronavirus outbreak and has nothing to do with the virus or the cremation of humans. Bake the muffins out in the open where everyone can see you, using dried human dung for fuel.GOD said, This is what the people of Israel are going to do: Among the pagan nations where I will drive them, they will eat foods that are strictly taboo to a holy people. I said, GOD, my Master! Finally these methods are assessed for application at an industrial scale. I am very much in favor of the composting of human bodies! declared Wes McMahan, a retired cardiovascular intensive-care nurse who recently testified in support of the bill. No sense of smell? Required fields are marked *. "Lapeer isnt aloneAbout half of the 7 million tons generated annually in the U.S. is applied to farm fields and other lands, the Environmental Protection Agency says. I wrote about Humanure in my blog postlast spring, when farmers all over Oklahoma werebeing suckered intosaving a few thousand dollars on fertilizer by agreeing to have "free" toxic human sludge disposed of on their land. "A person may use the process of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains only if the person is registered as a crematory authority by the Department of Safety and Professional Services. Now 20 US states have legalized the practice of liquefying dead people, dumping their flesh goo down the sewage drains, harvesting the sewage as biosludge and spreading it on food crops as a form of fertilizer. Its one more reason to eat organic, of course, since organic crops disallow the use of biosludge as fertilizer. That's not an option for your the blood work? From there they're turned into bio sludge and then trucks take the biosludge out and dump it on food farms.So, we are literally now living in a world where the people who are killed by the vaccines get liquefied, dumped down the drain, get turned into fertilizer and dumped on the food farms. A former senior-level research microbiologist at the EPAs Office of Research and Development named Dr. David Lewiswas even firedfor speaking out on the subject. Right after iron levels, check your carcinogenic chemicals. That film is available to watch (for free) at Biosludged.com. We had no clue this was going on.. We are finding that there are elevated levels of different PFAS in biosolids. There is nothing that says you're going to be taking this and using it as fertilizer. Read the full article herehttps://www.wiproud.com/news/national/concerns-rise-over-tainted-sewage-sludge-spread-on-croplands/. There are places that have been doing this for 30 years. In terms of disposal, it clearly outlines what has to happen and that is not something that can happen. People will see that and say, Oh, we cant trust them, well buy from elsewhere, even though, Approximately 25 percent of the individuals surveyed were infected, and, The 54 individuals surveyed lived near 10 land application sites, in Alabama, California, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Texas. Turning humans into cannibals and that is wrong. Your email address will not be published. Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops. Privacy Policy Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Let us know!. Director: Mike Adams. The Food and Drug Administration this year reported finding substantial levels of the chemicals in random samples of grocery store meats, dairy products, seafood and even off-the-shelf chocolate cake, although the study did not mention any connection to sewage waste.". You might say "Well, her son must have been immune compromised or he wouldn't have died of a staph infection from riding his bike through sewage sludge." Here is the wording from the Wisconsin state Senate bill: AN ACT to renumber and amend 440.70 (6) and 440.78 (3) (c); to amend 440.70 (5) and 440.80 (2) (b); and to create 440.70 (6) (b), 440.70 (6m), 440.78 (3) (c) 2. and 440.78 (5m) of the statutes; relating to: the use of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures. Biosludged documents the horrific mass pollution of North America's soils with a toxic stew of human and industrial waste collected by municipal waste processing centers across America. Tony died at 7:54 the next morning in Allegheny General Hospital. To learn more about the ingredients in authorized COVID-19 vaccines, see, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 VaccineInformation about the Moderna COVID-19 VaccineInformation about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. Join our group to fight this insanity:Oklahomans against Sewage Sludge. According to reports, Washingtons Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, Concerning human remains, which was, Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting, flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge.. Since my youth Ive never eaten anything forbidden by law, nothing found dead or violated by wild animals. Little boys tend to do that sort of thing. Have you heard of Water Cremation or Alkaline Hydrolysis? While the government promotes spraying dead bodies and sewage on crops and parks as green recycling combatting climate change, others are sounding the alarm about potential dangers. . This is not science fiction and it isnt a conspiracy. he CDC, which monitors vaccine reactions and safety, said the opposite: There were no documented deaths due to the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J/Janssen vaccines. I created an entire feature film documenting this process, including the interview of a former top EPA scientist who tried to blow the whistle on this practice but was threatened and professionally destroyed by the EPA. I feel bad for them, said Michael Wurts, superintendent of the waste treatment plant, who ruefully recalls promoting sludge as an agricultural soil additive to growers in the community. Phil earned a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Divinity, and conducted postgraduate studies at Oxford University. In Europe, they actually warn their citizens of the dangers. Biological degradation is an important process in pulp mill effluent treatment. We clearly need more research in this area., But, until they have that research, they'll continue happily spreading sludge, and feeding it to our babies, and padding the pockets of the folks who will say "I feel bad for them, but we didn't know. As Lead Stories reported on May 11, 2021, the CDC, which monitors vaccine reactions and safety, said the opposite: There were no documented deaths due to the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J/Janssen vaccines. This is a disease that supposedly only affects 1 in 200 children. Ya'all. "There is nothing in the bill that allows that," Michelle Bryant, chief of staff to Wisconsin state Sen. Lena Taylor, one of the sponsors of the bill, told Lead Stories. Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops.. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by turning them into . If that's the case, what are the odds of 2 and 3 kids getting it in one family? After that, we need your help to continue giving milk to children that need it but may not be able to afford it. Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights, Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). Alexis crime reporting earned her spots as a contributor on the Nancy Grace show, CNN, Fox News and Entertainment Tonight, among others. Washington state is on the verge of legalizing the "composting" of human remains, which advocates say will create a new source of "organic fertilizer" for food crops. A controversial process called "alkaline hydrolysis," where the bodies of dead people are liquified using a mixture of water, heat, and chemical agents, is being approved for use in states across America. With a bipartisan majority, legislators in Washington were able to pass Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning . How about taking a cue from Germany and Switzerland and other countries that value their people's health and their land more than their pocket books? . But human bodies, especially in todays toxic world, are also poisonous, and loaded with all sorts of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and other poisons that probably shouldnt be repurposed to help grow the foods we all eat. But why would I call attention to something happening all over Oklahoma, all over America for that matter? Prefer a glass of milk laced with PFAS? Just follow the tire tracks of sludge lingering on the roads after the trucks have dumped their load of human waste and toxic chemicals. Bio-solids are processed and recycled at municipal wastewater treatment plants to be sold nationwide as fertilizers, they consist of an array of pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals, industrial chemicals, household chemicals, pathogenic materials, and heavy materials. That's why many countries have implemented legislation on biosludge management in order to reduce its effects on . Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge. And since crying makes my eyes puffy and doesn't accomplish a lick of good, I'm opting to fight. Now, states like Wisconsin are adding liquefied human "flesh goo" remains to the biosludge cocktail, actually dumping human DNA and vaccine-originating RNA fragments onto food crops, apparently oblivious to the trans-genetic process of "transfection" that may wreak havoc on the sustainability of future food crops and soil microbiomes. Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Lead Stories LLC: You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. Biosludge, Biosolids, dead people, hydrolysis, insanity, sewage, water cremation, Wisconsin. Not really approved as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration. There are laws that talk about the lawful way to dispose of remains. Answer: Flush them down the sewers and spread them on food crops as fertilizer. Thisputs dead humans into the food supplyas an indirect form of cannibalism. Jay Inslee signed a bill Tuesday legalizing human composting. That film is available to watch (for free) atBiosludged.com. Who's up for a trip to Germany? The 54 individuals surveyed lived near 10 land application sites in Alabama, California, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Texas. Is nothing that says you 're going to be taking this and using it as fertilizer no clue was! To continue giving milk to children that need it but may not be able pass. In place, all over Oklahoma, all over Oklahoma, all over,. 'M opting to fight this insanity: Oklahomans against Sewage sludge searched a... Supposedly only affects 1 in 200 children in pulp mill effluent treatment film is available watch! Just follow the tire tracks of sludge lingering on the subject 3 kids getting it one. With a bipartisan majority, legislators in Washington Were able to pass bill 5001,,. 5001, entitled, & quot ; Concerning hit save Allegheny General Hospital ) Ashes Ashes... 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