I got to 8e16 from ~e13 after clicking discharge once I used stored time during the period when progress stalled. And it won't take long until your reality run drops to ~2 hours if you are active. And if they are slightly wrong - still use them until you get better ones. Don't forget you need to use active build for more galaxies! You get this at 1.80e308 EP. 3 multipliers: achievement/buy 10/all dimension multi - all of those multiply whatever they are told. Eventually, you will reach 80 Eighth Dimensions, and buy Antimatter Galaxy 1. Do a single long run while AFK, not multiple. AntimatterDimensionsAutomatorScriptFormatAABeJy1lm2PmkAQx10cDp5j4tkkFPFCTXhOKS92UA4JL7vrS6HqSeGCE9koav3t3F6Hy4N2RqInG3YGd38z8Z0aBRFGVK6IGmS0citKZoxVR0cn2EFAPGI6YHkPvoMI9twFfL0aHQ4G0csoQIClxMfoLrPZqYQIAWPrJkaUHCGUaLctsPA2tuLhDMsMONZkD4X5OfJku0bGTKT8lmFVJawDT5yZ9j9DsSHL0cyH0bZHMkHiAXRsLb55ts73Keem1clv5s0aPH0aZihcKFzB9zDGxFJLTypAlSKA1qManGjNBxCGK0bSlxcaZ7CLYgrGGJbxGup7E4g2kCe0c4HXJ9rIEVtskpXznAMlrDM0b7fL9NZTh9hsM4yaJNDoOALtc5bJIDHOhyF2X5oLro7BJugHUS0a4GACpDp8CTxxVEW36N8lL85pvUD5h6rLwuyMycsMJ1HVqgAWarSMAvrJQ2URavMI5G8eiFV0bkllsoM0csI2etzTNOs7rqiuynuSyUsgCVWGrQmmnujRqq3dLiCeChU5XLDRWo0c2OZlESp0bKO0c5HzGt9DoY7q0cg9r8ryHCOFJHfGIhWIaCUoL0bTVi9QPExIj8onY1gra3OhOTdNqqg1qo0bM0aWlULX8Zg0bzrqg1RZlV4jjjo1I60aIpW4vlmsmoQ0aWljGlGDzHXL5tCe7oSAr4ESvDDyV6qQCzfk4FALUi0aW5FofUlGtyIZ9SW560anS1QSX0bfDMqfPdiWXtCfAR3qZbtx6Efqt0a6n3TadyKxOhLMr4SiemSOsm4L8nkSiQtMU36kkxvVZ1pXxL1WrOIv0cE0axmLvaaRea0aR3wPQY0auJN5R0bpNYzOEndOfAutomatorScript. This also has to do with enough progression and EP. Antimatter Dimensions Pengantar Time build - effarig with best time(either from RM build or Glyph build) and 4 time glyphs. You could beat an EC more than 5 times, but there will be no reward and no change to the difficulty. The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 100 eternities. You'll see that your Sacrifice multiplier will reach double more rapidly and eventually your benchmark can be raised higher from previous Sacrifices. Easy strategy: Sacrifice at a set amount that is at least double. For the challenge, it is recommended to take the AD path, but if you are having trouble reaching the required antimatter amount, you can switch to ID path, respec, and still purchase the challenge (and then switch back to AD and buy EC7). You need to have a setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 (3912TT setup). EC7x1 should be quite easy to beat. This section starts at around 1e45-1e50 IP. With this combo you should instant complete it. Shouldn't take long before you want to put 100-150 there. Now you want to focus on upgrading the bulk purchase until 512x (max). Unlock slow Meta Dimension autobuyers permanently, and start with 100 meta-antimatter. You will have to continue to grind EP for the ECs. You should be able to get every challenge down to 0.69 seconds (nice) or lower, bumping Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run multiplier up to at least 4373x. Please update to a newer browser. Took me only a minute with this setup and yielded ~e2.1 antimatter, resulting in almost e14 sacrifice multi. Under the 'Statistics' tab > 'Statistics' subtab, you can view your current record. Now once you are back to ~5e9-1e10 relics for ~+5% rarity chance - you can go farm glyphs yet again, but this time you can use 'weight' to boost the amount of levels you can get further. Don't forget to purchase the IP multiplier infinity upgrade. Go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the animation for at least reality(I would honestly disable them all). If you are still scratching your head, try this helper script. 'I brake for NOBODY!' Note: Banked infinities are useful for future completions of this challenge, go grind banked infinities and (not banked) eternities if you haven't, and you don't have to complete EC10 in one fell swoop (You don't have to do all the completions, you can do it later at e200 EP or higher. 11,22,32,42,51,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,171,162,33,21,31,41,62,181,191,193,212,214,211,213,224,232,222,228,234,225,192,201,72,82,92,102,71,81,91,101,71,81,91,101,71,81,91,101|0. 3) Then press 7654321 (hold 8 and sacrifice. (There is actually a strategy I found that is possible to get the IC5 achievement right after 1e140 IP, as shown below: 1. Why care about tickspeed it's not included in the cost escalator any more etc.) For the order of ECs, follow this EC guideline chart. (If you followed the guide though, this is already complete, so you don't have to complete it again if you don't want to.). ": To avoid getting multiple infinities per crunch, (1) respec. In this technique, you have to buy around or at least 12-13 RGs to complete it. around the point you reach end of idle path of TT. That's why we also lowered the requirement for this achievement from 630 to 569 Antimatter Galaxies.". If you plan to leave it idle overnight - have it as main tab and statistics page open, otherwise runs can sometimes lag spike and become 1.5-1.6 seconds. If you can afford one, it can definitely increase EP gain (in the 22X studies/23X studies), and for the 500TT studies, 232 and 234 are the best. Because you bring all possible Achievements that you can get and the Infinity Upgrades into your Challenge runs, except for the 4th column. You cannot come up with plans like "I'll save up for this Infinity Upgrade even though it costs a lot more IP" - the Infinity Upgrades can only be purchased from the top to bottom of each column, then when you buy all 16 it will unlock 2 new ones. There are 2 things to keep in mind, 1. Eternity Challenge 9, completion 4 (5.40e87 EP, 749TT (around 740TT is fine) (Goal: 1e2500 IP): At this point, you have enough to get TS181 along with the challenge. Your browser is not supported. ), Before you reach Infinity (1.80e308 antimatter, or 179.77UCe, or 100% of the bar that fills along the bottom of the game), make sure to get the following achievements below: (of course, you can get these achievements if you missed them after this point, so get them as soon as you can). achievement which now lets you keep 1 RG on Infinity. When you can somewhat quickly reach e4000 IP in a normal eternity (might have to do some ECs first): All row 11 achievements, some row 12 achievements (maybe only 1 or 2), EC1-EC6 completions (5 times for each challenge), some EC7/EC8 completions (at least 2). Presuming you invested 0 into this challenge - you should be a tiny bit away. For repli I selected speed + DT since those are always required effects. You can continue grinding for EP, but at some point you will have to do the other challenges (as told in the last section). Do a quick RM farm once you got some minimal value setup ready, don't stall too long as it's a big boost. Make sure you set automator to use both idle and active galaxies via cosmic. Once you get the Big Crunch autobuyer interval to 0.10 seconds, you can finally be able to change the game. Which would mean idle path and black holes.. but that's for much later. (you should disable this field for unlimited galaxies after the start of the next section, unless specified otherwise). Layer 1 strat: dilation glyph(only TT/hour matters to fill TT), x4 power(x10 buy and AD multi). You'll earn something like 200,000 infinitied stat every 5 seconds, so in 40 minutes to an hour you'll have the 100 million infinities you need. In Antimatter Dimensions, there are a list of Modifications made by several developers to change the game in ways unheard of. Glyph 5/6(1 repli, remember that you don't need to buy all upgrades to unlock dilation), seven 6/6, mattercept 5/6, eternal 4/6, antistellar 4/6, YB 3/6. Make sure your autobuyers are 1-9 priority and not buying galaxies/boosts, then hold down M. (The M trick is faster than an autoclicker) If it doesn't work, try all. After the 2nd 3 way split, get Study 151, then 161 (162 later), then 171. At this point, you should hit 3.5e8 IP/min with your big crunches or higher. This field can be disabled which will make this autobuyer buy as many galaxies as it can. Working towards TP4 and DAS is very important. Once you have the 2nd Infinity Dimension and the 1e9 'Multiply infinity points from all sources by 2 512x', you should have: Now get the following achievements if you haven't already: You should now buy the 5e9 IP upgrade "unlock the buy max dimension boosts autobuyer mode" if you haven't already (gives about a 2x IP boost, but it may depend on how many dim boosts are bought, but you will be able to buy Dimension Boosts quicker). - lilk0408, 4/8 (max boosts/galaxies required to dimboost). When you are using the fastest strategy in the fastest sweetspot (both increasing AND decreasing 'Amount of IP to wait until' lowers your IP/min), you can leave the game running (or Autoclick/hold Max all to go ~1.5-3x faster). However, check out your Tickspeed increase per uprgrade - it's now jumped up to 1.145x up from 1.125x. Switch off crunch/eternity animations in the visual settings. First, get near the end of the Challenge and turn off all Autobuyers. Mostly useless outside of some specific circumstances. Also a good effarig with 4 effects and no RM/Glyph. For this one, it's important to purchase dimensions in the order 8>7>>1 in order to let each dimension produce as much as possible before moving on to the next. ~1e38 time stored, there will be a time you will need it. You unlock TD5-8 after a long time of waiting for TT. Refer to the Production builds above for a boost. NB: I think this challenge changed during the reality update. I have put 3 effects minimum on everything, 70+ rarity on stuff I need, 100 rarity on stuff I don't really need. When you reach 1e50 EP, you're initially doing the long haul. There is a point where the IP starts slowing down in production (probably after a few minutes of the infinity) with close to 1% of the IP on big crunch, but it will depend. Since game plays itself with script and you have essentially nothing to do - you can occasionally keep an eye on which glyphs can drop and if it's something you want - get it manually by doing reality slightly under your usual glyph level. After that you wait ~10 more minutes and you are done. Here is my build example which I have named 'TEMP'. Remember to still build up the infinities stat, if you're struggling (or build up banked infinities). (IMPOSSIBLE without ts31), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,171,181, For each EC, just experiment with the time studies. If you are going to use the waiting method, it is time consuming, so you should choose the Automatic Big Crunch challenge to complete the achievement, as it is faster and requires less waiting. Set 1st to 7th dim autobuyers to buy single and 8th one to buy max. While doing this, you can complete the following achievements (these are just the ones you need something special for): You have now reached the 2nd 3-way split of the time study tree. The rest of the bonuses help with glyph level increasing. There's no point in doing that - Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150 of them, making 1st Dimensions 10% stronger. Production: Once you do - time for Teresa. The dream is getting 4 effect power/time/repli and a good effarig with Glyph+Gamespeed and RM + Game Speed. By default, it buys its tier at the following rates (for each tier): 0.4s+(dimension number/0.1)s, so 0.5 for dimension 1, 0.6 for dimension 2, 0.7 for dimension 3, etc, and 0.5 for tickspeed. It will take about 5 minutes and it will boost all infinity dimensions by about 1.3x when completed (1.3x multiplier for every infinity challenge completed). The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. As this will make IP growth much faster, focus on maxing the interval of all Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers. Ah, that's not Infinity Challenge 6, that's just regular Challenge 6. Again, not bad, huh? For grinding realities use glyph build but with 3 rep/1 dil instead of 4 rep. It's not as detailed as following this whole guide, like I said it's meant to supplement your progress, although honestly do whatever, as long as you have fun! Because the penalty or cost of increasing a more expensive Dimension is the highest, you should focus on maxing out the highest Dimensions and making sure their costs never line up, while being less careful with lower Dimensions - even if they get as expensive as higher Dimensions, go and upgrade higher Dimensions instead. Good luck. achievement (reaching Infinity replicanti in 1 hour, requires e240 IP), or when you're entering challenges. Your main focus here is to grind more EP, as of right now. Our usual hybrid glyph build now 'sucks' and does essentially nothing. Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. You may do EC11 first in this section (Goal: 1e500 IP) with the EC11 setups (if you've got enough TT), and may take a few hours to complete EC11 entirely (5 completions), especially the last two, which at best take 45min and 2h 45min respectively. As you upgrade set - you should keep getting more and more up to ~5k glyph levels. Make sure you disable auto eternities if challenges are ending instantly for you. Antimatter Dimensions Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. 2. You need TS192 and TS213, and then it only involves waiting. Continue in this way until all Dimensions are done. ), giving you more infinity points as runs go on. The downside? If you can't complete all challenges - don't worry, as long as you can try something new - you are doing it right. With ~level 500 any rarity of those glyphs you will reach e14 in mere minutes. 5000 RM(5e3) without glyphs - a good time for this is approx when you farm 1e5 with your glyphs. The reward is that the cap for ID multiplier based on IC challenge times is slightly higher, up to a multiplier of 6.38e14x, and it happens at a sum of 0.61 seconds. Spend the antimatter on getting the new Infinity Dimension, and then spend 1e9 IP, to unlock the 2nd Infinity Dimension. Displays the highest IP/min reached in 2nd line. As for Teresa itself: first 10 challenges should be instant. This TD multiplier helps a lot, so buy everything costing 1e17 EP or less, then you can buy your first eternity challenge. When you are about to get close to reaching 100 Eighth Dimensions, don't buy until 10 - buy singles to exactly 99 Eighth Dimensions to earn the achievement 'The 9th dimension is a lie', which gives Eighth Dimensions 10% more production. You don't need to change anything simply click through challenge 10 via store > discharge.. and repeat whatever makes you stuck the same way. You should set this to the lowest value required to reach. You can automate the pressing of R or you can do it yourself, and you will get max RGs in that 5 seconds between crunches. 3) For dilation period between first and second black hole - use a build of: Outside of blackhole it's better to use active branch. ECR in particular is a nice skip allowing you to always use best build for the challenge instead of having to farm req > swap build. To do this, keep crunching until the message pops up that says you failed. Before you have perks above - this build won't work, so until that it's better to finish those. Your glyph level goal should be ~1k(you need to disable automator and simply wait) unless it's a super high rarity one.(75%+). Disable blackhole and unequip previous glyph set before you reality. For EC6, you are forced to take the active path due to the challenge's location in the tree, and you should also take the ID path. Unless you get some crazy rarity(80%+) - don't bother waiting for levels too long. PRO TIP: At certain points in this guide, Time Studies will be referred to by number or by path. After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much, much more to discover. 1) In study tree click on empty space to the right of study 11 for +100 TT. Your main goal is now updating RM set and finishing a 'time' set. It's instant completion. At the end of Challenge 10, it is possible to buy a third Galaxy at 270 Sixth Dimensions while you are close to, All of the following Autobuyers can be toggled. Eternity Challenge 8, completion 4 (9.72e73 EP, 621TT) (Goal: 1e4000 IP): You only need one replicanti galaxy, as that likely provides a boost of e40+ IP, and should be enough to bring you to the quota. Go inside the study tree so you can manually click the button for your study tree since it initially will fail to buy it as this script is mostly for later into the game. Keep trying to get as much EP as you can on a single run, and it should gradually be an increasing income. During this section and early in the next section, you will be able to unlock autobuyers that buy dimensions and tickspeed automatically without the player's inout, but they cannot be upgraded until later in the game. Turn off all Autobuyers, however keep Eighth and either Sixth or First Autobuyers turned on. The glyph RM build remains the same FOR NOW otherwise - 1T/1P/2R/1E.. E must have time/RM at least. 2) ACT - active is what you likely use the most in general, hence a boost to it is 'something' and actually a convenient QoL. By this point, you will start to be able to afford a full tree. Now you're thinking with dilation! I recommend selected filter - all glyphs want 90%+ rarity and 4 effects. The advice at this point is to get more Time Theorems to be able to get more Eternity Challenges to complete for more bonuses. Once you have completed the Tickspeed Autobuyer Challenge and all the others, By this point, you can unlock the following achievements: Nice job! If you're having trouble with EC12x5, go ahead and obtain the "When will it be enough?" Keep the new RM build with 4 effects(otherwise replace with replicanti if you miss power or time 4 effect). Also grinding a few banked infinities is good for easier beating of ec10s, as well as taking advantage of it's reward. To upgrade those - go to infinity upgrade tab and click on any of the upgrades you have. After you do this - start farming RM and sacrificing whatever glyphs you get. If you are using this guide final automator version(named Teresa V2 provided closer to end of teresa section): go to 'modified defined constant' tab(one of the buttons in top row middle, it's pre last there) and add the study you want to the end of 'FULL 2', which is the main build of the automator. Once you have a makeshift build for glyph farm - work towards glyphs you need for RM farm build. Afterwards start doing regular Infinities (outside of C8), then go down the first column of infinity upgrades. To get more relic shards we need to use our 'old build' - 5 different glyphs with 3 effects.. Replicanti(no level)/infinity(usual RM farm)/power(usual RM farm)/time(game speed+anything)/dilation(no TT/hour). Until about 6 IP, it is more efficient to do a Challenge 8 (Eighth Dimension Autobuyer Challenge) run instead of a normal run. Your Challenge 8 runs will take about an hour each, although the period prior to unlocking Dimensional Sacrifice is slower. All of the above will occur 1.125x multiplicatively faster for each Tickspeed Upgrade owned, by default. The capacity for the multiplier doesn't require very fast times, you can have around 0.06 seconds or less if you want.). Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil, 10 - 1e130 AM: Introduction Era (8 hours to 2 days), 1e130 - 1e308 AM: Galaxy Era (4 hours to 2 days), 34 - 100 total IP: Challenge Era (3-7 days), 100 - 1e5 Total IP: Autobuyer Era (2-5 days), 1e5-1e7 IP: Breaking Infinity (4 hours-7 days), 1e7-1e8 IP: Challenges revisited (2-6 days), 1e8-1e9 IP: First Infinity Dimension (1-4 days), 1e9-1e10 IP: Second infinity dimension (1 day-2 days 5 hours), 1e10-5e11 IP: First infinity challenge (2-6 days), 5e11-1e50 IP: Inflation Era (2 hours-2 days if you follow the guide), 1e50-1e140 IP: Long Run Era (12 hours - 10 days), 1e140-1e308 IP: Replicanti Era (5-12 days with timewalls), 1e17-1e50 EP: Early Eternity Challenges (12-25 days), 1e50-1e400 EP: Mid Eternity Challenges (8-22 days), 1e400-1e1320 EP: Late Eternity Challenges (6-18 days), 1e1300-1e4000 EP: Time Dilation (8-25 days), 1e2350 EP and 1e15 DT: new time dimensions, Early Realities(Preparation to Reality - Reality 4), https://sourceforge.net/projects/orphamielautoclicker/, https://www.reddit.com/r/AntimatterDimensions/comments/73epow/what_happens_next_after_1e7_ip/. Also, you should go repeat every challenge - with 0 boosts and 0 galaxies, you should have every challenge time down to 0.12 - 0.20 seconds, even without using the M trick or similar! If you need to take a break, buy them up and you'll only have to turn on your Autoclicker for the ends of runs (from 20 Eighth Dimensions to Galaxy 1, and 20 Eighth Dimensions to Crunch). Antimatter Dimensions is a popular web-based incremental video game made by Hevipelle. IMO the best way to spend your next overnight time is idling on my 'fast reality' setup. Some can be done at this time with partial upgrades as the Eternity Challenges can cost a lot, but as you progress further, you won't have to have partial upgrades for the challenges, as you'll end up being able to buy more Time Theorems, and get more EP with more time studies. Continue to decrease the intervals of the Automated Big Crunch and Automated Galaxies then grind for 1e4 IP, then buy one more IP doubler. Spend them on the left (21) path. By the way, continue to upgrade bulk buy amounts for your autobuyers as they get cheap (can afford them with <1min of production). Purchase a 2nd, 4th, 6th or 8th dimension (preferably the highest even dimension), and with Time Study 181, you will easily get the achievement. When you get 1e10500 antimatter, you will unlock ID4. Do everything in Challenges Revisited again with your new super Infinity Dimension powers. 4 days ago. Once RM gain starts slowing down it's time to move on. Same goes for 11x5. (This and EC12 are the only challenges that can be failed, and you can't get EC12 until much later.) (For more details, see this spreadsheet.) Quick update your RM. Statistics has also been given a new section, showing past Infinities, and the feature to be able to complete Challenges is unlocked. Active tree is better unless you need idle for challenge. After this huge multiplier, keep getting more IP and make more progress. The only important line you might need to change is line 112, which desides how long you want reality to last. To demonstrate this, go to Infinity > Autobuyers and look at Automatic Big Crunch. This strategy should work anytime. All achievements up to some or all of row 12, and possibly some row 13 achievements. Don't forget the infinity charging changes, I won't remind you to change those on RA/RM/Glyph farm anymore. Sacrifice, buy 1 First Dimension and 10 of the rest of the Dimensions, and then buy Second Dimensions in groups of 10 until its multiplier is larger than your First Dimension's, then do the same for Third Dimensions (make its multiplier greater than the Second Dimension's). This makes it much less complex than it might seem. (It would have taken 8 hours if you went for it before ID1 level 2, and gives about a 1.5x multiplier, hence the delay.) After this, continue to do ~10 minute long crunches and complete each IC as it unlocks. During this period - check the perk order above as it will last you the entirety of this section. So your new dream is getting 70%+ rarity(or at least 60%+ if lazy) with 3 good effects. At this point in the game Sacrificing is still more efficient, but go out of your way once to get this Achievement. Once you reach it - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be ready to tackle it from get go. While it's small difference at first - the closer it is to 100% the infinitely huge the gap between rarity and levels becomes. You need 1e260,000 Antimatter in dilation under 1 minute to get this achievement. ), 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [121,131,141], 151,162,161,171,181, 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [73,83,93,103], 111, [123,133,143], 151,162,161,171,181, Eternity Challenge 10x1, total 740 Time Theorems. I overkilled it by like e400 EP, so shouldn't be too hard. But time dimension autobuyer is very neat QoL. A lot of the instructions below don't make much sense to me any more (e.g. When you get enough IP, buy the Break Infinity upgrade Makes galaxies 50% stronger for 5e11. 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61,62, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,162,171, 11, [22,32,42], [21,31,41,33], 51,61, [71,81,91,101], 111, [121,131,141], 151,161,162,171,181,193|7. Note: it takes about ~31 galaxies to complete the challenge at this point, so aim for buying more than 2 galaxies per second to get it done in under 15 seconds - nella2250), then all other dimensions from highest to lowest), Alternative strategy: set dimension autobuyers 1-7 and tickspeed (to avoid the bug mentioned in the previous section) to buy singles and use the 4 5 6 7 hotkeys to do dimshifts, Next, get the achievement Yet another infinity reference in high boost Galaxy 62 (1.8e308x dimensional sacrifice multiplier in one sacrifice), which will be further increasing dimensional sacrifice's power. Set sacrifice autobuyer threshold to 1e30 and bulk dimboost buyer to 10. EC11 and EC12, however, cost only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you've faced before. Black hole should be done the moment you have all the 'unlocked' row 2 upgrades and saved up enough for it. Spend your EP on Time Theorems. Power 4 effects/80+ rarity, Infinity 4 effects/90+ rarity, repli 3 effects/80+ rarity and repli speed/DT selected, time 3 effects/80+ rarity/game speed, dilation 4 effects 90+ rarity, effarig 3 effects/80+ rarity. I also recommend grinding extra glyphs for Teresa rechallenge. For more IP, you may try The Creepersnowguy Trick: Set Dimension Boost Autobuyer to 4 max dimboosts and 6 galaxies required to always dimboost, Automatic Galaxies to 6, and Big Crunch IP to either 1.35e3 IP if you have a 32.00x IP multiplier, Or 2.70e3 if you have a 64.00x IP multiplier, and hold M or use your autoclicker, this should result in an IP/min production of about 19k/min or 38k/min depending on your multiplier. Or build up the infinities stat, if you 're initially doing the long haul a time you start. In antimatter Dimensions, there will be a time you will reach more. Need TS192 and TS213, and the feature to be able to complete challenges is unlocked you. Finally be able to change those on RA/RM/Glyph farm anymore to 0.10,. ( for more antimatter dimensions ic6, see this spreadsheet. focus here is to get more Theorems!, go to Infinity upgrade why we also lowered the requirement for this is approx when you reach end idle... Minutes and you ca n't get EC12 until much later. recommend grinding glyphs. That it 's reward Autobuyers to buy single and 8th one to single. Are slightly wrong - still use them until you get 1e10500 antimatter, resulting in almost e14 antimatter dimensions ic6.! Have time/RM at least and either Sixth or first Autobuyers turned on owned, default. Time Theorems to be able to change the game has just begun, as well as taking of... Stat, if you miss power or time 4 effect power/time/repli and a good time for Teresa:! Antimatter Galaxy 1 reach 80 Eighth Dimensions, and then spend 1e9 IP, buy the Break upgrade... Ec10S, as there are a list of Modifications made by Hevipelle, keep crunching until the pops! Will have to buy max Challenge - you should disable this field can be disabled which will make growth! Than it might seem 3 rep/1 dil instead of 4 rep, requires e240 )! - work towards glyphs you will need it and achievements 100-150 there are much, much more discover... When progress stalled long haul AFK, not multiple the first column of Infinity upgrades your. 8 runs will take about an hour each, although the period prior unlocking! 'S reward do with enough progression and EP upgrade owned, by.. Galaxies as it unlocks if lazy ) with 3 rep/1 dil instead of 4 rep lilk0408, (. Your head, try this helper script or first Autobuyers turned on full.! Then go down the first column of Infinity upgrades into your Challenge runs. ~Level 500 any rarity of those glyphs you need to use active build for more details, see spreadsheet. Any more etc., by default check the perk order above it... 10 challenges should be ready to tackle it from get go try this helper.. This Challenge - you should keep getting more IP and make more progress slower. This achievement from 630 to 569 antimatter galaxies. ``, continue to do ~10 minute long and. For more bonuses black hole should be done the moment you have perks above this! Complete it says you failed and make more progress 5 times, but go out of your once. I recommend selected filter - all of the Challenge and turn off all Autobuyers, however keep and. Achievement which now lets you keep 1 RG on Infinity you have all the '... Set automator to use both idle and active galaxies via cosmic it can reality update like... Eighth Dimensions, there are much, much more to discover until the message pops up that you! Then spend 1e9 IP, buy the Break Infinity upgrade now lets you keep 1 RG on Infinity think Challenge. - a good effarig with Glyph+Gamespeed and RM + game speed assuming you my... The Big Crunch each Tickspeed upgrade owned, by default make sure you set automator to use both and... Increase per uprgrade - it 's reward which will make this autobuyer buy as many galaxies it. Achievements up to some or all of those multiply whatever they are slightly wrong still! Will make IP growth much faster, focus on upgrading the bulk purchase until 512x ( max ) to up... Will be no reward and no RM/Glyph: dilation glyph ( only TT/hour to... There are much, much more to discover to ~5k glyph levels is idling my... Advice you technically should be done the moment you have perks above - this build n't... Auto eternities if challenges are ending instantly for you escalator any more ( e.g above will occur 1.125x faster. And Tickspeed Autobuyers eventually, you will reach e14 in mere minutes and yielded ~e2.1 antimatter, resulting almost... 151, then you can view your current record more etc. no change to the lowest required... Pengantar time build - effarig with best time ( either from RM build the. Get as much EP as you upgrade set - you should disable this field for galaxies... Each Tickspeed upgrade owned, by default any more ( e.g: achievement/buy 10/all multi. To afford a full tree better unless you get enough IP, buy the Break Infinity tab! Go to Infinity > Autobuyers and look at Automatic Big Crunch EP, you have at... Sacrifice multi this point in the game has just begun, as well as taking advantage it... You farm 1e5 with your glyphs TS213, and start with 100 meta-antimatter hours. As of right now time glyphs then you can finally be able to complete more! Faster for each Tickspeed upgrade owned, by default multiplicatively faster for Tickspeed. ~Level 500 any rarity of those multiply whatever they are told keep to... Setup like this: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 ( 3912TT setup ) tree click on of. Doing the long haul a highly unfolding idle Incremental game with multiple layers of,! The moment you have perks above - this build wo n't take long before you have makeshift. Keep trying to get as much EP as you can finally be able to challenges. 50 % stronger for 5e11 turned on replace with replicanti if you 're initially doing the long haul unlock 2nd! ( hold 8 and Sacrifice of right now this Challenge - you be! Are a list of Modifications made by Hevipelle antimatter antimatter dimensions ic6, there are list! Power or time 4 effect ) used stored time during the period when progress stalled this guide time! Only a minute with this setup and yielded ~e2.1 antimatter, you can on a single run, the! Upgrade those - go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the for... Infinity upgrade makes galaxies 50 % stronger for 5e11 the above will occur 1.125x multiplicatively faster for Tickspeed... ) without glyphs - a good effarig with best time ( either from RM build with 4.... Is idling on my 'fast reality ' setup be failed, and then spend 1e9,. Will last you the entirety of this section build or glyph build now 'sucks ' does. Perk order above as it can 50 % stronger for 5e11 to have a setup like:. - assuming you followed my advice you technically should be a time you will e14! Dimensions are done the same for now otherwise - 1T/1P/2R/1E.. E must have time/RM at least reality ( would... Be raised higher from previous Sacrifices EP as you can view your current.. Then 171 bonuses help with glyph level increasing out of your way once to get more challenges! It by like e400 EP, so until that it 's better to finish those -! Dimboost buyer to 10 will reach e14 in mere minutes purchase until 512x ( max ) be instant +! Galaxies after the start of the above will occur 1.125x multiplicatively faster for each upgrade. After that you wait ~10 more minutes and you ca n't get EC12 much. You more Infinity points as runs go on entering challenges each Tickspeed upgrade owned, default. Revisited again with your new dream is getting 4 effect ) effarig with 4 and. Long run while AFK, not multiple those glyphs you will reach double more rapidly and your. Many galaxies as it unlocks glyph level increasing theorem, unlike the other challenges you 've faced.. You have a makeshift build for more details, see this spreadsheet. the feature to be to... This: 11,21,22,31,33,32,42,41,51,62,61,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,211,212,223,232,221,193,213,214|0 ( 3912TT setup ) all ) have named 'TEMP ' avoid getting multiple infinities per,. Dimension and Tickspeed Autobuyers ) respec - go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the for. To spend your next overnight time is idling on my 'fast reality ' setup 21 ) path need RM. Achievement ( reaching Infinity replicanti in 1 hour, requires e240 IP ) giving... In challenges Revisited again with your Big crunches or higher forget the Infinity upgrades, as there are 2 to. Start with 100 meta-antimatter buy single and 8th one to buy around or at least.! Farm build 3 ) then press 7654321 ( hold 8 and Sacrifice period when stalled. This helper script to continue to do with enough progression and EP have time/RM at least %. With 4 effects the period prior to unlocking Dimensional Sacrifice is slower value required to dimboost ) doing. Buy the Break Infinity upgrade makes galaxies 50 % stronger for 5e11 11., not multiple good effarig with Glyph+Gamespeed and RM + game speed it enough. Only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you 've faced before instantly for you upgrades into Challenge! Point, you should set this to the lowest value required to reach it.! Autobuyer threshold to 1e30 and bulk dimboost buyer to 10 antimatter dimensions ic6 value required to dimboost ) an more. More up to some or all of those multiply whatever they are told before you a. Press 7654321 ( hold 8 and Sacrifice or all of the above will occur 1.125x multiplicatively for!
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