Describe the types of clients to whom you generally provide investment advice, such as individuals, trusts, investment companies, or pension plans. Disclose whether the fees are negotiable.The Funds offer interests or shares, as applicable, only to certain qualified investors and admission in the Funds is not open to the general public. Over-the-Counter Trading. If you or a related person directly or indirectly compensates any person who is not your supervised person for client referrals, describe the arrangement and the compensation. Explain that directing brokerage may cost clients more money. Because of the absence of any trading market for unlisted securities, it may take longer to liquidate, or it may not be possible to liquidate, positions in unlisted securities than would be the case for publicly traded securities. Disclose that you may have an incentive to select or recommend a brokerdealer based on your interest in receiving the research or other products or services, rather than on your clients interest in receiving most favorable execution. Conversely, when interest rates rise, the value of fixed-income instruments generally can be expected to decline. Capital One Branch. We have selected markets and specific locations that share strong demographic trends relative to job / population growth, are near employment and transportation centers, and have barriers to developing new supply. Since many fixed rate obligations will be discount instruments when interest rates and/or spreads are high and will be premium instruments when interest rates and/or spreads are low, such debt instruments and asset-backed instruments may be adversely affected by changes in prepayments in any interest rate environment. The Funds are expected to invest a significant portion of their capital outside the United States in non-dollar denominated instruments, including in instruments issued by non-U.S. companies and the governments of non-U.S. countries and in non-U.S. currency. The credit default swap market in high yield securities is comparatively new and rapidly evolving compared to the credit default swap market for more seasoned and liquid investment grade securities. Trend Capital will always select brokers on the basis of seeking best execution and may consider capital introduction services as one among many relevant factors. In addition, commodity- related instruments may be cyclical in nature. A self-regulatory organization (SRO) proceeding in which your firm or a management person. A stock index fluctuates with changes in the market values of the stocks included in the index. As such, there is a potential conflict of interest related to managing accounts that provide Trend Capital with higher performance-based compensation alongside accounts that provide lower performance-based compensation. The seller (writer) of a put option which is covered (i.e., the writer has a short position in the underlying financial instrument) assumes the risk of an increase in the market price of the underlying financial instrument above the sales price (in establishing the short position) of the underlying financial instrument plus the premium received and gives up the opportunity for gain on the underlying financial instrument if the market price falls below the exercise price of the option. The Funds will usually enter into swaps on a net basis (i.e., the two payment streams are netted out in a cash settlement on the payment date or dates specified in the agreement). However, there is no guarantee that any such borrowing arrangements or other arrangements for obtaining leverage will be available, or, if available, will be available on terms and conditions acceptable to the Funds. Volatility Risk. Volatility may also be caused by government intervention, direct and by regulation, in certain markets, particularly those in currencies, financial instruments, futures and options. 4. was the subject of any order, judgment, or decree permanently or temporarily enjoining, or otherwise limiting, your firm or a management person from engaging in any investment-related activity, or from violating any investment-related statute, rule, or order Not applicable. Interest Rate Risk. Source. Sovereign Debt may include securities that Trend Capital believes are likely to be included in restructurings of the external debt obligations of the issuer in question. Accordingly, in addition to bearing their proportionate share of the Funds expenses (e.g., Management Fees and operating expenses), shareholders may also indirectly bear similar expenses of an ETF, which can have an adverse effect on the return on capital of the Funds. The Funds also may be exposed to risks that issuers will not fulfill contractual obligations such as, in the case of convertible financial instruments or private placements, delivering marketable common stock upon conversions of convertible financial instruments and registering restricted financial instruments for public resale. Ashwin Vasan (born November 15, 1980) is an American physician and epidemiologist serving as the 44th commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Fluctuations or prolonged changes in the volatility of such instruments, therefore, can adversely affect the value of investments held by the Funds. Ashburn. In general, Trend Capital seeks to achieve this investment objective by taking both long and short positions in a variety of fixed income instruments and derivatives, foreign currencies,foreign exchange forwards and foreign exchange derivatives, as well as in various derivative products linked to credit and equity indices. Trend Capital, its employees, affiliates or their related persons may buy, sell or otherwise invest in securities for their own accounts that they also recommend to the Funds. Trend Capital will generally follow the guidelines set forth below in aggregating client orders for investments: In general, trades will be allocated pro-rata to Advisory Client accounts, based on each Advisory Client accounts net assets under management; No Advisory Client will be favored over any other Advisory Client; When trades are aggregated, if all such orders are not filled at the same price, Trend Capital will generally average the prices paid and each participating Advisory Client will generally be allocated investments on an average price basis for that investment position on a given business day and transaction costs will be shared pro rata based on each Advisory Clients participation in the transaction, provided, however, that in instances in which exchange rules do not permit allocation based on average price, trades shall be filled 38 and allocated as follows: Instances in which exchange rules do not permit allocation based on average price, by using splits and rounding, all trades are allocated to each Advisory Client based on ownership percentages. The Funds may invest in exchange traded funds 24 (ETFs), which are shares of publicly-traded unit investment trusts, open-end funds, or depository receipts that seek to track the performance and dividend yield of specific indexes or companies in related industries. Generally, the Funds will not be restricted from dealing with any particular counterparties. If you may cause clients to pay commissions (or markups or markdowns) higher than those charged by other broker-dealers in return for soft dollar benefits (known as paying-up), disclose this fact. In exchange for a significant investment in the Trend Macro Feeder Funds at launch, a share of the gross revenue of Trend Capital and its affiliated general partner entities has been granted to affiliates of Shumway Capital. If you have any requirements for opening or maintaining an account, such as a minimum account size, disclose the requirements. Ashwin Kumar Vasan - Trend Capital Management LP. Loudoun County has similar renown and is called "The Center of the Internet" and "Data Center Alley.". If you review client accounts on other than a periodic basis, describe the factors that trigger a review. Trend Capital believes that high ethical standards are essential to its success and to maintain the confidence of its investors. Companies whose securities are not publicly traded may not be subject to public disclosure and other investor protection requirements applicable to publicly traded securities. All such referral activities will be conducted in accordance with SEC Rule 206(4)-3 under the Advisers Act as well as relevant SEC guidance. ashwin vasan Founder and cio at Trend Capital Management LP . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. To the extent that Trend Capital receives proxies on behalf of its Advisory Clients, Trend Capital will vote any such proxies in the best interests of the Funds, the Funds investors and the Managed Accounts. Thus, the Funds face the risk that their counterparties may not perform their obligations. The Funds may invest in credit default swaps. View Ashwin's Email (It's Free) 5 free lookups per month. Generally speaking, the minimum initial investment for each investor in the Funds (with the exception of the Opportunities Funds) is $1,000,000 or $25,000,000 (depending on the Fund and Class of Interests/Shares in which an investor subscribes) and the minimum investment for additional subscriptions is $500,000, subject, in each case, to waiver, reduction or change at the discretion of Trend Capital, the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board, as applicable. Price movements of commodity futures contracts are influenced by, among other things, changing supply and demand relationships, governmental agricultural and trade programs and policies and national and international political and economic events. Risks in investments in non-U.S. securities, futures, commodities and other financial instruments may also include reduced and less reliable information about issuers and markets, less stringent accounting standards, illiquidity of securities and markets, higher brokerage commissions and custody fees. Describe the methods of analysis and investment strategies you use in formulating investment advice or managing assets. Trend Capitals trading program relies on a fundamental-based approach in identifying potential investments. Liquidity. Governments from time to time intervene, directly and by regulation, in certain markets, particularly those dealing in precious metals. T. The Funds may incur risks associated with the sale and purchase of put options. Generally, obligors tend to prepay their fixed 17 rate obligations when prevailing interest rates fall below the coupon rates on their obligations. Relatively small futures positions have the potential to significantly erode or erase the Funds gains in other investments. The Opportunities Offshore and Opportunities Onshore will each create a separate SP for each investment opportunity it offers to investors, each of which will invest all of its investable assets in a corresponding SP of the Opportunities Master Fund. Trend Capital Management LP has been registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act and has been a member of the National Futures Association since January 2, 2013; Trend Capital GP LLC has also been registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act and has been a member of the National Futures Association since January 2, 2013; and Trend Capital Advisers LP has been registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act and has been a member of the National Futures Association since October 16, 2017. . If your clients also receive account statements from you, your explanation must include a statement urging clients to compare the account statements they receive from the qualified custodian with those they receive from you. Describe any other types of fees or expenses clients may pay in connection with your advisory services, such as custodian fees or mutual fund expenses. Disclose that clients will incur brokerage and other transaction costs and direct clients to the section(s) of your brochure that discuss brokerage. Sep 3, 2017 | Fund Employees. If your advisory firm or a management person has been involved in a legal or disciplinary event that is not listed in Items 9.A, 9.B, or 9.C, but nonetheless is material to a clients or prospective clients evaluation of your advisory business or the integrity of its management, you must disclose the event. These actions could adversely affect the Funds operations and profitability. If you do not aggregate orders when you have the opportunity to do so, explain your practice and describe the costs to clients of not aggregating. Additionally, such events may have a substantial effect on economies and securities markets, and could adversely affect individual issuers or related groups of issuers, securities markets, interest rates, credit ratings, inflation, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of the Funds investments. Each such document constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the investor, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. Rather than meeting additional margin deposit requirements, market participants may close futures contracts through offsetting transactions that would distort the normal relationship between the index and futures markets. In general, Trend Capital may receive a monthly management fee in advance based on the net asset value of the Trend Macro Fund, ERISA Master or applicable SP of the Opportunitiesfeeder funds, payable as of the first day of each month (adjusted for contributions made during the month). Ashwin has. Ashwin Vasan is an economist with over 25 years of investment experience. Restricted Financial Instruments. Ashwin Vasan has an ownership stake in Trend Capital Management LP of more than 75%. If you are amending your brochure for your annual update and it contains material changes from your last annual update, identify and discuss those changes on the cover page of the brochure or on the page immediately following the cover page, or as a separate document accompanying the brochure. The level of interest rates generally and the rates at which the Funds can borrow particularly, will affect the operating results of the Funds. The balance sheet must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, audited by an independent public accountant and accompanied by a note stating the principles used to prepare it, the basis of securities included and any other explanations required for clarity. Securities futures contracts are subject to the same risks as other securities, as well as to the greater volatility and risks of futures trading. Trend Capital has broad investment authority, and may trade in any type of security, issuer or group of related issuers, country, region and sector that it believes will help the Funds achieve their investment objective. The UCITS is not open to U.S. investors. Trend Capital Advisers LP is a Delaware limited partnership that was formed in February 2017 to advise certain managed accounts, the Opportunities Funds and their SPs. All such reports are written. Concentration of Investments. Market Disruption Events. Once Trend Capital has identified a trend, Trend Capital typically constructs macroeconomic models intended to quantify the drivers of that trend. The respective general partner (or other Trend Capital affiliate) may, in its sole discretion, waive, reduce or calculate differently the incentive allocation with respect to certain investors. 1. In the manner described above, credit default swaps can be used to hedge a portion of the default risk on a single corporate bond or a portfolio of bonds. The Funds may trade forward contracts. Company/Fund Name: Trend Capital Management LP, Address: 1800 N. Military Trail, Suite 475, Boca Raton, FL, 33431, United States. Although the ERISA Funds are in scope of the services agreement between Trend Capital and MLPF&S, the ERISA Funds have not been onboarded to the MLPF&S platform. No credit card required. It should be noted that the fact that a Funds general partner (or other Trend Capital affiliate)receives performance-based compensation creates a potential conflict of interest in that it may create an incentive for Trend Capital to effectuate larger and riskier transactions than would be the case in the absence of such form of compensation. An affiliate entity of Trend Capital serves as the general partner to the Funds. Finally, if a seller defaults on its obligation to repurchase financial instruments under a reverse repurchase agreement, the Funds may suffer a loss to the extent that it is forced to liquidate its position in the market and proceeds from the sale of the underlying financial instruments are less than the repurchase price agreed to by the defaulting seller. The Funds also could experience losses if derivatives are poorly correlated with its other investments. The Registered Agent on file for this company is R Scott Beach and is located at Day Pitnet Llp One East Putnam Ave, Greenwich, CT . The extent to which the Funds engage in short sales will depend upon Trend Capitals investment strategy and opportunities. In addition, governmental or regulatory authorities may impose trading or travel restrictions that could adversely affect the Firms ability to effectively conduct the Funds business or conduct investment related travel to the countries in which the Funds invest. 1. broker-dealer, municipal securities dealer, or government securities dealer or broker, 2. investment company or other pooled investment vehicle (including a mutual fund, closed-end investment company, unit investment trust, private investment company or hedge fund, and offshore fund), 3. other investment adviser or financial planner, 4. futures commission merchant, commodity pool operator, or commodity trading advisor, 11. sponsor or syndicator of limited partnerships. Should the financial instruments pledged to lenders to secure the Funds margin accounts decline in value, the Funds could be subject to a margin call, pursuant to which the Funds must either deposit additional funds or financial instruments with the lender or suffer mandatory liquidation of the pledged financial instruments to compensate for the decline in value. Some examples of the key drivers of trends for each asset class that are modeled are outlined below: Interest RatesInflation Model both the long-term trend in inflation as well as its short-term direction.Monetary Policy Model appropriate monetary policy settings via Taylor Rule analysis.Term Premium Model the term structure of interest rates to assess whether risk premiums are overstated or understated. The market for these instruments may also be limited and some companies may limit the intervals for redemptions. Special risks may apply to instruments that are invested in by the Funds in the future that cannot be determined at this time or until such instruments are developed or invested in by the Funds. Similar elements of risk arise in the event of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the buyer. Trend Capital Management LP - Boca Raton - Ashwin Vasan in General Discussions Trend Capital Management LP is a discretionary global macro hedge fund manager. The Opportunities Master Fund SPs may utilize such investment techniques as option transactions, margin transactions, short sales, leverage and derivatives trading, which may create or increase volatility and can increase the adverse impact to which the Opportunities Master Fund SPs investment portfolios may be subject. Commodity-Related Instruments. 2022 Trend Capital Management LP, All Rights Reserved. rend Macro Funds assets in a way that it will be flat or positive carry in aggregate, including the cost of its hedging program. Please let us know if you have any questions about, or would like to be provided with a copy of, our proxy voting procedures. The market for many derivatives is, or suddenly can become, illiquid. Generally, there is no public or over-the-counter trading market for these financial instruments and the Funds might only be able to liquidate these positions at highly disadvantageous prices, if at all. Research and Other Soft Dollar Benefits. Overnight on Wall Street is daytime in Asia. The incentive allocation, if any, will be determined as of each fiscal year end and, with respect to capital withdrawn/redeemed other than as of a fiscal year end, as of the time of such withdrawal/redemption with respect to the withdrawn/redeemed amount. B. To the extent any Managed Account applies a more stringent standard, Trend Capital will comply with the applicable restrictions. The lack of a complete and foolproof evaluation of the financial capabilities of the Funds counterparties and the absence of a regulated market to facilitate settlement may increase the potential for losses by the Funds. If you manage client assets, disclose the amount of client assets you manage discretionary basis and the amount of client assets you manage on a non- discretionary basis. The respective general partner may, in its sole discretion, waive, reduce or calculate differently the management fee with respect to certain investors. Interests/Shares are sold only to qualified investors who are accredited investors under Rule 501 of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and qualified purchasers as such term is defined in Section 2(a)(51)of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended. Although Trend Capitals investment advice is generally limited to these types of investments, it has a broad and flexible investment authority. Such investments experience greater volatility in market value due to changes in interest rates than debt obligations that provide for regular payments of interest. Trend Capital Opportunities GP LLC is the general partner of the Opportunities Onshore and Class M Shareholder of the Opportunities Master. Research and brokerage services obtained by the use of commissions arising from the Funds portfolio transactions may be used by Trend Capital in its other investment activities and thus, the Funds may not necessarily, in any particular instance, be the direct or indirect beneficiaries of the research or brokerage services provided. Found 2 colleagues at Trend Capital Management LP. These transactions are not exchange-traded so that no clearinghouse or exchange stands ready to meet the obligations of the contract. Conversely, when interest rates rise, the value of fixed-income instruments generally can be expected to decline. Trend Capital has discretionary authority to manage the investments of the Funds and the Managed Accounts. ashwin has 1 job listed on their profile. Trend Capital is permitted to use leverage in pursuing its investment objective and this leverage may be significant. Combined with stop losses, such hedges are intended to protect the portfolio in the event trades move meaningfully against the direction the Trend Capital anticipated when making the investment. Discuss whether and under what conditions you aggregate the purchase or sale of securities for various client accounts. Ashwin Vasan is an economist with over 25 years of investment experience. Despite this, the pace at which the Trend Capital will actually liquidate any position will take into account its assessment of the potential price impact. In addition, significant disparities may exist between bid and asked prices for derivatives that are not traded on an exchange. illiquidity compared to the U.S. capital markets. Fundamental analysis produces positive results only to the extent that Trend Capital correctly predicts how external factors (such as government regulation, new technologies and political and economic events) will influence the market price of a given investment. If you have any . While the Funds intend to invest in a diversified portfolio, they are not subject to formal diversification guidelines or formal policies limiting the leverage used by the Funds. There can be no assurance that the Funds will be able to secure or maintain adequate financing. These transactions are not subject to exchange rules. The terms for the Trend Macro Feeder Funds, the ERISA Offshore and the Opportunities Funds are disclosed in detail in the relevant Funds offering documents and supplement(s) (where applicable) provided to prospective investors prior to their investment. Managed account trade error policies are the subject of negotiated agreements and may vary. All futures positions held by all accounts owned or controlled by Trend Capital and its principals will be aggregated with the Funds positions for purposes of determining compliance with these limits. Similarly, floating rate issuers and borrowers tend to prepay their obligations when spreads narrow. However, ETF shareholders are generally subject to the same risk as holders of the underlying securities they are designed to track. The information contained in this Item 5 is a summary only and is qualified in its entirety by the relevant offering documents for each Advisory Client. Explain that investing in securities involves risk of loss that clients should be prepared to bear.Trend Macro Fund, ERISA Master and Enhanced Return. After the end of March 2020, Managed Account relationshipswill include an Irish UCITS and an Irish Alternative Investment Fund (AIF). The Funds trade in different markets and different kinds of instrument types. 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